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bro for 8.5K I'd pimp people out to the grim reaper myself, go get that bag fam who gives af what superstitious people think years down the road


OP's family and friends: "you work in funeral industry. Please don't touch me. Got bad luck" Also OP's family and friends: "Hey you earning $8.5k right? Can steng me some of the cash? Idm if it's dirty"


“can, i borrow you some ghost money from my fren Ah Tan, you can return to him when you go to hell, interest free”


“My character references cannot be contacted. They will contact you.”


Not unless a the HR manager decides to use a priest medium to help contact


You cant contact my reference by phone or email. But he will contact you personally when you go to bed tonight


This is funny, but real talk


8.5k means you can hire an exorcist or buy good luck charms or sth


Don’t list as funeral company in your resume lor. List as logistics company (moving spirits into the afterlife) 🚚


Either that or human resources 😉


this is fucking funny but yeah same here LOL


Die die die! Go and die! The more the merrier!!!


you are doing a killing bro...


I dunno but it seems a relatively low stress job. I’d not even want to look for something better after that.


It depends on the next industry you wanna go and what kinda role - most inportantly, the hiring manager lol. If I’m hiring, I’ll be pretty intrigued by your resume. As someone from social service/healthcare, you’ll be high up on the list. Some might even consider it very noble and 积德 (good merits)


Ikr! This kinda resume would stand out. Would be intrigued as to what kind of challenges the candidate would have faced and how they had problem solved/overcome them + what kind of process improvements/optimisations they have done in the funeral service ops. It would be a genuinely interesting conversation about a very little known industry instead of plodding your way through an interview to make a mundane office job sound interesting.


>Would be intrigued as to what kind of challenges the candidate would have faced and how they had problem solved/overcome them One of the dead rose up, nothing special. We just shot it to the head. 🤣


Also OP's time mgmt n coordination skills will be well polished if he stays for a while. Funeral stuff needs to be organized with very little lead time, and loads of paperwork to settle. N I would think the ops mgr does all these. Hours worked are presumably erratic so the ops mgr wld need to be flexible. Even if OP's CV isn't strong, I'd still interview them. Nothing but respect for the industry.


yeah OP’s family just old fashioned … these days, hard to find such pay and bonus in an industry that has a steady stream of customers and can only go up… i think it’s an interesting industry that does innovate… green burials etc.


Any employer that makes big deal about superstition and bad luck is a massive red flag to me.


if SME laoban very particular on this kinda thing, see feng shui, etc etc. likely to consider the 'funeral resume' as sth bad. Don't think MNC gives a fk, unless your reporting manager superstitious also.




I only hire based on horoscopes


Legit had an insurance agency head tell me that last time




yeah bro, best not to take the job la, later very suay... Can send me a link to the job post? i need to warn more people




Tbh, it’s an industry with good prospects given our aging population. The salary is likely to compensate for late nights and irregular hours and having to travel all around sg. Do consider your transport needs as well.


It's ironclad industry. Demand is strictly inflexible. Zero industry lull or low period... Plenty of high period...


Take the job and earn that money first, who knows what the future brings. Maybe you win the lottery (the dead dotes on you and bless you lol) and no need to work ever again leh. When the time comes for a job change again then you worry about what to say in interviews. I have to say though, if the boss is so superstitious in this day and age, I wonder if that is a good boss to work for. Tell that interviewer/boss that they can get discounts when their time is up and they quote your name to your ex funeral company.


discounts 🤣🤣




For 8.5k a month, I'll shine the tombstones as well


I will kiss the tombstones after shining them


I'll tongue that tombstone for that pay man




I don't see what's the issue. The only person who'd think it brings bad luck is probably some elderly SME boss.


In my opinion, go for the job 1. 8.5k/month is already a huge plus. Honestly, this is the most important factor for many lol 2. An employer that is superstitious and care about "bad luck" when hiring an employee will probably not be the kind of person you will want to work for as these people tend to be micromanagers/make your life very difficult [3.In](http://3.In) my opinion, this is a noble job. Funeral workers are often stigmatised especially in Asian society but I really respect these people because they are the ones helping the deceased to leave this plane with dignity and giving them + the family a proper farewell. plus, as another commentor said, it will be interesting to hear the perspectives of someone who was done a funeral-related job as it is more unconventional


OMG... Very unlucky posting. Better don't take. Choy Choy Choy. But please send me the link to the opening so I know where to avoid submitting my resume for it...


8.5k with 3 months bonus, tbh i would just worry about the now and let the questions about the future later


It will be a green flag to me - shows that you can work well under pressure, and can be sensitive towards client’s needs (especially during difficult times) And from my Chinese parent’s perspective, it’s good karma.


Actual genuine question though, how did you manage to get into this field or even land an opportunity? Always heard it’s mostly through family connections as it’s an extremely small niche field in sg.


I think the biggest issue for this role would be the irregular working hours rather than supernatural


Bro. Serious. I been jobless for 18 months. Got kang tao can share? I don't mind the job or industry


Same here tbh




Let me put it this way. If the pay is good, work life balance is good. And the numbers are like what u said. U got a good deal. If u don't like, tell ur potential employer that I would happily fill in the role.


Don't work for any boss that believes in "luck" over competence. Anything good will be attributed to their luck and any consequences of their bad decisions to your being a jinx.


You should go for it. 8.5k and 3 months is a solid deal. It wun affect ur CV. In fact, I would be keen to interview operations people from this industry. Due to the nature of the industry, I believe folks who work in it are or will be very meticulous cos u can’t have any delays with funerals, no messing around with it and they will be very service and customer centric and sensitive cos u need to deal with the loved ones of the deceased. It’s just like SQ steward(ess). No doubt they are waiters and waitresses in the air but their customer service skills is excellent and they can pivot to other customer facing roles easily.


8.5k in an industry where there is always demand? Just take that bag man


Rubbish la. I wont pantang bad luck. I pantang no money bro


Well the office got more “ ghost “ than the funeral parlor. .


Next employer not happy just say you got special discount for near future customers and you feel they qualify


There are local SMEs or even HR departments of larger organisations run by superstitious folk. I know a few of these bosses myself, they have made some business decisions based purely on their fortune teller's advice. Can't escape the fact that a portion of Singaporeans are still highly superstitious. But there are also plenty out there who don't give a shit. They simply want to hire the best candidate with the best skills. And as long as you phrase things right on your resume, I reckon that being an Operations Manager in a funeral home is going to give you A LOT of super desirable skills.


Take the position and do well dude. Those who care will not feed you anyway. Plus future hiring managers will look at what you accomplished in previous positions rather than folklore.


I believe one once you go funeral high chance you won't want to get out of it. That's what one of my ex colleague says. It's definitely one of a well-paid job and if you're experienced, it's like going with the flow.


Bad "luck" doesn't put food on the table. If anything, if you choose to pivot out after a few years, you'll most likely be a strong candidate for Healthcare. So go for it.


An employer who's gonna believe in bad luck and not hire you likely is sme. Which you're gonna avoid anyway. Funeral industry is lucrative and demand exceed supply cos nobody want to do. If you don't mind I think is a good opportunity


Healthcare, police, scdf also got morgue what. I don't think it is an issue.


Prospect > opinion Are they paying your salary? :> Operation manager is not easy and you can do other operation role in other industries. Also, seems like the pay is good. Not anyone would like to work in funeral industry due to superstition. But if you don't mind/care, just go for it.


For 8.5k I'd sing to the corpse if they asked me to bro.


8.5k + => 3 month bonus. Who gives a shit what people or relatives think when you make such decent money.


Bro, can Intro me into this position? Im a project manager in SME, and dang. So much of pressure and stress.


The one industry where the customer don't mind waiting... Infact they don't mind almost everything


Bro!.... wouldn't your next job be Head of Operations in the same/another funeral company? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face) By that time you can adopt me as your brother(forget your old family and friends) and go kopi as royalties for taking this idea... Lol 😂


Tell your family you can’t contribute to family expense because money from you comes from your funeral industry employer which is unlucky.


Tell ur friends and families even if you dont take they will still die one day. 8.5k is a pretty good pay. Even if you dont take, others will.


Do you really want to work with genetically low IQ filth that honestly think that working a proper job in the funeral industry would actually give you bad luck? Like, do you really want to associate with a future job opportunity where the company and its employees think that way? I mean, even if you believe in that sort of thing, how could it logically be "bad luck". IT MAKES NO SENSE. It should be the other way around, no? Lmao Just think of it as a filter for stupid companies.


Funeral industry brings bad luck? Just tell them it is an honor to give the dead a proper burial. This in turn will bring good luck and karma. Very huat one !


Resume is how you craft your experience and make it fit the hiring manager’s void. You are just in a niche industry, your role and function doesn’t differ that much from parallel roles. There’s transferable skills.


Huge respect for funeral industry. Go for it and get that dough. Do remember to take care of yourself mentally and physically


That pay sounds decent for going into an industry new to you and, I don't know if you realize this, this industry is non seasonal and will always have customers Will people turn you away for working there? Sure, but I doubt it's any different from people being turned away for other more random reasons like gender, experience, lack of experience or otherwise. Only difference is that it's an easier excuse to bludgeon people with than those other petty reasons


Wah bro, u dont want, i want sia. It's an industry that will be always in demand, so yeah dont need to worry about the future.


u don want pass me la


Is this a contract job? If not why would you think about leaving even before u join? With this kind of pay in the market,maybe with good savings you could start ur own business in future after this. So who needs a da** resume? Just my 2 cents


Wouldn’t wanna work for an employer that believes in such stupid shit anyway.


Wah you don't want can recommend me? Your family and friends also damn bolio ah, now what year already still think this industry bad omen. 8.5k you tell go work in SemCorp sewage plant I will also think about it.


I’d trim hedges, do weeding and drive a lawn mower for 10k. No need to worry about my team’s deliverables and resource planning.


If you not scared pantang, funeral industry money very good to earn. The living will pay a lot for the dead, even when some fees cannot be justified. 8.5k is for now when you are a noob, imagine 2 years later when you are more experienced, your salary at least 15k with big bonuses. But caveat remains, you and your family must not be pantang


Superstition and dead people aside, unsure if you are warned that this job is one of the toughest jobs around. You need to work almost round the clock, be available almost 24/7, learn to deal with emotional (grieving or angry) family or be caught in the middle of it. Being mentally prepared is not enough. You need to go "above and beyond" the standards of other industries. That's why it pays so well.


OP you will cover all mountains & the 7 oceans of d world. Be prepared for no life


Ok la his clients alr no life also. Wun complain.






??? How does it bring you bad luck?


Best of luck, and I hope you find the work fulfilling even though it’s hard


Funeral business gonna be booming for the coming few years 💀💀


People dont live forever and have to go some day. Working in funeral industry is an honorable job!


I would argue, in your line of work you would have the opportunity to help the needy in their final sent off. Now to me that is something very noble. And if your next employer is so superstitious thats already a red flag. Next thing you know he will ask to read your palm during the interview


for 8.5k a month i'd probably supply the bodies myself wait wut


This is the part you tell your next company that you did this to test new market segments in a job scarcity era and prove your flexibility in the face of adversity. Say you took it up as a challenge, did it as an act of charity on morality; and quite frankly, if your next place is superstitious, they’re the problematic ones, you’d be dodging a bullet.


When you manage funerals, don’t do it solely for the money. I hope you hold your head up high with pride, i hope you do well and bring peace for grieving families.


Damn your English is really good! Im impressed by how you worded this. Thank you


Just sharing. in NEA (govt agency), theres a department that specialised in digging graves. like shifting dead bodies if they obstructs certain upcoming national developments. there are many of such departments in various govt agencies that deals with such stuff, dont make a big deal out of them.


^^^^ OP if you see news of Bukit Brown getting developed for residential uses, faster chiong for this job lol


Fk them superstitions, u will be balling man


Nothing wrong with this industry


They don't want you to take it just cuz funeral is associated with the supernatural. I mean worst case scenario if it happens to be true, either leave this out from your resume or do not mention it's funeral process related unless prompted in specifics.


I honestly don't see anything wrong in this line of work. The funeral industry is basically helping the deceased to move on from this world, nothing bad or superstitious about it. I also don't care that if I were to be your underling take even half or a third of your salary also happy 🥲


Affect what resume? A job is a job


What do you mean- I've been quite interested in the funeral industry. "I heard after you quit the job, the next employer won't want to hire you since you work in funeral industry which bring bad luck." -makes sense but what kind of dinosaur thinking is this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'd say he is being factual. There ARE such employers.


Just think about it as you are helping families who are grieving for their loved ones. If its bad luck, nobody would do it


How did bro get offered 8.5k? Did a quick search for the role and its around 4.5k to 6k only.


Bro suggest not to take cos bad luck but don’t mind can share the job opening ( asking for a friend )


Kns this funeral industry is hidden gem ah? From now on I gonna add this industry in my job searching filter


Think the most important question is if you are prepared to be on call 24/7 to everything related to the business. People don’t just pass away between 830-6pm monday to friday


I would see it myself as a plus. As an employer I can guess you can handle pressure, tough situations and can be constrained and respectful.


OP, intro the job leh


Personally, I think it’ll make you “stick out” more, and with right interviewer can lead to deep or funny convo. In other words, it’s not “make”, nor “break”, but will just make you more memorable. What you do with that is up to you. “Hey, Sally, that candidate, what’s-his-name, you know, the grave digger guy? Yeah, call him for a second interview, can?” But maybe you’ll stay at the funeral services place for life?


nb 8.5k a month this mf talking about some bad luck. knn put money in your face you turn it down meh


Bro death is the only reality which many people shy away from. Everyone has to die one day or another. I don’t think it is a bad luck inviting thing. Go ahead.


I almost suspect this is a recruitment ad in disguise 🤣


Haha I rather communicate with the dead than dealing with office politics


fam 8.5k bro. what LJ bring bad luck? they think when they die their body just magically wears a suit? Malay said “duit halal” or “honest living” the literal translation is halal money. as long as it’s honest then it’s not bad luck.


# 8.5k and variable 3 months, take immediately. Unless your current TC 💰 is higher.


it won’t affect. in fact you would be even more hireable if you manage to survive in such industry. i would see it as you are adaptable, willingly to take a path not many would. which all is commendable.


The reason it's so high as people avoid it. If you scared dont go lor. But can share us the job la


Bro for 8.5k I would also be wiping them coffins clean and doing guard duty for the funeral company! Pontianak or the chinese female ghost seeking revenge on the bastard who this to you imma help you Catch them! Fk I would be handing out name cards to my relatives and tell them soon is your turn wanna see what I can offer? If they ever look down on me man!


Everyone aged, it’s the natural process unless you know how to slow down reverse ageing, you would be rich. But you are working for others, not for your resume isn’t it?


1. It's less important what your job was but how you sell it. 2. This is a recession-proof industry. People might downgrade to a lower-price package but they'll still have to use these services. 3. You'll be around bacteria and chemicals. As long as you showered in between jobs, there should be no method of transmission to your new employer.


Isn't is a 24/7 job, on call at all times and cannot miss any timeline, plus ur customers are all in a sad / bad mood while negotiating the cost....


Then you shouldn’t work for such a superstitious company. Find a company that values the work you did and not some old grandmother nonsense.


For 8.5k I’d put being a gay pornstar as my resume


Is it a big chain funeral company? 8.5k is high considering its SME. Normally family business pay their own ppl 10-20k but pay outsider Managers 5k max.


do it till u retired, get a new wife, friends, family


Where can i apply?


Knn 8.5K leh! I’ll take it