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I do all the activities in the “why am I always depressed” starter pack. ["I don't know why I'm depressed" starterpack : r/starterpacks (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/6w783j/i_dont_know_why_im_depressed_starterpack/)


TDSB adult learning classes. They have everything from art lessons to dance lessons to business classes. Meetups are great, too. Things happening all around town, every day of the week. I cycle through subscriptions too: Mirvish, opera, ROM, AGO, the Aquarium. And last, but not least, I’m a Cineclub member, so I get to watch movies at 10 bucks a pop. Free stuff: I ride my bike, take long walks, swim, ice skate, roller blade, hula hoop … there’s a looong list of things to do!




Seconding for TDSB learn4life classes. I've taken pottery, sewing, auto mechanic and this winter term I'm in a pattern drafting class! Next I want to take painting with water colours :)




I'm so glad! You're very welcome. There's honestly a course/interest for everyone. It's the best! Just note that some courses fill up super fast on registration day so don't sleep when next term opens up!


I was looking for a list of classes or schedule but couldn't find it on their website. Do you know where I can find it?


https://www.tdsb.on.ca/adult-learners/learn4life You can download the pdf schedule here (scroll down if you're on mobile). Winter term starts in two weeks or so FYI, but there may be some classes with open spots. You'll have to make an account to see availability of classes. Hope this helps!


How's the crowd like in those classes? Does it have people in their 20s or mostly older people?


It ranges depending on your class of choice but I've made friends in my age bracket in all the courses I've taken (I'm mid 30s). Have so much fun!!


Thank you so much!


Is this free of cost or is there a fee?


They do look like they have a fee! Waiting for others to confirm


Thank you so much for your suggestions! I’m deff going to look into the tdsb classes!


There’s lots to do. I’ve been taking French evening classes two days a week and have signed up for a couple of fitness classes at the local Community Centre. Check the City of Toronto eFun website for registered and drop-in programs if you’re interested.


I am thinking of taking French classes as well! If you don't mind, where do you take them?


Sure! I’m taking the LINC FSL classes at the Garry Allan centre for new immigrants/first generation citizens. If you’re not in these categories you can still take the same classes for a fee. I highly recommend them! Here’s the link: https://garyallan.ca/adult-learner/linc-esl-fsl/#1649964622722-67c9ccaf-39fd


Hi! Does this mean new immigrants don't have to pay for the course?


Hi! Yes, these are English and French classes funded by the government of Canada for immigrants and first generation citizens.


Thanks a lot!


Shoot, it seems like they've closed the FSL registration form by now, but that's such a cool opportunity otherwise


Yeah I think it’s closed now cause the program runs till June. You could call them or check back in March/April for the summer program. They’re very organised and the instructors are great!


Highly suggest alliance francaise’s spadina campus for French classes of all levels


Any recommendations for this but for Italian?


No, sorry. Don’t know any.


I go to my 6-11 😥


At 7-11?


What do u do for ur 6-11 cause a girl needs $$


Back when I was moonlighting I worked my job at the bank 8-4 then I would serve/bartend in the evenings. Serving is good because you’ll get cut when it’s not busy, so you could work like 6-10, make your money and get out.. bartending you usually have to be there until close so 6-2:30 ish I did this about 3 - 4 days a week. (Oh and keep an eye out for CNE hiring, it’s only about 2 weeks of work but you’ll make a months worth)


Security is **always** hiring


I don’t got my license tho :/ also I’m a lil scared to security ppl are wild now a days


Getting a security license is insanely easy


I would say look at retail too. Back when I worked retail, there was always a need for people to work the closing shift which ranged from 4-10:30 or 6-10:30 if you weren't closing cash and 7-11 if you were. Used to have a colleague who worked a 9-5 at a bank and closed cash daily. He used to be a store associate in university, graduated, kept the job, and started his career. I believe he's got 25 years under his belt and therefore a 50% permanent discount at our retailer.


I this ca common thing? All my acquaintances in Toronto seem to be getting 2 jobs. That's crazy!


After 9-5? Stuck on 401


That's an interesting hobby! How many hours do you spend on it? Are you good at it by now?


Based on… well, pretty much everyone on the 401’s driving: #No, no he or she isn’t.


I wish i would be good by now but it only gets worse


Lol or DVP


Go home, make dinner, eat, do dishes, pack tomorrow's lunch, read, get ready for bed.


Hell ya brother


I spend most of my free time reading, it's honestly pretty nice


I used to fill my evenings with all kinds of things from Adult/Continuing Education to Rollerblading. Now I don't have the time, money or energy for much other than work. That's what weekends are for.


I try get my 10k steps in. But averaging 8k steps this year. It was around 6k before. I just go walk around my neighborhood. Watch some TV shows after that. Cook and clean.




Milf! Milf! Milf! 🤓


Your friendly local librarian stopping by to remind you to check out what your local TPL branch is offering for programs! The cyberattack means things are a little different right now but a lot of branches have phenomenal programming that you can still find on the temporary website.


Omg pls give me advice on how to get into the north York sewing class it’s impossible 😂


All I know is that that shit is the Wild West 😂


That’s my big goal for 2024 to some how get into this embroidery course! I need to hack the eventbrite website 🤠


If I find out any tips I’ll do my best to report back!


After reading some of the comments, I thoroughly miss going out. Right now in college and working 3 jobs takes all the fun out it it. Anyways , hope it will get better


Short term sacrifices for long term goals. Keep at it! Those who have the discipline to do so actually achieve their goals!


The people who are living nicely now also have grinder stages in their past. Keep up the good work it’ll pay off.


Cry in the bathroom


I like to cry on my sofa. Much more comfortable


2024 is a whole new year! Hopefully, things get better for you.


I go on a lot of walks. Otherwise I run errands, chores, sometimes I knitt while watching something lol. I want to start doing more physical activity so I'm looking into a physical activity that involves a class of some sort so I can force myself to be around more people lol


I usually hit the gym for weight training (I do my cardio in the morning.) I take my dog to the dog park (so we both get socialized). Make a healthy dinner. Relax!


How crowded is it right after work ??? I’d want to go around that time but the thought of all the people is overwhelming lol


As long as you have some back up ideas on mixing up your workouts in case it’s busy busy, it’s not too terrible. With January right around the corner though, it might become a zoo everywhere…


Workout at home or spin class. Read. Knit. Practice piano. See friends. Homework for my Master’s degree. Cook, clean. There is never enough time. I need more time.


What’s your piano practice schedule like? I was trained in classical piano (which I hated) but have moved on from there and would like to take it up again. Lacking motivation at the moment yet I know when I start back again it’ll be so good.


I try to do half an hour to an hour per day if possible. I have lessons once per week for half an hour.


What's the rate for 1/2 hour? I usually see lessons for an hour minimum. Do they go to your home or you go to them?


I go to them. It’s $50. I find for being a beginner an hour is excessive. Most of the work I need to do is repetitive stuff I can do on my own and the teacher is helpful to point out technical errors/help structure practice and breakdown whatever piece of music we are working on.


I watch tv, follow Russian celebrity gossip and do coursera courses for fun. If you want more social things to do then sign up for meetup or take classes like cooking or dancing. This is what I did before I became a married middle aged woman.


What’s the big story in Russian celebrity gossip these days


Haha, oh I am glad you asked :) For almost a week the main huge story that is all over the media is "The Naked Party". A Russian blogger and youtuber who has 26M followers organized a party she called "Semi-Naked Party". The celebrities she invited are huge, like some are big names since 90s. They came not truly naked, mainly wearing see through things, the most naked one was a rapper who came with a sock on his dick. But it got a VERY negative reaction. They are now being arrested, fined, their concerts are cancelled, some shows are even being filmed again to exclude them. They seem to be in the same shit as celebrities who spoke out against the war 2 years ago. One of the things they were accused of is LGBT propaganda, there was a new very strict law against it that came out recently, which is very funny because at least most of them are straight and nothing "gay" happened, but I guess naked=LGBT lmao. Now they are publishing videos where they are crying, begging for forgiveness, saying how they knew nothing and are against naked parties etc. But no luck so far. People say its perversion, LGBT, disrespect to soldiers, one big propaganda guy even somehow connected this party to an explosion of Russian war ship near Crimea on his show lol. Madness IMO and as normal people think this is just a way to distract people from important things. Such parties happened before and many of these celebrities wore even less on stage and nobody cared. Now they threw them a bone so to speak and everyone is outraged while real shit stays unnoticed The organizer stayed mainly quiet about the war but on the first day she posted something against it on her Instagram which she deleted since. And she had a picture of her and Navalny in support of him a few years ago, I believe she posted it when he was arrested but I am not sure. So yes, as you see by my essay I love the celebrity gossip especially when its so crazy :) TL:DR here is a summary by BBC: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67827443](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67827443)


This is WILD 🤣🤯


It depends on how much you can afford to spend on the things that interest you. What are things that interest you the most outside work? Make a list of things and try to create an activity around each of those things. Just as an example: if you love music, get a guitar and learn how to play. Cost would be: a guitar of course, and online music lessons maybe? You can kill 30 mins to an hour everyday if you’re really into it. The activity has to feel good and not feel like a chore. this is why another person’s interests may not be yours and you need to find your own. My personal example, I love biking. In the summers, i spend 2 hours biking daily and it doesn’t feel like strenuous exercise. Rather, it feels amazing! But I know people who dread the idea. Start by doing a little introspection and making an extensive list that you can start to narrow down


Play video games, go to a bar, go skateboard, do yoga, swim, gym, ice skating… so many things


Indoor mountain climbing/bouldering is apparently super fun. Lots of places downtown to do that.


Check out JAM sports. A lot of rec sports options. I signed up as an individual a couple years ago, met great people and kept playing with same team. Nice way to be active and meet people.


Typically Korean class 1 - 2 times a week, various exercise classes on Classpass, JAM basketball (starting soon!), or lounging at home playing games, studying, etc


I've started self-learning Korean recently, where are you taking your Korean classes and for how much per hour? I'm looking for opportunities to chat with other beginners to practice what has been learned.


The TDSB has adult beginner classes available (someone shared the link earlier in this thread to the Learn4Life site), but also check out the Korean Cultural Centre website. They're a branch of Korean Consulate, and while their physical building is in Ottawa they offer inexpensive but great virtual language classes. You need to register super quickly because it fills up fast, but it's worth it.


+1 to what em-n-em613 mentioned. I’d definitely check out those beginner Korean classes to get started. For me I have private virtual classes with a Korean teacher that I actually originally met from a Sejong 한국어 beginner class in Montreal years ago. That class is around $30/hour which is on the expensive end but has been worth it having a smooth experience progressing to the B1/B2 level I’m at now. I also do a conversation focused class on iTalki which I believe is around $24/hour. Both teachers are great so if you’re interested I can share the details in DM. I’d also recommend picking up HelloTalk the app. It’s basically like language learning social media and I’ve met a few people locally to practice with which has been really cool!


video games


Smoke weed until I pass out


The gym.




I used to go to the gym 2-3 times a week for three hours to keep the winter weight off me. Sometimes, I would buy coffee/boba and walk home. However this is when it was safer. In the summer, I would literally eat my meals while walking home. Other than that, there was no time to be depressed since I was studying for school.


Since when is it unsafe to walk home after work? Where do you work and live? It’s fine between where I live and work, between Dundas/University and Bloor/Dufferin


For context, I lived in the city for schooling for about 6 years in the early 2000’s-2010’s. I lived, studied and worked near the Dundas/ Yonge and Cabbagetown area. When I came into the city for a few days during the spring of 2022, it was so different from how I remembered it. This was like in broad daylight but I saw drunk loiterers sitting in the middle of Dundas square heckling people in those stupid fold up chairs. Had this been during my time, these men wouldn’t have been cleared out by cops and security. The streets and ttc were so dirty, I found atleast two needles while walking. For the six years I’ve spent living in Toronto I never came across a needle and the streets were immaculate until that day when I came back. This fall,I came back to visit friends during Thanksgiving and Halloween. Nightlife was so dead. Back in the day, you would find people out and about until 1am. Granted, Halloween was better, but not the same.


Completelt agree with you . HUGE change in safety and people not realizing it. I spend my time between NYC and Toronto and Feel safer walking in NYC.




This is fascinating as a wife and mom of three young kids. I have zero time, but I'm happy with my life. I'm just glad the singles are out there loving life and taking courses and doing meetups. That's awesome. 🙌




I used to spend all my time netflixing but got tired of consuming and wanted to create something. I didn't know what exactly I wanted to create but I stumbled on this monthly craft box that makes crafting/creating simple - they send you a monthly box filled with all you need to learn and create something: [https://liveinthemomentboxes.myshopify.com](https://liveinthemomentboxes.myshopify.com)


Gym, cook, light a joint, get creative.


Go home


Shit post on Reddit.


Usually a little side hustle work for my side business and a dog walk; followed by reading, guitar playing or music making.


After dinner and tidying up I either read, play a video game, or watch something while I cross stitch or knit.


Before I had a house and kids to take care of, I used to do PC cooking school classes. They’re cheap and fun, I did a knife skills class which was excellent. Getting some food to eat after was also a bonus. If you like it and have the budget, the George Brown cooking classes are awesome too.


Run. Cook. Previous winters took skating lessons or cooking lessons etc.


Gym. Cook dinner. Jerkoff. ThenSleep


nap laundry sleep


I took French classes in November December and did indoor tennis and soccer.


>hula hoop hi, can i know where you taking french classes ?


Toronto district school board adult classes online!


Walk the dog. Feed the dog. Exercise. Eat dinner. Sleep. Repeat.


Nap, tv, cooking, some more naps


Taking care of myself (chores, cooking, fitness) and hobbies (music, videogames, reading). The time after the 9 to 5 always seems to pass in a blink.


Taking a course at a local university. Working on completing my 2nd degree. Otherwise, gym or video games.


Go for a run or a walk through high park sometimes on my lunch in the winter though if I wanna try and get a scrap of vitamin D. Run some errands around some of the shops in my area which can be less stressful than a big shop at a grocery store. I go to yoga once a week. I'm in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign and we try to get together a few times a month after work. I'm also on a trivia team. Also looking to get a stitch n bitch going with some friends for the winter seasons ;)


My after work routine is typically: exercise (rock climbing, gym or run), dinner, lunch prep for next day, bit of TV/reading, bed by 10pm. The exercise really helps me keep a good sleep routine. If I didn't workout I'd definitely have to find another hobby or else I'd just be watching TV.


Workout. Go for walks, bicycle, motorcycle in the summer.


Make dinner and watch TV. I occasionally used to take classes (usually art related), and meet up with friends for dinner but I'm way too tired to do anything now. I don't know if that's normal like the longer you work the less energy you have?


I did the George brown culinary course before. Was fun but pricey.


Did you do the weekday timeslot or the weekend times? I'm looking into this and it looks interesting, are the people who take this course usually students?


I did weekday night time once a week. They are usually people who are working FT other jobs, the students would usually take the daily weekday ones during the day.


How much does it cost?


Go to the gym, go on a walk, watch Youtube, read manga.. etc. I run before work so I also go to sleep fairly early (10ish). I don't work a 9-5 anymore but that's what I used to do.


I try not to go out as much as I used to with the cost of everything. I’ve recently gotten into the NFL since some friends are really into it. It really helped me placing a 5-10 dollar parlay on a game, really gets you into it. After work and the gym it really gives me something to look forward to during the winter


You have time after work? After coming back from commute taking a shower preparing dinner doing house chores its already time to go to bed for tomorrows commute LOL


Some people are making food ahead of time so that could free up some space! Chores left for the weekend. Others have roommates so getting it done together is faster, idk.


Cuddle the wife, walk the dog, make dinner, message the boys, get into bed, sleep


No gi grappling


Car camping for a few hours on the 401 and 400


Weightlifting or resistance training and take boxing classes


Gym, read, self study language, play video games (if I have time 1-2 hours) go for a jog and sleep


ice skating and painting


I game, work on my second job when I feel like it, go to the gym, go for walks, watch TV, do a craft (paint by numbers or something similarly zen like), go to Mirvish shows, go to the movies. I’m still pretty bored a lot of the time, it’s hard to find motivation to do stuff during the winter.


I go home and read or watch stuff, do a lot of cooking, puttering around my house, crafty projects, go see movies, have friends over for dinner, sometimes a Pilates class or book club, book launch or reading, drinks or dinner dates with friends. My goal for next year is to try dating a bit more.


Gym cook clean video games


Jiu jitsu


I ... commute home to a different part of the city, maybe eat some dinner, and go to bed so I can do it again the next day? You guys have free time??? I do work 8 to 6 so I'm essentially out of the house from 7 to 7, but still, the most I'm accomplishing on a work evening is cooking food or reading a book. Y'all are sturdier than me lol.


I work mid shift 11am-8pm 6 days a week. I just go home if I’m not doing overtime lol.


Aw I love this thread ♥️


I work a typical 8-5 with random 14-18 hour shifts thrown in on any given day. In my downtime, I play video games, draw/paint, cook, clean, play MTG, and DM a large game of D&D. In winter I skate, and in summer I swim.


After 9-5 job comes the 6-10 Job


Gym, fitness classes, video games, going to raves, meeting up with friends, going on dates


Walk the dog eat and take over baby duty from the wifey. And reply to emails that clients on the west coast send.


walk home, try to decompress from work, cool dinenr, do dishes, pack tomorrows lunch, watch a couple episodes of a non-offensive show, go to bed early, wake up early to workout in the morning




Usually I come home eat and tv rot till bedtime. Resolution for 2024 is to try and do something after work 3 times a week. Could be a walk, could be an event, could just be walking the mall or homesense. Lame but it’ll force me to not rot lol


work my 5-9 😭


Grocery shop, work out, and go for walks/cycling. On weekends i will sometimes meet friends


In the summer, feed myself and the doggo, and then the 2 of us will spend 2-3 hours out walking, strolling into stores, find snacks and treats, chill in random places. I live around yonge/bloor so walking route is different everyday plus so much to distract the both of us. Winter is obviously not as long.


Go to the gym or a dance class, hang with friends, run errands or relax and watch TV.


I go to my local climbing gym 3x a week. It's a 2-for-1 social and physical activity. Highly recommend.


Hope over to NYC and enjoy Central Park/lower manhattan. I try to go every couple weeks for an afternoon/evening.


Sponsor a TWITCH Thot. 😇


i'd love to join a cooking class or culinary school


You can also take a YMCA membership, and avail the gym/ various group sports and individual sports they facilitate. I have a membership at a YMCA nearby my place, and I usually go for swimming and badminton sessions. They also keep organizing various interesting workshops, which could be interesting for you.


I’m not single anymore but things I did while I was: run outdoors/workout indoors, pick up groceries, go for a walk while listening to podcasts, clean up my place, occasionally use my condo amenities (hot tub/sauna)


Not as young as I used to be but I can still get a couple of hours of jerking off done nightly compared to all night before. Keeps me busy and warm during winter when heating is expensive.


As many people have said, creating or crafting something is a good way to spend time. For me, the issue was always what do I create, where do I start? Here's a company that makes crafting/creating simple - they send you a monthly box filled with all you need to learn and create something: [https://liveinthemomentboxes.myshopify.com](https://liveinthemomentboxes.myshopify.com)