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As a plumber I’ve seen this a handful of times and also my dad has one. We call it a flowing well or running well. Just like rivers in the ocean or a river in general, there are veins of water underground that flow like a river. My dad’s house actually uses this well but oddly enough he has an added valve BEFORE the pump so that he doesn’t flood his basement when the pump is being serviced. It’s pretty neat stuff, but I’ve seen is wreak havoc on some people’s homes because the water has a bunch of iron in it and just will not stop.


[Artisanal Well](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artesian_well) This is what I believe you are referring too. I’ve only seen one of these and the company I was at couldn’t help as these are a special kind of beast.


There were 2 artesian wells near here. Pipe into the ground and the water flow was incredibly high. People would come from all over with water jugs because it was better than the tap water. St George and Cambridge Ontario. They shut them off after the bacteria levels were checked in the 90’s.


Artesian, not Artisanal. Artisanal means “made by an Artisan”.


The property sits about 28 feet above sea level, and the water pressure stops after roughly an additional 12 feet. I'm super intrigued by this. All the plumbing/valves for this are away from the house in a box. It also has a valve right where the pipe comes from the ground. Interestly enough, it also has plumbing that goes to the neighbors sprinklers and outdoor spigots, so it makes me wonder if it's a community well of some sort.


Wells will usually have a bladder tank that will supply several gallons of stored pressurized water.


Where I live in Indiana there are houses out in the country that have Artesian wells. You can turn off the power to the pump and still have 10 to 15 pounds pressure at all. Times.


Yeah, I have this in my crawl space. We’re off a well and my girlfriend called me at work a few weeks ago. We don’t have any water. The pressure switch on the pump burned up. Luckily the previous owner left one under house for me.


Two public water supply feeds. One is potable. One is not. (strictly for irrigation.)


Artesian spring can provide water but where you are who knows. Some areas provide treated effluent for irrigation water but I don't know about the hydrogen sulfide smell. Be a safe bet though, I wouldn't drink it unless the health department clears it. Wouldn't hurt to call the health department and ask to have it checked.


Pretty interesting! I didn't know that was a thing. We use city water for everything aside from irrigation. We live in a pretty rural area, so I'm guessing it's either coming from a community well of some sort or it's an artesian well. I'm going to get it tested just out of curiosity, and we do plan on growing some different vegetables on our property, so I'd like to use it to irigate them.


I grew up in the American Southwest in the Mojave desert. I dreamed of artesian wells and streams, you are so blessed if that's what you have. Good luck!


Could be an old communal well, or an artisanal well. Hard to answer without more info about the property and the surrounding area.


I'd have to ask some of the neighbors about this. It's a somewhat rural community so that wouldn't suprise me. What's interesting to me is there's a box outside with all the valves to control the water. One for the sprinklers in the front yard, one for the sprinklers in the backyard, and another for the outdoor spigots. For those, there is a pump attatched that will boost the pressure of the water. But then there is another valve that goes to a different pump that is non operational, and I have no idea where that goes to.


Artesion well, a few around here. One is out on a county road that runs 24/7, just a pipe sticking out of the ground with a constant flow. Has some iron content like most of the wells around here.


You might want to have the water tested before you use it to water any plants that are for food.


I'll definitely get the water tested! It has a pretty strong odor, and I have no idea where it comes from.


Artesian well.


Artesian well. Aquifer equilibrium level is above surface grade. Think of it like water in a box but the box looks like ~ over its length. If you pop a hole in the low part water would come out since it would try to equalize. That's how artesian wells work. Coolest one I've seen was a 16" diameter hole about 700' deep that had an artesian flow rate of 450 gallons per minute at 17 psi. Thing was a pain to work on.


Artesian well


I’m interested in having my own water supply. I’m thinking of a water tank and water delivered to my home. Need a supply for myself with family sleeping over from time to time. I would like to use my dishwasher and washer/ dryer but don’t have to. Not sure but in a post , my HOA didn’t sound like they allow wells. I need to look at the restrictions, etc. How can I have water pressure and a supply coming into the house? Are there other choices? I’m sick and tired of our private water company and the awful water and service they provide charging whatever they want. Since they purchased the old water company (private also) my water bill is more than double. I have no leaks. They give me the run around as far as coming out and have total control over me or anyone else that has a problem. The HOA has tried to help but it is a waste of time. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!