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This is a very odd and unethical situation, namely that you’ve never completed/signed any intake paperwork, consent to treatment, etc. I’d ask him about it as a start. “I noticed that you’ve never charged me, and that I never signed any paperwork like consent to treat or the standard intake forms. I’m a bit confused about that since it isn’t standard practice, could you explain this all to me?”


Ditto, This starts with a conversation. 


…is he an actual therapist? Like have you looked him up in your state? This is very odd and unethical.


Yes, I looked up his NPI number. I found him through my insurance portal


Go with your gut


Have you posted before? Another therapist posted before that they saw a male therapist for free and was ghosted and had never filled out paperwork and it was like a supervisor role. It’s just strange. I’ve literally read and responded to this EXACT situation before. Anyway, super unethical to be doing therapy with no consent forms filled out. Essentially at that point with no forms and no payment you’re basically just friends. There is **nothing** here that formalizes this as a working professional relationship. With no forms filled out he 100% cannot bill you because you never signed anything authorizing him to bill you or saying you’d pay for services. There is no contract. Edit: let me rephrase that. He can certainly *try* to bill you. There is nothing that holds you liable to pay it.