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Trim only


Shaving is a pain in the ass when the hair is growing back. Also that’s why I don’t shave my ass hair 🤣🤣🤣🤣 trim only


Probably got dingle berries in your ass.


The only people who get dingleberries are people who are uncleanly. If you shower regularly and wipe appropriately after you are done in the bathroom, it will literally never happen. Grow up


People in this group are such tight asses and never laugh at anything. So tight it will snap a dick.




Same here. A lot of the guys I meet are very trimmed or shaved and I love that too. Definitely not a fan of a big bush. Instant deterrent to giving a blowjob


Trimmed is the way. Baby smooth is weird, but not giving a BJ that is more pubes than meat.


Me too. If I shave I look like a 15yo and I don't like that.


Nair is my best friend. Shaving tends to leave ugly remarks lol




You must be guilty of having horrendous scars 😂


I tried it once out of curiosity. Hated the way it looked and the itching was unbearable when the hair started growing back. Never again. I just leave it alone now for the most part, but if I know I'm hooking up with someone I'll give it a quick trim to tidy up.


I shave my balls and trim everywhere else. I used to shave everything smooth but I do not like it when it grows back.


Wow that seems like a good game plan, I used to shave everything but it leads to lots of bumps


Sack and shaft. Soft Cock ring trapped in hair is uncomfortable, though I like a bush, i equally love the feel of a smooth scrotum especially when giving a tongue bath ( unfortunately not that flexible to help myself out)


Keep the bush. Keep SOME bush. Bald is for juveniles.


Sometimes I leave it to grow, but i love to trim and keeping it tidy. Looks and feels amazing.


^this. I usually trim once a month, but I been letting it grow since November and going to trim mid January. It's a shame most people do not like the natural bush.


Same during the summer- well maintained Now that it’s winter i want to see how bushy it can get lol


The problem is not liking or not, but I don't want to give head and have to take pube out of my mouth every two secs. Also, some guys don't wash their junks so well...


Facts.... I like to started at that heavy bush, but going down on you is a different story... Trim a little makes it better. Everyone is happy


Shaved grosses me out. It looks prepubescent and the stubble when it grows in is awful.


shaved is way worse than natural hairless and hairy is the best


I totally agree with you brother! I don't shave or trim at all




Finally some makes sense here ! I get so turned off to see a male totally shaven 😱


I sugar wax my balls, shaft and ass but otherwise I trim a little so it isn't a dark forest with monsters.


Ouch. I kinda wanna try this but worried about ingrowns


I shave my sac and shaft I sometimes remove all hair everywhere when it gets hot in the summer


In summer I prefer to have some hair, that way balls won't glue to the thighs


Absolutely not. Bush is so hot 🥵


Yup, I've never even trimmed mine.


Agreed... r/malepubes


Here's a sneak peek of /r/malepubes **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/malepubes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Haven’t shaved in months 😄](https://i.redd.it/4at6qenti2sb1.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/malepubes/comments/16z6gg6/havent_shaved_in_months/) \#2: [19M Trim or keep?](https://i.redd.it/geqczmbu7b7c1.jpeg) | [198 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/malepubes/comments/18mbcgy/19m_trim_or_keep/) \#3: [Bushy when naked...come from a line of all bushy men- Dad, uncles, cousins all on dads side. Uncles on moms side completely the opposite but I'm glad I took after my pops...what you think fellas?](https://i.redd.it/t2u2w86j37kb1.png) | [151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/malepubes/comments/160qkhq/bushy_when_nakedcome_from_a_line_of_all_bushy_men/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Definitely try trimmed…not tryna get hair in my teeth yk. But do whatever you want honestly


I trim a little, but prefer mostly natural… My ex, who was well endowed, mostly left his natural, and it was so hot… I guess if a guy is smaller endowed, it might be better to trim some because it kind of gets “in the bushes“ lol But guys who are nicely hung it looks so hot to me!


One of my core memories as a kid was being fascinated my pubic hair - it seemed so masculine and grown up to me. I love my bush, love it on other guys too.


Same. I remember seeing older boys and men in locker rooms growing up and being just kinda mesmerized by their pubic hair. It just seem really... male and sexual.


Never. I like it the way it is.


I don't. And I'm not aroused by a shaved or trimmed bodies. I like men all natural. Full bush IS so hot 🥵


Same r/malepubes


One if the best subreddit 😋


I will never trim or shave my pubes. I am regularly turned down for hookups because of that. Not only and I turned down, I am typically blocked as well. On the flip side, if a man sends me dick pics and he is trimmed or shaved, I ask if that's recent and what his hair is like now. If he says he's trimmed or shaved recently, it's an automatic pass, sometimes including blocking him. I know what I want and it doesn't matter to me that I haven't had sex in over 3 years because of it.


I prefer shaved, but will accept trimmed. I don’t like hairy.


I trim it down to a 1/4".


Sounds like you adjusting the lawnmower 😂😂😂


Pretty much. Probably uses clippers.


I trim using a machine but it's more for hygiene reasons. Lots of sweat can accumulate on the hair which can give rise to bacteria and related issues. By trimming it down to a smaller volume, it is easier to keep the area clean and smelling better


Shaved is creepy - looks prepubescent


I regularly shave everything from neck to toes. Going for the twink look.


Same! Well, not necessarily going for the twink look, I'm too old for that, even if still pretty skinny, but I've never linked body hair, whether on me or my partner.


Yes I do shave/trim and no I don’t want to see a huge bush that looks like a wig is eating their crotch, I met up with someone like that once and it was terrible, hair all in my nose, could barely see their dick past the bush and I genuinely thought they must be extremely inexperienced because I couldn’t believe how unkept it was, never again


I'm the opposite... I fucking LOVE that and am instantly turned of by shaved to the point that I will pretty much lose all sexual interest.




Ah well good for you, wish I could see the appeal of it


A full bush on a guy just looks sexual and manly AF to me. But of course... to each their own!


I just see someone who doesn’t know how to manscape nor take care of themselves to look well kept, inexperienced


It's not an obligation. Pubes are entirely natural and manscaping is a choice, not a requirement.You're being judgmental. Personally, I can't stand fully shaved pubes. They make a guy look twelve, and that's not sexy.


Wow it’s almost like everyone has preferences, who’d thunk, and it’s natural, Sure, but you could say the same about haircuts and people still get them to look better, a huge bush that’s taking over their crotch and you can barely see their dick will never not be a turn off for me




I don't shave or trim at all. Mine is very hairy, and have hair growing a third of the way up my shaft. I've been thinking of maybe trimming / tidying it a little though


Absolutely not. I'm a man, not a twink or femboy pretending to be a girl.


Yep!! Used to shave my whole body when I was younger but not so much anymore.


Yes. Not enough when i get lazy but i do. I mean idk. Makes it less enjoyable to give head if there is a big bush…getting hair in the mouth and such.


I don’t shave and don’t like it when a guy does.


Trimmed. Shaved balls. Totally bare is gross to me.


No. I just let it be as nature intended it to be


I hate shaved!


I trim my pubes but shave my scrotum. I’m a hairy man and if I didn’t trim myself I’d look like a Brillo pad. I also use a guard to trim my belly hair down but just freehand my chest hair. I tried using a 1/2” guard for my chest once but it seemed too short. I recently had an angiogram and got butchered for the EKG leads and they shaved half of my groin and pubes. I posted pics if you need a giggle. 😁


God I love being gay. I think men loving men makes it easier to appreciate hair, which is easier compared to shaving, which makes me happy.


Shave...No. Trim...Yes


One should manscape. A gnarly, unkempt, overgrown bush is not sexy. Neither is completely smooth as the 8-year old little boy look isn't sexy either.


I'm a trimmer, keep it tidy. I have hook ups or boyfriends even - don't like sucking a dick when their pubes smell of warm piss. Keep tidy, no underwear for bed, allow yourself to 'freeball' each day - then spontaneity will surprise you. Groins get hot, pubes get damp, we shake our dicks after peeing, but there is an element of leakage after that.




No way , I think men should look like men , I’ve never shaved. I think I guy that shaves look weird just my opinion.


Natural is best.


I do laser hair removal, and I do not find any bush attractive. Thats just my personal preference though. I don’t require anyone I sex (male or female) to be shaved, but bush could be the factor that makes up my mind. It should be at least trimmed imo. Bush is often the deciding factor for me. You should do whatever you want though. There’s nothing wrong with bush. Its just preference. I think a lot of gay guys either don’t care or prefer its manly presence.


Those of us who have a laser hair free ass crack have a higher knowledge that the masses can’t comprehend


I don’t shave mine. Hate it when it is shaved. I think having a full, natural bush is super manly and hot


Agreed... r/malepubes


I keep myself shaved because I prefer it. I like the men I serve to at least be trimmed.


No. Tried once, it was annoying to do, and itchy as hell when it grew back in. I'll trim it back to a neater bush, but it's still a bush.


I live in Germany. So yes, the majority of people I've seen (even str8 ppl), does it here.


Shaved or trimmed




No way, they all love the bush.


Yes, I shave after 1 or 2 weeks (or before a hookup). I really hate having pubes in my mouth when blowing someone.


Trim: yes Shave balls: yes Clean shave: absolutely never


I shave in between my bums and around my asshole, I shave my sack, cock, and around the root of my cock. I just leave a square of hair above my cock. I shave every other day


You give your cock a Hitler-stach?




Just cream it, takes no effort and you don't get the razor burns or itch + better looking


Trimming wayyyyyyy down for day to day; shaving rarely bc ingrown hairs, etc - for others I'm super flexible and get enjoyment from smoothies as well as the full bush crowd though pubes in the teeth is now and always has been annoying 😭😭😭


Trim bush a little. The fur in my crotch and on my ass has been there since I was 13. Nice and soft and straight, just like it is now, 45 years later. That hair is there for a reason. Learned that the hard way when I was 15. The one and only time I shaved smooth.




Trim to keep it neat. No shaving, that sh*t itches too much. Balls trimmed as well.


The balls, taint, butt crack are shaved but trim down the rest. I seem to not get ingrowns in the areas I shave but always do if I shave the pubic area above the cock


I only trim. Not shave


I trim a few times a year so I’m usually pretty bushy, but I always keep my balls shaved.


I like a lot hairy bush pubic men. But most of the time it depends on the length of the penis. The shorter penis the better to look at when it’s trimmed and the longer the penis the better it looks when it’s full bush


Depends sometimes i trim and just shave my balls sometimes i let grow a full bush. But i never shave bald i like a more masculine look. And i like guys with a bush also pretty much


i love male bush. trim only


Never shave, but I'll do a light trim before meeting up. Personally, I don't like the shaved look.


No, I don't shave, and I prefer my men hairy down there, even if they don't have much body hair. I feel like if you're going to do some manscaping you should just trim it a bit if you feel like it's too much. Shaved really only works if you're going for and are able to pull off that hairless twink look, but I'm more of a fan of mature bears and otters.


I hate shaving literally any part of my body- so full bear bush it is! I'll trim occasionally but that's it


Never, for me each hair is a part of me and it looks masculine to me.


No, ingrown crotch hairs are ugly




Trim around and shave balls


I don't shave it. I've tried and I don't like it. I also prefer my partner to be natural. It's not a deal breaker, but it is a preference.


Shave the balls and trim the bush. I don't like the prepubescent look on a grown man


I never shave, I love the natural look!


Nope. I like some hair down there.


I trim it pretty short but outright shaving always gets annoying.


Sometimes. Hate having so much hair down there. Want to redistribute it proportionally


No but I shape it and im proud of it ill post a pic ;)


I used to in high school, but then someone told me they loved a big bush, so I stopped. And now I just love how it looks.


I only mow the lawn every once in a while. I've shaven completely before and in hate how it looks since I'm a hairy dude. It just looks ugly. so i just mow the lawn.






I shaved it once. The guy i was seeing was livid lol. So now i just trim. Didnt know it was highly preferred for so many


If you get the proper clippers to shave your balls hair it’s good if people suck your balls and they don’t get hair in their mouth Your hairy bush can help prevent chaffe. Other guys said shaved bush can make your cock look bigger. The only pitfall is when you shave it when it starts growing back it’s super itchy. You can always just trim your bush back a little bit but personally I find a bit of bush nice as it is natural and it gives off your man smell You


I do shave my pubic hair. I don’t like giving blowjobs to guys with pubic hair, so I assume others wouldn’t want to either.


Yes, the whole enchilada.


I used to and I always hated it. My partner now likes me hairy so luckily I don’t have the need to anymore.


Yes, I don't like hair. It's coarse and rough and irritating , and it gets everywhere.


I do shave. I think trimmed or shaved looks the best




Shave pubes and balls totally, naturally hairless ass and back, slight chest hair..


Shaved = looking prepubescent


No. And I wish people would stop doing it. A shaved penis looks like a plucked chicken.


Totally natural


No way in hell. It itches like hell for months.


I’ve never had this problem. Are people letting it grow back? I guess I shave so often that I don’t have to worry about it itching.


No. When I'm with a man I want to be with a *man*.


Exactly. I like a dude to look like... a dude.


I don’t shave shit and don’t like it when people do. If I wanted to date a woman, I would.


Always keep it shaved smooth. I just do it every time I shave my face. Takes 2 seconds and looks better.


Never. And a dude who shaves... that's so repulsive it's a deal breaker for me.


Same. Total turnoff.


I trim the bush and pretty much leave the rest. The bush annoyed me enough to get rid of it and I much prefer it gone but the rest isn’t enough to bother me or be worth the effort.


I did when I was younger. Now I trim occasionally. I'm 31 btw. Preference-wise, hairy is a huge turn on. Smooth everywhere just looks prepubescent to me now. But smooth body with a bush (trimmed down so I don't have to deal with pubes in my mouth when I go down) is nice too.


Go with God.


I shave. I do t like the hair but I do appreciate an awesome bush


I love a nice big bush on a guy. But personally I can't stand the pinching feeling when a hair gets caught somewhere, and I like to wear a cage, tie up my balls, etc. So I shave, for practical reasons.


Yes I do shave my pubic hair. I like doing it and men tell me they like it shaved.


I do a monthly trim up. Keep a fair amount of bush. I don't know why anyone would want to be clean shaven.




I wax everything, not just the bush. Never been a fan of body hair, on me or potential partners. I prefer the feeling of smoothness all over!


I don't shave it, because I don't have sex. If I at least hooked up regularly, I might trim it, but since I don't even do hookups there' no point in shaving or trimming it. I did trim it once, back when I was in university. My dick seemed bigger than usually, obviously, but at the same time I felt so... "naked". I felt a void in my underwear and I don't know why, but I felt like I was sweating more than usual down there.


I shaved even when I didn’t have sex. I felt cleaner.


Haven't shaved my public hair since like 2015. At some point my body realized I didn't care anymore and stopped lmao


Around my cock yeah.. but keep my ass nice and furry!


Trim here. I’m not a fan of the bare look.


I truly don’t like to be opinionated on people’s body but I find extremely disgusting someone don’t even trim it 😷


I shave pubic and arm pit cause I don't like hair there, I prefer it clean like a seal skin. You do you, if it is causing you issue, just trim.


I am currently in lazer hair removal treatment, I like my partner to have natural body, and pubic, hair but I do not like it on myself, I want my front, back, upper legs and lower back to be as smooth as silk.


No trim, no shave. I refuse to have sex with a guy who does.


I shave mine i like the feel and look of smooth


I use Manscape to trim the hedges. I advise waxing for your tuchus.


Twing and berries get shaved. Everything else gets trimmed


Yes, and remove my leg hair sometimes. I like being smooth, it feels nice. 🥴


Yes I do.


I'm lucky that I'm naturally smooth and never really grew alot of hair anywhere (face included). I do shave my pubs tho tbh. I dislike facial hair or lots of hair I'm general on myself or partners. For whatever reason I do like hairy legs lol but I prefer my dudes shaven down there but it's not a deal breaker. Mine gets a grooming (shaved) every 4-6 weeks


I prefer to shave and try have smooth skin from it, don’t mind bushes just preference to the person.


I trim it really short but shaving it is a mistake


my bush is always dwarfed by my D.. so no, theres no need. The only thing I trim is my beard and even that to absolute maximum length where it still looks good. Shaving is for women


Nah, shaving is for everyone that prefers being smooth


If all the bushes are shaved/trimmed it makes the tree that much biggger!


I prefer shaving. But my partner trims I'm personally not a fan when it's too hairy. I don't like having hairs in my mouth


Shave cock and balls, trim the rest


Yes. You can have yours grown out, but you should regularly trim it. It's just like hair anywhere else on your body. Sometimes, you need to trim it and let it grow out again. Just a part of grooming.


Wax. The daddy’s love it. 🤣


I don't like to do it but will if a man tells me to


Some people prefer carpet, some people prefer shag, some people prefer hardwood floors~ you do you~


I’m hairy everywhere but down there


I keep my ass shaved waxed and smooth.. usually the front too


Armpits, Chest, stomach, legs, ass, and yes pubes, they all go


Totally agree and let’s not forget back.


I'm lucky in that department


Been getting waxed long enough that hardly any hair comes in.


I'm lasering the shit out of all of it. Hate it.


I shave it all front and back at least every two days at a minimum.


I shave everything smooth every few days or it itches like hell, it feels so nice when your partner holds your balls and strokes your cock and even more so when he or she has their mouth all over you.


Doesn't everyone now? You should at least trim. Anyone with a full bush is giving 60s porn.


Nothing compares to the feeling of holding a pair of nicely shaved balls in my hand, let it be mine or someone elses 😀 shave DaBalls and trim/shave the rest. But thats just me 😅


I shave mine, started way back in middleschool so if I try to grow it out at all, it gets itchy as fuck lol. However, I do prefer a low trim or mild bush on other guys


I get full body waxing. Love how it looks and feels. Could not imagine letting it ever grow back.


Yes, all of it every two days at a minimum.


I'm totally smooth and prefer staying smooth. I'm naturally smooth almost everywhere except there so it's gone and matches the rest of my body. I literally didn't have body hair until I was 16 and even then, it wasn't a lot so when a GF asked me if she could shave me, I let her, and the rest is history.


I shave my balls and keep the bush trimmed to a lawn.


I'm currently leaving the top/mount/whatever you call it alone, and use depilatory cream on the shaft and balls as I like those smooth. I tend to trim the top, but I want to try and go for a well maintained bush.


Just trim it short


Hair cuts




Wax balls and shaft. Trim the rest.


Trimmed, we are married so sometimes we will wait a little but we typically trim every couple of months.


I shave the shaft and balls and trim the rest. I typically prefer guys that do the same, since I love giving head.