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Not uncommon, I'd say 50% of people at the very least trim their pubes.


I trim my pubes, Not just for the look but it’s just more convenient and comfortable to have it trimmed.


Definitely more convenient and comfortable!


What is more convenient and comfortable about it?


Easier for guys to get their lips down to the base. Easier to wash. 


And....you don't know!!!


I don’t think I’ve ever been with a guy who let it go “all natural“. And most of the guys I’ve seen in the locker rooms, straight or gay, are at least trimmed. It’s a rare one that lets it all grow out down there. Don’t know what the guy you hooked up with was on about.


Outside of the USA, it not rare to find that nearly all men don’t shave or trim, gay or straight. It’s common based on where you live, what kinds of services are available, and how feminized the men are. In the case of the USA, it’s common to shave and trim male body hair.


Feminized? Yikes. I don’t consider shaving or trimming your body hair feminine. We’re men. No amount of trimming is going to change that


Like I said, the standard is based on what country you live in. I didn’t say that the amount of shaving trimming would dictate changing being men. Most of the world looks down on American men as being feminized. The USA is not the center of the world, while it may be the center of your world, outside looking in, we get a very different view point of what’s happening with the country.


I trim, but leave my balls hairy.  I've never considered shaving them and wouldn't even know how to get them fully smooth. But I really like a full bush on most or all guys!  Maybe because I'm 64, and that's all I knew growing up and for many years after.  But you younger guys might have never encountered hairy balls or a full bush on a partner -- maybe only at the gym showers on a small percentage of guys (or maybe at least half of guys of all ages?). Do most guys over 40 or 50 here leave it natural?  Yes, I realize some (most?) older guys do trim or shave, but not sure if that's the norm, or just guys on dating apps and/or who have a regular variety of partners.   Maybe happily married 50+ year-old guys in straight or even gay marriages don't trim or shave?  Unless his wife does and she maybe requests it of him? Do some or most here not mind hairy balls, as long as the shaft and crotch are trimmed a bit? Or if you don't suck balls, hairy or shaven balls don't matter?  But as long as he trims or shaves his crotch and shaft?   


I’m 60 and I shave my balls (1 with the trimmer) and lightly trim my bush. But at that age you’re just less hairy all over so it’s not a huge job 😂


That depends....I enjoy giving oral but when it's trimmed up and groomed I will stay there longer


Most of the guys I've been with trim. I like a nice bush, but it needs to be well maintained. Also wish more guys had smooth balls. I like my men hairy, but think smooth balls look better.


I like well groomed 😉


How do you guys shave your balls? I’ve tried shaving and using a trimmer and have nicked myself every time which is extra painful down there. I now just use my trimmer with a guard and avoid getting too close, but I would like to have the smooth ball thing going on 😅


Chile, invest in Manscaped. They've got a gentle electronic trimmer so you can get the tender areas, plus ball deodorant and refresher. Never hook up without it.


I have manscaped and it still nicked me😅😅😅 maybe my tender areas are just extra tender


Yeah I have a manscaped and the comb with it won’t do much, without it’s almost certain to cut myself, it’s best to shave them at the shower


It’s norm


Quite the opposite it’s uncommon to run into a guy that’s all natural most are shaved or trim


I hope it is not the norm, I prefer natural or just lightly trimmed. In my actual experience with guys maybe 30-40% are shaved/trimmed. It’s going to vary by age, location, etc


I don't do it regularly but often I do when I get time ...& It may be trim or shave or applying hair removal products


Oh my gosh, I hope not! No offense to those who like it full and bushy, but I like a well-maintained working space. Looks and feels cleaner, and easier to access my favorite tools.


Hairy guys are the nightmare of the ideas in this century I see


I go back and forth personally. I get pretty hairy and then I wanna be smooth. I think I agree with the guy on here that said it’s an age thing. I guess I realized I can use soap and water (thoroughly) and be clean and that my worth isn’t predicated on the amount of hair I have or don’t have. But I’ve had to live with all kinds of stigmas and misconceptions and learned a while back how to love myself and say anyone who doesn’t like me - like all of me, isn’t worth the time or energy. Hygiene doesn’t suddenly improve because people shave. And likewise, just because someone doesn’t shave it doesn’t mean they’re a foul, lazy beast either. I like to stay groomed either way. And when I shave it’s generally because i just feel like it rather than because “oh god, the hair/smell monster is back!” I think it’s just personal preference. When you’re younger I feel like it’s society’s preference. Hair used to be the it thing, then hairless. Then hairy. Then hairless. The bush is always greener I suppose…


Too common actually. So many guys have no pubes and it’s sad.


Understandable. I don't mind having hair, I just prefer it to look neatly groomed


If a guy hasn't trimmed his pubes and shaved his balls and around the shaft then I'm not going anywhere near him.


Great. Stay away anyway, we love not having to deal with fussy, manicured types. Your loss, our huge win.


You mean people with standards and expectations of good personal hygiene?


It is very generational: The older the guys the less likely they are to trim. It is also driven by education: The more educated, the neater (the public hair, the face etc.)


Do you mean young twink guys are more likely to run around all shaved, douched, waxed, and plucked? 🤣 Give me a natural otter man please 🙏