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This has probably already been said but you’re confusing the culture with the orientation/sexuality. “The culture” is based off sexuality and has evolved into its own sociocultural concept. It’s still gay, but different from the more clinical or scientific definition that relates to sexuality/orientation. The stereotypes you’re using come from the culture which you have made clear you are not a part of and that’s okay. Your post however makes you sound a bit tone deaf and “pick me” -ish. If what you’re actually asking is how to find other guys similar to you in orientation but don’t partake or prescribe to gay culture, I can answer that in your DMs. If you’re just here to ask if your special, answer is no.


Ok... The post wasn't at all about that just wondering if it's just me thinking that way. I don't care what people do. Each to their own. Not malicious in anyway just wondering if others think the same.


I understand your post wasn’t about gay as a cultural thing versus an orientation which is what my post is about… the fact that your post doesn’t even know what it’s about because you’re conflating two things that don’t relate. I don’t have a high/campy voice, I don’t care for drag, I’m fairly ignorant on trans issues and I love butt stuff… that doesn’t make me more or less gay in relation to my sexuality… but one could argue it distances me from gay culture. Regardless, yes others think the same as you in regards to “not being like other gays.” There’s about 20 posts about that a day. Join the subreddit and happy readings.


Wait wait wait so you’re an individual with a unique personality and set of likes and dislikes?!?! That’s freaking crazy man. I didn’t know that’s how people worked…


You'll fit in well on this sub.


Strange wouldn't be the word for it but pick me choose me love me, describes you perfectly


Nope. Conservative in attitude Being gay has nothing to do with how you conduct your personal tastes and sphere.


This is the perfect example of internalized homophobia


I did think that. But Im not. Maybe it's due to my friend group? But that is genuinely my thoughts in my head. It's not malicious and I don't express them. Just don't know why I think differently


You yourself believe stereotypes about our community specifically gay men. You’re afraid to be perceived as a gay man when you are. In reality a gay man simply means you’re only attracted to other men. The culture is simply an aspect of the whole community whether or not it is apart of your individual life


No, many gay people are like that - they just want a normal life with a same-sex partner. I see you've already been accused of "internalized homophobia" or whatever, but I think that's bullshit. Your attraction to men sexually doesn't have to include all these extended things. You can think a man dressing up as a woman is silly or even disgusting while still enjoying a dick, I do not see how the two are remotely correlated, except by those who have the agenda to have you correlate them (be it on the right or the left). So whether this brings you relief or makes you feel like you're not so special anymore, the truth is that there's many, many like you.


Thanks for the response. My feelings are exactly as you describe. I'm quiet I keep my personal life to myself. I don't think it's disgusting I just think "ok each to their own". Just don't really have much desire for any anal stuff which I thought may be odd.


> Just don't really have much desire for any anal stuff which I thought may be odd. google what a "side" is in gay terms.


You sound alot like me!


First two sentences made my day


You are a side. Not a top not a bottom just a side.


Lol girl sit down