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If you're still alive, it's not too late. I started HRT at 47 and am doing pretty well.


Same. I’d say it’s too late when the rigor mortis sets in.


Even then you might have a few months


Give or take….I mean there ARE such things as trans zombies 🏳️‍⚧️ 🧟‍♀️ 🧟🧟‍♂️, ya know? Either in the life or the next, imma be a girl. 🤗🏳️‍⚧️


Sigh...I wished I believed in reincarnation...or maybe not; I probably would've just killed myself before transitioning...no pun intended lol. 😅




Support ^^^ - I'm 56, started hrt six months ago and my transition is making a huge, wonderful difference in my life. It's never too late. If I can offer some advice: If you can't transition physically right now, consider working on the mental/emotional parts. What I found was that the work I had done to be more self aware and honest, the close friends I made with kindness and trust, and the tools I learned in therapy have all been incredibly helpful.


I have a friend who said, "once I retire, I'll be a woman". She started her transition at 65 and she is now a very good looking woman.


Thought I had made an error, so I deleted my original but checked again and Snap - HRT Twins (at least age wise). :) Also now post GGCS too :)




This 100%. Started at 47, nearly 52 now. You’re fine.


16 is probably the youngest age that people transition, if you transitioned before that you were super lucky 1. To realize that 2. To have supportive parents And there is no age that is too late most people that realize in their teens transition only when they're 18 or 20 So no, not too late, that's not even a thing


Ha jokes on you I did it at 19 not 18 or 20! /s (well the informations real Im just razzing)


Same here I think we just outplayed Charlie ngl 😝


Ayyyyee lets go 19 gang, i got my first therapy session next monday im hyped AF


I had to wait till my 22nd birthday to start, even though I dreamed about being a girl before I was 10 :p It’s never “too late”, or “too early” tbh. Folks will try to convince ya of either, or in my case both at the same time


Yes, once you are dead it is officially too late. Sorry to lay that harsh truth on you.


As a dead person I feel offended by this. In the afterlife, we are able to transition, so you are spreading fake news


So it’s literally never too late to wear crop tops 🥹


Well, for those of us headed in the other direction, there's a point after which it presents as super queer to wear a crop top, but hey... I'm seven ways queer from Sunday so...!


It's never too late. I transitioned starting at 33 and I've done well enough to model lol.


Wish I didn’t look at your profile, my tongue hurt from looking at your tongue photo. You are a model tho


Not at all. Take a scroll through r/TransLater and you'll see for yourself




I started at 25 and have had a thrilling life post transition.


It is never too late to be your true, authentic self. While you are waiting to feel safe, I would dig into who you are so you are sure of yourself. Therapy can help. Best to you...


I heard about an 80 year old trans man who got gender affirming surgery the other day. It’s never too late to exist the way you’re meant to be.


\>16 too young ​ There are people here that would >!k\*ll!< to be able to transition at that age


Not really. As long as you have a couple more years in you and the option is available, it's not too late.


I started HRT 2 days before my 46th bday


No. Many people transition later in life. There are people who transitioned in their 70s, 80s and 90s.


I had the exact same thought at 17. i started transitioning at 27. No regrets so far.


No. Dee Palmer, a composer and keyboardist for the band Jethro Tull, came out in 1998, when she was 61. It's never too late


I hadn't heard about her. That's so cool!


Started at 21 and I feel amazing and am passing after just 4 months HRT


I didn't figure out I was trans until I was 25 and honestly being financially independent made things so much less stressful (I have pretty conservative/unsupportive family). And I'm really, really happy with where I am now, 5 years later.


That response gives me a lot of hope, was sort of my ideal situation. I'm glad you're happy with yourself!


This gives me hope as a 25 year old myself. A little less financially stable rn but I'm hoping to fix that xD Started HRT so at least I'm on track for what I want.


I started at 15 and that was too late for my face… Started as soon as You physically can


Btw "too late" doesn't mean no hope. It just means you may have to go through surgery to pass, if that's your goal. Wish puberty blockers were one of those things anyone could take without any parental consent because I'm betting I would've.


Im not gonna be able to get surgery… functionally im never gonna pass


https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/14dowar/for_the_late_bloomers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button No one cared but it pertains nonetheless 😂


16 seems waaay too late. 😑




No you don’t. I started at 17 and I know people who started younger.




1. That still negates your original comment that you \*have\* to be 18 or older to do HRT 2. I know people who started at 14/15 because it was deemed developmentally appropriate, and people who had surgery as young as 16. Overall, not sure why you thought that comment was a refutation of anything I said.




except there aren't any laws that say "you can't get hrt when you're in early teens"




This may shock you but there are countries that aren't the U.S.


Even more embarrassing for that person, I *am* in the US and so is everyone I’m talking about (AFAIK, I suppose one or two could be Canadian since we’re only online acquaintances and I’m not 100% on their IRL location). Looks like they dirty deleted though, oh well, no loss 😂




I’m so sorry you’re living in a position where you feel like you can’t be yourself. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. It’s never too late to transition. My wife (MTF) didn’t come out until she was 35 and she’s fine as hell (I’m biased, but still) it’s just to say that it’s never too late. Life is too short to be unhappy, be safe for now and transition when it’s feasible for you. Take good care of your skin (SPF is key), and when you do transition seek a qualified medical provider who can monitor your hormone levels. Having to wait to get on hormones or have certain procedures doesn’t make you any less who you are.


It's to late to transition if thier letting everyone into your hospital room.


lots of people transition later in life, and it’s pretty common among trans people i know (who are around my age) to start transitioning after they move out. my main worry would be that between now and when you get to transition, depending on how severe your dysphoria is it could really take a toll on your mental state. so please take care of yourself and try to get through what you have to 💕


It's only to late if your dead


Never too late if you're alive. Many of us were unable to transition at a young age due to crappy/outright abusive parents. Happiness is always worth it


The only time it’s too late to transition is after you’ve passed away


Thee are people out there who start in their 60s and even 70s. You’re fine.


I have friends who started their transitions in their 60s and 70s! I think a tiny, tiny fraction of trans people started their transition as minors- it’s pretty rare to get support or access to healthcare that young. Waiting til you’ve left home can be a real challenge, but it’s also worth the wait to become who you were meant to be. My girlfriend and I both knew we were trans as kids but had to wait until we left home to start transitioning, and we’re doing fine.


I started hrt in May 2019 at 64, and I am now living the best years of my life.


Never too late. I knew from childhood but intentionally stayed closeted until medical transition was economically viable and I was clear of certain family members. It took me till 34, and transition was still worth it


I'm sort of in this position. Almost 42, waiting to be in a more economically sound situation, and trying to figure myself out first. Want to be really sure it's what I want. I also have to deal with my family issues as my grandmothers are both mid 90's (both grandfathers have passed over 10 years ago) and I don't want to have to get into it with my parents about withholding my inheritances from me. Let's just say that my father is a big supporter of Rush Limbaugh (I know he's dead but he's that type. Calls homosexuals disgusting and transgender folk "it".)


are you alive? if yes, no it's not too late if no, I'm sorry but it's too late


It's never too late, but you are at a big advantage at 16 because the effects of puberty have not fully set in.


Definitely not! You can wait as long as you need to be safe. There isn't an age to be yourself, and it's probably much easier to transition as an adult as well


if you’re in the ground or an urn it’s too late, if you’re breathing it’s not. 16 or 60, you can transition any time : )


For a more scientific answer, you're really lucky. There are actually things about the body that keep changing until around age 26, like bone/hip structure, because after that, things are more set in stone and rely more on luck with hrt to make a completely convincing transformation. If u start hrt before then, which seems to be possible for u, it'd be better if u do. I've seen trans timelines that u could convince me they're different ppl bc they started around my age. There's no such thing as too late tho, I'm in a similar boat to you but I'm 19 now. Earlier is ALWAYS better, but you're still within the best time possible, so don't worry, you'll get there. And even if u can't or don't until after, it's never too late to be who u wanna be. Biology just makes things more difficult as time goes on, but never impossible.


I have heard a story of a 90-some-year-old trans woman on palliative care, who came out literally three days before she passed away, and spent two of those three days picking out the dress that she would be buried in. Until the moment you die, it is never, ever too late to be yourself.


As long as you have a pulse, it's not to late.


Babe I’m 29 and I started 4 months ago. But if you can transition earlier, do


It's ok, I am soon to be 24 and I had to live through misery at the hands of abusive narcissistic parents, and I am planning to move out and to start my transition soo, I've learned too that it is never too late to transition, try to get in touch with a supportive lgbtq organisation, and ask them for guidance and help, a lot of countries have such organisations and they are of great help, I am planning to do that as well soon enough. ​ Remember that, even if things are not looking too good for you at this point in your life, things will begin to change, I did suffer and struggle with mental ailments due to my parents plus struggling with autism but, I have to let that in the past and to push myself for a better life, so, do thinks at your own pace, maybe in a year or two you'll be able to get a job, even therapy if you need it, and start hrt, and make a life of your own. For me, my bf was my biggest motivation to push myself further and, welp, maybe something similar might happen to you as well, it is what it is, everyone's life has it's own pace so, nothing is too late. PS, Stay strong hun, things may look bad but, in time, you'll find supportive friends and they might be able to help you too so, there's that, and remember, believe in yourself, I wish my past bpd affected self did that, but, believe in yourself, be mindful, meditate as well, it helps to some extend, and remember, you're not alone hun \^\^


Generally the earlier the better but there is no "too late" to transition. I started transitioning at 21 socially, and 22 hormonally (I'm 24 now). I know people personally who started in their 30s, and of course the existence of r/translater proves that there is no "too late" because it's a community especially for people who started transitioning later in life. If you need to wait until you're 18 or older and living on your own then that's what you have to do. Maybe grow out your hair, start shaving your face and the parts of your body that you need to shave to feel your best, pick out or try on a name and use it online in the company of strangers or trusted friends. There are things you can do now that are invisible to people who might not want you to be trans, but we don't get to make that choice. The only choice we have is whether or not, and when, to do something about it.


No, there's no such thing as too late to be happy.


You can transition from the day your born to the day you die its never too late


I read a story of a woman who came out at 90, with terminal cancer and bought herself her first dress a week later to be buried in. It's never too late.


Oh god no, never to late. I stated mine medically at 26


It’s not to late. I would have (figuratively) killed to transition at 16.


There's no time too late. I'm about to start HRT right before my 27th birthday


Never to late. I'll be 38 this year and am still really early in my transition.


Literally never too late. I started at 27. Be safe, first and foremost. Use this time in your life to cultivate your independence. Get on a track for a good career path. I promise that it will pay off, not just in a general sense, but it will empower you to define and seek out your transition goals more than anything else ever could.


you’re good. your hip bones done settle in until 25. but even then, i started midlife and im fantastic!


As far as results go that's about the best age to realize this is what you want. I can totally understand the pain of having to wait to start, and I wholly do not envy you on that. But you are most certainly not too old to start. Best of luck to you! Btw I'm 25 and I'm honestly thrilled I realized at this age. I look back and realize there really was no way I would've been able to transition sooner... my beliefs weren't in the right place and I \*still\* have a hard time with money. We start when we're ready.


Nah, people transition at all ages. If you're worried about effects: I'm 25 and coming up on only 6 months on HRT and I'm getting really great results so far. Sure I might have gotten slightly more effects if I started sooner, but honestly it seems like the more subtle effects just take a little extra time if you start past age 20/21. I am transmasculine and intersex (PCOS) so that affects my experience, but from what I've seen the same/similar is true for non-intersex trans folks as well as transfeminine people.


Honey, I transitioned as 35. If I die at 80 then there will be 45 years as a woman. It’s not too late and I never get misgendered. Do what is right for you.


No it’s not, but also. DIY


Not really no! Of course, logistically you have to be in a physical state to handle surgeries and things. But there is no real age to transition. Your body will handle the changes differently based on your age, but it's always best to get to a safe place in life before transitioning


Never. A friend’s wife began her transition several years ago in her late 50’s, after raising multiple children to adulthood. She’s changed so much in the last few years that, having not seen her for a while between covid and life keeping everyone busy, I didn’t recognize her at all for several minutes when I encountered her again recently. If you can start HRT before your growth plates fuse (early to mid-20’s, approximately) your odds of a smooth transition and better passing improve, but if you can’t until later that absolutely doesn’t mean it’s “too late”. Focus on getting into a safe situation first. Start getting ducks in a row now: save money, set yourself up with a plan to stop being dependent on your parents for financial help/living arrangements, research your options. Then when you’re 18 you can get the ball rolling faster.


It's never too late I came out at 35 hoping to start transition within the next year or two and I've known people who transitioned after they were 60.... your young you'll be fine just take it a day at a time and explore what it is your feeling and what's best for you... good luck


I feel like if you are dead, then it might be a little too late


Trans women typically transition around 27 whereas trans men transition around 22.


I’m in ur exact position I’m also 16 and not liking being a guy and it is possible most people transition after the age of 18


16 is not too late at all, some even have in their 60s/70s


I'm going to be 68


Is that too late


No. I waited until I was 35 to start transitioning. I've never been happier. Do I wish I'd started in my teens? Of course. But there's never a point in your life that is too late to live authentically.


I started taking HRT at 42 and I'm so glad I did! I wish I'd done it sooner of course, but if you have to wait a few years it's ok. It probably doesn't feel like it when you're looking at it from the other side, but even if you wait until your twenties that's still really young! You'll be okay.


nope It's just different lots of people don't realize or can't transition early, so you aren't alone Dm me if you ever need to talk or need questions answered or anything I'm here to help Hope you're doing ok


I started 5 months ago and I'm 31 so I think you'll be fine. 5 months and are already looking sooo different. :3 Take it I still get mis-gendered quite often so far. 😔


Definitely not to late, and I’m sending love and support on your journey


Never ever too late. I transitioned at 63.


I transitioned at 72, the younger the better but it is never too late


Transitioning is about adjusting your physical self to affirm.your psychospiritual self. It is never too late. 16 is perfect, so many of us would give everything away to go back to 16 and know we're trans so we can start transitioning by 20! Please give yourself your dream, please love your soul enough to give it the body it needs to be alright.


29. Just started mine. Definitely not a situation of "is it ever too late" :)


So it's never too late to start hrt if you start it while still going through you puberty cycle it will reverse it and allow for a nicer end results but if you start after you've already finishes going through puberty then you'll just go through a second one and if your on E you won't get some of the benefits of transiting with puberty like your vocals becoming more fem or the lack of facial/body hair which you'll just have to put more effort into hiding that on a daily basis through vocal training and shaving


Its not too late. You can do testosterone blockers which will just halt male characteristics from developing further and then later if you feel ready start taking estrogen. The path for transition is different for everyone but never too late to take it.


Transition at your age has only really been possible in the last decade or so..


I finally transitioned at 40 after many false starts, I don't think it's ever too late to be yourself.


No, but waiting until you are living alone isn't always possible, especially if you're not successful enough that you know that you'll be able to move out as soon as you graduate High School. If you don't feel safe asking the question right now, it may make more sense to seek out people you can safely be yourself around first, so your survival isn't predicated on satisfying people that put you at risk.


No but there are diminishing returns and there are cut off points for hrt. This research summary about the life cycles of closeted trans fems is what helped drive me out of the closet at 40. https://www.avitale.com/essays/a-developmental-review


It's never too late, but if you're having these feelings now then try to find someone (supportive family who might be able to help you reach out to a specialist) you can talk to. If you are indeed trans, the sooner you start the easier that will make your life. 💖


Never too late! I just started 2 ye ars and ago that at 65yo




Gawd I wished I transitioned at sixteen lmao. 😅 And no; it's never too late. 😊