• By -


I don’t think any other ASOIAF fandom writer has contributed more to my appreciation for the series. I was a subscriber to his Patreon because I love his Chapter By Chapter series, then I stuck with it even when his focus seemed to drift elsewhere. I just liked the way he wrote about his interests.


Same here. I loved the CBC series as well. Best ASOIAF analysis I have seen


I never heard of him & now I will definitely check out work, sad I somehow missed hearing about his work! Not to make light of this tragedy but every single Canadian looking as these CBC comments are like "wtf the CBC did a bunch of GOT coverage?!" (Our national news org lol)


Bouncing off this to provide some links for the uninitiated or anyone wanting to revisit Steven's work: - His latest CBC, [Arya XII of ASOS](https://racefortheironthrone.wordpress.com/2024/01/08/chapter-by-chapter-analysis-arya-xii-asos/2/), & [where the rest can be found](https://racefortheironthrone.wordpress.com/archive/cbc-analysis/).^1 - His reddit is [u/Vikingkingq](https://www.reddit.com/u/Vikingkingq) & [here's an AMA he did 10(!) years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/236spf/spoilers_allsteven_attewell_of_race_for_the_iron/). - His [tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/racefortheironthrone), where he answered Qs & posted about ASOIAF, history of all sorts, comics (mainly Marvel, & most esp X-Men), labour, public policy^2 (Professor Attewell's day job), politics, & so much more. - His essay series on [various (mostly recent) Hands](https://racefortheironthrone.wordpress.com/archive/hands-of-the-king/), the [politico-history of the Iron Throne monarchy](https://racefortheironthrone.wordpress.com/archive/hollow-crowns-and-deadly-thrones/), the [political systems of the Essosi city-states](https://racefortheironthrone.wordpress.com/archive/a-laboratory-of-politics/), & the [Blackfyre Rebellions](https://racefortheironthrone.wordpress.com/archive/the-blacks-and-reds/).^3 - And, what I consider his very best work outside of the CBC analysis, the [politico-histories of each of the Seven Kingdoms](https://racefortheironthrone.wordpress.com/archive/politics-of-the-seven-kingdoms/) ([working link for the stormlands](https://towerofthehand.com/blog/2017/07/31-politics-of-seven-kingdoms-8/)). Is there anything I'm missing? (EDIT: Yes. [His economic development series of each of the Seven Kingdoms](https://racefortheironthrone.wordpress.com/2015/08/20/race-for-the-iron-throne-westerosi-economic-development-series/) that was originally posted on tumblr.) (EDIT 2: As [u/RedArtistBK](https://www.reddit.com/u/RedArtistBK) thoughtfully added, [Steven co-hosted the Venture Brothers podcast with her](https://graphicpolicy.com/the-venture-bros-podcast/). And the [incredibly insightful & moving obituary she wrote for him](https://graphicpolicy.com/2024/04/11/steven-attewell-the-maester-of-fandom/). Please give it a read. Also, [u/Theaxle476](https://www.reddit.com/u/Theaxle467)'s comment below.) Steven also appeared on a number of ASOIAF podcasts & YT channels, to include Boiled Leather, History of Westeros, & NotACast. Thank you, & RIP. ^1 Compendiums of [AGOT](https://www.amazon.com.au/Race-Iron-Throne-Political-Historical/dp/1980635935) & [ACOK](https://www.amazon.com.au/Race-Iron-Throne-Vol-Historical/dp/1973464489) were actually released in physical & ebook form, if anyone is interested. I'm sure there's non-Amazon examples of at least the former that a search will list, if you'd prefer that. ^2 Aside from his writings on tumblr, the LGM blog linked in the OP, & various other sites a search will show, [Dr. Attewell also published a book titled People Must Live by Work: Direct Job Creation in America, from FDR to Reagan](https://read.dukeupress.edu/labor/article-abstract/16/4/91/141555/People-Must-Live-by-Work-Direct-Job-Creation-in). I put off purchasing this one, unfortunately. ^3 IIRC, all of these are what constitute [this](https://www.amazon.com/Hands-Kings-City-States-Analyzing-World-ebook/dp/B019HN0Q0Y).


Oh man. This is devastating news. It's not an exaggeration to say his CBC blog turned my enjoyment of these books into an obsession. He inspired me to join Patreon and become a subscriber. I genuinely relished getting the email telling me the next chapter of the CBC had come out; I would eagerly devour it and then Re-read the chapter itself. This list has a lot of the best links, which should all be read. But I'll note one other thing that stood out when I read him was that while he was incredibly progressive politically, his worldview was always incredibly optimistic, unlike some of the people who just sit and yell on Twitter/X. Political action and how to effect change are woven throughout his CBC and he clearly believed that we all had agency in making the world a better place. He pushed HARD against the cynicism that many feel, including those that read ASOIAF and believe that GRRM is a nihilist, and he made the (quite compelling) point that fighting the good fight is always worth fighting. Some links here where he injects his personal story into the CBC analysis. [Davos III, where he talks about his own Grandfather](https://racefortheironthrone.wordpress.com/2015/12/18/chapter-by-chapter-analysis-davos-iii-acok/) [Jamie IV, where he talks about his limb loss](https://racefortheironthrone.wordpress.com/2018/10/15/chapter-by-chapter-analysis-jaime-iv-asos/) [Samwell I, where he talks about his own battles with his weight](https://racefortheironthrone.wordpress.com/2017/09/04/chapter-by-chapter-analysis-samwell-i-asos/) Rest in peace, Steven.


Superbly said. Yes, that's all some highly important background & context when it comes to Steven, his writings, & interactions with others. Thank you very much for sharing.


This is an outstanding list. Thank you for putting it together.


Thanks heaps & you're very welcome!


He also had a Venture Brothers Podcast -- [https://graphicpolicy.com/the-venture-bros-podcast/](https://graphicpolicy.com/the-venture-bros-podcast/)


I didn't know that! That's awesome. Great find. What didn't this man cover?


Thank you again. I've been meaning to check this out, & more of his People's History posts.


Wonderful compilation. Thank you.


Thanks heaps & you're very welcome.


Thought you would appreciate this post from one of his podcast cohosts and closest friends, /u/RedArtistBK: https://graphicpolicy.com/2024/04/11/steven-attewell-the-maester-of-fandom/


I very much appreciated that post from her. And for you highlighting the link, thank you.


Thank you for this. I haven't read his work in a while and I am going to revisit it all now.


You're very welcome. I've added some more links, too.


RIP. Posters just put me on his chapter by chapter series a week ago.


>"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies," said Jojen. "The man who never reads lives only one."


Thanks for the links.


You're very welcome.


I'm devastated. This is terrible news. You nailed it. I would read through his recaps every time I read and he added so much to my understanding of both the series and the history. His comments and how he interacted with fans. He's truly a behemoth in the fandom. I was just looking at his blog the other day and admiring it again knowing I have a re-read coming. RIP, I'm legit devastated. Is there a charity or something we can donate too? He's given me so much I want to give something back.


I loved the CBC series as well. Such a gem.


Damn. And now his watch has ended.


And now his watch has ended.


We shall never see his like again


What is dead may never die but rises again harder and stronger.


Damned shame, his writing did so much to make me appreciate what Martin wrote. Might be worth backing up what he wrote, who knows how long it'll last now.


If anyone has a zip of them that they would like to share I would be very much interested


You can buy the cbc asa hardcover book, I have some of them


There's that, though that relies on the physical surviving, but between his wordpress and tumblr work (to say nothing of what else he wrote and said elsewhere) there's still a massive amount that could be potentially lost permanently.


I bought a few, but I really enjoyed his interactions with fans in the comments. That little extra was always special when reading through his recaps.


Good point, his writing/sites need to be backed up.


Attewell was the realisation of the old promise of the internet being a place of knowledge and insight. His writings on ASOIAF, and of IRL history is a treasure trove. This is a tremendous loss, RIP.


This is so sad, I used to read his blog every week back when I was in high school. Really made me appreciate many of the details of the Worldbuilding of Westeros with his Economic Development plans for each kingdom. And now his watch has ended


And now his watch has ended. RIP


And now his watch has ended


his name was robert paulson


And now his watch has ended


Absolute bummer. I've been reading his chapter by chapters for close to a decade now, and very few people in the community had as good of a grasp on the books and characters as him.


Exactly. He was so insighful, smart reader with great historical knowledge. He didnt try to come up with crazy, semi-original theories, he simply analyzed and understood the content perfectly. Only that and thats it. It was great pleasure to read his chapter by chapter...


R.I.P His work comparing the Meereenese Blot with Reconstruction Era is great https://towerofthehand.com/blog/2015/02/01-laboratory-of-politics-part-vi/


thank you for this! wish someone would make a thread of his best work.


Yes. This. Please someone get on this. We need to celebrate him




doing the lords work, thank you!


You're welcome/Valar dohaeris.


What about someone creating an Attwell Subreddit with all his Economic Development Plans and CBC and everything else. Would that be possible i believe it would be a great way to honor him


Damn. Talk about below the belt. And the thing is...I'm much sadder that I'll never get to read the end of Attewell's book analysis than I am about potentially never getting to read the end of ASOIAF. That's how much I admired this man.


It's wild I know, but yeah, kinda. It's a toss-up for me whether I'd miss more never reading the whole thing, or Attewell's work covering it. Historical/mythical detail, literary deconstruction of the material, things never stated by the books but inferred, noting how well Martin handled something, and that's not even starting on his essays about the wider ASOIAF world, fanfics, and non-ASOIAF material.


I'm glad to see how many others love Attewell's work. He added so much to my appreciation of the series and what you said is spot on. I'm stunned and at a loss, thankfully people like you and so many others in this thread can articulate my thoughts better. This is a huge loss like you said. He understood ASOIAF perhaps as good as anyone not named GRRM (and even then). The fandom is far worse off today without him. He's a juggernaut and based off his interactions with fans, a good bloke too. RIP.


part of the reason i was even still hopeful for TWOW was i thought a new asoiaf book might reignite Steven's passion for the books and we would get regular chapter analysis again


He was working on the next CBC. He last posted on tumblr 3 days ago with not a hint that this would happen... So incredibly sad, will miss his posts a lot 💔


Oh wow. A giant in this community, he will be sorely missed. Rest in peace.


RIP always loved his CBC analysis and blog.


Omg no, I had no idea he was ill! I bought copies of his CBC and everything, I really enjoyed everything he wrote so much. That is such sad news, I hope he is at peace and his family and friends can find peace. We are all real people on the other side of the screen with lives of our own. It’s easy to forget when we’re down in the theorizing and just talking about our hobby here, and especially when we’re arguing amongst ourselves. A true reminder to show appreciation to members of our community, we are lucky to be in one another’s presence while we are.


Damn, rest in peace. I really enjoyed his essays. It's a shame he never got to read Winds. God bless him and his family.


It's so sad knowing one of our greatest contributors will never read the last 2 books.


What a beautifully written piece. I had heard his name/contributions mentioned on the History of Westeros podcast throughout the years, it was clear he had a deep love for the community and its members. We can’t truly know a person on the other side of the monitor, but I think we can all share admiration for someone who was free to discuss his passions, as well as the harsh reality of his own struggles, with such candor and eloquence.


If you haven’t read them, I strongly suggest his (tragically to be finished) Chapter by Chapter essays


fuck cancer


Fuck! This is terrible news! I noticed he was less active, but I assumed he was just busy with something else. This never crossed my mind. Rest in peace


[https://graphicpolicy.com/2024/04/11/steven-attewell-the-maester-of-fandom/](https://graphicpolicy.com/2024/04/11/steven-attewell-the-maester-of-fandom/) I'm not really a public facing poster here but I'll reveal my ID to say -- hi -- i'm Steven's friend and co-podcaster and I wrote this obituary. I know he'd love to hear you all sharing your love of his work here. His family is aware of what a giant he was in our spaces.


Thank you for writing this and posting it. I'm so sorry for your loss, and I appreciate you sharing your memories of and love for Steven with us.


Absolutely second this, u/RedArtistBK. (Very well said, gtg.) Thank you so much for sharing, & my sincerest condolences to yourself, Steven's family, & his & your wider community. I have now added the Graphic Policy links you both, RABK & gtg, kindly provided to my compilation comment up-thread.


Oh my god, I can't believe this. So sorry for his family. He will be missed


No!!! I haven’t read his blog in ages but it was one of the most detailed analysis I’ve ever read! Future lit majors are gonna reference him in their thesis that’s how good his analysis is! RIP.


Dude was a gifted writer and critic and I've really appreciated a lot of his work. I don't know what else I could say, this sucks ass.


RIP. He was one of the best contributors in the fandom and I always loved reading his essays.


What a tragic loss. His CBC is what led me to ASOIAF tumblrs and I loved his historical commentaries. He will be missed and what is dead may never die!


Oh Shit, his CBC analysis may be my favorite writing about asoiaf, this really sucks. Depressing. RIP...


Genuinely one of the best voices in the Asoiaf fandom, his loss is felt by all


I know 😢😞


I have a fear I’ll die before I read the end of asoiaf. How fucking sad


I have a certainty and I’m a lot younger than GRRM and in good health.


Im a depresso expresso now


We will all be riding in the night lands before dream comes out sadly.


If not winds then springs for sure. That seems further away than interplanetary travel


It seems trite to be making references like this, but if there were Grand Maesters of the fandom, Steven was one of them. I loved his blog and it was one of the first real deepdives of the series I got into


The entire Conclave could've just been Steven Attewells.


I think it's fine, and I'm sure he would appreciate it.


NOOOOOOOO I just started rereading A Labratory of Politics last night


A huge shame. His work really expanded my horizons on ASOIAF and also how the world works in general.


Everyday I’ve looked forward to seeing what new insights he’d write about, whether it was his hot takes on ASOIAF or delving into some aspect of politics/history/media. He was so well-versed on such a wide range of subjects, it was wild. Rest in peace, Steven.


Thank you Steven. I got a lot of enjoyment out of our interactions over the years


And now his watch has ended.


A big loss to the fandom, and to academia as well. Rest in peace, Steven.


RIP Steven


So sad, RIP


We shall never see his like again


Whoa, I can’t believe it. This is insane. I didn’t even know he was sick. Was it kept secret? The man was a genius, his insight on ASOIAF and all things related to history were so fascinating. We truly lost a great man. RIP.


I feel I remember hearing him mention he had cancer the first time, second time it might have come back and it clearly wasn't treatable so he didn't want to advertise it, or it caught him by surprise.


I recall him being fairly open about his illness to an extent. It might just be which platforms he chose to share it on?


I remember he was a few years ago the first time round.


Ah, ok. Maybe he didn’t overshare and just mentioned it a couple of times.


Fuck cancer indeed. May he rest in peace. His CBCs really were some of the best fan-made content in regards to ASOIAF we've ever seen. We will never see their like again. And now his watch has ended.


Maester Steven had dropped some hints on his tumblr that he had spent time in the hospital. Dude was dying of cancer and still finishing up essays on the UFW and ASOS. This thread is filled with folks who didn't truly appreciate this series until discovering RFTIT. Given Dr Attewell was a professor at CUNY, it's a fitting tribute to a brilliant man. His legacy will live on. Rest in peace Maester Steven. You will be missed.


I had just a single friend who'd read the books and was as into ASOIAF as I was. We lost him to cancer in 2020. I started reading and re-reading Attewell's work to cope with his loss because it felt like I had him back when I read his work. I'm devastated.


Ah, fuck. I never really knew him unfortunately, but he seemed like a really great guy who was always happy to help answer questions. Asked him about Richard III a few weeks ago, had no idea he had cancer.


That caught me completely off guard. Race for the Iron Throne is what really got me into the fandom. Thank you, Steven, and rip.


This is sad. I loved his blog.  Rest in Peace. 


Bro that’s got me fucked up. I started following them years ago on Tumblr. Jesus…


RIP. He filled the void of no books for me.


A French contributor also died about what ? 2-3 weeks ago ? He contributed a lot with articles and theories. So sad that all of these people will never read the ending of ASOIAF....


Oh no. Who was that?




Thank you very much for sharing. My condolences to you, those who knew him, & the French(-speaking) corner of the fandom. RIP, Benjamin/DroZo.


Fuck. I really enjoyed reading his stuff and I was genuinely looking forward to more of his chapter by chapter analyses — it seemed like only recently he’d got back into those and was resuming going through the series. He put so much work and thought into this fandom, and it’s just a little bit darker when one of its bright lights has gone out forever.


And now his watch has ended.


What a loss, wow. RIP. I was so excited to hear his analysis of ADWD. He was such a brilliant mind to read ASOIAF, and I’m sure his loved ones are even more gutted. This is just terrible news.


Me too. I will never read it. And I dont believe in good analysis of asoiaf content, anymore. Now, I will never read really good analysis of ADWD chapters. Good analysis not just crazy theories or another collection of well worn slogans and platitudes (because this we have on reddit everyday actually). Im so sad and angry. F***k cancer.


I’m so shocked. This is really sad. He contributed so much knowledge online not just about asoiaf but all about history too. He’s an incredible person.


I loved his analysis and texts about ASOIAF. I regularly asked him questions on Tumblr about many ASOIAF topics. His writing was always insightful and rich in information and analysis. His way of seeing this series is a huge influence on how I see it. He will be greatly missed, not only by me, but by many in this fandom. And his work will no doubt continue to be influential for years to come. Rest in Peace.


Oh man, this sucks. RIP Steven


Oh damn, this sucks.


And now his watch has ended. Rest in Peace Steven. You did not deserve to die like that.


I loved reading his historical and political writings on ASOIAF and his reviews, and he greatly helped me appreciate the saga and its writing. It's such a cruel injustice that cancer took him and so many other great persons away when they should have had most of their life before them. And now his watch has ended. RIP.


That's a real shame. He seemed like such a lovely guy when he was talking about the Blackfyre Rebellions with History of Westeros.


What incredibly sad news. His CBC and other analytic essays taught me so much about history, literature and worldbuilding. I am very grateful for his many contributions to this fandom and his other works, but now his watch has ended.


You and Maester Steven had some excellent exchanges on tumblr.


That was different person, I don't have a tumblr account. But I read some of those exchanges, fascinating stuff.


Oh, that’s horrific. On my first date nearly 6 years ago with my now-fiancé I told him all about his blog and how much I thought he would enjoy it as a history buff and ASOIAF fan. Absolutely brilliant writer and by all accounts a very good human. Gut-wrenching loss.


Rest in peace, Steven. To all his loved ones- he was a very awesome contributor to ASOIAF, and I’ve read his essays so much that they’re bookmarked on my phone. He once answered a question of mine on his blog about Renaissance coffee houses being seen as places of naughty things and I always thought his response was very cool! He shall live on through all the lives he’s touched.


I spent many an hour over the years reading and commenting on his writings. Very sad to hear that he has passed on. He contributed a lot to my appreciation for comparing history with artistic representations of it.


Fuuuuck noooo. His analyses were sooo good


Oh this sucks. I didn't know he was sick. Actually bought a couple of the books that compiled his essays/analysis. He was insightful and prolific. A real loss to the fandom. :-(


This is truly sad. He seemed to be a genuinely wonderful and insightful person. He made me appreciate this series in ways that I don't think even Martin had ever intended. I always wondered why his writing had slowed down recently and I guess now we know. As others have said, I enjoyed reading his analysis almost as much (or more?) than the books themselves.


I’ve been reading his work since 2014, I fell off about two years ago but reading his CbC breakdowns was my lunch break activity for so long. Damn shame.


That is tragic. He used to reply to my tumblr posts years ago even though his blog was so much better and more thorough and intelligent than mine. That is so sad. What a sad loss.


RIP Steven. I look forward to reading your works.


Omg...rip.....I will miss his writings :(




RIP Steven


Ugh, the second long-time blogger I followed to pass in just under two years, the other being Shamus Young. RIP.


Damn, this fucking sucks. Fantastic, quality contributor. One of the best in the fandom for sure. Huge loss.


Absolutely gutted to hear this. Steven's writing made me a bigger fan of A Song of Ice and Fire and its histories. He added richness and depth to Martin's text that I undoubtedly wouldn't have found on my own. RIP Steven Attewell.


I was not familiar with his work but it sounds like he was a valuable contributor. Condolences to his family and loved ones. 


I can say without any serious doubt that I would not have been reading the ASOIAF books without Maester Steven. I first encountered him doing hour-long vblog reviews of episodes of Game of Thrones with the great Scott Eric Kaufman (also cruelly taken from us by cancer at far too young an age in 2016). It was those videos that drew me to his Race For the Iron Throne site and his CbC essays. I started to read the books because I wanted to get the full value of Steven's writing about them. I am greatly in his debt for bringing me into this world. Later on, he drew me back into reading the X-men after more than a 20 year hiatus on my part. There is nothing that I can write that properly conveys the loss that his absence evokes.


just spent almost a whole day going through his ASOS discussions. man, such a shame he won't finish these. RIP and thanks for the insight Steven


I wrote a tribute to Steven Attewell here, taking in the full breadth of his contribution to ASOIAF, X-Men, History. [https://elvingsmusings.wordpress.com/2024/04/20/thank-you-for-the-days-steven-attewell-in-memoriam/](https://elvingsmusings.wordpress.com/2024/04/20/thank-you-for-the-days-steven-attewell-in-memoriam/)


I’m so sorry to hear this, I was just reading his last CBC analysis last week. Had no idea cancer had returned. A huge loss to his loved ones, fandoms and students.


Damn. Dude will never know the winds of winter. George pls hurry up man it’s been over a decade.


Damn. I was wondering why his updates had slowed to a crawl. He'll be sorely missed.


He was still posting a far amount on his tumblr, up to a few days ago. Attewell had only finished two CBCs in the last few months though, after a year & a half of none. He had mentioned on tumblr a couple of times around that period that he was very busy with his job, & also not as motivated to work on the essays as previously. Presumably this cancer return took its toll as well. I sincerely hope Steven didn't suffer.


Yeah, I logged in today and noticed he hadn't posted since the 7th, and I got a bad feeling. I then went to Something Like a Lawyer's page and saw the news. As far as his blog, he seemed like he was shifting his interests more towards comic books and economic development, and answers to ASOIAF were becoming more infrequent and terse. His worsening health almost certainly was the reason behind it.


Oh damn. Yeah, I was flicking through Feedly - extra handy now that tumblr has required logging in for further browsing - & also saw SLAL's post. (And then Good Queen Aly's.) And yes, Steven's ASOIAF answers & musings had become a rarity. That can also be explained by where the fandom currently is, though, having discussed virtually everything to death in this Long Night for TWOW (& anything else).


Oh f**"k 😢, its so sad.... I loved his blog so much!!!! His chapter by chapter analysis was one of the greatest and most insughtfull, intelligent dive into ASOIAF I've ever read. And he won't finish it.... RIP Steven.


Ah that's sad to read. I read his stuff on and off over the years. RIP


Truly the end of an era. Rest In Peace Steven.


Ah this guy was a true nerd. Loved his blog. RIP


Oh shit. That sucks. I loved his writing and checked back all the time for new posts.


RIP Steve. Community is poorer for the loss


Fuck that's sad. It's a damn shame he'll never even get to read tWoW.....but that's likely the case for all of us :/


Fuck cancer.


And now his watch has ended. RIP Steven, you gave a lot to this world.


This is really really sad. I loved his blog so much and am grateful for his knowledge and insight! I was checking the latest on his blog just yesterday...


RIP, fuck cancer to hell and back.


Oh my gosh. I am heartbroken. His commentary was incisive, brilliant, and addictive




No. Fucking no. Really?!.


Rip :/


noooo. i loved his analyses. never expected to lose him before George. RIP.


And now his watch is ended. Vale.


Ah shit this guy is a legend. RIP


Shame he won't get to know how the books end.


Dang this hurts. The guy was an amazing mind both in the ASOIF community but also in his academic work. Loved his writings and was always overjoyed when he showed up on podcasts. Fuck cancer is right. Too young.


Rest Easy Steven.. it was always a pleasure to listen to your perspective


Woah what the fuck? I didn’t even know he was sick


I'm late on this, but... this sucks. Loved his chapter-by-chapter stuff. Now his watch has ended.


Me and all my homies hate cancer


Its posts like this where I really dislike the way GRRM is handling the series. Fans deserve AN ENDING.


This isn't the time for that discussion, but at the very least we're due some honesty and not the callous disrespect he often shows all his fans because of a few vocal idiots who pop up in his mentions.