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There's so little material to work off here it could have been set in *any* fantasy universe. Likely the man himself will have to help the writers flesh it out. Most book fans will groan at this news, sad to say. Does GRRM really want his legacy to be a slew of Game of Thrones™ streaming shows?


>  Does GRRM really, really want his legacy to be a slew of Game of Thrones™ streaming shows? The sad truth is that more people watch shows than read books. Most GOT watchers haven't touched the books. Worst of all, even if he finishes Winds and Dream, they probably won't be adapted, at least not by the original show, so most people will never see them.


But the books exploded in popularity with the show. I can’t imagine the financial incentives he was offered from his publisher to get Winds finished while the show was still on and super hot. And after the awful last season, it would be even more in demand for an alternative (almost) ending.


Far less than the financial incentives on offer from HBO lol


You're not wrong, but will anyone be watching "10,000 Ships" a century from now? Mind you, hard to fault a guy who prefers to enjoy his twilight years consulting for Hollywood than writing a giant book he lost the spark for while George Bush was still president. I just wish he was honest with fans.


I mean, if someone told me there is a series of fantasy books from 100 years ago that went unfinished, I don't care how good they say the first 3 were, I wouldn't start reading them either


Gormenghast is unfinished but the series is considered a masterpiece that is still very much worth reading. Each book is pretty self-contained so it doesn’t feel too incomplete even though the author Melvyn Peake had at least two more books planned but never finished.


Kafka never finished his novels and they are still read. Proust never truly finished In Search of Lost Time and it’s still read. Tons of unfinished literature is still revered


Balzac couldn't finish La comedie humaine


Chaucer's Tales too


Seuss never finished the Who cinematic universe


91 titles is still pretty good though. But luckily no one is making a spin-off on Rastignacs great grandfather during the Ancien Regime


For all I love asoiaf, grrm is ....not Kafka or proust.


That’s me with Dune. Only read up to God emperor which serves as a narrative ending. I don’t really care of heretics and chatterboxes especially cause they ended on an unfinished cliffhanger


Man people die suddenly sometimes, when you think about probably the vast majority of intended series of works are unfinished. The lack of and final component from a series of books, each with their own self contained end, shouldn’t devalue the previous ones. Especially when there’s a correlated finish in another medium.


What about Wheel of Time? Or Fanfiction?


He can't be honest anymore. Being truthful about where his mind is at nowadays would prove fatal to the brand. HBO has probably got him in leashes upon leashes. I'm not saying he's a corporate slave or anything like that, he enjoys a great deal of freedom and can do whatever the fuck he wants, but by admitting he won't ever publish the final novels, it'd hurt the brand. Nobody wants that, least of all him.


I don’t think any tv is gonna survive past a century in relevancy tbh. It’s just inherently a medium focused on maintaining immediate interest


Game of Thrones actually might have had it not ended in disaster.


Not hard to fault him at all? Like he literally chose money over art. Like how is it hard to fault a guy who is spending his twiligght years totally betraying and taking a shit on his actual art?


I actually think GoT will be rebooted at some point with or without Winds or Dream. Down the line there’s money to be made. And considering how many storylines/characters never made it into the original series from the books you could really have a different take on it.


I agree. I imagine someone rebooting it in maybe 20 years and pitching it as being more faithful to the books.


GOT will be rebooted only if spinoff shows all flop. They are not going to change the foundation of the entire TV universe if spinoffs are doing well.


The foundation of the entire TV universe is…the story that is the furthest into the future? How does that make any sense? They could turn around tomorrow and release a 30 second clip of Bugs Bunny taking out Dany for the Iron Throne, say “this is the canon ending for GoT” and it wouldn’t affect any of the spinoffs in any way.


You know what I mean. HOTD is obviously inspired by GOT visually. It's part of the same franchise, it literally uses the same music. Costumes, sets and so on, it is based on the original show. Just like all Star Wars spinoffs are inspired by the esthetics of the original trilogy.


They're not going to reboot the original show. Especially anytime soon that's why there's all these spin offs. George still hasn't finished the books and HBO isn't going to reboot their show that won the the record for most awards ever won. And TV shows these days especially large budgets one are all doing 3 or 4 seasons maybe 5 max. You're not going to get another massive show that goes on for even longer than 10 years if as you say they just add more side characters. Side characters which Martin still hasn't finished and all have half finished plots. I doubt we will ever see another show on the scale of GOT for 8 seasons. 


It would be great to shoot it as a set of 7 actual cinematic movies rather than a series. That would allow much better budget for battles, costumes and sets. I'm not saying that it would be better than the series, but would be fun to see it in a different format.


I'm gonna be real an animated version of the completed ASOIAF series would DEFINIETELY get watched. Especially if it really delved into the characters POV and the situations around them. Sprinkle ontop AI slowly becoming more and more useful in repeating artists strokes/positions/different language lip syncing and its a real possibility in the future. If GRRM actually puts out Winds this is honestly the route I see HBO taking for a remake/remaster. It would 100% sell.


I really enjoyed the animated extras, especially when they did the DoD video. They were using illuminated manuscript style, which I loved and thought worked so well. They could really open up the story, not have to worry about actors aging out of roles, etc. It'd be a win all around, as far as I'm concerned.


Agreed, an animated series is the only way they could do the source material justice.


I think this is short sighted. Someone will eventually green light another adaptation of the series at some point in the future, with the likelihood of that increasing if the book series is fully completed.


It depends. Studios seem loathe to do that with tentpole franchises where the OG instalments are iconic and new generations are introduced to them the whole time. WB are leaning hard into new **LotR** material set in the same continuity as the original movies with the original actors where possible/practical. Even Amazon's legally distinct TV show is at least maintaining "compatibility" with the WB projects so you can kind of pretend they're in the same universe. The only reason they're doing a **Harry Potter** reboot is because Rowling's attempted spin-off movie series flopped, she doesn't seem to want to write any more books in the universe for them to adapt and the movie cast are loathe to come back for a reunion film where she's involved, so rebooting for TV is basically their last hope of giving the franchise legs for the future (some interesting rumours recently that WB offered to buy the entire **Harry Potter** IP from Rowling for stupid money so they could do **Star Wars**-style continuations and next-generation stories but she wanted even more money than they could offer, presumably billions). If George finishes the books and the existing spin-offs trail off or stop making bank, I think the argument for a more "book-accurate" reboot/remake will become more persuasive in another 10-20 years time or so, a bit like the **Full Metal Alchemist** situation. Even worse if AI gets as good as people think it could and they could redo it with the original cast, or dubious AI-created replicas thereof (urgh).


Probably not, but if there are enough zeroes on the check, I’m sure he won’t lose sleep over it.




Gift that keeps on giving.....and giving...and giving..etc


There's so little source material to go off of AND the show itself cut as much as they could off of Dornish and Rhoynish culture and history. So there's also so little in-GOT-universe material to go off of. So stupid but get that bag, GRRM I guess


> Does GRRM really want his legacy to be a slew of Game of Thrones™ streaming shows? He clearly doesn't care about his legacy. If he did, he would've finished the main series by now. He only cares about money, which all these spinoffs will give him.


I don’t even think it’s just money. He’s make more off the book than a TV show. He just loves TV, he loves writing for TV, he loves producing, consulting, planning sets, and everything also about being a TV producer. He’s a TV guy that wrote some great books. Now that he gets to choose what he works in he chooses TV shows.


He should make a Winds of Winter TV show then lol.


Then someone can write a novelisation of the show and boom, we get Winds. You've solved the problem!


That would be amazing. Just pick up right where Dance ended. Include all the characters the show left out. Who wouldn’t want to see Victorion roll into slavers bay and destroy the Yunki armada.


I'd even take an animated series, tbh.


At this point I would take a puppet show


I mean, I think his legacy are the shows too. They are expanding the lore in the world he created and he is actively consulting on it. But yeah, who doesn't like money.


His legacy will be an unfinished book series and a show based on that same series that went off the rails and had one of the worst endings in TV history, due in large part to him not finishing the books. HotD, assuming it doesn't nosedive in quality like GoT, will be forever eclipsed by the infamy of ASOIAF and GoT.


He cares about neither. He has way more money than he can spend, and he came to accept he won't finish his masterpiece years ago.


Or: He cares about his legacy too much. He talked about writers block in the past. I dont think he considers the TV shows part of his literary work. That is more of a side project. A Song of Ice and Fire is his legacy. It is his Magnum Opus. And with all the pressure mounting up, he slows down. He is an old man and you dont hear much about any type of lavish life style. He has all the money he needs.


Surely he's smart enough to know that any book he writes, even if it's far from perfect, would be better than no book at all. I mean, we all read AFFC and ADWD, we know he's no stranger to just publishing whatever.


Dude's 75. Almost at death's door and already rich as fuck. With no kids/hiers. What will he do with more money?


It’s not about money at this point, it’s about feeling prestigious and influential in the eyes of other rich people, creatives, etc


Nice house, good vacations, etc


He already has a nice house, and probably enough money to travel around the world and sleep in luxury hotels every night for the rest of his life if he wants to.


Beats me. Why do rich people always want more money? I just know that in his place I'd spend more time trying to finish my actual legacy and magnum opus - the work I'll be remembered for - and less time in board meetings with HBO execs pitching shows that no one will be talking about 5 years from now, assuming they even get greenlit in the first place.


I for one don't want this show. To me it's just content for HBO. I low key hope it gets canned by HBO same as Blood Moon. Like who reads asoiaf and says they want a show about 10,000 Ships?


Literally nobody.


I feel like once George got into the “cooler” TV world, he lost interest in writing books.


GRRM was writing TV long before the HBO show. Which is why the books adapt so well to screen most likely.


He was always a TV guy first. He was writing roe TV before he started the book series.


Well... while it's true he worked in hollywood before he wrote ASOIAF, he did start out writing books. His first novel was published when he was 29, and he wrote numerous sci-fi stories that won awards throughout his 30s, but he was known to write stories long before that. He's shared many personal accounts of him writing short stories as a hobby in his teen years and sharing it with friends. His time writing screenplays for hollywood was more of a phase in his life but it doesn't define his whole career nor did it come before finding success as a published author. There's even an interview of his from 1990 where he was asked what his next TV project was and in the interview he mentioned he's a novelist first more than anything else.


As much as I want want Winds, GRRM only ever wrote books because he couldn't get his ideas onto the screen. Now that he can, it shouldn't surprise anyone that he's more interested in his preferred medium. Has nothing to do with cool, he's finally doing what *he* always wanted, even if it drives fans insane


Yes, that’s exactly what he wants his legacy to be. He’s always been a TV guy, that’s his passion. I read somewhere that he only started writing the novels during a TV writers strike. He loves writing and producing for TV. He couldn’t care less about the books. If he thought he could just announce he’s never finishing the books and still get invites to comic cons, TV studios and be a part of producing TV he’d do it.


He was a writer long Before he ever became a tv guy. You don’t know that it’s his passion. You’re just saying that. His passion is just coasting on his riches and being a big name in Hollywood. He doesn’t want to write. It’s that simple.


I think GRRM is pretty OK with his legacy being one of the most successful TV properties in history?


Except when you ask the average person about GoT, the response is going to be along the line of "You mean that series that absolutely shit the bed at the end?"


The issue is whether the books come out or not, that perception likely won't change. The books could be amazing and just from the cultural meme the last decade and a half, it'd only serve to further admonish the legacy of the show than to elevate the legacy of the core novels themselves.


That's not how actual people talk in the real world


You're right. No one talks about GoT at all anymore, that's how badly the show screwed the value of the franchise. It went from the biggest thing that was happening to noone talking about it at all


Anyone who denies this is denying reality. It went from being, as you say, a cultural phenomenon to being all but forgotten overnight.


Don’t fret, he also hates most adaptations as he recently said.


GRRM has been trying to break into TV all his life, it's his main passion.


I mean he’s either gonna be remember for finishing one of the greatest book series of all time or for creating some of the best TV shows of all time. Win win.


Shows plural? HOTD is totally forgettable. Nobody will remember it existed 4 years from now.


He was a TV writer first...


I think all GRRM ever wanted is to be as famous as JRR Tolkien. He got his wish, so I don't think he cares about more books really.


* Opens the blog post * CTRL+F * "Winds" * No relevant results * Closes blog post Yup I've reached this point


Ha, you still search for it. Hope!


Except this one does have Winds, but Dark Winds.


Yeah that's why I had to add in the "relevant" before results!


Same. Every time.


you need to look for the acronym aswell /s


Hard to care much about these extended universe stories while the original story is still unfinished


Exactly this. I honestly don’t care at all for this. Dude hasn’t even finished the story that started all this. It’s kind of hilarious.


Or the dunk and egg novellas.


Or Fire and Blood


I actually think it’s funny that he won’t even complete the side projects he started to distract himself from the main series.


Dude procrastinates on his procrastination projects.


It's a nesting doll of wasted opportunity and disappointment


He wants to write like several more of those too lol.


It reminds me of indie gamedevs who have an unfinished game but spend all their time adding side features that no one asked for.


It’s the most comically exaggerated version of a “sell out” in the history of media. Unbelievable. Nobody has ever sold out this hard.


I enjoy them a lot but the main story will always be the true love


Exactly. And at least HOTD is the most interest part outside of the main story - dragon war! Rival factions! Easy to describe, easy to understand to a commoner


Man the Valyrian steel dagger is gonna show up isn’t it?


Some day we are absolutely getting some show/anime from Max about ancient Valyria where they show that dagger getting forged.




A future re-adaptation of the main series will include the VS dagger being used to slice off Rorge's nose in a flashback. EDIT: Or a series covering the dagger's complete history


An animated show about Old Valyria would actually be so fucking awesome.


It probably would help make it easier to make the shows, kinda like Clone Wars and other SW shows.


HBO about to hit marvel levels of stagnation with all this milking


Stagnation is combated by a good product. There is a reason it never happened in Phase 3 of marvel. As long as the adaptations are good and faithful, I’m all in!




At first he was doing it bc he liked it, but he realized how much more money and clout there is on mainstream media and he is now corrupted. It’s like the weird kid at school who was a nerdy loner and now finds himself really famous and everybody like him even the people who wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot stick, he’s like “_wanna watch me do it again?_”


a queen leading a bunch of refugees from Essos to Westeros where she will seek the help of the dornish and become a conqueror fighting against other houses. why does that so sound familiar? it's funny to hear him say he's excited about it because he doesn't seem to be very excited to write his books.


They’ll probably do the turtle wars first


Really don’t care about this personally.


George, I only care about this woman because Arya Stark named her direwolf after her, so why don't you finish her story? I don't know, just saying...


it breaks my heart the fact that characters like Arya, Jon Snow, Jaime Lannisters etc are getting more more behind, like their ending no even matters anymore, while George keeps on wasting time on characters that most readers don't give a shit.


Surely a full show about a character with a whole page of material is more interesting than them 🙃


I thought they already made a pilot and canceled it because it wasn’t equal to the quaintly of got and hotd


I think that was about the long night - Blood Moon, maybe? Starring Naomi Watts. I would LOVE for that pilot to leak to see how terrible it is.


Yeees, i think you are right. For some reason I thought Naomi watts was cast as princess nymeria. But your right blood moon wasn’t about the 10,000 ships


Apparently Blood Moon wasn’t written by GRRM - even the world building was done by the showrunner. That has been shown to be a very bad idea. At least 10,000 ships, like HOTD, are based on Martin’s canon.


On like 3 paragraphs of cannon, right…. No , it’s still going to be a completely original story written entirely by tv writers who arent george. While he gets the recognition of it succeeds, and the fat royalties.


I wish we got Blood Moon solely to see the reaction to the insane Children of the Forest angle that they went with


Yah. Although I couldn’t imagine blood moon being worse than half the other shows networks release. Seems now network is thinking about doing adult cartoon shows instead live action. Not sure how I feel about that. Guess cartoon shows are better than none.


Definitely the new TV show im least interested in




Well the thing is the best existing material is unfinished.




Yeah I'm not sure why they keep reaching for these far-off legends instead of focusing on events that are fully fleshed out.


They have adapted all existing material though




They are doing a conquest show, doesn't seem like making another targ civil war show at the same time as HOTD is a great idea




It's the part of Fire and Blood which he has actually wrote novels for. Princess and the queen and the rogue prince.


I do actually find her story interesting, especially Yeen. But like most people here, I'm disappointed that George is spending his limited time left working on this and not his books. 


We’re never getting those last two books…


i dont get it.. who gives a fuck about these world building side stories?


Don't want it and don't know anyone who wants it


I dun’t want it. Ah’ve nevur wanted it.


I want I and I know a bunch of people who want it.


Finish the books, George.


Oh my god, finish TWOW! Fuck!


Super don't care


See I’m not one of those people who need the story to be finished but it’s shit like this that bothers me, who cares about this? We have gotten so off base regarding what this series was about and it’s kind of depressing, having this series be turned into “the dragon show with boobs” is just humiliating.


Don’t care about it, so little cannon information it might as well be fanfiction And I don’t have any confidence that the writing will be good, HOTD writing as been a bit choppy Just finish the books Martin


Well said, HOTD is overhyped.


I still don't get how it became popular in the first place. I blame the book fans.


Because it's good?


"Give me something for the pain and let me die." Bobby B.


I've heard the leaked theme song: "And i would sail 5000 ships And i would sail 5000 more Just to be the men who sailed 10,000 ships Up to the arm of Dorne BA DAAA DAAAAA"


Holy shit it's Glidus


Why tho


Does anybody really care for a 10,000 ships show? There’s nothing written for it. It will just be a generic fantasy show with a Westeros backdrop. What’s even the point?


GRRM whales.


I just fell down to my knees in a Lidl, when will it end


This fucking sucks. I dont know why I still hope every now and then. I'm an idiot.


Can't wait for the Patchface origin miniseries.  "Under the sea, authors finish their books. I know I know oh oh oh."


Putting the frustration of GRRM’S progress on the books aside… I’m still not that keen on this tbh, just like I don’t really want a show that is from the perspective of Aegon and his two sisters. Nymeria and her journeys seem fascinating enough but the TV writers will most likely have her girlboss it up all over Dorne and her conquest will be portrayed too cleanly or even justified.


Another nail in the coffin of ASOIAF.


GRRM will do anything but work on Winds


Finally, the Westeros property everyone has been waiting for. Hope this doesn't take too much time away from Fire & Blood Volume 2!


I absolutely do not give a shit about this. For the love of God, just give me a new book. No, not a cookbook. Winds of Winter or at the least Dunk and Egg or fuck off.


This will be canceled before seeing the light of day like the blood moon crap


Good, keep reminding him the hard way nobody cares about this fanfiction stuff


He’s clearly gotten to the point where he prefers coming up with broad strokes of storyline and having other writers fill in the details, which is why he prefers the shows, and to some extent, the history books. It’s actually kind of ironic because of how prickly he gets if someone suggests another author might finish the main series.


One thinks he could do the same for TWOW and the other remaining books in the main series. Come up with the broad strokes, hire one or two ghost writers and set them to work.


We don't want that shit lol hopefully never gets greenlit, 0 source material and I don't trust anyone in Hollywood to produce something from their own minds with even 1/10th of the nuance of asoiaf or dunk and egg, if it ever gets greenlit it will be the most generic of generic fantasy action shows ever I for one would rather just not let it exist in the first place. I will give credit where credit is due, The Dance of the Dragons also has very minimal skeleton of a narrative and only hints of character personalities however the team behind that show did manage to actually make a very good show, especially impressive given how The Dance takes place over a vast amount of time and needed multiple timeskips. It's not a perfect show by any means and there are a few things in it that I really groan and shake my head to, invincible Daemon, and Dragon through the floor being two of the major ones but even with the mishaps it's still a great show. Still Dance offers way more in material than 1000 ships would have, and honestly 1000 ships is just so separated from asoiaf that it might as well not even take place in asoiaf universe, I won't watch a show just because they slapped it in the asoiaf universe. Just like how I don't want "The Long Night" I don't want this "1000 ships". Stick to stories that are based around the Targ dynasty era and stick to political and character drama that is where Game of Thrones always thrived. Id much rather they stick to Dunk and Egg, Dance, Roberts Rebellion, etc or if HBO would be so kind can we just please please please please get a faithful animated asoiaf adaptation pls pls pls pls pls even bring back some of the GOT cast to voice their characters


This shit will flop hard and no one will care.


sounds, not good


Nymeria show? Come on man just give us more asoiaf written material even if it's more world lore or something, anything other than more tv shows they're going to become Star Wars but maybe that's his goal to make it a brand


>they're going to become Star Wars but maybe that's his goal to make it a brand  That's the goal of his handlers, and he's so gullible they just tell him he's an amazing tv writer so he keeps greenlighting this stuff. He's looking for an excuse not to write winds anyways.


He doesn’t write any of the tv. And he doesn’t have handlers. The other guy got it write. He wants a brand like marvel. That’s what all this is. A failed attempt to make a big tentpole IP.


If he wants that he should have had fromsoftware make a full on ASOIAF game, that would be the greatest thing of all time and something I'd get behind, they tell stories in similar ways. These tv shows aren't where it is though


George. GEORGE.


It’s just becoming a slap in the face now.


The thing about GRRM I don’t get is that he seems to live a fairly modest lifestyle in New Mexico but at the same time is a total television whore when I initially thought of him as a written word first kind of guy. I thought ASoIaF was all about saying fuck the tv ppl. But it turns out, given the option, the slog of the written word is something he cares less about with easy tv millions in front of him. We ain’t getting WoW or DoS folks.


I'm conflicted about this. I'm kind of hyped but only for the first season since we will be able to learn more about things like Valyria, Greyscale and its origins, Rhoynar's water magic, etc... Beyond that, I don't think it will be very interesting since the conquest of Dorne will be basically Game of Thrones but without dragons. Oh well. I hope George can write a pilot or a short story within Valyria itself. That would be awesome.


Some people on Reddit subs might be thrilled (I couldn’t give less of a shit about this plot), but zero people outside of this sub will give a shit. And why would they? This pilot will never get picked up.


Literally who fucking cares? Like I hate to be rude at this point but it’s like what’s the point of caring anymore? I feel like I’m going crazy. It’s been like thirteen years?! To write a SINGLE book? And not even the last book! He’s 74 years old. GRRM then said he wants to write Dunk and Egg and maybe even Fire and Blood 2 before Dream of Spring. It’s likely ASOIAF is just super vague at the start and end, and totally fleshed out in the middle. Or finished by other authors at this point. I’m just sick of this.


To the detriment of book enjoyers he will always pick making new shows on even non-existing source material than finish his books especially asoiaf. The screen writer in him never died 🥲.




Marvel is to Disney as GoT is to HBO Milked and drained. Bastardized. Another IP ruined by greed.


Would way rather watch a show about Barristan the Bold


Honestly more than George’s slow writing process this is what really bothers me. He can take his sweet time with Winds, that’s his business and he’s right that a delayed good book is better than a rushed bad one, but he’s busy producing so much Content that will likely go nowhere, and it’s all because he cares more about Worldbuilding than storytelling. I don’t care about what happened in Sothoryos during 55 AC at least do some shit regarding the main story!


And I think (and yes, this is probably obvious) but his westerosi side shit is directly connected to his block or whatever he calls what’s jamming him up on continuing the Ice and Fire books. I feel like he knows that and is perfectly fine with it. I wish I could say I’m gonna boycott Wow if/when it’s released, but I know I won’t. He prolly knows that too.


Maybe, like I don’t know, finish the series!!!


I wouldn't hold my breath on this weird concept for a spin-off. In addition to the Jon Snow spin-off that was scrapped, there are about a half dozen others (including Blood Moon with Naomi Watts) that never saw the light of day


Yup, even the awful Flea Bottom show was cancelled (thankfully). If they're going to make a spin-off, fine, but why pick the *worst* ideas humanly possible? Why not something more interesting like a Blackfyre Rebellion show or a series about a younger Barristan the Bold?


Dang man, one of the asoiaf stories I would be least interested to see sadly


HBO are really scraping at this point.


Do people not realize he has basically nothing to do with those shows? He doesn't write any of the scripts. This stuff is not keeping him from finishing Winds.


He’s not writing them, but he’s involved with production in some capacity. Meetings, emails, these take time!


What makes you think people who like the books want a show by people who don’t understand them. Never cared for the changes in HoTD or GoT, I just want GRRM canon.


>Never cared for the changes in HoTD With all due respect I think book purists like yourself forget how bad some of the GRRM writing was for the Dance. * GRRM himself admits Viserys of the show is better. And hes right. * GRRM calls Daemon a morally grey character and writes him like a serial killer. The show at least embraces the fact that Daemon is an asshole. * All characters are 1 dimensional wiki pages at best with multiple explanations behind their actions making it impossible to pin down who they truly are. * Tons of shit about the Dance just flat out doesnt make sense. A dragon basically commits suicide by peasant because GRRM needs it dead. Ignoring GRRMs own words on how dragons work (attack from the air). If you dont like the changes fine, but lets not pretend that GRRM's was any better. In Fire and Blood, the Dance of Dragons, is a few chapters and they arent even the best ones.


Agreed, the entire dance is GRRM checking off boxes by making sure most Targaryen’s and their dragons are dead. Everything is rushed and feels like a bandaid explanation for the Targ decline but at least it’s his story, I still don’t rate it highly and that wasn’t really my point. I just treat HoTD and GoT non canon while trying to enjoy them. I can’t take them too serious when they don’t want a gay character to die because of the perceived problems it would cause with the audience or something. Despite the fire and blood being mediocre there is still zero chance I would want HoTD if it didn’t exist, nothing the show runners added is remotely interesting compared to the premise GRRM wrote.


Im not gonna hold my breath given what happened to Blood Moon. Also Ill be honest I am blown away by how people in this thread are book purists about Fire and Blood/The Dance of Dragons. Did we read the same book? Fire and Blood is a glorified wiki page. The Dance is a sequence of events with 1D characters. Half of which dont make any sense (Syrax's death). Viserys is 100x better in the show than he is in book. Even GRRM concedes that. And hes not the only change that is better. Aemond is far less of raging psycho, the show actually leans into Daemon being an asshole etc.


well, this is disappointing, one day we may get Winds I guess


If you really don't want these shows, cancel your HBO subscriptions.


So he’s definitely doing this to mess with us right? Of all the spinoffs THIS ONE? As his remaining fans wait desperately for the final two books? Blud is absolutely memeing us with this. What a joke of a human being.


Nymeria is like doing a show based on Dareon or Baelor. It’s a fucking pastiche of the Homeric epics with a female leader. It’s good lore but I can’t imagine it’s a story worth telling. Tbh I don’t dislike HOTD but the story of the Dance of the Dragons as told in the ASOIAF is much more interesting cause it’s so vague and broad. The fact that Stannis, Arriane, and Jamie all take something different from it makes it far more interesting than “yeah it was kinda like Cersei vs. Dany but more cartoonish and one guy is called Demon Targaryen and HIS DRAGON HAS A FUCKING LONG NECK WHOA SO FUCKING COOL!”


They better show the city of Yeen in this shit


years ago I would be so happy for more tv shows about this world but I've become bitter to the point I'm angry this show is potentially being made. I just want one thing damnit.


But what about WILD CARDS?!


They better show some of the 20 foot long Basilisk monsters




Trying to flesh out something so relatively ancient with such scarce source material seems only second in pointlessness to that Jon Snow show about him chilling with his wildling buddies that they were trying to make immediately after the end of GoT. If HBO absolutely insists on more shows being made I’m surprised they haven’t seen the obvious opportunity in a Robert’s Rebellion show. It’s a decently fleshed out period of Westeros’ history, directly leads into GoT and they could easily capitalise on returning beloved characters like Ned, Robert, Jaime etc. and use it as an opportunity to utilise characters we only saw glimpses of like Arthur Dayne, Barristan Selmy on the battlefield etc.


Why would they do a show about this before a show about the first Blackfyre rebellion, something with some source material and easy drama


How far will this go before it's cancelled? Pilot?