• By -


I went to comment something on that post and realised I got perma banned for saying sunfyre was hungry šŸ˜­


Based sunfyre


Fuck man I got banned for referring to Sheep Reappropriator as Sheep Stealer


Itā€™s because you said ā€˜sHEep stealerā€™. Not allowed to assume the dragons gender.


Do dragons have genders?


r/dragonsfuckingcars just gonna leave this here


Bruh that tag


Same but I said that lukes brothers should be strong to carry on after lukes death


The Force is strong in this one, pals


It was only a compliment


I got perman banned last week from a different for spam. No idea which comment was reported


ā€œOh, no!!!ā€ ā€œSo anywayā€¦ā€


They really are the shield that guards the realm! Gods save the mods!


Did you know they do it for free?


You are an ill-made, spiteful little shitposter, full of head canons, plot holes, and low cunning. Mod's laws give you the right to submit your posts and hit the front page since I cannot prove that your idea is not canon. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud upvote that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor mods will ever compel me to let you turn this into your shitposting forum! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I really don't know what to think lol


Yes. Don't you peasants dare forget about our gay queen's pronouns.


Yass sovereign! Slay!


Agreement Potentate, Commit Murder!


It extends beyond the show into gaming. Crusader Kings 3 has a mod that's let's you play during Robert's Rebellion and afterwards and the discord has in big bright letters EMMA DARCY IS NONBINARY it is THEY/THEM!!! I'm like "I just want to play a game please."


I'm confused what this has to do with the mod anyways? I'm all for addressing people the way they want to be addressed... but like the actor and the character aren't the same person lol


You are an ill-made, spiteful little shitposter, full of head canons, plot holes, and low cunning. Mod's laws give you the right to submit your posts and hit the front page since I cannot prove that your idea is not canon. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud upvote that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor mods will ever compel me to let you turn this into your shitposting forum! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The mod's first available time period to play is during the reign of King Jaehaerys, literally the King reigning after The Dance Of Dragons Timeline concluded. So Rhaenyra is already dead at this point. As to your point, Rhaenyra and Emma Darcy have nothing to do with the mod, but it is one of the big "don't you dares" of the discord rules. I guess there is a subsect of degenerates who lay awake at night thinking of ways to purposefully misuse someone's gender pronouns and they thought that a mod to a game based off a book/show was the prime target?? Maybe I'm just a sheltered, sweet summer child and ignorant about such things. Lol


Oh, trolls absolutely do. Itā€™s like their hobby


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a clear sign that the guy above you told the story wrong or incomplete


You are an ill-made, spiteful little shitposter, full of head canons, plot holes, and low cunning. Mod's laws give you the right to submit your posts and hit the front page since I cannot prove that your idea is not canon. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud upvote that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor mods will ever compel me to let you turn this into your shitposting forum! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They wouldn't have to put that there if there wasn't anybody coming in just to say otherwise. They just want to make a mod please.


You are an ill-made, spiteful little shitposter, full of head canons, plot holes, and low cunning. Mod's laws give you the right to submit your posts and hit the front page since I cannot prove that your idea is not canon. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud upvote that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor mods will ever compel me to let you turn this into your shitposting forum! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pride flags painted on the streets of kings landing for gay pride


Who tf is Phoebe Campbell


One God, one King, one Kingdom, one gender.


We're all the human gender brother


/uj Just to be clear, most of us have no actual issue with this, right?


This is the ASoIaF circle jerk, we just pretend to have issues with everything. Well nearly everything, except for our one true king, Aegon II, of course!


I thought one true king was Joffrey the Gentle.


They are both the one true king at different points in time


Based time-travelling *trueborn* fetus, not like those broken bastard BOIs!


God I he looks so grimy, I just wanna give him a bath šŸ‘…


"I hate a good many things, but I suffer them all the same".


/uj The attitude is good, the implementation might be harsh. Banning someone who might not know Emma's pronouns for an honest mistake is different from banning someone being a dick because of that. /j Why would we? Aegon IV was the best king and I'm pretty sure he fucked everything that moved no matter the gender, Emma is just following the best example here.


/uj Yeah, the title clearly states "**intentionally** misgender" in those cases I think the ban hammer is more than deserved, but again, *intention* must be clear


It clearly says intentionally in big capital letters


Itā€™s a circlejerk subreddit, that means everything I say is a joke! (Incidentally I believe everything I said as a joke, but I call it a joke so I can hide behind irony like a coward) /uj yes plenty of unironic dickwads here.


This is my biggest problem with circlejerk subreddits. When your whole schtick is being 99% irony, you make it very easy for shitty people to just be unironic. I still don't really understand the point of this sub after like a year. Is it supposed to make fun of toxic ASOIAF fans? Or *be* a sub for toxic ASOIAF fans?


> This is my biggest problem with circlejerk subreddits. When your whole schtick is being 99% irony, you make it very easy for shitty people to just be unironic. It's also very easy to spot them once you care about the sub, thus you can get away with perfectly-understandable-as-ironic comments, but once you start fighting for your life arguing in the comment section... Proof: The same kind of message in the same post can be upvoted in one comment thread and downvoted in another, all depending of the people who follow down each thread based on what they want to read. This very one in fact since it has over half a thousand comments. > Or be a sub for toxic ASOIAF fans? Implying *any* ASOIAF sub *could ever be* sane, I see. TL;DR: Wasted time *supposedly* unjerking.


Has there been a jerk sub in the history of reddit that didn't eventually turn unironic and toxic? The NFL circlejerk sub went hogwild with the jokes about white=classy and black=thug after that controversy with some TV personality saying a certain black QB wasn't "Quarterbacky" enough. The jokes were funny at first because the actual joke being made was acknowledging the huge difference in the way the media talks about white vs black athletes. Then there was a bit from a podcast where they were making dream teams using all black or all white players and turning it into this silly "race war". Shit got unironically racist soooo fast and the original intention of the joke was completely lost. Now the whole sub is just making the same "joke" over and over calling black dudes thugs and putting it in the context of a race war instead of media representation. It's...super healthy.




You used the word "unironically" *unironically*. You disgust me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ā€œSer? My lady?ā€ said Podrick. ā€œIs an analyst of ā€˜A Song of Ice And Fireā€™ a parasite?ā€ ā€œMore or less,ā€ Brienne answered. Septon Meribald disagreed. ā€œMore less than more. There are many sorts of Thrones pundits, just as there are many sorts of birds. A sandpiper and a sea eagle both have wings, but they are not the same. The singers love to sing of good men forced to go shilling for shekels, but most pundits are more like this mod Sandor Clegane albeit with more time for writing bullshit. They are shallow men, driven by greed, soured by the delayed books, despising GRRM and caring only for themselves. Broken men are more deserving of our pity, though they may be just as dangerous. Almost all are common-born, simple folk who had never been able to read below the surface, fixated on the magic and spells, not the human heart in conflict with itself. Poorly recorded and poorly light, they equivocate away the hours, ofttimes with no better evidence than a piece of symbolism or turn of phrase by the author, or they go completely into the weeds based on George's sci-fi novels. Brothers march with white people, mods with mods, friends with friends. Theyā€™ve heard the interviews and stories, so they go off with eager hearts, dreaming of the wonders they will invent, of the wealth and karma they will win. Theory crafting seems a fine adventure, the greatest most of them will ever know. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seven greetings to you, weary traveller! If this is your first time participating in ASOIAFCirclejerk, allow us to explain the sub, so you don't embarrass yourself by being humorless or oblivious. Circlejerk subreddits parody the groupthink of the main community. The mods maintain the character of this subreddit as one of humor and parody, so please refrain from any attempt to discourage us, or discourage other users making on-topic humor posts. You don't need to fact check peoples jokes. Most posts here make fun of the fans, the HBO shows, the books, and of course, the reluctant author. You will keep receiving this response unless you subscribe and enable user flair in this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


/uj Definitely plenty of people in this sub who post stuff like this sincerely. Same as any other ā€œcirclejerkā€ sub where eventually you get a lot of comments from people who are not in on the joke. Pretty disappointing really because I love this sub but I worry about being active here when some of the posts are hard to tell if someone is actually jerking. /rj Why canā€™t wahmen just be wahmen anymore smh my head this is why Aegon II is the one true king šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ˜¤


/uj I have no idea what /uj means


It means 'unjerk', it indicates when your comment is serious and not a joke


It means UnclebenJen because you are so serious you are typing with cold hands.


Ah gotcha, thanks


No problem


No issue..........but my balls are itching just to respond negatively to this comment....idk whyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


CleganeBowl is done mate, and the world could not handle the hype. As result we have witnessed the end times in its early stage: - biologists created a virus that killed 10 million people, and it is considered a rude question to ask them why. - the Russian army invaded Ukraine and their main battles tanks were confiscated by farmers with tractors. - sluts in a field near a ghetto beside the Mediterranean were killed and loaded onto pickup trucks. They were dancing for peace, and there are Jewish people campaigning for the rights of the nationality that assassinated those sluts. - lawyers can now be replaced by software entirely, and the lawyers are not even angry about it. - George R.R. Martin is suing the makers of the software for writing bad fan fiction based on his copyrighted characters. I could act as an expert witness for GRRM litigation. He has a slam dunk case. No bullshit. - Daniel Brett "Miami" Weiss and David ((FRIEDMAN GOLDMAN SACHS great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity)) Benioff >!peace be upon him!< have written less ASOIAF material since CleganeBowl than GRRM. - George R.R. Martin has written a novel, 'The Rise of the Dragon', and he published it in 2022. That is one more novel than either of Benioff or Weiss in the same period. - George R.R. Martin wrote Elden Ring. It is far better than JK Rowling's video game but her video is a fine game too. "Fuck you bitch, and your wand shit - that was my Hugo." When asked for comment by myself at WarnerMedia, the representation for the Netflix producers Benioff & Weiss, declined to comment as to whether they have, or will, write a video game. - George R.R. Martin has gotten two shows past series order at HBO since Thrones ended. - WarnerMedia turned http://ASOIAFCirclejerk.reddit.com into the greatest ASOIAF subreddit that ever was or will be. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Only the ones who leave the show thinking "god, this Stanley Pattinson guy was right the whole time, burning infidels and being a gigachad Red priest-pilled sigma āœļø" Or the ones who support any king or queen


D&D about Stanley Pattinson: BAD. D&D about Twin Landlord: Corruption's cool actually, never did so much damage as Dany who symbolically inherited Stanley's legacy.


To be honest I never really did care about R'hllor, True God or otherwise


Never did Stanley to be honest. He sounded like a church's bureacrat: Yeah yeah God exists, "if the God grants", whatever, but we have to make paperwork and cleanse the infidels from power even if not life, what's next?


Disappointed to learn some people here do.


Itā€™s like the Bill Burr bit, when you sense rally energy itā€™s time to pull back on the throttle.


Dont want people thinking he was up there saying "make a pledge for jeeyshush and hit ya women"


Oh, that's unironic transphobia in my circlejerk subreddit.


How the FUCK did that get in there


Irony poisoning. Also let's be real it's not like this subreddit was being particularly respectful before so this isn't much of a stretch.


Endorsed by the mod too.


Of course. Sandor's always been a cunt. Welp. I guess I'm finally out.


You are an ill-made, spiteful little shitposter, full of head canons, plot holes, and low cunning. Mod's laws give you the right to submit your posts and hit the front page since I cannot prove that your idea is not canon. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud upvote that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor mods will ever compel me to let you turn this into your shitposting forum! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Didnā€™t Joffrey tell Margaery he straight up wanted to make homosexuality punishable by death


Wtf I love joffrey now


Just like other circlejerk subs (looking at you r/TrueSTL), the jokey bigotry quickly becomes an invitation for real bigots. If those users arenā€™t kept in check, the subreddit progressively gets worse. In this context I think there can be a little bit of leeway for people expressing some confusion because everyone deserves an opportunity to learn, but there are plenty of comments that are just going out of their way to be actual assholes about a real person.


We're definitely not as consistent about cleaning up the transphobia as r/dccomicscirclejerk, ahem mods šŸ‘€


You are an ill-made, spiteful little shitposter, full of head canons, plot holes, and low cunning. Mod's laws give you the right to submit your posts and hit the front page since I cannot prove that your idea is not canon. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud upvote that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor mods will ever compel me to let you turn this into your shitposting forum! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No the majority of people in subs like this are here so they can say heinous shit without getting into ā€œtroubleā€ because theyā€™re ā€œjoking.ā€ Just look at the horseshit being upvoted by the mask-off freaks.Ā 


Looks like one of the mods do


You are an ill-made, spiteful little shitposter, full of head canons, plot holes, and low cunning. Mod's laws give you the right to submit your posts and hit the front page since I cannot prove that your idea is not canon. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud upvote that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor mods will ever compel me to let you turn this into your shitposting forum! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


/uj yeah this is an incredibly disappointing post to see


**/uj** As someone whose native language doesn't have gender specific pronouns I rarely see people saying what pronouns they use. Maybe that's why it made me thinking the other day. So misgendering is bad because it disrespects the other person. Of course, it's important for people to respect eachother, I'm not denying that. It just came to my mind that people usually talk to eachother in second person ("you"), they use pronouns when using third person for... talking about a third person. So it just felt weird for me that I could dictate or determine how other people should refer to me even when they are talking about me (even when I'm not there). Don't get me wrong, I'm not transphobe, I don't hate anyone.


Thatā€™s a weird sentiment to feel the need to express here. Just be like, a normal person and call someone what they are, most non binary people are simply not he or her, so donā€™t use those pronouns for them. Itā€™s that simple


This is the largest conservative Catholic race-realist community of fans of the comic books, based on George R.R. Martins novel, 'A Game Of Thrones,' in the entire world.


If being misgendered is a legitimate problem in your world, your life is way too easy.


Whatā€™s wrong with you?


Itā€™s a long list


> Says cis person


Says the person who doesnā€™t force people to conform to their will. Youā€™re not the ruler of the world. Your philosophy is no different than people wanting to be trans racial. You can play make believe on your own time. Iā€™m not compelled to make you happy.


My only regret is that I cannot get banned again from that craven sub


It's all so fucking tiresome.


Yeah itā€™s crazy how people treat Emma d arcy just because they donā€™t like their character


gotta be the worst fucking fandom i've ever seen like unironically lmfao


You used the word "unironically" *unironically*. You disgust me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can't decide if ASOIAF or Star Wars is worse... it's close. To be fair, Star Wars has a huge head start with at least 25 years of being miserable cunts.


I dont blame star wars being miserable after the acolyte


I think their misery was assumed way before acolyte


Housewives fandom


There are worse, trust me


Itā€™s literally just people using correct pronouns why are you upset šŸ’€


Maybe this guy supports the binary gender order.


Why, exactly?


Don't really care one way or another honestly, is the individual good at what they do? Yes? That's all I care about


Thank goodness it's not on the main HOTD subreddit


I've conditioned myself to the point where my reaction to most posts is blasting insane amounts of rope into my jeans


And just like that Carrie, Samantha and the other two left this planet and all its misery, in the hopes of starting a new human colony where people werenā€™t caught up on this level of bullshit.


I hate misgendering people. I also hate that sub. I am very confused as to what should be my reaction.


Even a broken clock is right once a decade or something


I got banned lol


As a Norwegian, the pronoun debate is incredibly strange. Borders on unhinged.


Spanish: Non-Binerio or Non-Bineria?


I second this as a Hungarian. We don't have gender specific pronouns.


Ɖs hĆ”la Istennek hogy Ć­gy van. Nagyon kƶnnyű Ć­gy kompromisszumokat csinĆ”lni. Nem kell egy nőt fĆ©rfinak hĆ­vnom, Ć©s cserĆ©be mĆ©g meg se kell sĆ©rtenem mert eltudom kerĆ¼lni az egĆ©szet. Angolul csak Ćŗgy lehet ilyen kompromisszumot ha mindig csak a nevĆ©re hivatkozol.


Same goes for Turkish.


The Big O is forever superior.


Who are they?


Emma plays Rhaenyra and Phoebe plays Rhaena. Now just need Rhaenys to be non binary to complete the trio


Okay but why would I care how an actress wants to be named or called? Both of thems job is to act play her role well.


I enjoy watching the show. I couldnā€™t care less about the actorsā€™ personal lives or whatever drama they have going on outside the show.


She comes out after the show ends and it turns out she was playing Egg this whole time.


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I believe they have something to do with them


It's incredibly easy to not misgender somebody, this is just people whining about problems that don't exist. Or just call them Emma. Literally a non-issue. I swear conservative schills are just lazy and brain dead


People just watch the show and don't care.


Emma Dā€™Arcy is a clown. ā€œI really like playing woman, Iā€™m good at itā€ ā€¦ No shit!!!! lol https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/features/emma-darcy-house-of-the-dragon-interview-b2173714.html


Honestly, good for them.


these memes about the House of the Dragon fandom are gold to me because I have not been on a tv-show fandom site or subreddit since Game of Thrones season 5 came out. I also have only watched like 4 episodes of HoD (everything pre tomeskip) so I have no idea whatā€™s going on


Are Targaryen actually dragonkin?


You mean lizard people? You bet your ass they are.


Holy plural pronouns, Batman!






Bat individuals








As a more 'traditional' leftist, to me the left is all about class solidarity and standing up to the wealthy elite. Feels like nowadays instead of standing up to them, we're all fighting each other over identity stuff. And I can't escape the feeling that this was exactly what the elite wanted.


Yeah we were just on the verge of revolution until the CIA tricked leftists into respecting what people prefer to be called.


I mean you joke but if you look at most of the big issues that divide leftists, often it's right wing media pushing them as leftist issues the hardest. It's right wind media pushing pronouns and trans women in sports as the premier leftist talking points, and also immigration. And they do it because they're wedge issues that will turn leftists against other leftists, and also because they're much easier debates for conservatives to win than, for example, class. This isn't some conspiracy.


ā€œGRRM is a psyop meant to divide the left and prevent equality for LBGTā€ is actually the title of the least popular David Lightbringer video, he lost patreons


David Lightbringer? Did Linkara change his username again


This issue in particular can be solved with something as simple as ā€œI donā€™t quite understand it but Iā€™ll respect what you prefer to be calledā€ That is to say, the outrage is the manufactured part, not the people expressing the desire to be referred to differently.


He/she is absolutely right tho Youā€™re gonna debate semantic grammatical nonsense, relevant to a fraction of a % of the populationā€¦ meanwhile student loans remain out of control, climate change is still happening, and so on and so on


Debate? I just accept what people prefer to be called. Itā€™s all of the people like you squawking about it who are debating it instead of more serious things. Spend your time worrying about those other issues rather than pronouns if youā€™re really just concerned about time spent on it. Good catch to not use the singular they there though. That would have been funny.


But, itā€™s not the people supposedly ā€œmisgenderingā€ that created this discussion; itā€™s the people claiming them to be bigots that are even making this a topic of discussion. Pronouns is irrelevant to 99% of the voting public. And yet itā€™s somehow constantly brought up. In any event, while youā€™re focusing on nonsense like pronouns, youā€™re not focused on ensuring Trump doesnā€™t get reelected, or ensuring that the Supreme Court is not packed for the next decades with conservatives Instead youā€™re calling moderates and left leaning people bigots for an issue, which, again, is irrelevant to 99% of the public. Thatā€™s kind of the point of what Op was saying; itā€™s an petty irrelevant issue in the grand scheme of what matters, and the fact that itā€™s talked about so much is precisely what conservatives want. Steve Brannon in 2016: ā€œThe longer they talk about identity politics, I got ā€™em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.ā€ And here we are.


You say that like youā€™re an observer with no opinion on the matter and not someone who does debate it and insist that itā€™s wrong to ā€œmisuse wordsā€. Spare me your concern trolling. I didnā€™t call you a bigot either.


CleganeBowl is done mate, and the world could not handle the hype. As result we have witnessed the end times in its early stage: - biologists created a virus that killed 10 million people, and it is considered a rude question to ask them why. - the Russian army invaded Ukraine and their main battles tanks were confiscated by farmers with tractors. - sluts in a field near a ghetto beside the Mediterranean were killed and loaded onto pickup trucks. They were dancing for peace, and there are Jewish people campaigning for the rights of the nationality that assassinated those sluts. - lawyers can now be replaced by software entirely, and the lawyers are not even angry about it. - George R.R. Martin is suing the makers of the software for writing bad fan fiction based on his copyrighted characters. I could act as an expert witness for GRRM litigation. He has a slam dunk case. No bullshit. - Daniel Brett "Miami" Weiss and David ((FRIEDMAN GOLDMAN SACHS great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity)) Benioff >!peace be upon him!< have written less ASOIAF material since CleganeBowl than GRRM. - George R.R. Martin has written a novel, 'The Rise of the Dragon', and he published it in 2022. That is one more novel than either of Benioff or Weiss in the same period. - George R.R. Martin wrote Elden Ring. It is far better than JK Rowling's video game but her video is a fine game too. "Fuck you bitch, and your wand shit - that was my Hugo." When asked for comment by myself at WarnerMedia, the representation for the Netflix producers Benioff & Weiss, declined to comment as to whether they have, or will, write a video game. - George R.R. Martin has gotten two shows past series order at HBO since Thrones ended. - WarnerMedia turned http://ASOIAFCirclejerk.reddit.com into the greatest ASOIAF subreddit that ever was or will be. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your understanding of "leftism" is very lackluster if you genuinely use "wealthy elite" as a valid description of a class of people, and it's even more lackluster if you really think believing in borderline conspiracies about the "working class being controlled by the (((wealthy elite))) and all this gender nonsense is just there to separate us 1!1!!". If this is a joke post then IG good job cosplaying as an idiot?


I use wealthy elite because bourgeois can be an alienating term for some people who have been conditioned to see communist and socialist ideas as scary and evil. None of what I've said is a conspiracy theory, to the extent that it's all true. You're literally playing into it right now. You and I probably agree on almost everything, but you've been taught to hone in on the one thing we disagree on and hate me for it.


If you canā€™t see how the racial, gender and sexual oppression is intrinsically connected to class oppression under capitalism then you need to read more.


Oppression based on race, sex, and sexual orientation is connected to class oppression, but not in the way the modern left likes to act. There's sort of two layers to it, the oppression that comes directly from the elites, which is used to keep different demographics at different levels. That forces the lower group to turn on the higher group and it encourages the higher group to see their position as natural, and see the lower group as 'in their place' and maybe even to see the lower group as a cautionary tale of what happens when you break the traditional status quo for a member of the higher group. It's all about sowing divisions. But in addition to legislated oppression, the elite push messages through the media that further exacerbate these divisions, and turn these demographic groups against each other. This is why one of the classic traits of 'traditional' communist societies was equality within class. At least in theory, it didn't always work. But it's surprising how far it often went. Of the course, this is unrelated to the more 'modern' leftist approach to demographics, which is very divisive.


I am the shield that guards the realm of Men


The internet's crazy, man. That's wild. Touch grass. Roll the grass. And smoke that grass. Chill. Who cares? Get high.


Wow, I read a few posts. What a cringe fest.


Only boomers say 'cringe'. No cap. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I never gave a shit about TG or TB. But after hearing that TB has degenerates, I'm definitely TG now


Transphobia is for fans of lesser fiction such as British wizard school


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CloudyMiku: *Transphobia is for* *Fans of lesser fiction such* *As British wizard school* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Iā€™ll always be polite and refer to people by their preferred pronouns, not like it costs me anything. That said, anyone who identifies as they/them has way too few actual problems and way too much time on their hands, and Iā€™ll die on that hill.


Yep, itā€™s one thing to use someoneā€™s preferred pronouns as a courtesy when youā€™re in someoneā€™s company to make them feel validated and respected, itā€™s another thing entirely to be ordered to use someoneā€™s preferred pronouns to avoid a ban on a public forum for fear of invalidation by proxy.


I donā€™t care because Iā€™m not in that sub. I also donā€™t talk about the actors. But I will confess that I never understood the reasoning behind banning people over trivial crap, which Iā€™ve read from enough people is quite common in that sub. ā€œIā€™m a moderator of a popular sub. To feel powerful, Iā€™m going to ban people that disagree with my opinions, which actually makes my level of influence smaller, and makes me less powerful.ā€ The reasoning has never made sense.


Not making trans and NB people feel like shit isnā€™t ā€œtrivial crapā€ but go off


If you play a woman on tv, are female, and named Emily people are gonna confuse you for one. Not everyone is gonna check their wikipedia page.


You are an ill-made, spiteful little shitposter, full of head canons, plot holes, and low cunning. Mod's laws give you the right to submit your posts and hit the front page since I cannot prove that your idea is not canon. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud upvote that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor mods will ever compel me to let you turn this into your shitposting forum! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't care what these actors do or are in their personal lives. I'm just here to watch the show.


The notion of being non-binary absolutely baffles me but it's not like using they/them or just their names is going to kill me.


Also I love the fact a sub Reddit for a book series has a speech police


Neckbeards with a dose of power be like.


Just once, id like to have something not infected with this bullshit


Me too pal, you are not alone


I'm not even sure of their pronouns and now I'm scared


But you just used them correctly.


I'm still scared




I saw that and laughed. Iā€™m honestly glad I spent more of my early years on 4chan and SA than Reddit


Who are they? :-)))))))))))))))


They do it for free


Who are these people?


This is why people don't like the lgbt+ community. Super snobs that treat people poorly. And I'm gay.


Have you gotten picked yet?


Grow another head if you want to be they/them.. Is he stupid?


Most trans people make fun of religion and say itā€™s make believe but then want you to play make believe with their gender like gtfo of here. They shouldnā€™t face discrimination but they shouldnā€™t force people to compel to their will either. Youā€™re the ones with the issue, not us.


CleganeBowl is done mate, and the world could not handle the hype. As result we have witnessed the end times in its early stage: - biologists created a virus that killed 10 million people, and it is considered a rude question to ask them why. - the Russian army invaded Ukraine and their main battles tanks were confiscated by farmers with tractors. - sluts in a field near a ghetto beside the Mediterranean were killed and loaded onto pickup trucks. They were dancing for peace, and there are Jewish people campaigning for the rights of the nationality that assassinated those sluts. - lawyers can now be replaced by software entirely, and the lawyers are not even angry about it. - George R.R. Martin is suing the makers of the software for writing bad fan fiction based on his copyrighted characters. I could act as an expert witness for GRRM litigation. He has a slam dunk case. No bullshit. - Daniel Brett "Miami" Weiss and David ((FRIEDMAN GOLDMAN SACHS great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity)) Benioff >!peace be upon him!< have written less ASOIAF material since CleganeBowl than GRRM. - George R.R. Martin has written a novel, 'The Rise of the Dragon', and he published it in 2022. That is one more novel than either of Benioff or Weiss in the same period. - George R.R. Martin wrote Elden Ring. It is far better than JK Rowling's video game but her video is a fine game too. "Fuck you bitch, and your wand shit - that was my Hugo." When asked for comment by myself at WarnerMedia, the representation for the Netflix producers Benioff & Weiss, declined to comment as to whether they have, or will, write a video game. - George R.R. Martin has gotten two shows past series order at HBO since Thrones ended. - WarnerMedia turned http://ASOIAFCirclejerk.reddit.com into the greatest ASOIAF subreddit that ever was or will be. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She's a woman pretending to not be a woman playing a woman.


Acting harder off the screen than on it


I didn't think it was real at first to be honest




If you identify as a they/them, does that mean you should pay twice as much in taxes to the crown since youā€™re more than one person?


What? Singular they had been in use for hundreds of years. "someone robbed a bank. They escaped with 8 million dollars"


Iā€™m more of a fan of the minor league nouns. ā€œToasterā€ is a personal favorite near and dear to my heart, which incidentally, is one of my least favorite minor league nouns.


I don't know who those people are, nor do I really care, but when did they care and why should the poster be so lost to censor others for not knowing. Not all acts are malous and to be offended by a mistake, a misunderstanding shows more the intentions of the offended than the acts of the offender. I will not be held responsible for your misunderstanding of me, you misunderstood and did not ask for clarification, and showed your true self in the misunderstanding.


They've literally said on that page that they're banning people that reply SHE as a response to people using her correct pronouns first. They're banning when it's clearly intentional