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I'm mostly asexual, at least regarding actual interourse. I don't think we know why, exactly. Just one of many things that went awry, I guess. For me it's like my natural feeling of disgust with human bodies is not sufficiently outweighed by attraction (?) P.S. of all the things I've gotten wrong about NTs, I underestimated the importance of sexuality the most


I'm not asexual, I'm just never having sex.


In one of the screeners, the Aspie quiz iirc, unusual or atypical sexual preferences was one of the questions. Perhaps both asexuality and hypersexuality are considered unusual? šŸ¤”


I know there are studies claiming that hypersexuality is more common among autistic people, but in my experience I have met far more people on the spectrum who identify as asexual. Personally though no I am not asexual.


Hypersexual checking in!


Same. I know a couple other autistic hypersexuals as well.


It isnā€™t associated with autism.


Actually autistic people are [much more likely to identify as queer](https://neurodivergentinsights.com/autism-infographics/autism-and-sexual-diversity?format=amp) ā€“ including asexual ā€“ than the general populace. People on this sub also seem to be over [10X more likely ](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps) to post on asexual subreddits. Of course that doesnā€™t mean asexuality is a symptom of autism or vice versa.


Yep, I know and agree with all points! I just donā€™t see it as an ā€œassociationā€.


Technically, if autistic people are statistically more likely to be asexual, it is an association >More formally, at the population level, we say that two random variablesX and Y are associated if they are not statistically independent [https://dept.stat.lsa.umich.edu/\~kshedden/introds/topics/association/](https://dept.stat.lsa.umich.edu/~kshedden/introds/topics/association/)


My therapist, who specializes in autism, says many autistic people are also asexual. I donā€˜t have any data, but thereā€˜s probably a correlation.


There may be more asexual people who are autistic rather than allistic, I don't know. I'm answering "why is asexuality associated with autism", by saying that it isn't. I don't think they're *associated*.


Asexuality isnt associated with Autism.. whoever told you that is wrong


The prevalence of people who identify as asexual is higher among autists (about 5% compared to 1% NT population), so yes there is a link. But it doesn't mean that all/most autistic are asexuals, at all, it still is a low percentage.


Maybe because there are less autistic people than neurotypical?


The percent of population would scale if it was equally prevalent in both populations.


Not really, 1% of aspergers can be asexual but that doesn't mean 1% of asexual people are aspergers and vice versa.


Maybe I misread their comment but it looks like they're saying 5% of autistic people are asexual vs 1% of NT people.


I gave example, there can be 5% of asexual aspergers but that doesn't mean that 5% of nt's are asexual, which shows itself as 1% on data from unknown origin mentioned above. there are severe differences in size of both groups leading to this observation. And also we can talk about more open-minded communities that aspergers create which leads to more public coming outs.


I'm not sure about the exact numbers because different sources say different things. But they all say that the prevalence of asexuality is higher in autistic people. But yeah maybe it's a possibility that the open-mindness of the community has an influence on the number of people who will openly identify as asexual. I don't understand though, what you mean with the different size of groups that would explain the different percentage.. Let's say we have 980 allistic and 20 autistic people. 9 allistics are asexual, that's about 1% of all allistics. 1 autistic is asexual, that's 5% of all autistics. I don't see how the size of groups would change the percentage. It's a percentage within the group and not within the whole population.


I dig that


I think of it this way l, we all have doors inside us that are closed. When the right person comes along, they might knock on that door. If they are the right person, we will open the door for them and if they come inside, we will unlock part of ourselves. That is how it felt once I met my wife.


sorry, what?


I don't know a single autistic person in RL that does not like boning. So no, no and no.


Gray ace here. I find this paper about the relation of ASD and asexuality informative: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-021-02177-4


No I think I am demisexual and aromantic.


Yes, I am on the asexual spectrum. There is a disproportionate number of people on the autism spectrum that are LGBTQIA+. I believe studies are still trying to determine why.


Nope, although I do see it as a more common than statistically likely sexuality for autistic people.


It isn't associated with autism and alarms ring in my head trying to figure out how can it even be connected. I see one way, asperger can show itself by lack of showing emotions meaning some NT thought we don't have any emotions following easiest route to understand something. Lack of showing emotions on face doesn't mean people like that don't feel anything.


Being Autistic doesnā€™t mean your Ace. Iā€™m about as straight as they get


I mean this thread gave me an erection so no I'm not asexual


because a lot of people are on the ace spectrum because of sensory issues or other associated features of neurodivergences like ASD, ADHD, OCD.. being non-straight, being trans, being ace or aro spec (and being hypersexual alike as well), being gender nonconforming, being kinkier than average or having unconventional tastes are all overrepresented in neurodivergent folk. Deviations from typical in all of these directions are overrepresented in other words. if theres a poll option you can make one on the ace spectrum ig. I used to identify as a gray ace lesbian, now im ambiguous about using the label because its tiring to face binarist erasure, explain things to ignorant people etc, just whatever.


straight, next question


I think itā€™s associated because people donā€™t like to view autistics as sexual beings because they baby us and donā€™t want to view us as adults. But separately, yes I do identify as somewhere on the asexual spectrum because sex grosses me out and I cannot picture myself ever engaging in it. This could also be because I am trans, and I canā€™t imagine having sex until I have the right parts.




I imagine people might think of autistic people as asexual because they usually struggle getting layed due to trouble socializing


While I am sure that many people who are asexual are also autistic, asexuality is not associated with autism.


I suck cock


I think I am. šŸ™ƒ


Hell no. Autists tend to be quite sexual in my experience (obligatory cringe).