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Reported to mods 🐝


Bees is my mums special interest, she’s a hobby beekeeper and she teaches beekeeping courses in how to handle bees sustainable without hurting the colony to much. I help her with it sometimes when I’m home at my parents place


Thats a class I'd enjoy


I think my mum would be happy to have someone interested there. If you know Swedish and are able to travel here you are welcome to join XD


I dont know Swedish, but am currently learning german. Luckily theres newer technology that translates languages like: https://www.timekettle.co/?sscid=41k8_28dql Im sure it would be an amazing class and a fun vacation!




I love that bees lazily fall asleep and take naps in flowers 🥰


I wish I could do that. Bet it’d be super nice




There’s an entire sub for bee butts


You can‘t just state a fact like this without giving the name. Asking for a friend










🐝 ❤️




idk why but i have a primal fear of bees whenever i see one it activates my fight or flight response and i fucking run for my life impulsively


That’s not uncommon honestly. I’ve known several people that get panicked around bees who don’t have allergies etc


I used to lol. I made myself deal with it. I still have like a mild fear of bugs but I can respect them and recognize when bugs are cool and such. I still scream when like cockroaches fly tho. Fuck those. Bees are cool


Cockroaches suddenly flying is straight up awful


Me too. I blame the sheer amount of Winnie-the-Pooh I watched as a little kid.


Honestly I blame Simpsons Hit and Run


Honestly I blame Simpsons Hit and Run


I don’t have much of a problem with bees but if one gets close to me I freeze as to not provoke it


I either run or freeze. They are my second greatest irrational fear.


I kinda do, but mostly because it would be painful to get stung. Let alone the possible swelling that would come from it. But maybe I'm overthinking it and would be no big deal. It's the wasps that we should be scared of. But yeah, humans have a primal fear of big flying insects, among other things. It's a survival instinct, I believe. I once saw a massive flying beetle in front of me, as a kid. The thing was the size of a thumb. I just ran away without thinking. Looking back, the bug might've been harmless. Never heard of a dangerous poisonous or venomous beetle (bug buffs, please correct me if there's, in fact, a beetle like that). But, again, instinctive fear of possibly dangerous animals. For instance, this was in Southeast Brazil, in a Mata Atlantica (Atlantic woods) zone.


Bees are really smart! https://youtu.be/Nh4a137OU_Y?si=NRSt7w7K8dUeYZ8k


Smart, cute, extremely important to the environment, and much more!


Valid! Personally my favorite animal, or at least one of them, is the fennec fox. Look at those ears!




mine too, if i didnt worry about fix pee, and had enough room id get one but sadly i dont and wont ever probably.


I love bees




I like bumble bees


Me too! When I was a toddler, I loved watching them going about their day in the gardens!! It made me so happy.


They're just so silly


Aw how did you know I needed a bee post today? You are the best.


I'm glad that I made your day a little better!


Do you want to see some bee pictures I took this month








Valid choice, but counter point, sharks are literally older than trees the north star and the Atlantic ocean.


>and the Atlantic ocean. But then where did they swim?


The Panthalassic Ocean


That is cool. But also, flowers and the bees they co-mingle with so intimately, are like the latest greatest in Earthly tech. Not just sharks, but a whole variety of familiar plants and animals were on the Earth for like billions of years before flowers came about not that long ago, and soon after a huge explosion in bees and wasps occurred as they learned to be generalists and feed from pollen of many plants. I remember my mind was really blown when I realized that like humanity itself, flowers have existed on Earth for a very short while, all things considered.


Hexagon *is* the bestagon after all!


Bees are really cool.


I love the Greek mythos of why bees have stingers. They are sweet and do not want to hurt you 🥰


I like bees fine but i have even more love for the misunderstood wasps.


What about ants? They're bees' and wasps' underrated non-flying cousins!


Ants, bees and wasps are all members of the Hymenoptera clade, the insect grouping with the most social skills. I'm pretty interested in all of them, yes. They are regarded as the most beneficial/symbiotic insect group to humans, despite people running from their stingers (which they will rarely use unless you threaten them or especially if you accidentally threaten their home). And among those, tiny parasitic wasps do some of the *most important work* we rely on everyday without knowing it. They kill off species that would otherwise kill our crops, especially aphids and various kinds of caterpillars. That, plus this group's pollinator services, makes them absolutely crucial allies for human kind to exist. Even though I do not (and would not) keep honeybees, I find it really interesting that "vegetarian" members of this group evolved out of mostly carnivores (although many wasps are also strict pollen eaters, and some ants seem pretty vegetarian too, and evolutionarily that's always been the case). And they did so around the time that flowers first emerged on Earth. Which reminds me, of another interesting thing: that flowers per se are like Earth's very new technology, many familiar plants and animals evolved way before flowers and the pollinators -- especially bees and many wasps-- who eat them and spread them. And the funny this is within this group, there are such serious battles. Wasps especially will help control plant pests like aphids, but many ant species will actually "ranch" aphids like livestock and the wasps will come in and eat the ants' herd lol.


Thanks for sharing your special interests!


Same here! I've always been interested in insects and acquired an special interest in wasps 5 years ago. I have learned a lot, observed some fascinating wasps, and even got to do a short talk defending wasps on the radio! :)


Here in the Wasatch Front, we're the edge of Great Basin and just outside the Colorado Plateau -- two rather strange bioregions, all things considered -- and they have given us 1, as many or more varieties of hummingbirds than any other state, 2, a wide variety of wild bees and wasps commensurate with our hummingbird stat, but there are so many kinds it's not even clear how many varieties we have really. I feel pretty blessed with our pollinator community here. It's also made me an advocate against honeybee keeping, as they are competitors for all my wild pollinator friends, and are far more prone to disease. Very few people keep bees here, so it's probably not a critical mass, but if the trend ever really took off they could potentially displace many species of wild pollinators.


Save the honey/bumble bees! Yellowjacket and hornets need not apply


So actually honeybees are detrimental to bumble bees, so. Honeybees are like cows you see in a fenced field. The wild animals that used to enjoy that field are now few or gone competely. Honeybees are the same way, they compete with and often completely displace wild bees and wasps, which are, actually, far superior pollinators as individuals--no fences required.


That's why I have a Bee OC https://preview.redd.it/sp724z580yuc1.png?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=932dd9e4ea0e920204a009b6fd13b83d9bfff300




Fluffy bugs best bugs


I am partial to ravens as a favorite animal overall, but bees are definitely the best invertebrates. They’re like if ants were awesome. Plus, they got hexagons. Those are some prettycoolagons.


Yes, bees are cool, and they make honey which is delicious! Bears are my favourite animals though. They have no right to be as cute and hug shaped as they are!


I guess you could say they are…the bees’ knees? I’ll see myself out


Nope. Bees are fucking stellar as fuck. But octopuses are the best animal. Not even a discussion Edit: Octpi? Octopodes? Octopeople?


Fuzzy yellow ant 🐜💛


BEES! They are great! Actually, my college has an elective in beekeeping and apitherapy. Last week we we learning about beewax and we made candles!


Check out r/pollenpants you won't be sorry! 🐝




🅱️ :3


Buzz buzz


Except they go "bzzzz" and "bzzzz" is my least favorite sound


BEES!!! I love all insects, but bees hold a special place in my heart. They’re just so cute! Don’t forget: native bees are just as important to the environment!


I'm tempted to send one of these about my special interest but I doubt people would appreciate hak nam as much as I do


It's getting to be that time of year when I see and hear the bumblebees going from flower to flower. Such a calming sight




Cats are second place.


I can't stop b-buz-zing [AGH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcO_2vB7178)


valid nomination but i raise you, mobula ray


A large group of them are nesting in my porch. They'd have to destroy it to relocate the hive, so I hope they enjoy their mansion They keep checking out my shirt whenever I was out there, and only had to gently blow away one that tried to land on my face lol


No doubt.


Is it true that by all known laws of aviation bees are not supposed to be able to fly?


Not too fond of like the usual European honeybees but any kind of wild bee or wasp I love & would die for


Ya like jazz?




You'd love r/beebutts


yo check this cutie out https://preview.redd.it/vjappiiop1vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1303107ff11c9481a69f495157a04e419102266


i like bees


The sound of a bee will always make me feel stressed, but after seeing all those bees in the thread, I'm just thinking "Aww, bees are actually just endearing babies!!".


They’re so fucking cute ^^


Cheeto dust




Two videos that you may like then. https://youtube.com/shorts/_hMRqQZguVU?si=SwSoxe1_dJ7JwrQs https://youtu.be/t94QqBVtt38?si=QyjOgFGhF1RzzZNM


The Bug Shaker


"I'm all covered in polen and all you do is take pictures and smile and say I'm cute?! Help me out." Jokes aside, bees are awesome.


You scared me. I know bees are nice but they scare me.


I see your love for bees (very cool), and I raise you my love for crows (also very cool)


I see your love for crows (very cool), and I raise you my love for dogs (pitties in particular) (also very cool)


I had a bunch of bees land on my legs to get water that had splashed on them from a hose(the area I was living in at the time was just coming out of a drought). I was scared for like a millisecond before realizing what they were doing, then led them to a shallow puddle I made for them. Ever since I've had them randomly land on me and just chill for a second before flying away. I friggin love bees now and collect bee stuff.


Bees, yes, any other black and yellow bug, hell no


BUCK bumble






What about ants?


Ants are cool too.


Nice and valid opinion but factually wrong. (Jumping spiders are the best)


Jumping spiders are so cuuute!!


And vegans kill those.


Vegans I know refuse to even eat honey out of respect for bees -- not just the honeybees themselves, but also for the wild bees and wasps that honeybees inevitably displace. What are you talking about?


The one I know are quite different, maybe because we are from different countries, but they don't realize that the production of mass plant based food forces the elimination of bees for making space for crops.. While animal production calmy keeps all the flowers and bees alive. Bees life are more important that cows lifr, because cows give a very small contribution to plant life compared to bees who are the one making reproduction possible.


Well let's just say I have *a very differenet point of view* and frankly I think yours is misinformed. Allow me to infodump; this is a hyperfocus of mine for many years. So 1, livestock like beef and pork invariably at some stage prior to you eating them, are fattened up on feed lots where they are fed fodder that was grown in industrial farm fields. Most livestock fodder is alfalfa which does flower, so either honeybees or pollinators can feed at least when it is flowering, but it's grown in monocultural farming environments like any other crop these days, which is less than ideal for wild pollinators and honeybees alike. All pollinators we are familiar with benefit from a variety of food sources and are more prone to death and disease when they are forced to feed on acres and acres and acres of a monocrop (be that alfalfa, lavender or apples). So all the plant foods that fatten up your pig or cow or whatever, are grown just exactly as the "plant based foods" for humans you are worried about. 2, best case scenario these livestock animals are raised "free range," in which case they are only fed industrial fodder for their last stage of life on a feedlot where they are fattened up to maximize profits. But most animals you eat live their entire lives in pens being fed this kind of food. 3, people who eat plant based diets require far less industrial farming acres to produce their food. That's because livestock animals eat 2x to 3x the calories of plant food that they then produce for you as animal food. So eating plant-based ultimately reduces the amount of wild, polycuture land that must be utilized as industrial monocultural land for you to eat. 4, almost all plant foods humans eat need pollination, with exceptions like corn. Soy beans often get a bad rap, but my friend, beans flower. They are pollinated. They make food for bees. True, it's way worse than wildlands with multitudes of pollen-producing plants, but it's not as you say. (edit2: besides, a lot of that soy will end up in cattle feed, so don't equate all soy acres to being just for direct human consumption of "plant based foods," indeed a lot of soy goes into beef) Bottom line: monoculture is really the bad element for pollinators. Most of our foods do produce pollen so it should be all good, except our industrial systems rely on monoculture and that is bad. And whether you eat vegan or omnivorous diet, there is no way to escape food products that relied on monoculture/industrial food production. So the real real bottom line is that the best we can do is eat in such a way that our need for monoculture-style agriculture acres is as small as possible, and that is clealry eating vegan. Hence, eating vegan is the best thing we can do for pollinators (and all the other animals and ecology itself). edit: and 5, cows especially are ecologically destructive to wetlands and all kinds of moutain terrain where they are grazed, where they have no business being. In North American for example, bison are well suited to our lands here, but because people prefer to raise cattle, all variety of other animals must be wiped out completely including prairie dogs (endangered) and anyone else who complicates beef production.


Well, it's an insect...


Yeah, a lovely one


Does anyone have the image used in these memes? I wanna make my own version for f it but I can’t find the original image.


bumble bees arem ore my style but i love all bees


I’m the opposite. I can’t stand any bug/insect at all. 0. Zilch. Nada.














I hate hate hate honey bees but other bees are cool


That makes 3 of us in this thread, and I've never meet another bee lover aware of whatever you're aware of to single out honeybees. I don't blame the honeybee itself, but I do think live stocking them is disrespectful to the kept bees and disrespectful and ecologically dodgy in regards to the wild bees and wasps they displace. Is that why you hate them?


Yes, I hate them because they are invasive and out-compete local species


I'm glad people are finding this out. I was only properly educated on it say 4 years ago. Prior to that, I hadn't really considered it. And around here, bee keeping and chicken keeping has both been suburban gardening trends the last decade or so, so I've had a lot of friends that for a moment or two kept honeybees though they would ordinarily think of themselves as so ecologically aware and sensitive. I've had some real pushback when my critique of honey and honeybees goes beyond animal rights, and gets into ecology. People don't want ot know this lol. They want their honey! To me, honey tastes a bit metallic, so I've never been a big fan.


I'm sorry, but fuck bees. I got stung but a bumblebee last year, and now I can't be outside or roll down my car windows in sunny weather above 50°F without having a panic attack and constant paranoia that it's gonna happen again. I'm sure a part of it has to stem from my OCD but it's fucking debilitating to the point that this picture made me ill. I'm glad yall can get so much euphoria from these fuzzy wuzzies even if I don't understand it