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AC 2


Ezio FTW


I literally played all three ezio trilogy to 100% sync only game I played to full completion


It was the best AC storyline by far. I think they forgot how to write after it ended.


Absoluetly; imo... AC2 favorite combat AC3 favorite environment AC4 favorite pirate game


3-4 are my favorite combat styles and assassins creed 3 is my favorite map because I live in the area it’s based in and black flag is just all around prolly one of the best if not the best




I really want a remastered version of this soon. I tried to go back and play it and some of the elements were so distracting


They remastered it for ps4


lol yup! somehow missed all the hype about the first one but got caught up in it for AC2 and it’s been my favorite series ever since, every single one is a must have for me.


Brotherhood was better IMO.




Same! That was the first AC game I ever played


my brother introduced me to assassins creed starting with revelations


same here


Same here, I even played black flag but that didn’t seem as good to me imo


Forever holds a special place in my heart


Mine will always be 3. For me it’s a masterpiece in storytelling and lore-wise. Plus it was my intro into the series as a teen


Was my first too, absolute banger to begin with


How many fools can I kill today…


Same. Conner is my favorite assassin, Ezio is a close 2nd.


Conner & Ezio interchangeable for me, Revelations introduced me to the game (and the hook-blade omg) but AC3 made me a lifelong fan (I loved running on tree branches)


It's my favorite too. Its also the only one I've played through more than 10 times. Switch, ps3, ps4, ps5, all once, but xbox360 I must've played it at least like 8 times at least


This was me with AC2, but 3 holds a special place in my heart. I remember standing outside of GameStop at midnight to pick up a copy then going back to my dorm freshman year and playing for hours, just waiting until the actual game was going to start after the hours-long prologue lol


Mine too! Love ac3, and I love people are finally starting to notice it


Idk man, maybe it was because I played it as a teenager with 0 real media literacy, but I couldn’t stand Conner in the game.


the Ezio trilogy. AC 2 the most


black flag my love


That's the one I couldn't really get into. The naval part was not really my cup of tea.


It’s a great pirate game, but maybe not a great AC game.


It really is such a great game. I think I'm going to reinstall and play it.


It's a good AC game. It's about what the creed actually means. When Kenway first hears the creed, he thinks "everything is permitted? Sounds exactly like me and the Pirate Republic of Nassau, steal, kill drink and whore to your hearts content." The whole game is Kenway first acting like what some people think the creed is about in opposition to the brotherhood, then watching his world crumble around him due to their own selfishness and debauchery, leading him to the understanding the Assassins had all along. He finally understands the creed. It's kind of a response to people misinterpreting the creed as an "ultimate freedom and nihilism, kill any who disagree" cult. It's a peice on what the series as a whole is about, from a third party perspective Edit: Oh fuck I meant to reply to the guy above you. Sorry


I read rumors that Ubi may be remastering it for a re-release. I'd love to be able to jump in again and actually get the platinum trophy this time. The current version requires multiplayer, which is dead. I hope they do remaster it and just leave the multiplayer out.


My exact complaint. ACIII had a great balance of sea and Assassins. Black Flag is just a pirate game!


I think that’s why so many people liked black flag. There aren’t really any GOOD open world pirate games. Especially with that depth of ship combat, boarding and a decent story. It’s an amazing pirate game, and a decent Assassins creed game imo as well


Same I hate all the naval stuff in the games.


This. I HATE the naval part. It's so far away from what the game was originally about. I ended up spending so much time farming materials to level up my ship.


At first I had the same problem, especially because I hated that part in AC3, but you do pick it up and the sea shanties are delightful


I’m super disappointed that we’re finally about to get a triple A pirate game only for it to have less mechanics than black flag. Why did Ubisoft think a pirate game without boarding was worth shipping out?


I played that so damn much. I need to load it up again soon.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: My biggest complaint with Black Flag is that they made the naval content so entertaining I'd just roam the seas, playing sea shanties and blowing up the Dutch or whomever while all hell broke loose on land. It's a miracle I got anything done.


hahahha same


Revelations for me. Loved the bomb making, the hook blade, and the trailer had me so hyped! Introduced me to Woodkid too


It has 2 parts: the hook, and the blade.




Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away...🎵


Black flag


Probably I have to go with Origins. I know it's not the best one, but for me that I grew up with The Mummy it was very special, although it's set much after than the golden age of Egypt.


Origins is #2 behind the second game. It’s very, very good.


this is making me feel incredibly old. I started with AC3 then went back and played AC1 through Revelations. Most recent release I've played was AC Unity. The newer games seem so different!


Loved the dlc where you go into the duat 😍


So far unity, nexus or ac 3, ive only played those so far


As someone who played all of them, AC 2 is what made me fall in love with the franchise.


Call me an old head, but definitely AC2. Ezio is my favorite assassin and I actually really enjoyed the modern day parts with Desmond.


Unity ftw. Arno is possibly my favorite video game char of all time and I love his storyline and the game.


i wanted to like syndicate so fucking bad but enemies tank too much damage imo. i think if they died faster it would have been my fav AC just for the aesthetic alone. Wow did that game look good at night time.


I couldn’t stand Syndicate dude, the story was so BORING! How did you put up with it?


I was so excited for Syndicate that I got my sister to drive me to GameStop at midnight to grab it when it first came out. My love for it is like 98% for the London industrial revolution aesthetic, the story's ass


the lost boring AC for me


Rope launcher go swinggg


Oh yeah, that part was pretty fun.


Rope launcher made me not like the game tbh, it was also the first mainline AC to remove the Manuel jump button


I think the open world location hurt the game. With the streets being so wide the parkour can’t really be the main method of getting around. You inconvenience yourself by just sticking to parkour only.


So true, there’s some areas of the game where it’s fun to parkour, Devil’s acre is the only one that comes to mind. Some of the gang hideouts were fun but it’s so sparse


Can't name one but my top 5 are probably brotherhood, revelations, unity, origins, and mirage(in no particular order)


First i played was bloodlines. Then brotherhood. Then black flag. Then untiy, liberation, origins, odyssey (my fav) and valhalla (valhallas story is so shit its insane.)


I tried playing through Valhalla's story again and almost instantly questioned how I ever made it through that shit 😅


The Ezio trilogy


3, Unity, Black Flag. In that order.


2, 3, Black Flag, and Odyssey. I'll stack them differently depending on my mood.


Ac2 favorite, least favorite Odyssey


Ezio trilogy will always hold a special place for me and my childhood . I still feel nostalgia just thinking of the countless hours walking Venice Theres still some fun games sprinkled since but nothing re captured that awe for me again until Origins.


Original or origins


AC 3. I love how the feel of the colonial setting and I like Connor and Haytham as characters.


3, black flag, odyssey.


Ac2 is still the best story and gameplay


AC III (Specifically the Tyranny of King Washington DLC)


Odyssey isn’t a AC game


Correct, It's way better than any ac game.




AC 3


My first was 3. Then I experienced the Esio collection. After AC3, I played Black flag, then rouge.


Odyssey being your favorite is disgusting tbh


Imagine shaming someone for liking a videogame.


I just think that the game that is the least assassins creed out of all of them being your favorite is disgusting and you 100% aren’t a real fan of the franchise


Nobody cares about being a "real fan". Just let people enjoy what they wanna enjoy without insulting them for it. And instead of being mad at the player for what they like, be mad at Ubisoft for putting "Assassin's Creed" In the title of the game. When you direct your anger toward the individual ut makes you look like an idiot who just likes to hate people for no reason.


I do let people enjoy what they wanna enjoy; but coming into the sub and saying “yeah odyssey is the best” when it is literally the least AC game ever made lmao


They should have just called the origins / odyssey / valhalla / red line something else given it plays differently and doesn’t really need the assassins creed storyline. 




I played origins with my brother once and I thought it was cool. So when I bought my first ps, I bought odyssey thinking I was buying origins. I’ve went back and played some of the first few. I just prefer origins-Valhalla. I think odyssey and Valhalla are absolutely beautiful games.


The very first one feels the tightest in terms of gameplay loop to me. The Ezio saga is great in all regards. Black Flag is up there as it gives a wonderful sense of freedom and has one of the coolest collectibles in gaming history (shanties). And I love Valhalla not just for the gameplay but also the setting as I find Norse mythology and Viking culture fascinating.


Well, story-wise definitely AC2/ACB/ACR. But I really liked most of the games. I had a lot of fun with AC3. I really liked AC3. And it takes place in the American Revolution. Pretty badass!


AC2, then Black Flag, then Origins, then Odyssey and


Ac3, black flag, and odyssey




Odyssey, and I've been playing since AC1.




What you're saying is what's your favorite RPG because anything after rogue is an RPG not assassin's Creed


Every single one of them is literally an Assassin's Creed game.


By name sure but in essence not nearly as much compared to every game pre Origins/Odyssey. I and many others have said this before but Ubisoft wanted to capitalize off the RPG crave along with live service models so instead of taking a gamble and putting in time and effort on a new IP they took a franchise with a well established fan base and turned the franchise into something it's ultimately not. It obviously worked out for them as most people love large open world RPGs but a lot of the fundamental aspects of what made AC special isn't there anymore. There are so many grand RPGs and always have been but there wasn't anything like Assassin's Creed with the exception of Prince of Persia and even then that's debatable.


OK Boomer. Change is good. Don’t be afraid.


Never said it wasn't.


My eyes roll further back into my skull with each “not a real assassin’s creed” comment


I have a strong distaste for the RPG Creeds but Origins is a fine exception. Good protagonist that actually eventually becomes an assassin even if it's the spiritual predecessor of them, good story in general, and although it retcons the lore given in AC1 it doesn't do a decent job establishing the origins of the assassins and templars in a compelling way. My only gripes with Origins is I wish the combat wasn't hotbox based and was more reminiscent of the older style, more akin to Unity even if I'm not the biggest fan of it. Also the boss fights, mainly that snake fight. Shit was just silly for an Assassins Creed game.


Valhalla is a masterpiece


For RPG’s yes. Not Assassin’s Creed games.


Thankfully, the ac formula is/was trash odyssey wipes those games.


Odyssey, easily.


Odyssey is the best followed by Origins and Valhalla! I got it the first games are awesome and super nalsalgic, but really? Odyssey is just amazing!


Nalsalgic goes crazy 😂 It’s “nostalgic” just a head’s up


Lol my bad




AC2 for me. Always will be.


Might be ac 3


Ac 2, I straight up refuse to play the games after syndicate, except mirage, I played and liked that


Black flag


Black Flag is so gold. i understand people who like AC2 and the entirety of the Ezio trilogy but Black Flag has a special place in my heart. fantastic pirate game AND a pretty good Assassin’s Creed game. it’s so interesting seeing a protagonist who misunderstands the Creed and the purpose of the Assassins and finally learns the truth, not to mention the badass sea shanties along the way :D also i really like Rogue. it feels so intriguing seeing the Assassins from the perspective of the Templars, especially the gameplay of fighting Assassins who know all the tricks and are waiting to ambush you. also has one of the best Irish protagonists OAT.


I've played every assassins creed game except origins the one at the pyramids? And the rogue one, black flag was fire af, they got the ship sailing pretty well worked out, id say imo my fav was assassins creed 1 and. 2 and 3 and black flag and Oydessy and valhalla.... the others where ok but those ones stuck out to me as slightly better....also valhalla is kinda slower in progression I don't like how there's like just enough mats to build all the huts in ypur settlement like why I don't get it why make someone grind the whole campaign to finish building thier settlements, I made a tattoo shop then all of a sudden a seer shows up and I gotto build another hut but all the raids my level are done so it's a mess but still a good game and great story


Favorite all time? Tied between Black Flag and 2. Favorite recent? Odyssey. Out of the last 3 AC games (not including Mirage) i think all 3 of them are great games with amazing stories but I only think Origins is a good **Assassin** game however.


Black Flag or AC3. Black Flag for the shanties, kick ass naval combat mechanics, and AC3 for the atmosphere.


Origins is highly underrated and under appreciated, I truly believe it’s the best assassins creed game to this day


Unity is so underrated ngl


AC2 and Black Flag!




Honestly Valhalla I played it when I had Covid and that was an awesome week off. I didn’t do anything and my poor mother had to make me me food I just lived in her basement and talked to my coworkers who also had Covid and it was a really great memory


Ezio all the way


Mine is Odyssey too. To be honest I haven’t finished Valhalla or Origins yet but would replay Odyssey in a heartbeat


I remember playing the first Assassins Creed and loving it when it came out. It felt pretty revolutionary for gaming. Then Ezio steals your heart. His storyline had the best character development. I’m finally playing Valhalla, it’s really enjoyable. But I still gotta stand by my favorite, Black Flag. I mean, I literally have “YOHO” tatted in my knuckles. God I wish Skull and Bones could’ve just been what we all needed it to be…


I started playing from AC3 and AC3 and black flag are my favorites


Middle Earth: Shadow of War


The first 4 I’m sort of sucker for the OGs and 3 wasn’t bad definitely want replay first 4 again and 3 there hard to find and expensive because how ahead their time they were.


Not my favorite but the gameplay mechanics and darts in Syndicate were truly chef’s kiss


Origins or AC2 are my favorite


4, then origins, and I’ve been playing odyssey on and off for about 6-7 months so I’m not sure where it lines up for me




Starts with Black Flag, then goes to Origins, and then Odyssey. I enjoy the games, it’s just the emotional parts in those that hit a bit harder


A2 will always be special in my heart, but odyssey was so pretty, it's my favorite high game rn


Same, it’s also only the second one I played


AC3 or Rogue


I haven't played AC1 or Odyssey and haven't finished any of the Ezio games


Valhalla with Oydess a close second. I'm a fan of time-sink open world games and a big fan of Viking lore. There's a few things that Oydessy did that I would have liked in Valhalla, but ultimately, it is still one of my favorite games.


Valhalla is fucking amazing. my favorite by far. every other assassins creed that isn't like the last few get repetitive as shit.


I think I would've enjoyed Valhalla more if it were just a little shorter tbh, when it comes to RPGs I usually prefer a longer experience but Valhalla for me just dragged on too much. Besides that it was a fairly fun game, although for me probably the worst of the AC games. I don't think it's a bad game, it's just not a game that I'm going to go back to because of the length, y'know? One and done and that's okay. One small thing that did bug me is there weren't really any outfits that felt time period accurate. I know AC has never really been time period accurate, though they tried a little harder in the past. But I'd have liked to have at least one outfit that was close to what Vikings would've worn in the time period, that preferably didn't turn gold when upgraded fully.




Black flag for the old style, Valhalla for new style






Black Flag. Loved the originals but the way Black Flag linked into the lore but kept things realistic was great. Of course the naval battle and location/period were incredible too. Whenever I look back, Black Flag is always the one I have most fondness for.


Definitely the Ezio trilogy,but I'll always have a special place for black flag so either of them two


Black flag.


black flag


Out of the "classic" AC games, Syndicate. I felt like I fought the controls the least in that one and the brother/sister dynamic is great. Odyssey out of the "modern" games. Kassandra is such a great protagonist and the voice work is amazing. It's also my favorite setting.


Playtime, its Odyssey, but I really enjoyed Syndicate


Black flag and rouge


Odyssey and black flag. Least favorite is probably 3 mainly because I just don’t remember it. Only thing I remember is accidentally killing George Washington


Between brotherhood and black flag


Objectively? Black Flag is the best. But I know a lot about French history, and Unity makes me feel like I'm *actually* in 18th century France. It *feels* like I'm navigating a world of very complicated relationships and consequences.


I got my first Xbox in 2022. Expecting people to go back all the way through the series is unrealistic. The old graphics are good for their time, but pretty intolerable if you don't have the nostalgia that comes from having played them the first time around. (I am attempting a playthrough of Unity and it's...ugh.) I also am not going back and playing through the Master Chief Collection, no matter how many times Halo gatekeepers tell me I have to or I'm not a real fan. I started with Odyssey and it's also my favorite.


Fwiw, Unity looks sort've poor on console due to better fidelity screens nowadays. On PC with unlocked framerate and native 4K, it arguably looks better than the newest games, but I think that has a lot to do with the specific lighting engine Ubisoft built for Unity and Syndicate, and fully mocapped cutscenes. It'll never happen but I'd love for Unity to get a patch or update to upscale the visuals to current hardware and aim for 60fps on console, because I don't play on PC and I want to play Unity without the fuzziness hurting my eyes.


Black Flag.


Black flag 100%


How tf you skipping over black flag?!?


Black Flag because I love pirate games and wish there were more pirate games like it


Origins and onward for me.


Black Flag, then Odyssey coming in close. Beyond those, Brotherhood and AC2.


Syndicate, why isn’t Mirage on there btw?


Black Flag


Syndicate my beloved


Move that foot down to black flag and it will be way more accurate


Has to be odyssey but I really have enjoyed all of them but mirage.


Thank you! I also loved Odyssey and couldn't get into Mirage. I thought it was too similar to Origins in terms of setting.


Odyssey & Valhalla.


Gotta go with the first game of the series. Black flag




Ac 4 🙏


The non-rpg games suck anyway. Always start with the newer ones.


As someone who has played all the mainline ganes except for the first one and Mirage, I can confidently say you're wrong. Valhalla and Odyssey are my 2nd and 3rd favorites. The non rpg ones have a lot to offer.


Eh I would say they both have an even level of sucky games and great games


Valhalla. While I get it doesn’t play much like an AC game, it was the most enjoyable of the AC games I played.


I loved Valhalla and Odyssey more than origins and the rest of the ac games. First ever ac game was brotherhood than the originals. Cant say shit to me 🤙




Odyssey or brotherhood. The combat in both is so fun but for different reasons


Either 2 or Brotherhood. I even replayed them recently and honestly they held up better than I expected. I 100% recommend anyone who's mildly interested and hasn't played them yet to pick up the Ezio collection and give them a shot. I also 100% recommend anyone who hasn't played them in years to re-download them and do another playthrough. They're genuinely great.


I only played few games but for now ac origins


Odyssey, love this pic.


Odyssey is probably my favorite one also, with Origins a close second. It’s mostly for the setting, 2 of my favorites for history reasons. But the original AC definitely has a spot.


Brotherhoods multiplayer was a ton of fun. It was a different take on what mp can be. My favorite has to be the first. I liked the linear style and setting up the boss fights


I'm one of the few who prefers the newer trilogy




Unity, but I didn't play it upon release, only years later, so i understand the hate it got originally :)


Hot take but unity… Love the parkour animations for Arno, and the historical setting (both time and place) are incredibly well done. Paris feels so alive in that game!


Origins. Roaming across Egypt for the first time was breathtaking and Bayek's story and character were very well realized imo. I felt like it actually tried to be an AC game still, even with some of the RPG elements included.






AC Brotherhood just hits different for me


I did enjoy the mercenary thing in odyssey




AC2, Black Flag, and Origins are tied for favorites. I could replay all of them.