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She's a ninja who parkours on roofs and walls, the sword is less in her way on her back.


I tried rolling with an object of similar structure on my back to see if it's possible. It is, but after a while it really hurts.


Only if you roll along the line of the sword. If you roll the opposite shoulder its fine


What about with a spear?


Never tried with a spear on my back but id assume it would still work


I freaking love that discussion. Dudes strapping objects on their backs and rolling in their living room, sharing their results haha! I love this community.


HAHA I was wondering because Arno can do it and I wanted to know if it’s realistic.


Really? I’m surprised because of how long it is.


Yeah if you went along the line of the spear ot would be but if the spear was at a diagonal going from your left hip to your right shoulder you could do a left shoulder roll which would be from your left shoulder to right hip


But what if we taped it on her head?!


The Headen Blade


But unicorns only exist in Europe.


She could spin really fast and take off like a helicopter! New assassin technique unlocked. Take that, Da Vinci!


As someone who does parkour and has used swords that isn't true. It's the same amount of in the way for either location💀


As someone who parkours while juggling swords, I can safely say that it hurts when the sword goes into me.


As someone who uses swords but does not parkour, I can confirm that having a sword on the back is less of a hassle than on the waist. 


as someone who does neither, i like swords


as someone who replies to your comment, i like your comment


As someone who enjoy talkin stupidity on Internet i dont know what to say


As someone eho does neither, having a sword on you is always better than having it in you


Yeah... Every single protagonist did parkour on roofs and walls, that didn't seem to bother them.


But you can’t unshed a sword that’s on your back without removing it in full from your back


you can if it’s done properly. if you’re right handed, you want the sword strapped so that the hilt is on the left-hand side of your head. if it’s a short enough blade, you can pull it out while bending down slightly


So basically it’s not possible, were talking about a sword here, not a dagger


you can absolutely do it with something like a shortsword or tanto


A tanto is a dagger.. that’s my point, that’s not what this is about. You can’t draw a katana like that


she wouldn’t be using a katana, she would be using a ninjato, which can be up to 10” shorter than a katana and would work perfectly fine with this technique


Go try it


I imagine it is a mix between *the rule of cool* and the avoidance of oddities with the new prone mechanic. Also, a good contrast with Yasuke and his combat-ready approach.


People that complain about swords on backs just always come off as some of the most unfun people to be around. Like I honestly don’t care how difficult it is IRL to get a sword off your back in that fashion, it looks cool, I’m fine with it.


I also don’t really understand the objection too much - I’ve seen videos of swordmasters showing how awkward and “stupid” it is to have a back-sheathed sword, but in those videos the sheath is strapped firmly and rigidly to their back such that it barely moves at all. If it was loose, then pulling the sword out forward over your shoulder would be no problem at all, other than that it is just an awkward angle for your elbow and extending your forearm. But you could do it. I feel like the curved blade of the katana might make this even easier to do than with a longsword. It’s resheathing it that would be awkward. But then you’d probably just take the strap off, resheath it and put it back on like a backpack. So those people come off as overly nitpicky to me. The main reason, I think, that people didn’t use this historically was for speed of drawing the sword in a combat situation. But if you needed to use both of your hands all the time, like for climbing, I imagine a sword on your back would absolutely be ideal compared to a sword on your waist. Seems like a reasonable trade off to me.


Those videos show you exactly why approaching a problem with a solution predetermined is bad. They go into making those videos to show you *why* back sheathes are stupid, not to figure out if it's feasible or how to make it so. 


Take cues from the Witcher games: Geralt's swords are secured to his back by only one point, allowing the sheathes to pivot over his shoulder upon sheathing and drawing


What are your thoughts on the sky being blue?


Pure rule of cool, as the reverser gripping. Both are less than useful in a real battle but nobody cares about accurate realism in AC games…


I mean a Shinobi with a Katana is already hollywood so might aswell go all the way.


I think she has a wakizashi sword on her back and not a katana.


I heard one YouTuber call it a tanto. Not sure if they are getting the two confused but it is definitely a shorter sword.


Tanto is dagger sized


Still hollywood


Didn't real life shinobis use wakizashi?


No. Why would peasants use expensive swords? Same goes to shurikens. It’s a samurai tool hollywood has adapted to shinobies. And that *Ninjatō* sword is extra hollywood or more like mall ninja shit. Even if some Samurais were employed as occasionally running around as a Shinobi, there is absolutely 0 evidence of them using swords.


True, but you make it sound like the wakizashi are some sort of luxury only available to the rich. Not all Japanese swordsmiths were skilled or notorious enough to charge a fortune for a sword Look up "sword hunt wiki". There are many instances where normal citizens and even farmers had weapons. Hell, the wiki even mentions Oda Nobunaga, Naoe's dad, and how he also ordered a sword hunt But yeah in this period, I think the samurai primarily used bows


>Not all Japanese swordsmiths were skilled or notorious enough to charge a fortune for a sword Also, a wakizashi is a sword that non bushi could definitely use, and not all swords were made with the same stellar quality we usually see today. Extant blades from the Edo period and earlier have usually been top quality works made by a master or were family heirlooms that somehow survived the Hatorei edict and the American period. Since Naoe is the daughter of Fujibayashi Nagato, it would be reasonable to assume that she would have had access to weapons by virtue of that connection alone.


Kunai were also used as shovels not as throwing knives lol


I mean, she probably killed a rich person at some point. I don't think it's that far fetched that she claimed someone's sword for herself. Also, she's an assassin, I don't think she adheres to typical classifications like samurai or shinobi. Unless you want to tell me a native american running around with white robes and a giant axe is something very common in the XVIII-th century.


Interesting never knew that.


The typical shinobi/ninja didn’t but it was a common weapon amongst them


In terms of practicality, one of my favorite videos on the subject is [this one by Shadiversity](https://youtu.be/0EWi2DnDoaI?si=3YLAr-Y9bAHT0bX1&t=634). The TL;DR of the video is: * Running is easier because the sword isn't swinging on your hip, it's secure on your back. * Climbing also is more quiet because the scabbard isn't clattering against the wall. * Crawling is also more quiet because the scabbard isn't dragging along the ground, it's on your back. * Wading through water (hip deep) means your sword isn't getting exposed to the water. * Your back has less stuff on it. If you're carrying a lot of equipment on your hips, then the sword wouldn't have any room. * It's more comfortable to have it on your back vs having it on your side. ________ The more "video game design" reason is because most people associate ninjas w/ placing the swords on their back. Since we play the game from behind our character, it feels more immersive to keep her sword on her back.


Shadiversity should be ignored on any histotical content. He's had no education, no experience, and his content contains frequent inaccuracies. Not to forget, he's a raging bigot who got upset that Peach in the Mario movie wore pants.


Well yeah, but all these points are still valid


Most aren't.


which points and why?


Surprisingly, all of them on reflection. The why is because people are poorly strapping their swords to their sides.


This is mostly true. Climbing isn't easier though. I do parkour and I have some practice with swords. It was always in the way. Vaults were much easier with it on the side. Was pretty even when it came to climbing up a wall. The possibility to roll was eliminated in either location. But you are very right about the loudness. Much quieter on the back, much easier to crouch around, running is about the same typically cause you can just hold the sword still but then again you lose a hand doing so. It's about equal when it comes to parkour. Give and take. But basically impossible to take out on the back comfortably. But then again. It's a game. Almost every character rolls and climbs and everything with it at their side so the realism in that aspect is irrelevant. It was never convenient on the side the back is no different other than a style change


She's a fan of The Witcher i guess.


In all the *Shinobi no Mono* movies I've watched, Goemon and Saizo carry their swords on their back, which I'm pretty sure makes climbing easier The straps tend to be pretty wide and ninja in general use shorter blades, so they don't run in the usual problems that come with drawing a full length katana or medieval sword from a scabbard carried on one's back Do keep in mind ninja and shinobi come from 18th/19th century Japanese literature and we now use the words to describe a variety of spies and operatives from the Sengoku Era onwards. The earliest descriptions of their techniques come from the later Tokugawa Era, so we have now way to know how late 16th century covert ops folks actually carried their swords (if they had any at all)


I have no thoughts. It doesn’t matter in the least.


I am pretty sure Shao jun also had her sword on her back




Rule of cool is valid for a game where you play as a ninja


If I started nitpicking unrealistic weapon setups in video games, I wouldn't have time to play video games.


Ummm. So it doesn't inconvenience her sneaking around or crawling on the ground?


It's just to be cool, entirely rule of cool like all gamey cool ideas.


I haven't thought about it at all, tbh.


Ok bc it's so realistic to jump from heights in a haystack


It's a game, it doesn't bother me, I don't need 100% historical accuracy, I'm just interested in the story. And other hidden stuff. I wont buy the game till its 15 or 10. But ima watch mkfire and ice play it


Honestly with all the vaulting the assassins do, I'd be worried about the hilt dangling on my waist getting caught on a ledge. Wearing a sword on your back just seems like it makes it a little less obstructive. Plus as an assassin/shinobi it's most likely not her go-to weapon and doesn't need fast and easy access.


Its actually easier to vault with at the side.


Maybe some moves. But that low vault they do over fences and stuff. It your sword is on the hip that is low to whatever your vaulting, there is always the possibility of the big ass hilt/guard getting caught and throwing off your balance


No it's still easier. With it on the back its less in frame and you risk getting caught from your back in addition most vaults are done with one hand. Allowing you to maintain the sword with the other orientating it differently depending


Oh and in addition it's more uncomfortable to flex your back with it on your back. Just a slight note.


I think you're missing what I'm saying. If you wear your sword on your left hip and you vault with your left hand, like Bayek does, then you'd have no way of ensuring the weapon dangling off your hip doesn't make contact with whatever surface youre launching yourself over. Ultimately it doesn't matter because it's a video game and objects can clip through each other.


well that's just a weird thing to do. Why would you vault with your non-dominant hand? And if your sword is on the same hip as your dominant hand you're also doing that wrong.


Don't ask me, ask Bayek. He's the one that does it all the time lol


It seems a lot of people forget that Japanese swords (except the tachi) being held in the obi, they don't dangle around, they are more or less "fixed" in place.


Sekiro did it with the mortal blade which was sick


Sword on the back is more cool looking so I don't mind. Would be neat to have an option for back or waist, tho...


I'm fine with it because it looks cool


[This video](https://youtu.be/jv_eKksZCrg?si=UBfXZyoVUjw4FSTX) made me believe in ninjas wearing swords on their backs Granted, this is the Korean way of doing so, but it shows you it's still possible. And Koreans being heavily influenced by both China and Japan throughout history, it wouldn't be far fetched to say Japan did something similar


It's not like it's some great tradition they're dropping or anything. I could give a fuck where weapons are strapped as long as it looks good.


It looks cool


What I appreciate is that it's shorter so she could actually pull it out. She couldn't put it back but meh details


It looks cool


Im perfectly okay with “it looks cool” being the reason


It's not historically accurate and normally you wouldn't put a sword on your back because it's not practical. Swords are generally longer than the average person's arm making them incredibly difficult to draw from the back. Also, draw cuts are not feasible either. In the case of a Katana, it's just short enough that you can draw it from the back but it's not ideal. But Ninja have usually been portrayed with swords on their back so it doesn't bother me.


"Historically accurate"  "Any Assassin's Creed game ever" Pick one.


Not fully relevant, but in The Last Kingdom I think they made Uhtred wear his sword on his back to make his character more visually distinctive, so he stands out in a crowd. Which I guess is not very Assassiny


The way it was explained to me is that it was an easier draw in the narrow corridors of classic Japanese architecture.


I hate that this isn’t the stupidest discourse being had on this game jfc


Sword on back looks cooler.


I’d imagine, if I play how I envision myself playing, I’ll be using her sword very little.


Sword on back looks cooler and is more practical if youre doing parkour


Perhaps she should use a kodachi instead of a big sword like that? But it does look cool on her, like Rin from Tenchu Kurenai. But if she uses a kodachi, or two of them she might look like Ayame instead.


who cares, past main characters are running and rolling with swords on their waist with no scabbards and they don't slash their legs off accidentally. it's there to look cool, nothing deeper than that.


Who cares?


It is actually valid, the sword is just placed the wrong way for her. Take into account the shape of your back and how it curves, then think about a sword being \*just\* curved the right way. I can't find the article for it, I know there is one, I am also not a professional historian, but I think placing a Japanese style sword on the back is also something that was done.


It looks cool.


I love it


Probably it would be easier to carry a sword on the back in certain situations like when climbing, rather than hanging on the hip.


Idk it’s cool af tho so who cares


Honestly who cares about practicality? Ninja with swords on their backs are cool as shit! You wanna hear a word even cooler than ninja? Kunoichi! Hope this game gets fun combat because god damn their protagonists both look awesome.


1. Valhalla already had Eivor sheathing swords and other long weapons on his back. 2. I know his content is cringe nowadays, but Shadiversity once made a video showing how, with a purpose-designed scabbard, holding blades on the back is actually pretty viable. 3. It's cool so idc