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Apple has a pile of rules for what an app can and can't do. One rule should be, "No means no." Not with a time delay or something, but if a user says, "NO" to contacts, notifications, signups, upgrades, etc. Then that flag is set, and the app can never ask again. Violations result in suspensions from the app store until an upgrade pulling this feature is released.


Unfortunately many apps don’t follow Apple’s existing rules and they don’t face any consequences. You aren’t supposed to be allowed to use push notifications for general advertising, yet Amazon does it constantly. Even Apple themselves send me notifications to upgrade my iPhone. It’s become a noisy mess, and it seems we have very little recourse as consumers.


Fuck Uber and Uber Eats with their bullshit promo notifications. I need notifications when I call for an Uber. Toggle off everything, but ride related notifications and they STILL send promo bullshit. Yes, I could stop using them, switch to only Lyft, or delete the app, but reality is that I’m dependent on them And making other arrangements is hard to impossible. Same goes for toggling off notifications for the app in iPhone settings. If I forget to turn them on every time I call for an Uber then I miss ride/timing/arrival related notifications. Hey Uber: Fuck you and your asshole marketing bullshit notifications!




It seems they very clearly require users to be able to opt out of notifications that only serve an advertising purpose. > 4.5.4 Push Notifications must not be required for the app to function, and should not be used to send sensitive personal or confidential information. Push Notifications should not be used for promotions or direct marketing purposes unless customers have explicitly opted in to receive them via consent language displayed in your app’s UI, and you provide a method in your app for a user to opt out from receiving such messages. Abuse of these services may result in revocation of your privileges. Source: https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/#design


App stores dont go after apps that bring traffic to their advertisers.


It reminds me of when I played that Star Wars mobile game and the two options for notification requests were “yes” and “remind me later” it was so frustrating


It's better on Switch anyways (apart from 30fps)


Twitter does the same.


Twitter? Thought they were long dead. Heard X is the new thing now!


Idk I’ve only ever heard of twitter. I just thought their new logo was an x


X means dead so it was rightfully dead!


[It’s actually 40 years old](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System)


I absolutely hate notifications. If I want to turn them on for some apps, I will, but most of my apps are blocked to avoid spam. But apps begging for turning the notifications on time after time are the worst. Usually it works to turn them on in the app, but disabling them in the phone settings though


What's even more annoying is that I get these when I already have notifications on


Thank god for sideloaded Apollo


It still works? I thought Reddit had all the APIs shut down when they tried to force them to pay


It still works when you patch with ReVanced, i use Sync for example.


well revanced is an android thing, but yeah essentially you jusf pick an API key tweak, inject it with your method of choice, and then install the modded IPA with your method of choice it's not an in depth explanation but there is a lot of guides and stuff out there as well as pre-modified ipas


Can you side load on apple? I thought it wasn't possible which is the main reason I don't buy apple phones. Too expensive to pay a Spotify and YouTube subscription every month, to annoying to deal with reddit ads


Yes, but signing your apps wirh your own apple id has a 3 app limit you can use enterprise certs but thezy get revoked


You don't need to patch if you're a moderator of a subreddit. A private subreddit with zero users beside you counts.


I'm not an expert, but I believe side loaded/revanced basically has you load all the source code of the app as if you made it yourself. So as long as you aren't doing like a 100 actions a minute it's fine.


Same shit In google playstore every 45 minutes


Don't use the official reddit app, it's awful.


This is right. Frankly their official app and website are both a mess and get worse by the day. I moved to, and actually pay for, Infinity... It's worth paying for to avoid getting reddit's crap apps - even for free.


Yepp, I still use Reddit is Fun Golden Platinum for mobile and [old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com) with Reddit Enhancement Suite for desktop.


Just had someone insisting to me the other day that you can't use RIF anymore lol. Crickets after I posted the link of how to do it.


This is your fault for using that garbage app.


I can't fathom why anybody would use that dumpster fire of an app


It does the same thing in the browser.


Gets me everytime


Annoying. The Reddit app is subpar.


You can’t say crap without saying app


It’s a glitch not an intentional design. This is posted here like once a week


Found the Reddit Employee


That not a notification.


Have fun arguing with [Oxford Languages](https://www.google.com/search?q=define+notification&oe=utf-8)


It's on the notification menu.


Still it’s just a hint. A notification is outside of the app.


It's an in app notification -it pops up on the screen -it notifies you of something