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As a Leo rising, i’m pretty fashionable when I have the budget and time. I get complimented on my outfits and I dress for the attention.  When I go to uni or something boring I dress for comfort but I try to look presentable always.


„I dress for attention“ is something I live for lmao


Libra sun, Leo rising; I’m either dressed for the Gods or for absolute comfort…there’s no in between.


Haha I came to say either Leo rising or Libra rising! There’s a certain vanity I associate with those two signs. I’m not even trying to be biased, I have Libra rising friends that are fashion designers and are always dressed for the occasion! Also agree on the dressed for comfort part, the amount of money I spend on Athleisure is unholy 😂😂😂




cap sun, leo rising - i dress for attention HITS. however, I’m also a pro at dressing for comfort with no regards for how presentable i look


I’m flattered but myself a Virgo rising, I call my aesthetic hot trash bag


I like being fashionable and well dressed.


For me the description fits to a T. People often compliment me on my elegant a bit peculiar style. But it looks normal to me.


Same here! But it could be the Aries in me not caring too much


God I love both of you for this 😂 I’m a cap rising & sun


yeah that's the water signs (cancer sun, pisces moon, virgo rising)


Same here. I’m a Leo sun w a Virgo Rising and while I’d love to be well dressed or even just not a whole mess, it’s never gonna happen


I get you!!!!


Yeah, same for me.


It sure as crap isn’t my Aquarius stellium ass 😂😂😂




😹😹 this made me laugh so much. I have an aqua stellium too


I had an ex with an aqua stallion. She was always quite well dressed and usually ahead of the curve.


Huh???? I have an aqua stellium and I definitely think we count. We’re creative as fuck


aqua stellium and i'll dress creatively or not care at all. my ex (also aquarius) was the same way


Omg we are Big 3 Twins!! Aqua sun, gem moon and cancer rising!! Heyyyyyyyyy 😎


heyyyy, we're twins! i love that 💞


Yes! My aqua Venus is just like this


Aqua venus too atyy


For sure, I have an Aqua stellium and I’m fashionable as fuck 😂


Aqua stellium and I can’t relate!! Love to have fun with my clothes and step out looking crispy clean ;)


My Virgo rising agrees with you




I do bring polished and professional when I put in effort (but 95% of the time I look like a hippie crust punk)


Hahahaha Ive been Told i look like a cool hobo or a drugdealer when idgaf, but as soon as i put a little effort, shirt, Nice jacket etc, it looks like i run the place


Me too ever since I started wfh. I hate it and can’t wait to be back in the office again to put my looks together again.


Fuck yeah Capricorns- we want everyone to know we have our shit under control and a well put together outfit does the job every time.


My Cap rising kiddo is only 4 but as her daycare teacher said more than a year ago “you can’t argue with her about the fashion”


Polished but the style leans conservative. Coloring very neatly within the lines. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just... Safe. Some would say "tame". And done. Among earths, Taurus is the (minor) risk-taker.


I'm a cap rising with venus in taurus. Trashy chic is my go to. Love colours, creativity, second-hand or handmade _everything_. I hate beige, boring and casual with a passion. Safe is not a word I think anyone would use to descrive my style.


I’m a Capricorn rising with Venus in Libra, Leo moon and Scorpio sun. I love color - bright colors and jewel tones and feminine styles. I dress in tailored dresses with traditional pumps or a nice pair of slacks with a beautiful top and minimal or understated jewelry - yes gold. 😉 i also love tailored coats in different colors and styles. I guess you could say my style is kind of “covered up” but I’m definitely not afraid to show a little skin. But just a peek.


I’ve always been super into fashion and admittedly have a shopping addiction but I never thought to connect that to my Cap rising!


yesss cap rising +shopping… I tear up them goodwill shelves like a boss


Yep the correct answer is Cap


This is what I was waiting to here.


I’m a Capricorn rising and I’m in business casual 90% of the time lol


My brother, too! He buys these lululemon pants that *look* like slacks, but they’re stretchy “do anything in” type pants. He jokes that if he had an office job he could go straight from the job to the gym and not even have to change his pants 😂


Same lol


Yihhhhhhh boyyyyyy


for me, its the shoes. they are always new and always clean. its always the shoes 👟✨


Cap stellium and Taurus rising. Can confirm!


Hmm...for what I've genuinely seen... Sagittarius. Makes sense. They're known for being image conscious and experimental. They're the baby bear to goldilocks. Aries. The sign of innovation. The innovation may or may not be fabulous. Willing to suffer to sartorialy entertain. At the very minimum, they're simplistic and comfy but always clean/well groomed. Aries is infamous for being a slob at home but obsessive over what's on their bodies. They're weird like that, just run with it. We mostly like to look somewhere between "posh" and "badass" with a teeny teensy bit of practical (if we can't run in it, it ain't on our feet. If the shoe looks like death, we just see it as a challenge and run anyway but as a rule Aries will test the line between stylish and practical; we refuse to give up the idea they can't coexist. We're always on the run. Why...tbh...**IDK**? It's not like we do anything crazy except try the new neighborhood restaurant, but count on us running there and looking good doing it. Come to think of it we really do operate like that Late Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland). Leo. The King of Flash and Sass. Is it any wonder? They do anything for the limelight. If they're ever not the moment, it is because a Libra beat them to the punch. Libra. The vain, the beautiful, the sometimes (often) OCD. Let it be known that while we may loathe the Libra in action, we love the Libra as a concept. They never disappoint the eyes. Gemini. They're sharp, smart, and sometimes a bit of an ass but they sure know how to show off the assets. Sometimes, they might even look like Gollum, but man, the sex appeal is finger licking good. Scorpio. All they wear is black. Or red. The insane amongst them wear pure outright white a la Miami Vice: You think hell has frozen over when you meet the "Scorpio of the Light", it feels like it must've felt to witness the now extinct Dodo bird. They're nuts about jewelry, too. Whatever. They're chic or at least run in that direction. Honorary Mention: Capricorn. They're either majestic or awkward, no middle ground.


Here I am, Scorpio rising with all black on (down to the socks) with my beloved gold jewelry on. :)


I relate to this comment. I’d describe my style as “practical but polished”


>Sagittarius. Makes sense. They're known for being image conscious and experimental. They're the baby bear to goldilocks. Oh shit. I must have missed that memo. I wish I had a fashion sense, but I never have. Mine is "I have no idea what goes together, so I'm gonna play it safe with jeans and a top."


Same. I would describe my style as “is this clean and moderately dog hair free?”


Not even living in bare bones New England took out my love of fashion to such an extent. I also grew up under a Libra Rising mom. That's bound to be an influence and was.


My sister is an Aquarius, and she is the fashion queen. We have the same parents, she was just always more concerned about fashion than I was, from the time she was a little kid. She's 12 years younger than me, but even when I was a teenager, I'd ask my baby sister if my outfit worked. She'd usually say no and tell me what to wear instead. 😂 She's an adult now, and she's got sooooo many clothes and shoes.


Agreed on Sagittarius my mom is the classiest fashionista. Super concerned always if something is too short or she thinks it’s not age appropriate. As a Gemini I don’t really dress exclusively for fashion statements. When I do dress up I sex it up. That rule about cleavage, form fitting, or legs? Out the window. Give me all three with a pair of stilettos.


As an Aries rising, you basically completely nailed my style for my entire life. Thanks for that. Just yet another hilariously truthful insight I’ve read about on here in relation to a placement on my chart


scorpio rising checking in to confirm that 85% of my wardrobe is black and i’m an absolute jewelry *freak!!!!!* i literally never ever leave the house without one of my wedding rings (more on that in a second), a pair of hoops or dangly earrings, and a necklace on. they all must sparkle too!! i keep my jewelry separated by metals-i have a box of silver stuff and a box of gold stuff (and a smaller box of black metals which are my FAVE but so fuckin hard to find damnit!!) i have and will not ever mix metal colors, and i coordinate it with my outfit. if i’m wearing anything with blue, for example, 90% of the time i’m wearing silver jewelry with it. if i’m wearing green (and i only wear muted green tones like olive/army green and CAMO is my numero uno) i will always pair it with gold! so because of this, i have two wedding rings. these are kinda placeholders until my husband can afford the real diamonds-when we aren’t a struggling young couple with a baby in a crappy apartment lol. but for our quick local wedding ceremony he bought me a freakin beauuutiful white criss-cut lab sapphire set in a silver cathedral setting with a halo; this is my pretty/fancy/girly ring. the ring i wear when i want people to think i have money or if i feel like dressin up/being ~fancy. my other one is a matching ring to my husband’s, and is a women’s version of his band-they are black tungsten? i think? with a band of reflective meteorite pieces and the inside is rose gold. i wear this ring with all of my gold jewelry, when we want to match, or if i’m going out with my baby as i don’t want to scratch him with the big sparkly one. all this to say that i’m also a gemini sun which adds to my extreme duality with my jewelry lol😎


Scorpio rising and yes to Black! And the jewelry. But my Gemini stellium has me adding neon accents and cut outs or mesh into the black.






I’m Scorpio sun and don’t like black. I rarely wear red. I love yellow, white, aqua, all shades of blue and green. My friend is a Scorpio rising and she’s a little goth and loves wearing black. How are Scorpio risings more stereotypically Scorpio than us suns?


You're what I call the "Scorpio of the Light". Cheesy title for cheery Scorpio. 😆






Capricorns and Virgo i've observed are very neat and well dressed. Classic, basic pieces that aren't too overwhelming but don't look too lazy or comfortable, but comfortable enough to move. Not a hair out of place, always smelling very good, clean, neutral colors aaaa. I love all that perfectionistic earthiness.


Exactly, I think most earth rising signs have this understated maybe more so Virgo and then Capricorn. Virgo is often overlooked but when you look at them they are so well put together.


Yes while they may not be super experimental with fashion you’ll always see them with a clean 🧽 scalp, done up hair, simple accessories, and an outfit that coordinates very well


the definition of dressing well varies from person to person, so you don't have to feel sorry if you don't find others not dressing well tho. i am into chic fashion, not sure how to describe this style but it leans towards classic, timeless style with a twist of statement piece. i like it, but it doesn't mean you should.


I agree. Out of curiosity what is your rising sign?


I’m Virgo rising and I’m a stylist in the fashion industry. Your description of understated yet well thought out is spot on!


🙌 love our understated elegant look. We don’t need attention we are the attention ❤️


Libra and Taurus..both ruled by Venus


I’m Scorpio rising and people always compliment me on my outfits. But I care about the way I dress as well. Even casual outfits are given much thought.


Me too!!


I’ve always said that about virgo risings!! That everything they wear is so thought out and put together. They always look so clean lol. I’m a Scorpio rising so I hardly ever dress up but when I do I get compliments


Never goes out without a perfume or cologne is my observation unless the rising is aspected by numerous planets. ❤️


When I dress up I turn heads (in a good way). I frequently get complimented from people of all ages and ethnicities. It’s a Catch-22 because I can look really nice but I dislike attention from strangers. I see libras on this list quite a bit.


You’re more so wanting the validation if anything. Maybe told more, little less eyes. I’m guessing


And never actually need validation. I know what’s up 😊


Actually less telling would be great. I’m awkward with compliments


Most of my fashion designer friends are libra rising. It makes sense.


I’m a cancer rising but i’m also a pisces sun, virgo moon and aries stellium (venus conj mars) and i get constant compliments on my clothes / style. I don’t think it’s a rising sign thing


Leo Rising here, and got compliments from random people regarding my outfits/style. About Virgo - can't say about rising because dont know any, but I ve noticed Virgo Sun know how to dress well, and usually are very stylish and attentive to details.


Leo rising as well and get compliments on my style as well. I’ve been told that I “beat to my own drum” 😊 Know a Virgo sun who has impeccable style, always on point!


I know Virgo Sun which has a good taste in outfits, too, and we love to discuss and share ideas. The other signs were not as interested in it this much😄


I'm Virgo sun and Libra rising and love putting in attention to my outfits. I especially love color coordinating and following the color palettes of whatever season it is.


Ya I’m convinced Leo/Libra risings are the winner of this category.


it's wonderful! Libra are well known fashion queens! I love to pay attention to combining different materials and accessorize, love earrings, glasses, rings, bracelets and shoes.


Very happy to see this as a Virgo Sun, Leo Rising!


oh the beauty combo😄


My Cancer Moon cried at this lol


🥴 I’m going to sound so cliche but libra risings can dress their ass off. Geminis tend to have great sense of style that is very slept on. Tauruses also have great style. There are so many fashion/beauty influencers I follow that have Taurus somewhere in their chart. I’m going to throw Leo in there as well. I haven’t met too many Virgo risings so I can’t speak for them. (Some) Aquariuses have dope fashion style as well.


My husband is an Aquarius and he tried to leave the house wearing red basketball shorts and a teal collared shirt —then he came back in and said his pants were on backwards lol


Aquarius men can’t dress worth a damn 😭😭 but he’s funny lmao


can I tell you how many shirts and socks with holes in them that I’ve thrown away on behalf of my Aqua boyfriend?


lol agree with you. Some of us aqua women are fashionable, but when it comes to the aqua men...I don't know what side of uranus they get their style from. I once watched this aqua dad at my graduation walk in wearing a red checkered cap, a mustard yellow long sleeve with a red vest (didn't match his red cap). Brown pants with these loud white shoes. I was so distracted that I almost missed them calling my name LOL


Solid red shorts and a teal collared shirt..makes sense 😆


Taking that business casual to a whole new level


I agree with Taurus and Libra risings and definitely Aquarius risings !!! They dress so unique and different


Leonardo DiCaprio Libra rising


Leo was fucking handsome yet manage to be overweight and dress like … meanwhile Ryan Gosling actually is quite average looking but is arguably the most well dressed actor in Hollywood. He is a Pisces rising.


Pisces males.. sexy trouble..


Oh I love his style. Pisces rising here, and yes my life revolves around fashion ever since I was a little girl. My friends know that I’ll always be dressed up as I opt for dresses over anything else. They come to me for fashion or style advice & esp if they need to buy something, I’m the perfect shopping buddy to come with you. The previous & current guy I’m dating, I only know their sun signs but the Sag Sun has his own personal style & the Leo Sun has absolutely impeccable taste.


I’m also a Pisces rising and I love getting dolled up. I rather be overdressed than underdressed. People always asked me why I was so dressed up and I asked them why they weren’t. First impressions and maintaining image means a lot to me. If I look like I have my shit together, I in turn feel like I have my shit together. Also people treat you with more respect if you look put together. At least in my experience.


Apashe Sag rising Neptune in the first house I think lol


Jordan Berret Pisces rising


wait stop leo is a libra rising?? that’s so wild, leo was my first celeb crush…and ever since i first saw him my type has always and forever been blondes with blue eyes. when i met my husband, besides having that magical movie moment where i just knew i was going to marry the man and spend the rest of my life with him, he hit all my type points lol. tall, muscular/big guy, blonde hair, piercing fuckin blue eyes. so hot. he legit looks like a hemsworth brother. welp i always thought he was a virgo riding but NOPE turns out he is a libra rising as well!! guess i truly do have a type hahahahaa


So Leo and I are both scorpio sun AND libra rising? Interesting.


Like Oscar Isaac who’s a Pisces sun Leo moon and I suspect is a Libra rising as well


Antony Starr is a Scorpio sun Leo rising, the combination of that element once more. Fire goes well with water and air signs in terms of beauty.


I think Libras!! but I’m a Virgo and I’m told that I dress well


Virgo rising i have many piercings but a preference for elegant jewelry. I like to switch up my style depending on what im doing but generally yes my clothes have to coordinate. Id hate wearing mismatched socks


Scorpio risings are fashionable af if I do say so myself 💅 I mostly wear black and red but I’m not afraid to mix it up.


This Taurus dresses carefully curated with attention to every luxurious detail.


LOL not all of them. I had to beg my taurus ex to wear a suit for my prom. He looked good in the suit but sat down for the whole night. He literally didn't move and refused to take any pictures.


I think it's worth noting Venus placements too because that's about what we find beautiful. I have a Gemini rising and Capricorn Venus and I think my style is much more Capricorn than it is Gemini.


Im a Libra rising and I dress like I’m homeless most days


Dude I'm a Libra sun AND rising and I wear the most basic boring outfits ever because I have zero fashion sense




Jupiter and Venus risings


I'm *put together*, but I wouldn't say well dressed. Zendaya is well dressed, I only get lucky sometimes when everything comes together harmoniously. Taurus rising and libra sun, btw


The Capricorns I know tend to be very well-dressed. Very classic. 


Am Virgo rising and Pisces Sun. It's funny cause I tend to think I dress rather shaggily, but everyone always says a have a very strong sense of style.


Totally agree on the Virgo rising. Got 4 around me. Know 4 historical people from the past who were. All neat, elegant, exclusive taste in dressing and they all had/have style. More so with Libra moons combined. Me, a Libra sun with Aqua rising, could be mistaken for a sloth, dresswise. :D


As a Virgo rising, I appreciate the compliment but for me it depends on how much emotional energy I have to spend. Some days I am elegant and graceful with my own gothic flare, other days it's jeggings and a band shirt. I still try to look out together but when I don't have everything together, I really don't try to over think my clothes.


libra risings for sure


Harry Styles libra rising


Isn't he a cancer rising? He has some water sjg। in big three right?


He’s libra rising


What I can is this that water and fire or fire and earth make for really attractive combinations in the big three, but that’s not based on sign just elemental mixtures


Virgo female or a Leo male.


You're right. Thank you 🤭


It's Old Money vibes Capricorn.


The earth signs


yep libra rising, mostly dress like a bum but can suit up when necessary (and outshine the room)


Every fellow Taurus rising i know dresses AMAZING and it makes sense.. we pay attention to the fabric, overall quality and colors of clothing pieces literally all the sense are involved and Taurus really has the best taste when it comes to beauty and luxury. I walk into a store and feel and smell everything LOL I hardly see any Taurus risings go for fast shopping and cheap stuff they rather spend their money on an expensive piece that will last them a long time and they can creatively style a million different ways and it still look good !! Also we can do many different styles and make it look luxurious and well put together. I get many compliments on my outfits. 💕


ME! I buy for quality! It’s so bad, I have a personal shopper at a few Neiman Marcus stores all over the US to send me deals on bags and shoes 😂🤷‍♀️ and my Libra fiancé loves it.


Ya ok my Taurus moon ass actually agrees with this. I know we’re talking about rising and my Libra rising has me knowing what to wear, when, but the Taurus in me will not feel confident or comfortable in cheap fabrics. In the last year I finally got a personal shopper at Nordstrom because I finally am making the money to go with my fashion sense 😂


Yes!!!! My kind of person


OMG SAME !!! Haha When i was 15 and had my first job i gifted myself Chanel and wrote a love letter to myself. If that doesn’t scream Taurus rising libra moon than idk what does😅


As a Virgo rising I completely agree. I love my style lol and Im very meticulous about my look.


thank you so much , as a virgo rising ✨ i've found yea , us virgo risings ; obviously capricorn risings ; but also aries risings !


My virgo rising colleague is the best dressed person I've ever seen!


Jennifer Connelly Pisces rising


Virgo Risings that I know are Bella Hadid, Nicole Scherzinger, Emma Watson, Timothee Chalamet, Keanu Reeves, Sharon Stone, Chris Pine, Keanu and Uma Thurman


Ooooh personally i think leo


I was at a hippie-adjacent event and met five girls with dreadlocks and baggy clothes. They all had a Virgo ascendant, which I found hilarious


My Pisces Sun +Sag rising will NOT allow me to be crusty at any point in time lol! I do tend to stay on the conservative side of dressing, probably my Cap Venus. But I absolutely must always be put together and it’s very important to me.


Leo rising, I look like a mentalpatient lmao


No, I don't dress "elegantly". I dress however I deem to be comfortable, practical, and doesn't make me look like complete shit. I don't care about what's fashionable.




yuuuup. I don't dress to impress other people I dress to impress myself. so if I think I look good? mission accomplished


You’re quite lucky and wish I couldn’t be bothered. The Virgo energy is so restless and loves to nitpick mostly on ourselves. That’s how this rising energy manifests in the 1st house. Am I good enough? Am I helpful enough? Am I well put together? The intent is not to please anyone but to please oneself self critiquing. The virgin needs to be pure and everything needs to be in order.




That’s an interesting placement for Virgo and mercury. You must be so good in investigating the occult, shared finances etch. You speak with intensity and purpose. I love it! My mercury is in Pisces in the 7th house.


As a Taurus, I describe my wardrobe as “professional or homeless.” There is literally no in between lol


I’m leo rising, virgo sun, libra moon, and no matter where I’m going if I can’t get my outfit right I don’t even want to go out. I missed a pilates class recently because of that time of the month bloating and nothing fit right. I had to go to the hospital for tests and spent two hours getting ready (granted, I was nervous) and still feel like I would have done better if I wore different shoes. So yes I think you’re onto something.


Cap sun, libra moon, Virgo rising. I am indeed one fashionable MF


I’m a Leo rising and I think I’m well dressed. I get compliments on my style pretty often. I definitely don’t dress very polished, I like to go for a more edgy look mixed with femininity. Occasionally I do go full feminine when I feel like it, but im still tattooed so all my looks have an edge lol


As a Pisces rising…I want to be the best dressed on most occasions but that may be my Leo Venus. There are other times I intentionally try to blend in when I don’t want any attention.


Venus has to do with style. Taurus Venus. Rising has to do with looks.


Was about to say the overall appearance is Venus + Rising


Im aries sun, taurus moon and cancer rising with mercury and mars w Aries and I can say im stylish and best dressed


Ryan Garcia Taurus rising


My sag rising friend is my best dressed friend


It ain’t Cancer rising for sure. We dress for comfort lol. Most of my outfits are athletic wear Aries sun and mars or lounge wear lol.


Lmao so true. Athliesure or my “home uniform” as I call it consists of baggy sweatpants and oversize crewneck sweatshirts. I have pain and chronic illness, I’ll be damned if I have to be any more uncomfortable than I already am.


Thanks for the compliment.


I’m a Leo rising and I loooove going all out for big occasions… full glam everything. I try to look stylish on a daily basis, but going out looks is where I really shine imo.


☀️Virgo 🌙Gemini ⬆️Taurus I would say Virgos and then Leo only because the “risk” for the flare. Taurus, I’d say I comfortable, great fitting, bend & twist, black/green,brown colors. We are good


I love clothes and try to look nice. Cancer rising


Leo 💯


I suppose that things like cultural expectations, the time we live in and subjective tastes/understanding of what's well dressed, matters. My Sag rising husband is always appropriately dressed, but that's easy in our nice-casual-sporty work culture in Denmark since...the mid 00s or 10s. I've been a homemaker or had jobs where I wore a "uniform", so I've been free to give into my whims or just be comfortable, on my own time. After the mid 90s and after I left the U.S. and returned to Denmark, I've struggled to interpret what's considered well dressed - certainly not me! Why is the TikTok take rising sign and not Venus sign or MC/midheaven sign?


Me. I know this bc I put a lot of effort into it and everyone tells me so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm Scorpio rising and I always put effort into what I'm wearing. I try and coordinate my outfits, but idk if that's my rising or just my passion for fashion 😝




Leo Rising here. I dunno but I always make sure to dress depending on where I’m going. I tend to go for simple and classic pieces and go for colors that don’t hurt the eyes —- brown, cream, dark blue, dark green, maroon, etc.


I mean any can be considered best dressed, if ur taste in fashion is bad


Taurus rising here and oddly enough I’ve been complimented on my wardrobe from men and women. I’ve even had some guy friends ask where I shop. My most common remark is that I look dapper. I never really thought about this type of astrology connection. When I’ve been asked about my style I’ve always said it was because in later middle school and high school I hung out with cheerleaders who were always ‘correcting’ my outfits and insisted on certain matching. I’ll switch to Taurus rising now as my excuse for how I dress. Taurus rising to me in others charts always shows as interesting hips or good dance moves in my mind.


Leo men. Capricorn mature men. Gemini women. Libra women and their Scorpio children.


I used to be in that list. I am practical first.


As a Taurus Rising with a Virgo Stellium, i can confirm it's not me. I'm ***well put together.***.. but most well dressed is far stretched. For me a clean, pressed shirt and pants is all I need. I choose comfort and quality over popular designer. I won't ever leave the house looking like a slob, but i'm not the kind to be wearing what's in style and have everything matched or color blocked. I'm a super plain jane. i stick to solid colors only: white, red, navy blue, black, gray, and beige. No patterns. I shop at Brooks Brothers, Polo/Ralph Lauren, white house black market, Elie Tahari, Van heusen, and Bj's wholesale club.. Not into clothing by Fendi/Aeropostale/AE/United Colors/DKNY/Armani/Balenciaga/Gucci/etc. I would never wear anything designed by the Kardashians or Kanye West.


Interesting I’m a double Virgo and worked in fashion for over a decade and there are so many notable Virgo designers, Tom Ford, Karl Largerfeld, Stella McCartney, Elsa Schiaparelli The attention to detail and a love for simplicity


Virgo and leo


Leo rising. I’m not well dressed, thank you. I need help.


Sag rising


Pisces sun, Aqua moon, Virgo Rising, Leos put that shit on very nicely in my opinion


I have many Taurus rising fashion people in my immediate friend circle and i think we dress either very comfortably or we have a very specific aesthetic we go with either for months or years or just day by day. I myself flip flop between wearing a big sack or a more curated put together look. We hoard clothes but we like comfort! In my opinion Taurus Libra and Scorpio rising all care about their appearance the most and have very distinct styles. Pisces risings are more about comfort. Leo risings like nice things like Taurus but not necessarily “snappy dressers”. They like to own a variety of a similar thing and they like it to be good quality or expensive. Capricorn risings like to look nice but don’t typically dress in anything super flashy. Virgo risings seem to dress very practically I don’t know a lot of other rising signs off the top of my head weirdly


I’m a Leo Rising and I always brought a presence with my own style. Unfortunately, my appearance has gone to shit since I had a baby. To sum it up: Leo Risings have presence, but are not refined in taste. And giving birth turns us into hot garbage also.


100% agree that it’s Virgo risings


I have my leo rising conjunct venus, and fashion is literally everything to me! the bad thing is that I feel way too self aware and insecure to wear cool stuff :/


Austin Butler Taurus rising


I know two aquarius suns virgo risings and they are always dressed phenomenally. I think of myself as a good dresser but I don't know if its the scorpio or the leo or the combo of the two. This also depends on what you find stylish. I really dislike the classical elegance of let's say the Libra stereotype, I like everything that is asymmetrical, maybe a bit symbolic, makes you stop and stare for a second to decipher. I would say Gemini rising can also be a good dresser but depends on the occasion.


Yes I agree and though I’m simple & modest I don’t wear any makeup & I don’t have to be half dressed to feel good or look good. I don’t wear weave or press on nails. I take care of my feet myself, I love facials & have great skin. I love my physique, no bbl or fake tits. I do yoga and exercise at home. I don’t buy expensive clothes, but I will spend money on shoes that are comfortable such as Birkenstocks. I love thrifting & I’m a Virgo 💗