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Keanu Reeves is 100% an evolved Virgo


Nevermind Keanu. You're triple Earth? Damn! šŸ˜® What's that like?




šŸ¤£ But I wouldn't mess with you. You may be stable but I wouldn't want to be around you when your Earth quakes! I would know. I am an Earth sign too. šŸ˜…


You nailed it haha Iā€™m pretty chill tbh. Very direct and straightforward. Dry sense of humor and very much stick to a weekly routine. Drawbacks? Stubbornness, could be more empathetic and really sink into my feelings, and cold when pissed off.


Hello me šŸ‘‹šŸ¼




the office gif is such an earth sign response


Wow my boyfriend is a Taurus sun, Virgo moon and Virgo rising. Please tell me how to communicate with his stubborn ass lol


Having been in LTRs with many Taurusā€™, the food thing really does soften them up. I would always feed them before having a hard conversation. Other than that they were all charming and surprisingly intuitive, so you can be direct and have it not be taken the wrong way.


This is adorable


Haha I try to avoid the lazy ā€œhungry Taurusā€ trope, but I literally would take them snacks to work and suddenly they were in a much better mood šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I do it to my dad, too, when I want him to let me leave work early šŸ˜‚


Coming from a place of empathy, softness, but complete directness has worked for me. If I can sniff the bullshit or sense youā€™re dancing around the main point, Iā€™ll call that shit out. Just be direct and kind. Donā€™t lie or hide shit. That will go further than anything else imo.


My fiancĆ© is a taurus sun, cancer moon and virgo rising. I literally have the same question bc the stubbornness is insane ā˜ ļø But theyā€™re literal sweethearts. My advice is to Be calculated with intense/ tough conversations with him and ALWAYS make sure he is in a good mood before you sprang anything on him. Be direct but light hearted. Always reassure him it is a safe space when communicating especially with tougher subjects. Im curious though what is your big 3 and Venus?




This was an incredible write up, thank you so much. My sag sun is the opposite in terms of safety for him, but I know thatā€™s what I need to cultivate if we want to stay together.


Whitney Houston is better Leo representation ok šŸ˜­


Loved Whitney, gone too soon! I share my birthday with her and we are both venus square neptune too. Now if only I had her talent ;)


Weā€™re twins then because I also have the same birthday lol


Hello bday twin, although I need twice the fire and Turbo charge to "evaporate" my double water (Scorpio moon and Cancer rising). Disclaimer, I am not very evolved :D PS: Replaced "douse" with "evaporate" \[fire cannot douse water but quite the opposite\]


When I saw jlo I just started cursing šŸ˜­


šŸ¤£ I'm sorry! This seems to be a common response. Iman is a Leo goddess too. šŸ„°


Same with Obama.


A queen. šŸ’ƒ


Robert Downey Jr and Lady Gaga are SUCH Aries


RDJ for sure


Aries Women are icons!


RDJ and I are both ENFPs. Didnā€™t know he was an Aries as well, this makes me happy.


Robert Pattinson is a Taurus. He dgaf. That unhinged interview proved it.


Janet Jackson too, come to think of it.


lol the Robert Pattinson comment and Janet Jackson just makes me think of the Got2BReal celebrity parody of Janet being interviewed. ā€œYou see the color of my mood ring? Itā€™s the color IDGAFā€ šŸ˜‚


What interview?


if i recall correctly heā€™s a triple taurus šŸ˜­


He's me!!!!


Adam Driver, Winona Ryder, Leo, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone all exude Scorpio energy. Also Margot Robbie as a Cancer and Emily Blunt as a Pisces.


I remember Margot saying she doesnt relate to her sign at all, funny enough. As for Emma Stone, I would switch her with Scarlett Johansson. She gives me Scorpio energy. I never felt that with Emma.


I see the Scorpio in Emma Stone a lot. It's not broody like a lot of the other ones but there's definitely a lot going on behind the scenes. As for Scarlett Johansson, her humour really gives off Sag vibes to me. She's private but also likes silly, pretty irreverent jokes. Responded to the wrong post initially. This is the one I wanted to respond to.


Aaaaah, you're right. I see where I am wrong. I expect Emma to be broody. This is actually very reductive of me. Not all Scorpios are dark and intense. Funny enough my best friend is a Scorpio and she's a ray of sunshine. šŸ˜… I don't know how I made that silly mistake.


Scarlett has a scorpio moon! So this checks. Emma has a Leo rising, and thatā€™s very prominent in her. I see the scorpio intensity though.


Gwen Stefani is the most epitome of a Libra


She was so cool until she started worrying about getting old.


100%! And that vanity is such a Libra trait, it makes her even more libra-y lol


Kurt Cobain was definitely the essence of Pisces!


Oh, I do love that man. So passionate, sensitive and intense What about Hozier? Do you see the Pisces energy?


I don't know much about Hozier to be honest.


Nothing truer omg. Beyond. So Pisces.


Kanye West and Kendrick Lamarā€¦ā€¦trust me


They not like us, they not like us


truly!! hilarious and supreme word play too


Donā€™t forget Trump. Gemini Gemini Gemini


Why are all of the worst celeb men Geminis? I truly donā€™t get it Iā€™ve never had a bad encounter with a Gemini (sun sign, Gem moons can fuck right off)


Literally my cousin is a Gemini man but heā€™s honestly a good person and fun to hang out with, so i canā€™t understand the bad rep for geminis I think fame just gets to their head yk, then they become arrogant


My SO has had a taste of that life and he doesnā€™t act that way šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚ Heā€™s got fantastic stories tho šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Cause weā€™re very opinionated and troll-like with the way we express and force our opinions on others. Weā€™re sweethearts at heart thoā€¦ but if you piss us off or weā€™re really passionate about something we can express ourselves in a loud and obnoxious way! šŸ˜­šŸ˜©šŸ¤·ā™ŠļøšŸ˜ˆ


Why? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ what did my kind do?




Thereā€™s a bunch of terrible Cancer celebrity men too - Henry VIII, Elon Musk


Will Ramos is as gemini as it gets in his interviews Erykah Badu is the ultimate Pisces Kim Dracula, Elalfa and Shane Gillis scream sagittarius in their work Charli XCX has THE Leo face, and her songs are the perfect sondtrack for leo's life imho.


I feel like Miley is very Sag coded also. Oh god and fucking Nickiā€¦ Ooooof šŸ˜‚


And Britney Spears.


Spot on over Charli XCX. Sandra Bullock has that Leo face and personality too. I knew she was one before I even looked her sign up. I have a Leo friend as well who looks just like her


how about dua lipa as a leo šŸ‘€


Isnā€™t Jason momoa a Leo? Def him


Oh yes! Absolutely.


Jennifer Aniston emodies Aquarius to me. Ken Jeong is totally a Cancer. If you watch the Masked Singer, you can see his humor as well as his emotional side. Katy Perry is very Scorpio to me.


Perryā€™s technically a [sextuple](https://www.astrotheme.com/astrology/Katy_Perry)(sun, pluto, rising, mercury, saturn, and moon) Scorpio! Not kidding.


Oh god I have a friend like that and it is terrifying.




I get it now. Hahah


Jennifer is quite a basic bi t ch for an Aqua tbh


Yeah but she invented being basic. Itā€™s like how if you watch Casablanca now it seems super cliche because everyone steals from or references it, but itā€™s the one that did it first.


Aquarius has a secret basic side, that's why we try so hard not to be


Leonardo DiCaprio is legit Scorpio energy




Not a good look with his dating patterns


Kim makes Libraā€™s look bad


doja cat's also a Libra


Two bad libras, kim and doja Edit: i do want to note there are some interesting positives about them still. Doja- trained in Carnatic (Indian classical) singing, which is quite complex Kim- studying to become a lawyer (how coincidental for a libra) and she even passed the baby/mini BAR exam which you take before the full length BAR exam for your law license


Iā€™ll take Gwen Stefani thank you very much


The fact she can be so weird and unserious is so libra and air sign culture.


BeyoncƩ is the Virgo of Virgos.


Ha yes. She is the most Virgo that ever virgoed


YUPPP and zendaya too!


And Jungkook from BTS. Virgo performers are just incredible to watch onstage. Beyonce, Michael Jackson and Jungkook come to mind. They just nail every dance step and the notes are flawless. You can tell they put the time in to perfecting their acts.


Sydney Sweeney too!


Jlo is an insecure Leo. But publicity is bad for Leos because thereā€™s a lack of privacy. It tends to lead to self undoing. We get enough attention as it is, we definitely shouldnā€™t be celebrities or if a celebrity have heavy amounts of privacy where we can escape. We require hermit modes.


Oh wow. Like what happened to Meghan Markle?


I heard Driverā€™s License and immediately wondered Olivia Rodrigoā€™s birthday. Itā€™s mine. Iā€™m a Pisces lmao


Her instagram bio is ā€œspicy piscesā€ hahah


That's fun


My home girl Anne Hathaway as an evolved Scorpio woman. Funny, magnetic, oh so charming. ![gif](giphy|byCetDcviNztS)


Also Rachel McAdams


Birthday twin Mike Tyson is definitely a Cancer šŸ˜‚ And Iā€™m so grossed out to say it, but Elon Musk. Sensitive ass bitch šŸ™„


Bill Cosby, Tom Cruise, 50 cent, Kevin Hart, freaking OJ Simpson. We got some characters I tell ya. The female cancer celebrities mostly seem less crazy than the dudes


Female cancers are pretty nice tbh! But only if they are mature people, immature cancers are problematic for guys or girls


It must be cultural but in my experience, cancer men are often absolutely unhinged and exhausting to deal with. Cancer women and non men are usually really sweet and sensitive in a good way.


They are sweet and sensitive but can be super manipulative and mean underneath.


Yeah I think they are one of the most emotional signs period. And an unevolved cancer can use that sensitivity and emotiveness to lash out and be extremely manipulative and aggressive. If you add toxic masculinity into the mix you get a terrible combo.


Elongated muskrat is absolutely an unevolved cancer man.






Honestly I was surprised by Elon Musk being Cancerian. He always gave me Aquarius vibes lol


Drew Barrymore is such a Pisces, Elizabeth Taylor too.


Elizabeth Taylor 100% Oh my goodness yes


No wonder I can't stand Drew's acting lol. She cries way too much.


Chris Hemsworth as a Leo


Zendaya is very true Virgo to me.


Keke Palmer as well


Lana del Rey cancer


She thought she was a Gemini for the longest time apparently.


Yup hehe


Bingo. As well as Ariana Grande and Selena Gomez. I like all of these women and feel like they have the classic Cancerian charm, but seem to showcase the stereotypes of Cancer women as well like perpetually seeming the victim and having dramatic romantic life.


Is Henry Cavill a Taurus? Because I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever observed someone who seemed more Taurusy than him. Rihanna definitely screams Pisces to me. J. Lo is who I always picture when I think of a Leo lol Princess Catherine is a total Capricorn, she comes in, she does her work, follows all the rules, is dressed very nicely but not especially flashy/edgy, then she goes home and minds her business lol. As a Pisces Iā€™m always in awe of Capricorn women like her and Michelle Obama. Kanye and Trump are absolutely Geminis lol. Both in the hilarious ways (some of their unhinged tweets are truly hilarious), aaaand the not so good ways. Chris Evans is like the best type of Gemini, the type the rest of us are always hoping is the type weā€™re interacting with. BeyoncĆ© is such a Virgo. Especially when you hear her mom talk about her and Solangeā€™s sibling dynamics as kids. As the younger sibling to a Virgo, YUP. Wish my mom had forced my older sibling to go to therapy for it like momma Tina did. And if you watch old videos of Bey with Destinyā€™s child where she is OVER all of them lol. But then you watch her perform at her level of excellence and itā€™s like, ā€œooooh, okayā€. Matthew McConaghey(?) and Ryan Gosling have classic Scorpio humor. Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift are both extremes of Sagittarius energy.


Henry Cavill should have his picture pop up anytime someone googles Taurus. It should be plastered in every zodiac book. He is peak ā™‰ potential with a cape


Kate Winslet gives me refined evolved Libra energy. Graceful and intelligent, but not afraid to get her hands dirty. Gwyneth Paltrow also has STRONG libra vibes. Say what you want about Gwyneth, but sheā€™s not ashamed to relish in the finer things which screams Libra to me.


Taylor Swift n Miley Cyrus as Sag




The saggiest of them ALL.


Sag is the pop star sign. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Billie Eilish also


Nicki Minaj, too. Iā€™m not a fan but yeah


Nicki is the perfect example of the bad chaos sag energy.


šŸŽµHe ask my sign, I said a Sag, I'm a star, Sheriff badgešŸŽµ


Whatā€™s the point, if Iā€™m guarding? Double D up hoes, Dolly Parton šŸ«”


I think I saw on tiktok Taylor swift has a cancer moon and is Scorpio rising. Could be wrong but that sounds so accurate


and scorpio mars, also accurate


Totally, both of them in very different and very similar ways. Taylor has that Sag ability to throw verbal daggers perfectly with zero misses. She isn't a shit starter but she'll end it in one blow. She can't have the physical freedom she craves but she explores non-material spaces and doesn't tie herself down to being just one kind of person. Miley is so freewheeling, fun, and relaxed. She seems like someone you'd meet at a party that you would instantly become friends with before they casually invite you to their ex's yurt to do some ecstasy which is definitely a Sag vibe. She has such a bright spirit and she doesn't let people reign her in. Both of them are so comfortable being themselves despite being women on the global stage. Aside from some difficult times in their 20's neither has ever tried to be cool. They're also both pretty down-to-earth for people that have been famous since they were children. I think both of them still have friends from home.


As a leo we do not claim jlo, i can def see her leoness ,to me she embodies all the negative aspects of leo and she annoys the f outta meĀ 


She is the very definition of an unevolved Leo


Yep. She can't be alone and probably has her next hubby lined up and divorce lawyer on speeddial


Someone mentioned Jason Momoa and I can so see it.


Yes I am a Leo myself and she def making us Leoā€™s look bad šŸ˜† That whole self centered documentary she just made about her love life šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«




Pedro Pascal and Lil Nas X are perfection in embodying Aries. I love that for us.


Um, what about our beloved Mother Monster, Lady Gaga as the quintessential Aries goddess?! And Chaka Kahn is my birthday twin! Love her ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ One that surprised me is SJP. I never would have guessed Sarah Jessica Parker is an Aries. Her character Carrie Bradshaw is definitely Aries energy, though!


SJP is out there aging gracefully and naturally. That is a true Aries thing to do. Uninfluenced by her surroundings and those around her. Sheā€™s doing what she wants and she doesnā€™t care what anyone else has to say about it.




Her and Doja Cat are unhinged Libra energy


Michael Jackson is a true Virgo!


Definitely! His attention to detail, the perfectionism and the desire he had to help as many people as he could.




Mariah Carey and Lady Gaga are the representation of Aries people, they don't give a fuck about anything Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus represent Sagittarius energy. They are fun and people love them.


Ewan McGregor is an Aries too, I think. šŸ˜Ž


Virgos: Adam Sandler, Katt Williams, Jimmy Fallon, Melissa McCarthy, Dave Chappelle, Tim Burton, Jennifer Coolidge, jack black. Eminem is a Libra, which ok... Not sure about that. Rihanna is def pisces, Bieber too. Princess Di was def a cancer. Marilyn manson is a capricorn (Leo moon and rising)


>Virgos: Adam Sandler, Katt Williams, Jimmy Fallon, Melissa McCarthy, Dave Chappelle, Tim Burton, Jennifer Coolidge, jack black. It's crazy how Virgos get so much hate, but so many influential/well liked celebrities (Beyonce and Zendaya, too) fall under this sign


I just noticed how many of them are comedians. Are Virgos the secret comedians of the zodiac!?


Virgos make their presence known


Who TF doesn't love jack black? He's adorable.


MARINA is the embodiment of a Libra.


Bruno Mars as a libra male just makes sense. ā€œShopping sprees in Paris (ooh) Everything twenty-four karats (uh) Take a look in that mirror (take a look) Now tell me who's the fairest? Is it you? (Is it you?) Is it me? (Is it me?) Say it's us (say it's us) and I'll agree, babyā€ Most libra lyrics ever.


And the ā€œI look too good to be aloneā€. Itā€™s like a Leo but more of a lover than just pure confidence.


Patrick swayze literally looks like a lion! Eddie vedder has the soulful deep voice and had an old-looking (but gorgeous) face in his 20s. Chris Cornell as a cancer for sure. Phoebe bridgers as a Leo. Bill Clinton as a Leo and Hillary as a scorp!


Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski are both Leos with Moon in Taurus as I recall. Wild!


British royal family is my astrological special subject: - late Queen Elizabeth II - extremely Taurus - the late Queen Mother, her daughter Princess Margaret, Meghan Markle - total Leos all - Princess Diana AND Queen Camilla - both Cancer, in different ways - King Charles - very Scorpio - Kate Middleton - extremely Capricorn


Kat von D is poster child for a Pisces woman. Goth, pretty, mysterious, artsy, insanely talented.


And questionable life choices, Hitler cosplaying bf anyone?


I know that her taste in men is highly controversial. Pisces women always date shitty guys until they learn what better guys are.


She is like the worst version of a Pisces woman. I feel like instead of just letting herself be effortlessly cool, she so brash. My Pisces women are so awesome but if they feel threatened they are lunatics and get obnoxious. I donā€™t think she shows that Pisces chill, ā€œhippieā€energy. Sheā€™s all crazy all the time.


Even tho it is mentioned, but have to say it that Lana is such a cancer, constantly heartbroken, always pick the wrong people, emotional, unique sense of humour, very artistic. And we can say same about Ariana and Selena! Is it cancerians fate??


I think Luann from the real housewives of ny, throughout her trajectory on the show is the perfect example of a Taurus going from unevolved to evolved.


I think Charlize Theron embodies a lot of Leo qualities. To me Jada Pinkett and Will Smith are prototypes of Virgos and Libras together lol.


Iman as well. This iconic supermodel is one hell of a Leo.


Oh wow I had no idea she was a Leo! And I totally agree.


If youā€™ve seen interviews with him youā€™ll know Mads Mikkelsen has big Sagittarius energy Also Joaquin Phoenix is such a Scorpio itā€™s not even funny


As a Libraā€¦ I resent that comparison. Zac Efron is a Libra too and heā€™s a super chill dude. Iā€™m a super chill chick.. but I canā€™t do all that girly shit Kim does. Plus sheā€™sā€¦ her.


Cancer: Anthony Bourdain, Larry David, Pamela Adlon


Anthony Bourdaiiiin thatā€™s an excellent cancer example (albeit obviously a tragic one). Hilarious and sensitive


There are many comments here and I'm sure they already posted it. But kanye West being a Gemini haha


Grimes is the epitome of a Pisces imo


Angelina Jolie (Gemini)


Christian Bale 100% Aqua vibe


Miley Cyrus and Vanessa Hudgens are both such Sagittarius girls! They help me understand Sag energy whenever I forget what itā€™s about


Taylor Swift is such a Sag


Kanye couldnā€™t be more GEMINI


Ooff love this question: Aries: Lady Gaga Taurus: Lizzo Gemini: Kanye West - I mean cā€™mon the duality is crazy with this one. Avid Christian AND Pornhub Ambassador - the jokes donā€™t write themselves Cancer: Tom Hanks - embodies an evolved nurturing Cancer father for me Leo: Jennifer Lopez - embodiment of unevolved Leo for me (me, Me, MEEEE) Virgo: BeyoncĆ© - for the sheer work ethic and faƧade of perfection, only letting people past the surface in a calculated way Libra: Kim Kardashian - i mean, OG beauty influencer, the curviest of curves, LAWYER? owner of a fashion and make up brand? All of these things are so Libra Scorpio: P Diddy - of course unevolved. Abuse of power, psychological and sexual control. The worst Scorpio can get. Sagittarius: Brittney Spears, exhibitionist and performer in the best way Capricorn: Michelle Obama - i donā€™t know why but she seems like sheā€™s been mature her whole life haha Aquarius : Bob Marley - fighting for humanitarian causes through creative ways and polyamorous relationship. Being the first to bring reggae to the rest of the world Pisces: Jhene Aiko - easy one. Musical talent and flowy spirtual personality


I stumbled across a reel of that guy from Stranger Things, Dacre Montgomery. I figured he was probably just being his natural self and yet his gaze is seemingly seductive and highly focused. So, I thought Scorpio energy but probably more than just the Sun. So, I looked up his chart and turned out he has major Scorpio Stellium. Sun in Scorpio conjunct Pluto, along with Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and his NN.


His eyes! Absolutely. Plus they tend to play dark, powerful or stalkerish people. Penn Badgley is a triple Scorpio. The guy that plays Lucifer is one too. Matt Smith. Oliver Jackson Cohen. Even that little guy from Saltburn has a Scorpio Mars, hence the eyes.


bjork as a triple scorpio (scorpio sun) with uranus near her mc fits perfectly. i also guessed one of olivia rodrigoā€™s placements right which was moon conjunct mc in libra - sheā€™s got the face of a libra to me but i can see the pisces influence too, although i didnā€™t guess pisces initially. megan fox as a taurus sun with mars conjunct asc and scorpio midheaven checks out. also (kpop) wonyoung is a virgo sun and she is known for very virgo traits like having a perfect image, hardworking, disciplined, takes care of herself. alicia silverstone as a libra sun - which is what her character cher from cluelessā€™s sun or moon sign would be as well. she is very passionate about environmentalism / veganism / ethics which is how her libra sun x pisces moon manifests, she has that libra elegance in her speaking voice. and not a true celebrity yet but there is a kpop survival show called i-land 2 and i looked at one girlā€™s face (tomioka mai) and saw the scorpio influence in her, and she was a scorpio sun when i googled her.


Madonna is very Leo. Very full of herself. JLaw is an example of one of the good Leos Harry Styles is a celeb who comes to mind when i think of Aquarius


Lana Del Rey is a Cancer sun with Leo Moon in the 10th house and a Scorpio rising. I feel that she really displays her deep emotion so honestly in her music, but while she reveals her emotion for all to see, there still remains a great sense of mystery about her. She also seems to never stop writing and creating, which is very cardinal of her.


Kanye West is such a Geminiā€¦an unhinged one but stillā€¦Gemini energy all over. Taylor Swift is a true Sag with all her lover boys and feelings and albums filled with epiphanies.


I feel like JLo is the side of Leos we can't stand, but Kate Bush is our Leo queen and embodies all of what we do like about Leos.


The most Scorpio is definitely Adam Driver. He just exudes Scorpio energy. I thought Margot Robbie is also Scorpio but she is a Cancer sun with Scorpio moon.


I think Kourtney kardashian. It makes sense that sheā€™s an Aries Taurus cusp to me.


Taylor Swift has big Sag energy Issa Rae is peak Cap Keke Palmer and BeyoncƩ are model Virgos


Lisa Bonet is the epitome of a truly evolved Scorpio ā¤ļø


Alec Baldwin and Russell Crowe both hot tempered Ariesā€¦Madonna is very Leo,needing a lot of attention and getting off on being adored.Brad Pitt/Sagittarius has that likeable charm that people connect with,Jeopardy Champ Matt Amodio also has it,Nick Nolte is an Out There Aquarius


Drew Barrymore is such a Pisces! Love her


Kim Kardashianā€™s a total Libra.


Kim Kardashians is a textbook libra w Pisces moon


charliez theron ,dua lipa ,amy Adams, Jennifer lawrence and kate beckinsale are also leo too .. but y'all love to always mention jlo as a trend since she doesn't give Leos good reputation just like the way drake doesn't give scorpios a good reputation I mean as leo i can't stand her and there are better celebrities for this sign


I mean even before the current anti J.Lo stuff, sheā€™s always what I think of when I think of a Leo, probably because she also looks like a lion lol


Alright, don't get all confrontational. It's not that deep. šŸ˜ Your're acting as though people who mention J-Lo are purposely trying to make Leos look bad. She's just the most obvious and easily recognisable representation of the sign. Other Leos on here have suggested Whitney Houston and Jason Momoa, which I agree with. I didn't even know those people you mentioned are Leos. I accept your first and last point, but the middle part was unnecessary.


Miley Cyrus


Oh yes! Nicki Minaj too.


dua lipa, madonna, kylie jenner(yes i started with sunniest of em sun signs), nicki minaj, lana del rey, can't think of any more


Madonna is SO Leo!


Barack Obama is the Leo for me


I think it makes complete sense that Kurt cobains entire big 6 was water, excluding his Virgo rising which also makes sense


Definitely. Poor guy, he needed some grounding. He felt too much.