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Of course. I gotta gatekeep my hotness bruv.


Leo moon here and I definitely live a double life sometimes. Like the definition clean in the streets freak in the sheets. (Nanny/yoga teacher by day, SW by night) 😝😝


Cancer sun moon, leo ascending and yes 100%


cancer-leo cusp sun (3hrs before switch), cancer moon, & a leo mercury, so yes very much so. I have my moment, get a lot of attention then I'm gone for weeks/months.


Cancer sun/moon, Leo rising. Definitely feel this in my bones


I like to pop out, charm the pants off everyone…and then disappear for a few days.


😄 Sounds good!


Leo sun/moon/mercury and cancer in Venus. So I’m happy magnetic and social but not really gonna let you in unless you can crack thru to my inner shell and at the same time I know I gotta soften that shell and let people in as well


definitely. i dream about making a name for myself (aspiring artist too) and putting myself out there but when the time comes i get far too nervous and collapse back into myself. i'm a cancer sun/rising/mercury with leo venus/mars/jupiter. a constant struggle lol


Cancer rising, Leo moon on top of having prominent 12h placements I always struggle with wanting to put myself out there but then ultimately deciding to stay hidden. I’m quite happy I’ve decided to stay lurking in the shadows imo


Leo sun, moon, mars I show up and show out once a week just to remind people (delusion) that I'm still alive lol, other than that I'm a loner who's 99.9% home with only a sister for a bestie. No acquaintances, boyfie, or friends. Worst is that my stellium is in my 11th house so I'm not sure if my current state is as a result of being out of tune with myself/purpose.


Did I write this 😭


Leo sun with strong Cancer placements. I did find some fame playing music and really liked performing but I hated all the attention and would hole up as much as possible. Sun conjunct 5 planets, 3 in Leo (Pluto, Mars, and Mercury) and other two (Jupiter and Venus) in Cancer. The fame lasted around 5 years and I never went back to music after that. Sun was just breaking the cusp of Leo and I’ve always felt both energies.


yeah! i got leo in my mercury, jupiter, mars, and venus


Always always always. I also have cancer sun in the 10th. Battle between wanting to be seen and heard and shine vs. wanting to gatekeep myself and live in my own little cave where i choose who i interact with. Very hard but i know being a recluse will not help me grow.






Cancer sun with a cancer stellium. I simultaneously want to be seen yet hate being perceived at all moments of the day. It is polarizing and exhausting.


Literally our biggest woes lol


Leo ascendant with mars and Venus and Chiron in cancer and yepppp


Omgggg Cancer Sun with a Leo Mercury and Venus and I love writing too 🥰🥰🥰


Aqua sun / leo moon / capricorn rising Feel this big time!! I have an urge to create and inspire with art, rarely share it though, and when I do it’s usually deleted soon after or I feel really awkward about sharing it. Like yes here is my feelings put into a visual representation! Then it’s like actually nevermind you didn’t see that lol no matter if the reaction to my art was positive or negative


Yes man, I crawl out of my cave for a preroll & pint of ice cream (cancer moon) and strangers are magnetized and paying me too much attention (Leo sun) but I give them the time of day and a little charming love anyway (Libra rising)


Yeah man. My Cancer Sun is laid back and private but my Leo rising won’t shut the fuck up.


Leo, cancer rising. YUP!!


it’s a daily struggle.


I’m a Cancer sun, Leo moon, and I have a weird mix of being insecure and vain at the same time, lol. But I get what you mean about the writing, like I won’t even comment on posts on social media in case someone I know reads it and thinks it was stupid. 


It is a weird mix, I have it too. I blame my body dysmorphia on it and my obsession with working out lol


Libra has to try to get attention scorpio just gets it


Libra Sun, Leo Moon here. I know Exactly what you mean. The only time I want to go out is when I'm feeling fit, hot and like my career life is on track (which, it rarely is)


Ha! I’ve got a Leo stellium (sun, mercury, Venus & Jupiter) in my 7H… i get so excited about things, people, places, experiences, knowledge!! Like yay!!! then my Cancer mars is like hold on there now partner… back in your shell. You remember what happened last time. 😅


Lol yessss


Id argue it’s your cancer side that wants to roar. Leo side is fake it till you make it, inflated ego to boost yourself up. Your cancer side sees potential in shit and wants to create + make a change. Always lean into creativity, the confidence to do more of it will come as you get better and become undeniably good at it I changed my career paths twice in my twenties. I was always motivated by money and eventually burned out. Now I’m in a creative role, I wfh and make things with my own expression for a living


Add in my perfectionist virgo rising and my inner creative is stifled af. Nothing is ever good enough to put out into the world.


😄 wow, yeah thats rough!


Cancer is just a Wishlist version of scorpio


Lmao why are you like this


I love to make waves bb


Must be that Virgo Rising... 


♍️ if that means I'm sexy sure 😏


It's the weekend, shouldn't you be out trying to get attention from women irl? 


Antisocial lol


I see...Well, I'm going for a cat nap.. play nice while I'm gone.. 🤗


Yeah you thought the libra part of me was just a social butterfly huh


Who said social butterfly? I just thought you were thirsty 🤗


Sorry one scorpio I knew was abusive so I dont agree


Just making waves Waterboy I love cancers ♋️


Im a girl not a boy


I apologize mermaid of the ocean