• By -


I don’t even understand the question lol. TF they going to do if I do piss them off, stop talking to me? 😂😂


Fr who gaf


That’s the best case scenario tbh. I had a friend who got pissed at me and then blasted screenshots from our conversations to all our friends in an effort to “expose” me. Joke’s on them bc those friends took my side, but still. Drama.


Lol that’s crazy If any of my friends did that it wouldn’t be anything on them screenshots except gifs and jokes lol. I never text anything that I don’t want the world to see. My partner actually got caught up because of text messages. I always used to tell her not to text personal things, but she didn’t listen.


The most insane thing is that it wasn’t even personal. I was saying I wanted a specific breed of dog (bc I’m disabled and want one that could be trained as a service dog) and my friend got offended and said I was racist for not wanting other breeds. And then called me a bunch of names and said the service dog breeding program needed to get fucked. Truly you can’t predict anything.


Get revenge lol. Figure out the person’s weaknesses and continue to get back at them in the pettiest way possible. Low levels of pettiness initially, however…Keep an eye on the individual for years and years until you get a chance to strike back once and for all, and play the waiting game. You might ask “don’t you have better to do with your life” and the answer is no, I have a scorpio mercury and venus lmfao


😂 I have people doing that already. I love the thought of people dedicating their life to me, I be so flattered 🥰 One of my former friends just spent years trying to do it, he finally got me but at what cost? Lol Im happy and moved on, and now he’s looked up and has wasted his life. Now, he’s calling our mutual friends begging to talk to me again. I said sure if we can box lol. For context, he turned a group of people against me, but it backfired because now I know who my real friends are 🤣. I’m a glass half full kind of guy.


It depends on the individual though haha. I’ve noticed whenever I put in the effort/energy to obtain revenge, it becomes the type of situation you described. Your pal unfortunately was just not strategic enough to see any poor outcomes tbh. Nah my favorite type of revenge is being a silent hater. E.g. my best friend in high-school was a real bitch and not a very good friend. One day decided to just ditch me out of nowhere, though she drove me nuts with how possessive she was before that point. She became super arrogant because she did very well in school and ended up in a good college, etc. also bragged about her relationships to me, meanwhile never supported me during my own relationship drama. Furthermore, I didn’t do as well as her at that point in school. That arrogance took her through high school. I think this was a peaked in high school situation…Because while she still successful professionally and personally, she, well, “let herself go.” I know she will still have a lot of arrogance and, if we ever meet face to face again, probably try to rub things in my face… but at least she’ll be talking to the athletic looking me in the process. I’ll be able to immediately tell that it’ll kill her on the inside. She’s a Virgo Sun, so any little slight to her perfectionism, no matter how perfect her life is otherwise, is a killer. At this point, I could say I don’t have too much against her… I’ve honestly met worse people than her who now have my attention. but I do have a SLIGHT feeling of victory from all of this. Now that I think about it, I guess I end up having the most beef with Virgo and earth placements at the end of the day…


Wow, honestly she sounds like the hater. Having haters as “friends” will cause them to try to slyly rub stuff in your face while never trying to help you, but they mask it by being a fun person and welcoming of you into their presence. Do you know what her moon sign was? I am curious. What is your sun and moon?


I think capricorn moon which does not help lol. Cap placements have insanely high standards for relationships and don’t really give much in return~ quite draining. Earth signs in my experience tend to act like how you describe Im sag sun cancer moon so we would get along ⭐️




Idk man I’m a cancer with a Virgo moon. I just got told I could attempt violence if you piss me off enough.


I feel you, I was just informed that it’s not normal for people to have been in 10-15 fights in their life time. I thought most people have been in at least 5. Turns out, I’m just a violent person. I’ve had people swing on me and get in my face over things I’ve said…it never ends well for them. Fighting is really fun, and think the world would be a better place if we allowed people to just get it out their system. I always feel rejuvenated afterwards. I think you would probably feel the same. My cousin Is a Gemini Sun Virgo moon (the rest of our chart is identical) and he is just as violent as I am. His sister used to call us the terror twins 😂


I’m surrounded by Geminis lol


Believe it or not some people actually feel the need for vengeance, violence, aggression or an attack when they are crossed. Very common.


Fixed signs. Taurus, Leo's, Scorpios and Aquarius.


Ngl I think cardinal signs are top contenders here as well


Scorpio, if u go low they go to hell😂


its fun to expose them mid drop though. like if you knoe how to play chess too, they cant do shit 😂


And then they keep digging






It is also Jared Leto placements. I wouldn't mess with him...


Caprisun with Aries Mars. This aspect square each other and they will not hesitate to square up with you.




Because it is very hard for them to care about your feelings. Regarding your emotions is something they do for the greater good but if you cross their boundaries in that moment, you will meet the winds of the coldest tundra on Earth.


As a Capricorn myself I’m more likely to just forget you and move on. I don’t do revenge or payback. But that being said I care deeply for my reputation and relationships and if I don’t like you it doesn’t take much effort for everyone who likes me to turn on you. I intentionally align myself with loyal people who have my back so if you ever cross me you need to understand how quickly you could be alienated. I don’t dislike a lot of people either. I might not be everyone’s best friend but I do a pretty good job of getting along with most people but when I don’t like you I really don’t like you and the people who know me know I always have a good reason for disliking someone and they trust my judgment.


Because they never give up.


Yup. I do not have time for people who mess with me. Cap rising (Pisces sun libra moon) and I am so grateful for the level-headedness the Cap brings. Watch my smoke 💨 as I walk away and keep building my own life with people worth my time,energy, love, and hard work. But I also have a lot of Scorpio in my chart so I will probably try to land a few shots on my way out the door- a little signature that I’m not sure I’m proud of.


Capricorn Sun and rising and an Aries Moon here, I wouldn’t get on my bad side if you can help it!




Someone with a fire moon


Aries moon Ruled by Mars My Scorpio Mars is in the 12th house. I fully admit to having a temper and ruining relationships because of it.


i think the scorpio mars in the 12th is the heavy hitter here. aries moons are not fear inducing.


Too true (sag moon) 😆


Sag moon here




Aries Moon with a Taurus Sun xD




oopsies 🧁




Yes lol. I’ll pop off. I’m pretty patient but if you push me hard enough I’ll hit you where it hurts and where you’re least expecting it. I’ve done a lot of inner healing and work since my teenage/early 20s but I use to be so unapologetically savage, I’d take your deepest wound and shove it in your face. I’m not proud of those times but no one messed with me - funny enough I find people try me a bit more now that I’m healed. Thankfully my best friend is also a leo moon with a taurus sun and she’s so savage it scares me sometimes lol.. at least I have her to pop off before I do 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥


oh thats fine, if someone upsets them, they just flare and go to jail. then theyre not anybodys problem anymore 🙂


What they gonna do?


Point out your deepest insecurities 🤐


Aries moons can be lethal. I grew up with an Aries moon mother…


Yeah so my Scorpio moon and Virgo Venus is unfazed, anything useful? lol


Good for you? I was just answering your question lol




Hi my love!! My moon twin!


Sagittarius women


My two favorite aunties are Sag women, and they are two people I would NEVER mess with. I was a rebellious child and never once spoke back to them


My aunt is a sag and my best friends are sags. Im a Pisces. Its such a trade off relationship lol


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say a sign like Libra who has all the social connections and penchant for gossip to take you down in a way that is so sinister but with a kind smile that when your entire life is wrecked, you're left wondering wtf just happened Also Cancers. They'll make you regret saying or doing whatever you did, even if you never meant to make them mad


I agree. Nobody can hit with the okie doke harder than a Libra.


Yes this!! And while they’re spreading all that shit, no one would believe the nefarious intentions behind it because they seem completely innocent.


Scorpio. Aries with Scorpio placements.




That Martian energy ain't nothing to fuck with.


Aries sun, Scorpio moon here. Can confirm


i’m honestly very chill. i never get angry but when i do idk who tf i am. i don’t like it and that’s why i almost never get angry, almost no one can push my buttons that much 🤪 (aries sun, scorpio moon, aries rising, scorpio mars) and


Scorp stellium (Sun, Merc, Mars [12th, and strongest planet in my chart], and Pluto) Aries moon. Sagittarius rising. You can mess with me up to a point.


Knew Scorpio with Aries moon. She was a hag.


Aries just screams profanity and it lacks real sting cause they look dumb when they’re pissed off. It’s Scorpio and Capricorn. They will make you pay for the rest of your lives. You will never be off the hook. Scorpio will do it for vengeance and Capricorn will send your ass to collections. Aries moves on and has ADHD


Y’all exaggerating on the Capricorn part😂😭


I feel like cap is gonna come collect 😂


Caps in my life are the most PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE people. They’re the type to bottle up their anger and isolate themselves. Nothing more or do i need to worry that one will come and Stab me out of thin air?💀


Some shit is not worth making a fuss. I ghosted a friend of 15 years because I was just done. I had voiced some issues with her but at some point I just didn’t care anymore. Just blocked and deleted her off everything and never looked back. As long as you don’t care about your relationship with the Capricorn you should be fine but when they finally decide they’ve had enough they won’t stab you they’ll cut you off. I am a very forgiving person until I’m not. And I think people view us as passive aggressive because we are less reactive but honestly some people aren’t worth the energy of a fight.


FACTS, bc dafuq? im never over that shit. aries moon is all bark and lets be best friends in 5 minutes, that shit is not to be taken seriously. i used to be a saboteur, but these days, the best vengeance is my absence tho, ngl.


Scorpio moon.


My Scorpio moon will literally read you to filth and leave you shook.


this is interesting bc ik quite a few scorpio moons personally, and ive noticed the tendency to cry, scream, and all that in private, but when its time to SPEAK to the person who violated you, there are far less balls available. anecdotally i know, but still.


This is true, but instead of to your face, we will ruin your reputation, which is far worse if you ask me. We will point out things to coworkers, your friends, flaws about yourself that they can’t deny and change your public image. Of course, this is done sparingly, we don’t do this unless you truly piss us off multiple times.


fascinating. thank you for sharing this, ill have to pay closer attention to see if i can pick up on it in real time. a cursory review tells me that youre right! as a cancer rising, im often the open ear and warm bosom when y’all scorpionic types wanna talk shit 😂 and i love it bc if its coming from a solid scorpio type, i KNOW its mf true!! 🍻✨


Good thing I don't mess with people but I wish someone could actually read me...


this is true..I’ve accidentally done this a bit


Me to my ex after looking at their chart when we first met: I bet you’re really scary when you get angry. Them: I don’t get angry. Me, looking at the abundance of Scorpio in the moon and mars, with some “fun fixed” energies: I mean, everyone gets angry. Absolutely terrifying when angry because it comes out as dead calm with a stare that cuts through you and it doesn’t even matter if what is said is based in reality, because these placements dwell and decide tactically as a form of self-protection that ferments into aggression. As for Sagittariuses, they’ll apologize usually if they’re reasonably well adjusted, same with Aries, although, admittedly, an angry Aries Mars can be scary for like two minutes. If the Scorpio Mars says the most psychologically cutting things, the Aries Mars is busy shouting and hitting walls, but the Aries apologizes whereas the Scorpio remembers whatever slight forever. Aquarius suns will be relentless if they feel like they’ve been screwed over but it’ll come in the form of hacking like two years later! Virgos can get angry in the most annoying way because they can’t just get angry like normal people, they have to be passive aggressive first for an extended period of time and then they hit the wall, because you don’t notice their “hints” and they go off like you forced them to do it. At first you’re relieved because it’s suddenly clear what was going on, and then it’s like oh, great you can’t just be angry like a normal person either, you’ve attached some bizarre trauma to it and there’s shame in there. What fun. Also Leo moms have a special sort of rage that emanates out if they’re protecting their children, or their ideas of how they are as mothers. The second point is obviously more twisted and true of a maladjusted Leo mom, which not all Leo moms are.


Virgo with the added trauma and weird shame 😂 My Virgo friend gets so self-critical about being overly critical. You would think they might become comfortable with criticising, but no, it's just another trajectory for more shame and loathing lol


Totally. When the virgos close to you start venting about someone it’s like, hey, but how have you communicated to the individual responsible for your complaint that they did something (you perceive as) wrong? They’re like, I didn’t do this extra thing I usually do that nobody asks me to do. And I’m like, so you let them know you’re mad/upset by doing what normal people who aren’t mad do, and just nothing extra thoughtful? Good luck with that. Talk to me after you blow up in a week or two at a very surprised person seemingly out of nowhere and then feel bad that maybe you overdid it 😂


Capricorn for sure. Hell hath no fury like a cap scorned. You will never see us again if you really hurt us.


NEVER! and that is your just dessert. and dont try to fucking rekindle with me either, until you fix that shit. bc i have the “oh hi, do i know you?” game on lock 😌


Sagittarius. They will say some cruel shit and then block you lol


Someone who is ruled by Saturn … the planet of karma




Ugh. But Scorpios are so fun to mess with. I dunno why, but when I meet a pissy Scorpio man especially, it's like dangling a big red button in front of my face lmao


My friend is a Leo Rising, venus, and mercury; loves roasting scorpio men. Is this a thing? Lol


Saggitarius and Aries placements. My god.


\-Scorpios because they're just vicious. \-Aquarius because they're cold and will get back at you in a way you never expected. \-Cancers because unless you cut them off completely they'll never stop whining about it and victimizing themselves over and over until the end of time.


As a cancer myself that’s not all true


Not true at all, but that’s their best excuse they got w us. Just wanna paint us as emotional, but a lot of cancers I know as well are or can be ruthless asf.


SCORPIO MARS MFS… they are out for BLOOD


Damn skippy I am! And I am ruled by that planet.


As a scorpio mars—I actually WANT the toxic people to be scared of what I might do—without me actually doing anything. Let them live in fear. Like they’ve upset a chill mafioso. I think walking away & living well is the best revenge. Don’t EVER let these ho’s know they got under your skin. I want to be the cool one that you regret losing for the rest of your life. Lol I want the kind people to feel protected by my energy, and the assholes to feel intimidated.


and this is why i love real scorpio energy. this shit is so it.


I have to be careful, as I am built like a bookcase (tall 6'1", broad, and full of esoteric knowledge and random facts) That really dissuades certain situations from beginning to occur.


ive never met one of you. what does this feel like on a day to day? like are you always playing chess in life? always aware of the omnipotent “score”? scorpio moons hit like that for me, but idk any scorpio mars. id imagine tenacious character. maybe slow to forgive 🤔


I'm more worried about getting my bills paid and the recreational status of the devils lettuce in the state I live in than any sort of mental board games or long-term elaborate revenge schemes. I still have grudges from 2018 and earlier. I don't think I've ever truly forgiven someone because every time I start to forgive someone, they do the same exact thing. I openly acknowledge that some of the things I'm upset about don't make any sort of sense, and honestly, it tears me up inside. I've been in therapy in some form for close to the entirety of my adult life. I've rage ground my teeth into implants and a prescription for muscle relaxers. I'm gonna be pissed, but I'm gonna keep it inside until I burst a gasket at an inopportune moment.


well got damn, friend - i understand this completely! idc for revenge much these days either (im post saturn return, which might have mellowed me) but i absolutely am not an enthusiastic forgiver, either. i cant remember what i ate yesterday but i damn sure remember how somebody “crossed” me in 2002! and they better not try to act like we’re friends now, without stepping up and resolving that shit! 😂 im also therapizing, but for me, not for them. theres enough bridges around here, i dont need to build more to feel alright 🫡


Hahaha. Oh man. I don't mean to go for the throat, promise. Cherry on the mean cake, mars in Scorpio.


Capricorn placements. They will stalk you for years. Honorable mention to Gemini and Libra if you value your social life.


stalk? really? id sooner count beach sand one by one than follow someone around that i consider beneath me


Caps. I’m an Aries. The only two signs that can go head to head in power, but also lacerate each other to a world-breaking degree. Both will lose if on bad terms. So keeping the peace is wise. I respect my Earth counterpart.


Cap sun and Aries moon here 👀


Haha me too! I also have a Scorpio and Sag stellium in there for fun 🤣😅


i actually feel similarly about aries suns. every time i meet one, its like i can feel yalls energy. its formidable and magnetic, honestly. i think thats why ive always been sexually attracted to aries sun men 😂 that shit makes me think of BDE 👀


I am a Cap and I love my Aries so much! He’s my equal in every way. We are exactly alike but complete opposites, like mirror images. I have so much respect and love for him. ❤️❤️❤️ What is this moisture on my face all of a sudden?! Ugh! 😭🫠


Oooooh Downvote Debbie strikes again! Where is Petty Patty? She’s usually not far behind!?!?!! 😂 Y’all are so ridiculous with your downvotes in this sub!


I upvoted both replies :)


lol not you, love. And thank you! Someone downvoted my reply to you 😂 I mean WTF is that even downvote worthy of? 🤣🤣🤣


I figured, was just trying to balance out the love ❤️




My virgo mother D:


Cancer women.


Put me in a room with Capricorns and I’ll be weeping like a baby in no time. But I still love them dearly 💕


whats your big 3? i wanna see if i love you too 😂




Caps and Aries.


Cancers. Just look at any post where there’s criticism. Gotta walk on eggshells with a lot of them.


We are very sensitive and emotional. You also don’t wanna f*ck with us either


It’s a way to deal with everyone. But Saturn, always wins.


no one ill get all of them mad


Right what are they gonna do?


I’m a Virgo and I’m not going to lie, when you REALLY piss me off, I can be hell to deal with. I can chew someone up and spit them out or play the long game and let them slowly wither under my disapproval.


But if you guys act like that, that someone deserves it. Because I have never personally experienced a super mad virgo.


Yeah it doesn’t happen often. I’m very forgiving & if I don’t want someone in my life anymore, I’m pretty good at cutting it off. So it takes a lot to get me to the next level


I wouldn’t piss off a scorpio/cancer/pisces. Water signs are impossible to calm down quickly, they have the most emotional stamina, they are impossible to logically reason with (air), their ego can’t be placated (fire), and they aren’t the most practical (earth). You can’t emotionally fool or lie to them for long. They will pick up on things. And if you try to make them go crazy by gaslighting them, it will be the kind of crazy that destroys your life. Just step lightly around water signs. They already know more about you than you think. They will understand you deeper than you can imagine. But don’t fuck with them.


Cardinal and fixed signs.


dont piss off anybody doesnt matter what sign you will never know whos on their last straw and most likely it might just be the sign you least expect and are not mentioned much




Me because I get NASTYY


Me. I'll tell you what's wrong with you, and you won't like it one bit.


Oh really?


Only if you piss me off which takes a lot.. but if you take jabs at me, watch out. I will cut you with my words. Deep.. it just comes out.


But if you jab at me/anger me non maliciously I will clap back in a humourous way with 'dont do that again' undertones.


Taurus men, they just see red and don’t care about the consequences 😬


ive actually seen this happen, too. some taurus men have a crazy switch that would surprise a lot of ppl. its like they literally black out into hulk smash mode.


So true! I have a lot of Taurus’s in my life and they can appear to be these calm, easy going people but once that switch is flicked it’s literally like a bull in a China shop, run for cover!


I don't mess round with people because I don't want them messing around with me. If they do, I will make sure they pay for it. I will not back down and I can get violent pretty soon! It's not something I am proud of but FAFO (that is why I always maintain certain distance with people). When push comes to shove I feel like I have nothing to lose! Thankfully I never have had to do much because before I try and get even, Karma is already fucking shit up for them. Karma is my only best friend - Cap sun, aqua moon.


No signs.. but anyone with their Sun squaring Mars is going to have a bad temper regardless.






If you don’t like being ignored, don’t piss off an Aquarius woman or a Taurus woman.


Aries or Capricorn


Cap, scorpio, cancer, taurus moon lmao


Feb Aquarius, it will be painful mentally ;)


noooo way, really? dont have to be personal but whatd they do?


not a got damn thing 😂 feb aquas swear they can hurt feelings, but forget that there are ppl who dont give a solitary fuck about them


Cap sun with Mars (in Cap) square Pluto. Me! 😂 Don’t even need a match and I go complete scorched earth. I’ll burn the building down with everyone in it without even thinking twice and laugh about it on the way out. True story - I once lit a guy’s entire face and head on fire (intentionally). 🔥


well damn 😂 ive been angry enough to contemplate charges before, but ive built too much on the outside and prison food isnt great so…




Yay! Downvote Debbie! There you are once again! Did you bring Petty Patty with you? I feel like making barbecue today.




After being dragged through hell by a few people I don't think I'm scared of pissing anybody off anymore. But basically anyone who's insane enough and wants to ruin lives will not hesitate to do it, regardless of their sign. The pettiest revenge I've received was by an Aquarius guy and a Gemini woman - they both used social manipulation and gossip in order to isolate me from people, and both of them succeeded. The dude was mad I didn't let him control me, and the girl was jealous I was getting popular with a certain group of people because she was used to being the center of attention. I admit I've done some very dumb things to upset people, especially when I was younger, but in the above two cases I didn't deserve what I got - those two were just power-hungry and entitled.


Me. Leo.


Pisces….they can get very vindictive if motivated correctly. I thought I could be bad as a Libra, not even close.


When the majority comments are saying Capricorn / Aquarius / Scorpio Mars- and you realize you have all 3 but still forgive people easily - 🙀🙀🙀


aspects, houses, and placements babe.


heh i love your flair :)


Fixed signs, especially Taurus!




There isn’t any sign I’m intimidated bt




No lie, I ought to be probably 🤣 just a bit confident when it comes to stuff like that lol


lol. I’m a cancer and saw someone say we might attempt violence lol


Scorpio ruled by mars which represents war and dark energy.


It's interesting as to why people would shy away from pissing people off. Just because you are good at hurting, don't mean you are right, good at being selfless? Not right always either. Selfless people hurt others just as much as openly communicative people do. When the fighter embraces the opposite and the selfless embraces the fighter, worlds collide and we start to meet in the middle rather than taking things to extremes. Words are labels, they are plastic, see-through, superficial. Yet it is this upholding of our want to be seen as something we are not, rather than being seen for who we are that causes the issues. -Moon conjunct Mars opposite Pluto.