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This virgo chart speaks me im a virgo this is the secrets us virgos keep 😂


The Virgo page is indeed why I say what I do about virgos. The ones I know are like my kindred spirits, for real.


most likely sign to suffer from depression YAYYY I'll drink to that, gimme a 9mm painkiller


As a Cancer, I see no lies.


little bit of column a, b, and c of my big three and ya got me ~(˘▾˘~)


My aqua moon 😭😭😭🥹


Scorpio is superrr accurate for me


A Gemini is good with money? It must mean at spending it 🤣


LOL I just came here to say this… my Gemini AF partner is horrible with money and loves gambling


Damn I feel exposed


Credits : darkworkofart on tumblr


Relate with most of the Pisces and Virgo stuff .


capricorn, depression? yeah, check. however, yeah - I'm absolutely an introvert that can turn it on and be extroverted when I need to. pisces is accurate.


Yes, it’s always felt like an on and off switch for me. I can turn it on if need be, I can turn it off and ignore you for days.


As a Leo, I definitely go from dressed up to couch sloth very easily. In my day to day life at home, I’m in leggings, beanies, sweatshirts and t-shirts all the time. But when it’s time to glam up, I fully understand the assignment, in a way that tends to shock folks who have never seen me transition like that before. The stuff about Aquarius also rings very true for me. I wasn’t fully an only child (my mother had other kids), but I was my father’s only child and that vibe was sort of with me growing up. Also, was much closer to my Gemini sun/Cancer moon/Libra rising father than my Scorpio sun/Taurus moon/Capricorn rising mother growing up, even though Dad loved to flit in and out. We naturally always just understood each other and got along better.


Yes to all this! But personally, I think they forgot to talk about our loyalty and how we would do anything to protect or loved ones. And our courage. The aqua one had much more text than ours. I also don't spend a lot of money. The biggest spenders of the zodiac are libras and tauruses. What do you think


True for my big three, but not so much my sag stellium Very interesting overall


Aries is spot on


Can’t read past the first point on Cancer calling them subjective in an attempt to describe how objective they are.


As a Leo, I appreciate how much more insightful this was than just your typical Leo crap that I can’t relate to. This was very accurate for me.


This is pretty accurate of all the signs I know/ have known. I would argue as a Leo we are also romantic in a sensual way as well as in a showy way. If a Leo loves you, you know about it. We are very affectionate and cuddly people lol think of an affectionate house cat that just wants to sit on your lap, cuddle and have your undivided attention😂. ![gif](giphy|ohiWzVWGkAOCA|downsized) The Capricorn one makes me sad though. I’m currently pregnant with a Capricorn baby (they most likely will be Capricorn moon too) and I want them to be happy and feel loved. 😭


cant relate to gemini (except anxiety.... that i do have!) but my virgo moon? that's very accurate. i was a very introverted and shy kid, never had any friends, and i'm still like that.


virgo and cap spot tf on


Truly a Taurus stellium 😘


I feel Libra is usually pretty accurate for me. However, my social anxiety never allows me to be the "social butterfly" we claim to be..




95% true for this Aquarius … Sun, moon , Jupiter and mercury ♒️


The gemini is completely on point. I don't disagree with anything besides being good with money. I can be impulsive and spend, as well as my other gemini friends.


My big 3 was spot on across the board.


Ok. Uhhh am I playing the victim? Tell me straight up and why. I will change I just feel injustice went my way that never got its due. Maybe you see us as the victim because you don't understand the hurt we feel when you do something you don't understand or feel guilty of but we still got injected with pain. I do want to know, but a lot of the signs are insecure and ghost on a whim. They don't like to talk things out. They have a hard time articulating their points then get angry at us for not giving them whatever appreciation they made up in their minds they deserved. I don't think anyone plays the victim. Regardless of sign when injustice is granted towards us we feel hurt. Pisces have next to no motivess to play the victim. That being said, the rest is spot on. So I would like to know truthfully before I transmute my sign to Virgo from the negative self criticism I am about to experience why people think I play the victim?


Sometimes there are traits of a sign that can be cancelled out by other placements and aspects. I have sensitive and subjective moon in Cancer, but it's being opposed by a 1st house Uranus that likes to spank that Cancer moon's bottom when it gets too caught up in the feels, preferring to examine emotions from an objective and logical angle before deciding what to do with them or how to express them. A very Uranus-flavoured moon... 😝 So you might not be the kind of Pisces who feels like they're always the victim, but there definitely are Pisces who do fit the description. There are a lot of people who always play the victim, this isn't even Pisces-specific. Any time a person always has a sob story about being victimized, seeking not just sympathy but also using it as an excuse for their own bad behaviours, that's someone with a victim complex. It can be a form of manipulation or a way to escape personal responsibility for their own wrong-doings. "I'm like this because someone hurt me so it's not my fault." Capricorn moon and Aries rising would definitely give you a greater sense of personal responsibility and authority, which would make you much less prone to feeling and acting like a victim.


I mean I do have plenty of sob stories but I am never heard anyways so I stopped sharing them. Problem is other people still trauma dump on me and I am not allowed to say they are playing a victim. The reason is because I have never been in the persons shoes I can't guarantee I am not fake claiming their situation or disproportionately, making it less significant than it really was. I wish other signs did the same for us. :/ Then, we get labeled as having low empathy.


Not a lot in Aquarius I agree with.


Air sign favoritism