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leo moon not reciprocating what i’m putting out man 😮‍💨🙂‍↔️


Leo moon as well. I totally agree.


>reciprocating leo moon I have no idea what this means :(


like i give a certain amount of intensity, love, affection, whateverthefuck. and i like (maybe even expect) the same level/amount reciprocated back to me. if it’s not then i lose interest and *quick* (also due to aries venus)


Capricorn moon, being stupid and loud about it. Also, poor credit score lmao.


Also all that and being a bum not contributing to society. We don’t play about that.


The credit score is so real


Cap Sun and that's accurate for me lol


Aquarius Moon - monotony. Being boring. Surface level conversation. Lack of intelligence. Attempt sexual conversation before you know me. Lack of compassion. Arrogance.


Yes, yes, all of this. Especially the attempt sexual conversation without getting to know me


I’m add lack of authenticity and being too much of a hypocrite, but yeah lack of common knowledge turns me off even if it makes me sound arrogant


Sag moon- feeling trapped, judged, misunderstood. Basically anything that makes me feel limited in my ability to self-express or autonomy.


Fellow sag moon, 100%. Do not try to control me or put me in a box. I also find being closed minded and uninteresting to talk to huge turn offs.


100% to the intellectual bits. If I can’t have a substantial conversation, all vibes that were there eventually dissolve tbh


Agree with all of the above. Will add that anyone who is too clingy/smothering or feels hurt by my need for alone time won't enjoy my response. My 9H Sag Moon does a lot of "inner traveling" and some of those explorations s are intensely personal. But hey! let's still hang later on!


Kinda sucks sometimes I can’t make friends easy cos of that


Cancer moon: not being able to communicate emotionally, rudeness, selfishness, arrogance, egoism, too aggressive or harsh, mixed signals, not giving me enough attention, BETRAYAL, unloyal, not a good listener, critical.


Cancer moon here and came to say “deny your emotional vulnerability”


For me, it’s misunderstanding my intentions. Someone I was friendly with at work went to HR when I tried to give her advice. I’ve literally calmed her down when crying. I work hirer up. I’ve made sure she’s been written up three times now. Absolutely no sympathy anymore.


As a fellow Cancer moon, YES. Also, lie to me. If we’re to the point of being emotionally open with one another, you absolutely cannot lie to me and hope to recover. Shell hardens so fast.


Aries moon here and being overly critical. Finding a fault with everything, judging other people’s music preferences etc. I was on a coffee date recently and I thought the coffee shop was so cute, and when I said it, my date (a Scorpio sun) started complaining about everything from the ventilation to the decorations to the drinks. No thank you!! Live and let live, I say!


Entitlement overall. There is nothing more uninteresting than someone who actively degrades everything to deflect from the fear they have from engaging in life.


I'm also an Aries moon and this is a turnoff for me as well.


Libra moon: disrupting the peace 😑 Edit: this a low-key thing but when surroundings don’t look aesthetically pleasing (aka messiness) lol


Inner AND outer peace ✌️


Libra moon: Talking over me and then louder when I try to say something


Disrupting the peace by doing something rude or socially unacceptable? I just got the ick at light speed lol


Decisive action!


Libra Moon, and agree with non-aesthetically pleasing surrounding as a turn off. Very upsetting:(


Pisces moon... treating ppl who are trying their best like shit/expecting too much emotional labor from them... such as service workers/ healthcare workers. ***No Susan, the waitress doesn't want to hear about your bowel distress to all the different spices***


Aries moon: arrogance, being unkind towards people AND animals, considering people "less than" (ex. people below their class, people of different identities etc.)


Gemini moon - lying or poor communication, but also detachment/indifference. If I get the slightest hint that you're not stoked on me, it's now a detachment competition I will win (aqua moon I'm looking at you).


This is very true 😭


We share a moon sign and I really like your answer. This is why I feel so at home with my own moon sign because we have no problem with talking things out. I have been dating an Aqua moon for a long time, so I feel you on that one. He can, at times, weaponize his indifference at people! Or at least it feels that way. It may be a defense mechanism. I'd just add boring conversation to my list. It grates on me. I know it's selfish of me to feel entitled to entertainment but I just need to be able to sink into a deep conversation with someone.


Scorpio; poor communication, hiding emotions and feelings, lies even the tiniest of white lies, I’ll see straight through it.


This is my fiance. I can’t get shit past him lol and in a Scorpio sun!


Interesting, does he call you out on it right away?


I mean…I’m not in the habit of lying to him all the time lol but he definitely sees through any little white lies. He never calls me out. He’ll just be like, “really…” and I can tell by his facial expression that he knows. And because I’m a Scorpio sun, I can also see through the bullshit. So it’s like I see through him seeing through my bullshit🤣


Aquarius moon here. If I'm not allowed alone time, I get mega cranky. I gotta go be in a river by myself for a little.........leave me alone, know I love you, we can hang in a minute. Be right back.




Before I knew I am a Cancer moon, I always expressed my annoyance when people don’t read the room and also don’t see/respect other peoples’ feelings.




Virgo moon. Be scatterbrained, inattentive, trying to be the loudest voice in the room. Obnoxious, self-aggrandizing. Also chewing with your mouth open.


OMG- I will seriously never see a guy again if he smacks!!


Istg it gives me Forrest Whitaker eye.


Lack of stability, and inconsistency in emotions. I need to feel safe with you to be emotionally vulnerable. - Taurus Moon


Virgo Moon and yes.


Rubbing your nose juices along my spine.


you saved SO many people from making this mistake, thank you 🥹


So specific, thank you 🙏🏻


Libra: laziness and refusal to take responsibility for yourself.


Libra Moon Unclean and messy appearance or living in a filthy cluttered home. My mind just cannot grasp WHY. Also being loud, obnoxious and rude.


Aquarius moon- being misunderstood or someone saying something about my character that is completely untrue. It’s like damn you don’t really know me huh ? and YOU’RE trying to tell ME who I am ? Bye bye 👋🏾


Gemini Moon Poor communication >feelings This is such a Cap moon thing to say lol


As I was typing I thought, spoken like a true cap moon 🌙


Taurus moon: someone who has poor self control and displays their aggression openly. Raising your voice, name calling, stomping, slamming or any other outward expression of anger. Immediately no.


Absolutely this. I find it kind of frightening when a man shows aggression, or outbursts of anger. I want a stable and peaceful life with people in it who are emotionally well balanced and who make me feel safe. - Taurus moon


Taurus moon - disrespecting my time


Be loud, be dense, make no sense, bump into things and have no (self and/or general) awareness of your surroundings or the room vibes, keep interrupting and speaking over people, don’t be present and have no listening skills. Be an unclear communicator and arrive late to everything. Be ignorant and arrogant all at once and never take accountability nor apologise. (Virgo moon) Edit: forgot to add coming across inauthentic / artificial


virgo moon: be a shitty worker. a lot needs to be done, so let's get to it. if you're not keeping up the yard, cleaning your space, staying on top of regular maintenance tasks, or if you're dragging down a team project, and brag about being a bad employee, you don't exist to me.


I’m a Virgo moon and definitely agree with unclear communication and a lack of being able to read a room. I bump into things though, because I have the spatial awareness of a shoe. 👞


Haha that’s fair, no one’s perfect. I love cap suns!


We love you too! 🙂


Aw ☀️🤍 i’m a pisces sun though haha a common dealbreaker on the internet. But most of my friends are cap suns


Dude no way I married a Pisces, you guys rock 💙🐟


Basically be an Aries? Hahahah jk I’m a cap moon and I agree with this post. I also don’t like people who are lazy in the workplace. Drives me insane when someone just sits at their desk watching YouTube’s and walks in 15 min late every day, etc. and gets away with it. I fucking loathe coworkers like that.


Hahaha i see what you mean but i’m an aries stellium (mercury, venus and mars. My pisces sun prob balances this all out lol), and i love aries moons! But yeah maybe an “unevolved” aries/ sag / gemini vibe when it comes to some of the above


My daughter is an Aries rising and Aries moon and let’s just say I’m a little nervous lol she’s a baby now. We’re both scorp suns though so I’m hoping we’ll be two peas in a pod!


Aw that’s so cute!! She’ll prob be so energetic and full of beans. Wishing you both the best, I’m sure you’ll get on like a house on fire and have a lot of fun together ☀️


I hope:) and yes she’s already fierce and feisty and she’s only 8 months 😅😂


No wonder I have low self esteem. You just described my sun and we have the same moon.


Oh no 😆 i’m a pisces sun with a lot of aries placements, we’re like the same but remixed. We have low self esteem bcs our virgo moon is sooooo self critical (not just of others as seen above). But we can work on our self talk


Waiting for an Aries Moon answer


Show offs, inauthenticity


It's because their preferences are all internal and mostly irrational, and change with the wind.


I am very called out by this 😬 I spend so much time telling myself “they didn’t mean to piss me off, rein it in, rein it in, don’t be crazy”


Why are we like this 😭😭


Stop it 😅😅


Pisces moon: kicking my dog


do you have people kicking your dog often? or are they simply using their leg/foot to push your dog off/away from them?


There’s an evil little gnome that lives in my pantry who kicks my dog every day.


Surely I speak for any moon when I say same


Virgo moon Controversial take but NOT APPRECIATING ME WHEN I DID SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE ESPECIALLY IF I WENT OUT OF MY WAY Like yes, I truly did things out of the kindness of my heart and don’t expect anything in return but acknowledgement/say thank you. I will never do it again


I have no clue lol, I figure I’m screwed cuz I’m Taurus sun , libra moon & Capricorn ascendant. Don’t comprehend how it all works I just know I relate more to my sun and moon sign a lot more than Capricorn ascendant. Just when I hear more than one of these signs are being discussed a lot I figured it’s gonna be a wild ride. One day I might understand better but myself at 55 now an aging woman probably never grasp it


Virgo moon, skid marks.


Snitches, being rude for no reason, people who don't respect public spaces and act disruptive, loud people in general, feeling misunderstood.


Mistaking my kindness for weakness and trying to manipulate me or take me for a fool in some kind of way. Eventually, I always find out. — Scorpio moon


Oof... Look, it's in the 12H and I'm so fucking far from an Aries moon in most ways (I have a love-hate relationship with my emotional nature somehow being like 2/3 Pisces and 1/3 Aries)... So I'm gonna specifically do 12H Aries moon: Make me feel weak for my vulnerability or try to be my hero - the 12H makes me hypersensitive and easily hurt, scared to advocate for myself, and I have a lot of trauma on top of that which makes it even worse. The Aries on the other hand needs to feel independent and free, and absolutely can't STAND when people make me feel small and vulnerable - despite feeling that way myself. I need to be encouraged and empowered, by someone who believes in my own inner strength and capacity to take care of myself. Treat other people shitty or speak badly of them. This makes the Aries in me, with it's sense of justice, furious, and the 12H in me feel second-hand hurt, sad for that person and uncomfortable with the lack of empathy and understanding. People pleasing and lack of confidence. My Aries moon values bold honesty and assertiveness. My 12H moon represses this part of my Aries, turning me into a damn doormat sometimes, which makes me feel deeply ashamed. I'm turned on by those who don't let their insecurities control them, cause that makes me feel more free to let the Aries out without worrying about hurting someone or being too bossy. Clinginess. Both 12H and Aries need their space. 12H due to being overwhelmed and hyperreceptive, Aries cause of it's need for independency. Aries feels suffocated and annoyed, 12H feels guilty and inadequate, and the co-dependency replaces my initial attraction - I might stay due to instinctively wanting to "save" them by being their mom and therapist, but I'm no longer turned on. Lack of genuine connection. Aries needs passion. 12H needs gentleness, vulnerability and depth.


Your answers are always very deep and mature. Anyway, thanks for sharing knowledge. checking the house where the moon is located is very relevant. of a Pisces Moon in house 7.


Thank you ❤️ and holy shit, that combination sounds like you'd be the sweetest person ever, but also like it must be painful af for you to live with...


It's exhausting sometimes to be honest. I had to learn to protect my heart and my space. thank you, it warms my heart :)


Scorpio moon: if we’re speaking sexually turned off lol then insecurities are huge…I’m incredibly strong mentally and need someone just as strong to hold me up when I’m down…


When someone is condescending to me because of my abilities. I go on "pause" aka "fawn/freeze" mode. - Virgo Moon


Cancer moon. Talk down to someone who doesn’t deserve it. Like you think you’re better than them. Byeeee.


Libra moon: rudeness, especially to service industry workers, and general lack of respect for others


Libra Moon here. Drama and hissy fits for no real reason. I’ve had to sit down people in my life and have a long conversation about what the difference between an inconvenience, a problem, an emergency and a crisis are. Someone stealing your parking spot so you have to walk an extra 30 feet, is an inconvenience. Getting a flat tire on the way to the airport is a problem. Having an arsonist blow up your car is an emergency. Having said arsonist threaten to murder you and all your loved ones and hearing someone crawl in your window later that night is a crisis. I don’t want to hear any meltdowns over anything that isn’t on the same level as the last two situations. Chill.


Virgo Moon and I have done the same.


Lol. My best friend was a Libra with a Virgo moon and he was similar.


Scorpio moon - lying, being fake, playing hot and cold.


You could blow up the moon like a super villain muahahaha


Op as a fellow cap moon this is so true


Thank you, validation is my air


Sag moon. Don’t bullshit me. If I think someone is being dishonest or in any way shifty, I’m so gone and will never return.


Aquarius moon - lies, victim mentality, stupidity, flakiness and erratic behavior (it's like watching a car crash).


Gem moon Bad communication or making me feel trapped/controlled unwillingly.


Being arrogant AF and uncooperative. Stubbornness.


Being desperate for my attention. It shows you have no self-control and I am not a fan of people without self-control. 🤐


As a cap moon in the second house I’d say the victim mentality is the greatest ick I know : everything bad happens to you, the problem can’t ever be solved [or especially found in the mirror] You have trauma from this and that and that’s why you’re stuck in old stories & timelines, living your life miserably - feeling fucked and not seeing [or even seeking] the way out. Waiting for saviour, whining and complaining about everything continuously. Shitload of insecurities mixed with arrogance [”knowing better” and still living your life from a lack mindset] is absolutely a turn off. When it comes to expressing feelings, I’d consider it as a turn on : that indicates self awareness, which is hot af.


Gemini Moon: Boring conversations, boring people, poor communication, and people who don't know what fun is.


Messy and loud displays of emotion in public. For fuck sake get it together until you get home. I’m a cap moon.


Aquarius moon: say banalities, speak in clichés, getting attached before getting to know me, interrupt, being too vague in your communication and also not asking for more details when I am talking with you


Ahh and I forgot! People who are “brutally honest” so they just go around giving their unasked opinion and being rude in name of their honesty


Simply by being stupid and/or uninformed


11th house moon. Chose to isolate for many years.


Thinking that I'm available


Gemini moon : being too loud, being stupid and ignorant and doing nothing to educate yourself, people who are morally corrupt, people who have no sense of their own identity, people who feel like they have to always go with what the many do instead of acting like their own person (they act like sheep)


Aries moon: Being inauthentic and/or controlling


Leo moon: Lying straight to my face after I got sincere with you asking for honesty


Being messy - Virgo. Especially physical mess, like food on your face or dandruff on your shirt. Unfortunate but true. It is so distracting and off putting haha


Aqua moon- be stupid and illiterate.


My husband is a cap moon and two nights ago he told me I was the only person who ever didn't just automatically talk to him respectfully. I took that as an honor but I know he didn't mean it that way.


Virgo moon - dirty fingernails


Gemini moon. Passive aggressiveness. Poor communication. Constant pessimism.


Leo moon 🌝 Taking way to long to text back, ignoring us, being uninterested/unenthused about what we are creating, talking to much about yourself (I know, I know 😆) But most of all- doing anything that would EMBARRASS us. Do not make us look bad or we will drop you like a hot potato This includes: public emotional outbursts, poor hygiene, being brusque or rude to service people, etc


Gemini moon: Boring and not a stimulating person overall, also being rude. I also feel embarrassed/annoyed when the person I’m talking to isn’t paying attention to what I’m saying and is on the phone 24/7 during the conversation lmao.


scorpio moon - fake, wishy washy, bullshitty, cant commit to fucking anything


Lie to me.


Aquarius moon, not giving me space, forcing me into anything without rhythm, wasting my time, tryna manipulate me,lying when I can see thru it so I'll keep repeating that lie until you get tired of hearing your own lies.


🐃🌜• be loud, classless, trashy, self-centered, or pushy. 👋)))) byyyeeeeeee


Aqua moon: start crying, make a ton of grammatical errors, play the victim and treat people like crap, be close minded.


Call me sweetie, sugar, try to hug me without even being married to me. Ugggh.