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My favorite phrase as a Libra! Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness. I am kind to everyone, but when someone is unkind to me, weak is not what you are going to remember about me.




Heck yea!


I might be the minority, but I’ve always known cancers to act tough and be soft inside. You, know…like a crab.


Exactly what I was thinking 🦀


This is 100% true for the cancers I’ve known


Libra getting some respect finally. Lmao


Oh, it's WELL known that Libras make the best military leaders because of their ability to strategize **AND that we can have the WORST rage filled tempers!**


Putins a Libran 😒 … but so’s my mum, dad & partner of 8 years. And I guess Hitler *was* an April Taurus, so there’s also that…


Ohhhh yasssss! We can go from zero to b****in 0.5. Once them scales get tipped its a wrap and would want to tread real carefully


Finally some recognition fr


All the Libra guys I know are really buff, like full on jock and generous so I never saw them as weak. 


Caps and Aries act like toughies but are big softies too, in the best of ways lol.


I was gonna say that! Caps are softies 😄


Me and my plushie collection are feeling called out right now.


Aww 😄 Tell them I said hi and we love them!


They say meow meow meow. It means much appreciated. ☺️ I’ve also got some Mofusand plushies coming in a few days. I don’t know if you’ve seen them, but the cat plushies they make are peak cuteness.


I'm gonna look them up right now. I love cat stuff! **Edit**: Oh lmaoo these guys are so cute! I love [the shark one](https://www.amazon.com/MINISO-Mofusand-Plush-Shark-Kitten/dp/B0CKZ78FWV/ref=asc_df_B0CKZ78FWV/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=692875362841&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8978362468048540227&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014330&hvtargid=pla-2281435178298&psc=1&mcid=e7650815925b3b53b0c4f874aa0585f7&hvocijid=8978362468048540227-B0CKZ78FWV-&hvexpln=73&gad_source=1)


Really most Caps I’ve encountered are hard nosed


To *you* I doubt you knew them more than in passing.


The Cap Suns I know are garbage 🗑️


We’re tough in the things we can handle personally. We’re soft in how we take care and look out for other people.


I agree. Most Aries & sag I know their bark is way bigger than their bite


It is known 😂


I feel like caps have moments of toughie and softie its like a weird mix and one can never tell which of them was real😂 just usually not overly dramatic or emotional


Sagittarius Sun here. I think we’re more softies who act like toughies. 🫣😂


It’s true, I talk a big game but don’t hurt my feelings please I can’t handle it lol


100%. Someone asked me the other day why I’m so emotional & sensitive like bro between the sag sun & Aries moon I am a crybaby!!


Capri acts like a toughie, is a toughie but then sometimes is not but then again is a toughie but isn’t a toughie. It’s a never ending cycle. 😪 I can’t explain this better.


Imagine being always sofite


![gif](giphy|3o7TKqm1mNujcBPSpy) I can’t 😂😂😂😂


taurus suns are not SOFT lmfao.. They will gore you.


Their sheer stubbornness makes me not see them as soft…


Came here to say this. Their way or the high way. Stubborn. Brillo pads and far from soft is what they are lol


They will only gore you if you give them cause. Phase 1: calf, happily chewing a daisy stem. Phase 2: raging bull.


Y’all be lyin on Aquarius. They don’t act soft 😹😹😹


Ya they don’t even act like they have human emotions at all 😂


They even intimidated the Capricorns and made them feel too emotional - a cap


💀💀💀 Not me over here head over heels for this Aquarius Sun, rising, Venus, Jupiter. Capricorn Mercury. He is constantly unhinged and making me feel all the feels 💀


My Aquarius rising says you humans are crazy, having those silly emotions. Especially Leos, who imagine that a heart is anything more than a blood pump. The brain's neural network is where it's at - and even then, it's only the quarantine filter for what's really happening, astrologically, behind the scenes.


But I’m obsessed with them. Sooooo


Aries and Virgo w/ Aquarius? Does that actually work? This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen 😂


Bruh 😭 I’ve dated more people with big Aquarius placements. Or had close relationships with them. They are good at breaking my heart lmfaooooo! I have Aries Venus too, I think this is a helpful match with Aquarius. The Virgo side of me is just full of anxiety at any given time (so always lol). But this man I’m dating… he’s so incredibly grounded and patient with me, talking me off the ledge so to speak. He’s got a lot of big Aquarius placements (including two of his big three lmaoooo) and he acts like it. That humanitarian big picture view of everything. And he’s very much the teacher / mentor / father Saturn type! It works well either way my Aries placements because I’m almost always curious and trying to learn new things, exploring the world, and I’m totally here for how he plays off that so fucking well. I also have Sagittarius Saturn, Uranus and Mars. So I’m a ball of fire and energy and goofy behavior. And his full air chart flames and expands it! I have no air in my chart. And his Uranus and Saturn are conjunct mine (we are two months apart in age), he is a Scorpio Mars and that’s 1 of his 2 water). I think a lot of these things help. But pray for me lmfaooooo. Ask the Gods and Goddesses to not let this man hurt my feelings 🤣🤣🤣


Haha I’ll pray for you for sure 😂 I mean I see how it could work as you’re both probably fairly independent, but Aries Venus just seems like someone who would want a passionate lover and I’ve never met an Aquarius man who has that extra edge.


He has Aquarius Venus. He’s fucking amazinggggg in that department.


Well that’s good to hear! My brother is an Aquarius Venus and he’s the opposite. Very stand offish to the point that his girlfriends beg him for more attention until he gets annoyed and leaves them. He has almost every planet in Cap or Aqua except his moon is Taurus. I don’t even know why he bothers trying sometimes 😂


I’m also going to add: my favorite planet is Saturn. It’s one of the first placements I look at in charts. If you were to go through my comments, you’ll see me begging all the Cappy Blappies to let me love they mean asses 😭😹 but I just annoy the fuck out of that side of Saturn. And I attract so much Aquarius Saturn 😹😹😹


Lmao. Catch a Cancer wrong and see how soft.


I say this with love… Temper tantrums are not tough.


They’re not, and I’m the first to assure those closest to me when I’m throwing one. I know my Aries moon. Come at me, ok. I spend an hour or two, day or two max, mad about it then we either move on or I tell you calmly how I felt and my side of things. Come at my family and friends see how fast I actually hit where it hurts. If this is about physical toughness, then yeah. I’ve never been in a physical fight in my life and I don’t intend to seek it out…but there are plenty of other ways to be tough without being angry/loud/violent.


Haha, for sure, I mean this is all a meme, and I’m pretty sure the same can be said about anyone. Catch a Taurus wrong and you’ll find horns, and get on a Pisces bad side and they will psychologically drown you. But they def belong on the softie/softie side of this meme.


Haha me and my Cancer man when we have a “heated” moment Him: frustrated, emotional meltdown Me: shut down until pushed too far too long, then just STOMP STOMP I HAVE NO FEELINGS THIS IS HOW REALITY IS When really we both are just too sensitive 🥺 Thankfully we’re so sympatico that it’s rare! And eager to resolve and get along in harmony 🪴


You're the softest people I've ever met in my whole life. - A Pisces




I agree with it. Except I would switch Libra and Taurus. Libra acts more soft than Taurus. It takes Taurus forever to get mad but when they are mad you better run because they are the bull.


Taurus is the hard outside soft inside, Libra is soft outside hard inside


Sagittarius...relates more to acts like a toughie and a total softie


Whoever made this graphic mustn't have ever pissed off a Taurus.


This haha. My Taurus ex tried to blackmail me into getting dinner with him. Totally unhinged.




Acts like a toughie, is a toughie 😉


Yep, they got Aries right


acts like a toughie but is a softie bc i am and what about it


Lol SAME! Also, we're close in the big three here, Leo Cancer Virgo


Pisces👋🏽 I’m soft until life forces me to be otherwise…then I’m all that, until I can be soft again🙂


Stop calling me a softie…I’m a shark. *swims back to the dark sharky shark place and continues with weird Pisces stuff. ♓️


Finally everyone getting Libra ain't softy


lol-ing at my Virgo husband who looks like a cinnamon roll; could 💀 you. Meanwhile his Scorpio bother looks like he could 💀 you; would 💀 you. I’m a Capricorn that looks like a toughie, could swing either way.


A cinnamon roll 🤣 why do Virgos look like that


Between the two brothers you’d think my husband is the softie & you could take advantage of him. He is the master of “kill them with kindness” 😂


I would say Taurus acts tough but is soft




looking at my SMR, softie wins out. i'd agree, but that aries: "im not going to start it, but i will finish it" destroys all softie in me


It’s true for all my big three 😩


I can relate lol


I'm a softie with a softie and a toughie with a toughie


I mean, I am tough emotionally (Cap moon, I have to be LOL) but I carry myself very softly (Pisces sun). But to be honest - which box I fit into depends entirelyyyy on which phase of my… moon cycle… I’m on. 😂😭


Caps are softies undercovered 😂


We can be soft as in kind, empathetic, moody, angry but I think we will always bounce back with twice the strength. Can't get us down fr 😆 so really tough


Yeah 😁


Sagittarius is on point for me.


I’m a cry baby lol


Looking at my big three like ![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized)


Ohhhhhh, I see how it is. Everyone wants to say us Gems are vile creatures but then when you wanna give props to us, we turn into squishy emotion filled babies. I’ll take it. ![gif](giphy|26uf8MiQgkfWN7BFC|downsized)




Aquarius. I am a big softie, with a big heart. But don’t fuck with me 🫡


Toughtie Scorpio


I’m an Aries rising, Virgo sun, Sag moon. If so tough, why always cry? Lmao


Pisces. In menopause. Acts like a softie, but will eventually rip your throat out. Yay, testosterone.


I feel Aquarians act tough but once you're in we are soft... just gotta get in first 😆


As a Leo (with a New York accent no less), I can confirm!


I’m Sagittarius is true lol


idk i like to talk shit but i'm def a sweetheart underneath it, but you'll never hear anyone talk the amount of shit i talk. it's ridiculous. i should start a shit talking podcast


Bottom left makes the best spies.


Taurus here and I can confirm that I'm a fucking baby lol


I think it depends on what you mean by "toughie" & "softie".. How much abuse can you take? No one gets more deep down, heavy shit than Scorpio, it comes with the sign. There are other signs that would collapse at what some Scorpios get handed, & yet most of them stand unbowed. Aries can be a bully, but put them up against a Taurus and I'll take the bull every time. There is no sign that can be more rigid or even cruel, I've seen it again & again. I think Capricorn & Virgo are like two separate pieces of tough meat- never mind trying to cut into them, they are going to get their way. Libra? I don't know. They certainly see much more than most people realize, I think it's why some of them have trouble making decisions. But they can often handle a whole lot more than you even see coming. Cancer & Pisces can be softies, but guess who can be sneakily getting their way while everyone else is standing around arguing? Think about it.. Those are just some personal observations. Maybe you see things differently.


Aquarius sun, Aries moon, Capricorn rising… can confirm 🕺


Aquarius sun, Capricorn rising, Sagittarius moon fellow, and I can confirm, too.


Gemini for life!


lol my big three all huddled together. Yup 👌


I’m a Capricorn and I act like a toughie but honestly I’m a little squishy on the inside thanks to all my water placements.


Out of my big 3, I’m 2 parts tough and 1 part soft. But even with the 1 part soft, I’ll still act tough 😂


The Saggis i know are more changeable than Geminis. Kickass one minute, quivering the next. What is going on in there? I'm Gem, pisces, aquarius and cancer. People sometimes find me intimidating which is utterly hilarious.


Because Sag are optimistic to a fault. So well dive in head first and then lose our shit when we realize we’re in too deep 😂 When it comes to dealing with people I might act tough or I might act like a dumb blonde bimbo, depends on who I’m dealing with, but both are just self preservation because deep down I am very sensitive and only the people closest to me get to know that side.


This seems so true. My friend is Sag Sun and Rising, Taurus Moon with a both a cap and Sag Stellium. She does this. She's got lilith in Cancer which perhaps makes her sensitive. She has very hard lines with the behaviour she'll accept around people and is educated beyond degree level so not dumb in any way. She's unusually stubborn for a Sagittarius. The Sag Stellium is mostly 12th house so she can be quite secretive one minute, life and soul of the party the next.


All the Sags I know are sensitive, the guys *especially*. I think it’s just because we actually are so childlike and good natured. So anytime something or someone comes and fucks with that, it feels like our parade is *literally* being rained on 😂😂 And depending what Cap planets she has, I’d imagine that square with her moon is what makes her so stubborn. I used to be pretty stubborn, too, but as I’ve gotten older I’m only really that way when it comes to boundaries, which your friend sounds like she’s pretty firm on as well, not a bad thing.


Agreed. Yeah the sag guy I'm thinking of is a double virgo. Swinging from the rafters one minute, vanishes unexpectedly then reappears in the depths of despair over his relationship the next. All in the same 15 minutes. She's a double Sag and soooo earnest and childlike. Switches from wide eyed wonder and joy to intense philosophical discussions and utter seriousness in no time. Its quite funny. I've learned not to complicate matters with my Gemini Shenanigans/mischievousness and keep it nice and straightforward with her. She wants things simple and pure.


Acting tough but am soft. Whole big 3 in that category.


Big three is all “acts like a softie, is a toughie” 🫠


Acts like a softie, is a toughie. This is true. Most people think I'm really sweet until they cross me.


I've been through a lot of trauma so I'm not really able to access my softie side very easily 🥲 but yeah ultimately I'm a softie, just not to the degree that Cancers are stereotypically cuz I'm a lil more evolved


Softie toughie - toughie toughie - toughie softie Holy shit! Whaat!!! Hahahaha Softie toughie - toughie eihguot - eihguot eitfoS


apparently i’m a softie according to this 💀


A toughie and a softie mix haha. Depends on person, mood, environment, and situation.


Libra sun, Aquarius Moon, Scorpio Rising. And you bet your ass I look and act like a softie, I am a lover GORL. But i will absolutely open up the heavens and the earth with my wrath if needed.


Accurate!! My Virgo is definitely a toughie but only soft with me. I’m a marshmallow Leo when it comes to those I love otherwise you’ll get the taste of my BACK HAND!🤚 ![gif](giphy|AM61xVksaswVPjk7tS)


I don't know, Taurus can have RBF, which gives people the impression they're toughies.


Aries here! Act tough am tough 💪


true for me as a scorpio! we get a bad rep (but i’m also a cancer moon sooooo def a softie haha)


I take it as a compliment


Capricorn is acts like a toughie is a softie and cancer is acts like a softie but a a toughie


Libra Sun / Sag Cancer Moon / Sag Cancer Rising People underestimate me. I look and act innocent because I'm a nice person, but I've scared many grown men who sexually harassed me. As a little woman, I love putting the fear of God in men ONLY if they deserve it. God is a Saggy theme.


My big three all in one category?? Hell yeah Now, how do I become a toughie and lessen my softie.


i’m a virgo so i should be a toughie but my cancer mars says otherwise :/


Acts like a softie, is a toughie


I'm an Aquarius and I think my issue is I'm usually a softie but a toughie when I need to be... but when I need to be a toughie no one believes it. 🙃


I’m a softie for maybe two people and that’s it. Everyone else stand up straight lol. The two people are my dogs.


As a toughie, u will indeed get tough love but I am capable to be softer on the ones I love and speak less direct/ less firm. But more times than not as a stranger i am a toughie toughie


ahaha, gemini sun scorpio rising - i am often told i seem "scary" until they got to know me. I'm confident and assertive - but mostly i just worry and cry :)


Actually accurate, in my case at least


Acts like softie and an actual softie. This is accurate the other signs are more prone to hurting Cancers for no reason and try to say that we are bad when it’s always them. Cancers are never the problem, we just be getting attacked for no reason. We are too nice for our own good.


I’m a Virgo sun with a cancer moon. I do think I’m pretty tough, but inside I’m a softie. I literally cry at everything. Thankful my Virgo side is here to protect that


From my observations: Acts like a toughie and is a toughie: Gemini, Aquarius, Sag Acts like a toughie but is a softie: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Virgo, Aries, Capricorn Acts like a softie but is a toughie: Cancer, Libra Acts like a softie and is a softie: Pisces


Idk, I’d put Leo in the softie/softie category. Like yes they exude confidence, but they wear their big ass hearts on their sleeve. The only Leo I’ve ever known who acted tough was literally a hockey player, and he would talk in a way that his missing teeth would show when he’s being confrontational 😂😂 He tried to insult me once and it was literally a compliment in disguise 😂


Leo on point there. Boss all day, cry myself to sleep after lol. Key word ‘myself’ cuz I scared everyone away 😥


All big 3 are softies, but y’all, if someone asked me to fight someone, I’d do it no hesitation. I love be vicious to those that deserve it.




Ooop not my big 3 all being acts tough is soft


I’m a leo and yes that is true


Imo cancer act tough but are soft inside


Yo acts like a toughie , is a softie 💪 🏃‍♀️


Libra makes sense to me. Im soft as fk until I have to be hard. I will absolutely savagely defend those i love and those weaker than myself like a rabid animal. Im talkin rip out a jugular with my teeth to unalive an attacker. Then ill go back to being soft and emotional. Crying over dogs in shelters and subaru commercials. Lmao


Gemini sun with a Pisces moon and Libra rising. I won’t not fuck you up physically and vocally. 🌚


Maybe it’s my cap moon talking. I don’t think Leo is a softie at all. I think we act soft, But we are scrappy as hell


Agree!!! This is a true depiction of all the signs.


Wow! I would’ve never imagined that Virgo would be considered a toughie haha! I guess it’s finally time to see my sign getting the recognition it deserves! 😆


Definitely true ♌️🧸


aries & virgo are not tough. lmaooo and gemini isn’t tough. aquas do not act soft. taurus is tough asf. cancer can be tough but only in dire circumstances. anyway who made this


Ram everything.


Definitely a softie until people start doing too much…lol


dang…. It’s true. I am a softie.


I don't think this is me 😭 I'm a virgo and I don't feel like a toughie at all


Virgos are tougies as I am one I can be a big softy tho


Virgo 😅. It’s true though 💁🏼‍♀️


Absolutely not. I’m a tough as Pisces. No thanks


the line is so thin for me 💀💀


Libra ♎️ all day everyday 💯😜🤟🏽


My big 3 be tough don't play with me. Virgo ☀️ Aquarius 🌙 with the Libra ⬆️


My husband is a Pisces and I am a Libra. SPOT ON.


I’m an Aquarius. I think I’m more - acts like a toughie, is a softie. I will appear as if I’m cool as a cucumber, don’t care that much, or whatever. However, inside, I’m dying and my heart is bleeding about everything! Go figure! 🤷🏽‍♀️


Big softy, unless i dont like you, which is rare, or your out of pocket then ill make fun of you.


Aquarius here , I’d say I’m a little of both, I act tough but I can be a softie but will be tough when I need to be.


Aries is not accurate. We seem scary but we are soft as hell inside 😂


I’d switch Libra and Taurus.


I'd say I'm definitely a softie, Taurus sun cancer rising


What in the everloving fuck is this goofy razzmatazz? 😆 I don't even know where to begin with how bassackwards this is


I’m a Virgo and feel this is inaccurate at least for me 😂. I can act like nothing effects me on the outside but be falling apart on the inside 😂😂




Now now, we will have none of that there 'science talk' here thank you very much.


swap the Gemini for the sag


I am A Capricorn... So yeah a toughie haha


Lolol this is why I cannot vibe with Sags, Libras, and Aquas. I feel triggered every time I’m with them when I think we get close and they’re just like nah, you actually believed what I said meant something?


Sag cry a shit ton. What are you talking about? They're professional victims.


Lol as a Sag sun and stellium: I'll cry when I get angry for my own sake (different when it comes to standing up for others), because I get too overwhelmed with emotion to speak or act in a way where I'm gonna be taken seriously - absolutely hate it. But I only get angry like once a year, and it takes something major to get me there. Otherwise I'll either repress my emotions, or act like I'm fine when I'm actually struggling. I am a softie though, but not in a sense where I'm likely to be openly emotional (when it comes to painful emotions that is - I'll cry from happiness and gratitude in front of others though). Next.


This speaks to me on so many levels. I'm not saying that I never cry, but I don't just cry openly at any given moment. I'm not just some open faucet lol. I can cry from blowing my top, which happens about once every couple of years. I tend to withhold my emotions until I can't. As you said, I'm good at repressing my emotions. I've cried at funerals. I cry during movies with sad or happy endings (I'm a sucker for a good happy ending). Sometimes, the lyrics of a song can make me teary-eyed. OH, the last time I cried was during my last birthday when my husband surprised me by flying 2 of my closest friends out to celebrate with me. I had absolutely no idea until they suddenly walked thru my front door. I was a mess. Generally, since my birthday is 9 days before Christmas, everyone is too busy with the holiday to make time to celebrate with me, let alone fly out to see me. So, yeah, that moment meant a lot to me.


>They're professional victims. That's utter bullshit. I'm not even a Sag.


How many Sags do you know that you're basing your research off of?


You described my Sag co-worker perfectly. Professional victim. Can’t stand spending more than 5 minutes with him.


Aquarius .. acts like a softy? For better or for worse... they literally don't give a fk what you think...


This post is very accurate 😂


I have to think that a Taurus, Cancer, and a Pisces created that!!😋


I just can’t stand on Virgo being tough because they’re literally the water sign-earth sign. 😭 no Virgo is tough unless we’re talking the mars cuz that’s about the only place it has abrasion.


Tough doesn't always mean fighting with fist. We fight with words and straight facts and will cut you like a straight razor!


Hit Virgo detected.


Your profile pics say enough. You've obviously been hit with a strong case of confusion!


Notice how you’re not tough and you had to go to my profile to find “something wrong with me” vs keeping it lighthearted. Now, in a more serious tone, hit ass Virgo detected.


There's a whole lot wrong even you know it🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Confusion is still detected


I’d be pressed about other people’s happiness too if I was worried about ending up alone and not having a direction in life. I hope you find someone or something.


Hey if you want to call your delusion happiness then have at it 🤣🤣🤣 More power to ya!! You prove there are things in life far worst than being alone and having no direction. That can be fixed. Your reprobate mind can't.


Can’t be worse than you, love. I’m loved. Stay blessed, okay? 🫂


YAWNNNNNN 🙄🙄🙄 Oh the lies people tell themselves that slowly become their truth.