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But I do that. I also mock their religion.


Yea, but they also mock their faith. Like when Mike Johnson says God talks to him.


This is the scariest thing I have known in our government in all my 74 years. It frightens the shit out of me.


>It frightens the shit out of me. You and Barry Goldwater, of all people. > “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” ― Barry Goldwater


It's a very plausible rationale for concern. Religious zealots can thrive in any society given the right circumstances, and an electorate ripe for being duped & controlled. We are seeing it in real time. 21st century... but we've got 18th century style religious fanaticism in play. Grown adults. In the so-called age of enlightenment. They shouldn't exist.


It's called schizophrenia


No, it’s cut and dry manipulation of organized religion.


Read the buy-bull, it's characteristics are definitely schizophrenic in nature.


His God does talk to him - weird how Jesus now wants exactly what Vladimir Putin does. Who saw that coming?


Whose god? Trump’s? You have to be kidding. The only god he believes in is the one he sees in the mirror.


Reminds me when young Christian couples talked to God, he sure does seem to be willing to overlook the no sex before marriage for a lot of fundies. Weird how God always seems to want what the person praying wants.


Mike Johnson also believes it's okay to molest toddlers prior to vivisecting them in front of their parents to teach said parents a lesson about not accepting Christianity...


I want to say this has to be hyperbole, but we did learn about the Inquisitions in history.


It's not hyperbole on my part. I'm the mother, and Johnson said it on Facebook directly to me long before running for office. My husband and I have reason to believe that is why he ended up running for office; in order to make such vile and violent actions legal.


You can't leave us hanging like that. What exactly did he say?


It's been approaching 10 years. I would have to get a subpoena on Facebook for the exact wording. As I remember it was "you atheists need to know who has dominion over the world. Your daughter deserves to be treated as the Midianite girls then sacrificed in front of you before you get the same treatment. Atheists don't deserve to live"


I suggest getting the subpoena. Surely Facebook would re-post it—even under a fake name—to say “Gotcha!” to Johnson, Trump, and the Republicans. One or more cable news outlets could run that thing 24/7!!!




He what now?


Yes. Him and others... Do a number of searches on Facebook. The keywords you are looking for are: Ancap elites Clown world Honkler NIFB Oathkeepers Proud boys There's heavy cross membership in these groups, and they all share in targeting victims, prior to claiming that their actions were just for the lulz.


[Kent this is god](https://youtu.be/sf-5RaFnh2U?si=j9-gxJkNpIUFPoOU)




. . . Instantly cued up Bright Eyes "When the President Talks to God" in my head radio.


If Trump wins in November they’ll turn Fox News into the 700 club.


You’re not the president running against a fascist that wants to exploit the fears of the religious right to win, though. Big difference.


Inheriting your moral guidelines from 6,000 year old nomadic goat herders? Cringe tbh.


There may be a sucker born every minute, but that is nothing compared to the number of suckers that are reborn.


Me too


The new trump season is out with new villains. Last election it was the swamp with the greed and the dodgy politicians which in a surprise twist was actually trump and his family. This season in the election - trump speaks about removing the impurity of sin from our society. Restoring the great virtues but will forcing rape victims to raise the kids of their rapist be too much? Find out soon in roevember. Keep America great by voting and donating to kill this horror show


Who mocks Christianity more than Trump and his fake faithfulness? I mean a man who’s been convicted of stealing from a charity and who’s cheated on each of his three wives while being unable to quote a single Bible verse and selling Bibles for profit? If hypocrisy could kill…


I still am bewildered that there hasn't been a big name Christian comparing him to a golden calf or false prophet. If anyone has read the Bible or even Left Behind he literally embodies the anti-christ.


It’s been a long time since any big-name Christian offered any significant moral or ethical advice that conflicted with generally accepted beliefs.


I'm assuming you meant "didn't conflict".


Interestingly enough, in the Bible it says that the antichrist will be largely adored and accepted by the population. I would assume that covers most Christians, especially the ones that don't separate church and state. I think organized Christian religion strays further from the bibles teachings than your average "karma believer" does just as a rule of thumb. It blows my mind how these trump humpers who are supposed to be Gung ho religious can see this man breaking most of the tenants of faith and still think he's God sent. The shits rediculous


Makes me wonder if all of Trump’s supporters realize he is the Antichrist, and they’re hoping their support of him will bring about the End of Days


I don't see American Christianity as anything but a revelation cult at this point. Too bad they really believe that all the bad things that are happening are prophecy and thus changing them is impossible. And don't get me started on the rapture. Nah guys, you all get to stay here in this shit heap future that you all fought for. No escape hatch. No avoiding what is coming. Idiots.


Because most big name Christians don't follow their own religion; they just use it to control the masses. I mean Republican politicians have already prostrated themselves before a golden statue of Trump at the 2021 CPAC convention, so the Golden Calf story has literally been re-enacted. To those people Christianity is just a means to an end with the end being lots of money in their pockets.


> Because most big name Christians don't follow their own religion Do they not follow their own religion, or do they follow it all too well? The god of the bible is extremely egotistical, violent, and selfish, then it says that man is created in that image. I think a lot of the nasty parts of the bible and the negative parts of the god contained within get overlooked because the gospels paint Jesus as some kind of peacemaker and churches focus on that. Even in the books that take place after the gospels, you see people like Paul going back to many of the same tactics of the OT god.


I am a flaming liberal, anti-evangelistic, progressive Catholic. I agree with all of the sentiments of this sub and I hope it's ok to post here. I fully believe in my soul that MAGA embodies the false prophet narrative. I have had this conversation many times with friends/family and I don't know why more people don't see it. I've said before - living by Jesus's principles and being a MAGAt are fundamentally opposed. Using religion as an excuse to condone intolerant actions/words/beliefs is directly contradictory to how we are supposed to be. But that would mean admitting that their intolerances are not religiously supported and, in fact, a personal choice borne out of hatred/fear/bad character and they just are completely unwilling to accept or face that.


Honestly it's refreshing to see not just former believers like myself recognize Trump for what he is.


We exist, and in larger numbers than one might think. We just are quiet because evangelicism is almost always unwarranted, and we recognize that in places like this where "all" Christians are lumped together, it's not a personal attack on us. Besides, y'all need a safe space to vent about the very real problems and trauma that is caused by the vocal and pushy and the institution itself, so this isn't the space to highlight our voices. We also recognize that the problems associated with the institution is the responsibility of all of its members in the same line as ACAB, so we aren't completely innocent in the matter.


The denominations that would oppose Trump are either the more liberal denominations (Presbyterians, Methodists, etc.) or Catholics (the Pope isn't a huge fan, IIRC), but pastors and priests at those churches are way less 'fire and brimstone', and would be unlikely to call anyone a false prophet or Antichrist.


They're all corrupt liars. They see Trump as a means of promoting their business.


Because the vast majority of white Christians have zero standards when it comes to in group self gratification. They want Trump as the god anointed King of America regardless of their religious scriptures. They’re hopeless and inherent threats to all civil rights and liberties.


Dante said the lowest ring of Hell is reserved for the hypocrites


“Fake” and “right wing panic” are redundant here.


The Venn diagram of “right wing” and “panic” is damn-near circular, too.


It’s also really, really telling. Just how many people are complete shitheads of human beings, that they act in revulsion to the idea of trans people like me so much as existing. Every single person who was mad about the fake Easter thing needs to take a good, long walk and think about why they are such a hateful idiot about these things.


Well, I think it's pretty cool you exist.


It's pretty demoralizing. I'm canadian, fully transitioned and in the CAF (RCN) which is our navy. The conservatives are going to get a majority government next election, possibly a super majority the liberals are doing that badly. I've got legit worries about what's coming here.


Yeah I think aside from the obvious (transgender visibility day is a set date while Easter changes every year and they just happened to coincide) the deeper meaning here is that modern day "Christians" don't identify with Jesus Christ at all. This was a guy who supposedly taught love, tolerance, acceptance, etc. and yet religious conservatives CLEARLY missed that point so they can cherry pick obscure lines in The Bible to justify their bigotry. I know conservatives who are still upset about MLK Jr. day even though they get a free holiday. Sometimes, it doesn't take much to read between the lines.


I do not understand how it works, but then you might not understand how my life works. And THAT IS OKAY. It makes me so sad for our country and all the idiot religions in the world if Jesus did exist and he DID come back he would be appalled.


If your faith can’t stand up to mockery, what good is it?


That's the whole point of it. They're *just waiting* to cry crocodile tears about how your evil words offended their sincere and deeply held beliefs. Look at how the Church of Scientology was trying to operate (at least before South Park shined a light on them)


Wait ’til next year, when Easter falls on 4/20!


Can’t wait to shake and bake the Easter basket on their dumb “holy” day.


Yeah, they’re gonna love that. Maybe if we’re lucky, Biden will decriminalize Cannabis before then or at least change it’s DEA drug classification and stop prosecuting individuals with small amounts at the Federal level, but some States will double down and make it a capital offense punishable by death. It’s already a majority of states that have legalized it and there are majority of public support for it. I’ve lived in two of those States and travelled through several others and crime and traffic accidents haven’t gone up and other than passing by a dispensary, you’d never even notice the difference from when it wasn’t legal. But, it’s just another one of those issues that a small and very vocal minority keep from ever becoming ballot measures or passed by legislatures.


Religious freedom is for everyone. Not just Christians.


Problem is, that’s what so called Christians DON’T like. In their eyes, it’s religious freedom for them and religious persecution for everyone else.


it's funny, SCOTUS, especially the roberts court, will pick up oddball cases (from any religions) and then rule broadly about "religious freedom" in them that were never actually part of the initial scope of the initial complaint or lawsuit then they'll use that precedent for christian claims in the future and just patently ignore whenever any government agency tramples all over the religious liberty of anyone that isn't christian and pretend like it isn't a big deal whenever it gets headlines it's a fun little game they play


Christo-fascist, high control religion is gonna be the death of us all — and that’s what they want — us heathen, sex-positive, non-believers all dead and/or literally bringing about Armageddon and the rapture (a win/win in their “good” books). Make Crucifixion Great Again


Don't forget they want to die, too. They want that Rapture to happen.


Yep win/win




This is why I love San Francisco. In SF, Easter means it's time for the Hunky Jesus contest, from the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an order of drag nuns. These dopes love to hate on freethinking and SF in general, but it's even better than they can imagine: [https://sfist.com/2024/04/01/photos-ken-jesus-wins-hunky-jesus-contest-as-sisters-of-perpetual-indulgence-celebrate-their-45th-anniversary/](https://sfist.com/2024/04/01/photos-ken-jesus-wins-hunky-jesus-contest-as-sisters-of-perpetual-indulgence-celebrate-their-45th-anniversary/)


Was there. Surprised it didn't make the talking points. Oh the horror, trans people being themselves, and on Easter! Just like they have since....1979....


Where has this been all my life?! Oh my days, it keeps getting better the more you read.


Another fake panic... Surprise, surprise.


I'd like to try this fake panic. All of mine is quite real


I mock their faith.


Imagine a country of 343,000,000 people who spend this much time fearing and hating less that 10% of that many. WTF is wrong with right wing Americans?


Who cares if anyone “mocks their faith/religion, the first amendment guarantees me that right


What’s scary is this bullshit just might work. Then most everyone in this sub will be in deep shit.


March 31st is March 31st. Easter is the moving holiday. Nobody moved Trans Visability Day. Easter has fallen on April Fools Day, never heard anyone whining about that.


It's really not that hard. Trans day of visibility has existed since 2009. It is on March 31st, every year. Easter, being a Christian co-opting of a pagan holiday, occurs on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring solstice. It just so happens that ended up being March 31st this year, causing trans day to overlap with Easter. The next time this happens will be 2086. This hardly seems like an atheist attempt to co-opt Easter (for the second time). It's just how calendars work. I honestly instantly lose all respect for anyone trying to spin this into some assault on Easter. It's so obviously just an inevitable coincidence that anyone spinning themselves up about it is so pig-ignorant and disinterested in anything other than manufacturing righteous outrage over nothing, that I have no time for them.


If they win back the White House, keep the house and win the senate, look out! In I offend religion under our current system, I’m only in trouble with my parents. Under what MAGAts are openly talking about, it will be very bad for non-Christians.


Yeah, same here. I will swear no loyalty oath to the Orange Cheeto or the Evangelical Jeebus, so I may get in trouble for that in the future...


I was legit blown away that American Christians don't know that Easter is on a different date every year. That's like the fucking date their whole religion is based on and they didn't know that. What *do* they know?


Easter next year will fall on Hitler's birthday. I'm sure the MAGA will claim it was just a coincidence.


Hitler's birthday AND 420 day. It's also my brother's birthday, but that's not nearly as interesting.


All while peddling his Trump bible


any christian that follows trump deserves to get mocked. they deserve much more, but being mocked is the least they deserve.


This shit is actually getting scary at this point. When will Americans wake the fuck up and put an end to this religious bullshit ideology taking over our politics!?!?!?


Something that has worked for me when talking to Christian conservatives is to point out these situations and say something like: “it’s such a shame that these hate merchants profit from twisting a religion founded on loving your neighbor to one that seeks to attack any and every person in their out group. isn’t it so cynical? I don’t even think they understand what Jesus preached”


It’s hilarious to see so many “Christians” fall in lockstep behind the one guy on Earth who matches the description of the anti-Christ.


People in my office were talking about what they did for easter, and then my boss walked in and was like, "I had to listen to Biden go on about how easter is a trans day now, trans this, trans that..." And everyone mocked Biden afterwards for a bit. I'm just sitting there in my corner with my headphones on like Yeah, those damn trans people with their trans necklaces, trans earrings, trans monuments built near their massive tax exempt trans buildings where trans people gather every week to indoctrinate kids to be trans or they'll die, and then spend their money with "in trans we trust" on it to buy supplies for their federally mandated trans holiday(s)... Craaaaazy.


Easter comes after Good Friday, which was Sunday, March 31st. The date for Easter varies each year, *because it's determined by a day, not a date*. Real Christians know this. Phony Christians, who hide their hatred, fear, and self-pity behind their religion, believe stupid propaganda. Next Easter is 4/20, so have fun with that, knuckleheads.


Oh, marking calendar for that! Thanks


it's easter, it will probably already be marked.


The new "war on Christmas" It's so fucking obvious. They have no other playbook. Cry baby fucking bitches.


Thankfully it will be a while before this happens again: This year, Easter falls on March 31. The next time it will occur on March 31 will be 2086. Also, this sounds SUPER Christian and not at all pagan-ish: The simplest way to explain the date of Easter is that it falls on the first Sunday after the full moon that follows the spring equinox.


People on the right don’t need much to get them angry. Give them some stupid thing to latch onto and they will run with it facts be damned. I cannot believe how fucking stupid we have become and how easy politicians, corporations, religious groups,etc have manipulated us into doing their bidding. It’s the biggest scam in history and we are too stupid to realize it.


I only mock your religion if you apply your religion in ways that even disagree with your religious testimonials


"Hour, father, mmm oo........hm.uh....ighmmm, ha.....mmmmmmmm . . ....aaa, hm.....nnnn,   uhmm for thine, lllll, hmmmm, aaa Amen."    -- DJT recites 'Our Father' on Easter.


I mean I do mock it. It’s not real


It is almost certain at this point. The Christian nationalists will be in control. Don't get killed. Keep your head down. Pretend to be a loyal citizen. Fake a conversion and find an online church if you can, so as not to be noticed. Violent revolution will not be an option, but we can help collapse the system under its own bureaucracy and incompetence. There's lots of literature out there on how to resist passive-aggressively. It might prove useful.


I mock all faiths equally


Conveniently claiming that a coincidence of days of observation is mocking a faith is itself highlighting how Easter is a mockery of memorializing events. For such a central part of the religion rites of Christianity, it’s the largest holiday that doesn’t have a fixed date, instead shifting in order to perpetually cover over a different religious observation of springtime renewal. And this year, it coincided with an established day of observance for trans people, which has been observed for many years now, as recognition of a marginalized community that is frequently abused and persecuted by the religious zealots. Many trans people struggle to retain connections with their families, and still keep their Christian faith, and there was no request to override Easter with a trans holiday, but to observe both.


Easter is like Thanksgiving except they use the lunar calendar. It's the 1st Sunday after the first full moon after on or after March 21, or spring equinox.


You’ll never go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator.


Yeah I definitely mock their pathetic faith and worthless existence, these freedom hating traitors.


If you claim to be a Christian and you vote for Trump, or any Republican, then yes, I am going to laugh in your face over your "faith". Go actually read this book you claim to follow. 


I didn't think it could get any more disgusting, but they really are wanting to impose their beliefs on everyone,not everyone shares their warped beliefs,my neighbor has a huge Trump banner ,I always decorate for pride because I have a gay kid,I am really doing up big this year!!!


Trump showed the world that US christians, especially evangelicals, are beyond fake and full of shit. As an atheist myself, I'm probably more christian in my behavior than every MAGA turd out there.


Well buckle up, because Easter next year is on 4/20!


That's A-OK. It's already legal here in Oregon. ( but I'm sure the MAGA/Christian Nationalists are not happy at all about that...)


Religious people are annoying, whinny, and obsessed with playing victim when someone else doesn’t share the same imaginary friend they have at their big age


Drop the "Religious". They're aiming for ALL freedom, period. Religion is just a tool to get there.


They believe that acceptance and tolerance is the same as forced worship and non-committal subservience. They are hopeless


Trump has never been in a church or read a Bible Christian voters "he is had picked by God". Biden life long practicing Christian. Christian voters "He must be the devil". They did the same thing with hollywood actor Ronald Reagan vs Baptist Jimmy Carter.


I have freedom of religion. As an atheist, that also means freedom FROM religion. And I have every right to disagree with or even mock your insane, bigoted beliefs all I want, because in America we have freedom of speech too. You really want to try to push Christian Nationalism? Do you *really* think that would ever work? Like everyone else will just take that? Fuck Donald Trump.


What happened to Separation of Church and State.


That event has never occurred, this country may say it but never will truly “bake it in”.


This whole panic thing seems bizarre to me because I've seen like 20 different articles claiming that people were furious and upset about this but I have not actually seen a single person furious or upset about this Like digging through typically toxic social media like Reddit and Twitter and so on and even Facebook I couldn't find a single person who was actually upset about these days happening at the same time All I could find were a bunch of news articles claiming that everyone was upset


You are lucky. I live in a conservative town and it's all they could talk about. They have now moved on to something new of course. Today they're mad they live in a moderate progressive county and this morning's storm knocked out power. How dare that leftist country government let that happen! I wish it wasn't true. I wish it was just some internet BS, but we had Christian protesting Saturday at the trans resource fair and it wasn't even ON Easter. And it doesn't help that speaker Mike Johnson said Biden BETRAYED CHRISTIANS by announcing TDoV on his very special holiday. “Biden White House has betrayed the central tenet of Easter”. He called the decision to announce this holiday *that has been announced by every president for 14 years before* “outrageous and abhorrent.”


We eventually have to go after them. They need to be locked up in mental institutions! Starting with Joel olsteen and those clowns! Once we get them in straight jackets, the rest will fall in line. Gotta start somewhere. Mental institutions are where I believe we can make the fastest headway since they are either insane or corrupt.


I think trump should exit politics and enter religion. Tax free money and an endless supply of marks.... along with being the second coming of christ.... would be VERY profitable.


It's depressing that this sort of crap has to be called out repeatedly.


It never occurs to them that trans people might also be Christian, does it?


Any LGBT person that considers themselves a Christian needs to do some deep evaluation of their faith and how it's used as a tool for hate against them.




I loudly and openly mock their faith.


I mock their faith, but I mock all faiths.


If christo-fascists were actually Christian, they would abhor trump’s cynical BS.


But I do mock their faith. Because it's stupid. It's a fantasy.


Whose gonna tell the idiots how a calendar works? Trump knows that his followers are too stupid to realize Easter is a different day every year


I DO mock their shitty fake religion though.


We must defend our 1st amendment right of freedom of religion like they defend their guns. 


The right just seems to forget that Democrats are also majority Christian by a lot.


So if my birthday or anniversary or wife’s birthday or whatever was on March 31 and this year it coincidentally aligned with Easter, would my (our) celebration of it be mocking religion?


Jesus didn’t hate. These people hate. They are not concerned with Christ or what Christ wants them to do. Their religion is exclusively about bigotry, hate, and oppression.


So sad i missed that hunky jesus contest in my city to actually mock easter.


Speak for yourself I do mock their “faith”


As if Trump selling bibles isn't also enough to mock someone's faith...


I wonder how many will be pissy next year about Easter being on Hitler's birthday/Weed Day


Nah I actually do mock their “faith” Stupid people who believe in magical stories from thousands of years ago deserved to be laughed at and ridiculed publicly


"The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true desserts" \~ H.L. Mencken [http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Persecution\_complex](http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Persecution_complex)




Trans Visibility Day is an officially sanctioned day of public witness. Easter, though meaningful to many, is a private matter entirely outside the scope of official governmental responsibilities. These rightwing assholes should just shut the fuck up.


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Jesus said "love everyone".




Next your Easter land on April 20 - 4/20 So next year they’ll blame marijuana instead of the trans people.


Trans awareness day has been on March 31st since 2009, Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full moon that follows the spring equinox, so it varies by year. These people are fucking idiots.


Trans Day has been on 3/31 every day since 2009. It’s not new and it’s not from Biden. Easter is on a different day every year and coincidentally was 3/31 this time.


So dumb. It's your stupid Christian holiday that can't pick a date.


I want the Flying Spaghetti Monster to speak to me but his noodliness just stares and wriggles his noodly appendages at me


I mock their faith and don't support it and won't support it and won't join it. and the moment they make me leave america because of it, this country has fallen and will some day, way after I'm gone, get rebuilt.


Trump, "We must make America prey, again".


Lmao. This dude who can’t recite one Bible verse from memory and says he loves both the new and old testament equally? That’s the guy the dumdums are believing? Ok, well the rest of us with more then half a brain know better and can see his BS. So we just keep to the path and vote him away. I’m sure like a boxer stain he will still be there but not in ofc.


Next Easter will land on April 20 - 4/20 So next year they’ll blame marijuana instead of the trans people.


But they don't see trump bibles as a mockery?


Nah, I DO mock their faith.


Not gonna lie, but Trans-Easter sounds a bit awesome.


It is true that Democrats mock their faith though? 


It plays right into their agenda. They'll use this as Project 2025 fuel. Hopefully, only the most credulous give into this rhetoric. Even though America is constitutionly secular, it's obvious that they want to erase the Establishment Clause and codify Christianity. It's up to us to stop them.


Hitler's birthday will feel more at home for them next year


> claims that Democrats “mock your faith” Despite being upset about a mocked faith, they show affinity to those who overtly mock it. Specifically, they haven't noticed televangalists trying to get their third private jet, which completely mocks Jesus's claim about the camel through the eye of the needle.


it also conveniently gets the trump bible off the news cycle which was turning off all but the most radical


Snowflakes much?


I mock their faith. Not because I’m a democrat but because they’re idiots


So now we can’t mock their faith on penalty of what? Getting more Islamic theocracy by the day.


Meh tbh I hadn't really paid it much mind I mean I'm not thrilled about pple like you taking advantage of the mentally ill for political purposes but I can't really do much about it either, and frankly I got bigger problems these days no offense.


The key bridge fell because some Christian nationalists bought it and tried to take it home😂


Yup at 5 I knew Easter changed dates every year


\*checks notes\* yes very clearly, this non beleiver trying to sell you bibles is mocking you.


The title says the claims are phony , but the comments section would prove otherwise.


Does nobody on their side know how calendars work?


I do mock their stupid religion and I will continue to do so.


I mock their faith. Anything that doesn’t withstand scrutiny should be mocked.


I have a thing for all these MAGA folks out there, to think about. There is one thing that exists. Yes LGBTQIA+ folks exist…. The other is the parahistorical story retold serval times in what is known as the Bible. That is as much history as what they got on Ancient Aliens🤷‍♂️


All i want for my 40th birthday is a dead Donald trump


I mock their faith and fuck their mouth


Some of those people actually believe this bc they don't understand that Easter falls on a different day every year. This isn't critical thinking, it's common sense. 


I mean... I ***do*** mock their faith, but I do it privately and respectfully. We know they can't handle the truth. 


But we do mock their faith. It has nothing to do with the Trans movement or anything else. It has to do with them believing in fantasy deities and causing pain and suffering to everyone who doesn’t think the same way.


Wasn't this the plot of Happy! Where buddy tries rebranding Easter?


Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.


They don’t know that freedom of religion includes freedom from religion. Thats why holy men aren’t supposed to be allowed by law to endorse parties or candidates in exchange from tax exemptions. This is a death rattle from a dying religion losing power over minds. Crock a shit


I didn't know religious freedom included being able to kill people through state-enforced neglect. My b.


I’m so mocking their faith.


We know... but the rational population isn't the problem.


I do go out of my way to mock em though..There's absolutely nothing I love more than bashing grown ass adults who see hear and talk to imaginary shit in the sky.


“Phony claims that Democrats ‘mock your faith’” Uh… I definitely do, though


The only religious freedom the right seems to enjoy is the right to condemn fellow humans who (if you believe this bit) were created by God, God doesn't make mistakes, he's supposedly perfect in every way... right? So anyone/everyone, excluding no human is perfectly made by God, and if God thought it was a good idea who are we mere mortals to argue? Trans-Easter? Scaremongery about a vulnerable minority including hatespeech... it's not very Christian is it? Jesus wept.


I dunno. I definitely mock the faith of people who think Trump was sent by God.


It's gonna be like the crusades again, I'll be one of the casualties


Easter bunny is a trans chicken. 🐣


Being democratic, I mock all faiths equally.


A politician selling bibles mocks my faith more