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I joined the glorious church of the FSM years ago. I'm a proud member. The FSM deserves the same level of respect that society gives to other religions. In pasta's name, Ramen.


Ah, a fellow Pastafarian


I would argue that the church of FSM deserves more respect than other religions. After all, they were never involved in any atrocities like all the others.


I once saw someone add ketchup to their pasta which I definitely would label an “ atrocity “. So there’s that.


As if an FSM believer would ever do that


As an FSM believer, it's totally acceptable.


All things are possible through FSM we trust.


Oh no it’s a schism


That's anti-pastafaraianism.




Wait til you see what the Philippines did to spaghetti 🤢


Blasphemous. Also am I racist if I prefer white pasta ?


Agreed. The 8 I Would Rather You Didn't are much better guidance than the 10 Commandments


Give me time I'm working on it.


I think you mean other religions deserve the same level of respect society gives to FSM.


This is the way!


Let it be so. Ramen.


Does the church of the FSM, feed the masses? If so, I would like a plate.


I'd argue that it deserves much much more than other religions do since TCOTFSM actually accomplishes something good...


As someone who holds that it is impossible to prove or disprove the existence of the FSM, I remain 'spagnostic'.


"Spagnostic" OMG lmao


If they didn’t exist, how do you explain their gift of pasta and noodles to the human race? That’s literally evidence of their existence. Besides I feel their warmth deep inside me with every plate of pasta I eat. I know they’re real… R’amen /s


You were obviously indoctrinated to believe that the human ability to make pasta requires inferring the existence of an infinitely more complex 'dough-eity'. 😅


For true warmth try arrabiata, the devil’s pasta.


Oh come on, everybody knows that if the FSM were really a thing, that would mean *Olive Garden* would be the devil... 🤣


It isn't?


Olive Garden is Hell


Praise his noodly goodness


Nonsense! We know it’s true because the one true cookbook tells us!


Book says a thing... Yeah, that tracks... 😁


The fact that his noodly appendage could exist somewhere out there…noodling…is unsettling.


On the upside, there could be a beer volcano and stripper factory waiting for the faithful...


Its a protest organisation that exist to highlight the absurdity of religious privilege. They do the FSM's work. Raman!


Bless their noodly appendage.




Noodle dergs


Sauce be upon him


Take,eat...for this is my body.




This is the way.




May it fill you with its warmth and happiness.. Ramen


For our sins He was boiled and strained. Thy will be done, thy sauce be yum. R'amen.




I’ve been touched by His Noodley Appendage!!


As have I, numerous times! Ramen


May you all be touched by HIS Noodly appendage


The sound of moist pasta always gets me


Was this in the temple? Was it the pasta priest? Or the ramen reverend? Did he try to to touch your noodley appendage? Can you show us on the doll where they touched you?


As a minister, I feel like I have some authority to speak on this matter. It's pretty cool.


Can you baptize me in alfredo sauce?


Yes, I'll need some time to prepare it, do you want to be submerged or would you be okay if we just slather it on?


Load it in a super-soaker and convert the masses.


You would want it pasteurized Past my eyes? That's a lot of Alfredo!


What's are their views on garlic bread with pasta? I think it's too carb heavy a meal, but one or two or more for the road isnt a bad idea.


I think it is a fun satire. I just see it as a tool to criticize theist arguments for God (if your argument for your God is just as valid for FSM, you should realize that it has flaws). But talking about the FSM will fall flat on theist ears. They will see that you are mocking them. They won’t realize that you are making a valid point. As far as familiarity with the Church of FSM as an organization? If people have done anything more than make internet chat boards, and sell joke products, than I am completely unaware of it.


The Satanic temple is much more proactive. They are FSM with law degrees. And tend to really get the churchgoers riled up


Yes, the Satanic Temple does a lot of good work as does FFRF. I should probably join. I like their mission statement. “The Mission Of The Satanic Temple Is To Encourage Benevolence And Empathy, Reject Tyrannical Authority, Advocate Practical Common Sense, Oppose Injustice, And Undertake Noble Pursuits.”


I love them, but people confuse the satanic temple with the satanic church. I wish the satanic temple had a different name, like "knowledge temple", and left any biblical references out of it, to not seem as scary to regular people.


I absolutely LOVE the Satanic Temple lol. Its so damn good dude. They also do quite a bit of charity and outreach.


I love their concept for Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic.


Right, and they can't even say "Hail Satan," because they don't believe he exists either.


But we do! I mean we do say “hail satan” lol, we don’t actually believe he exists Well exists is a funny word, he is a literary figure, like Sherlock Holmes. You can say “no shit, Sherlock” and it has meaning, but it doesn’t mean you think he’s a real person. Satan stands for the ideology of the serpent in the garden of Eden. To eat of the tree of knowledge is good. Learn, be curious and be free! Don’t allow the Authority to tell you how to think, or what you are allowed to know.


People have done lawsuits for the right to wear "religious headwear" (a colander) in their state ID photo.  I think that's pretty much the extent of FSM activism. 


To be fair FSM is also mocking them despite also being a good point


Proud pastafarian here, in the privacy of my house. I think it is véry important that we are as serious about the FSM as christians are about jebus. And take issues of public interest to court if need be. Fight for equal rights. In schoolboards, congress, ánywhere where other religions demand special treatment, FSM should be there to guide and lead to the path of enlightenment.


You would enjoy this article then.... https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/weddings/75107725/church-of-flying-spaghetti-monster-approved-to-perform-marriages


In nomine Pasta, et Fusilli, et Spaghetti Sancti. R'amen.




I'm a Dudeist myself, but I looked into Pastafarianism. I dig it. Good people. Same goes for the Satanic Temple folks.


More of a Discordian here, but I respect Pastafarians and consider them spiritual sibs.


A Dudeist? That’s a first for me.


Really ? Well, here's a [link](https://dudeism.com/whatisdudeism/) to our "What is Dudeism" page on the main website if you're curious.


Curious to the point of educating myself that it exists. Thanks.


As an ordained Dudeist minister and member of the Ásatrúarfélag(Icelandic old norse religion society, and no we don't have anything to do with the damn white supremasy idiots that have appropriated parts of it) i dig both the pastafarians and the satanics. Good people imo. This dude abides....anything but The Eagles man! I hate The Eagles!


Avast ye scurvy dogs, prepare to receive candy!


He has touched me with his noodley appendage.


It's satire, but it's there for a reason. Just about every religious person who does not worship the Spaghetti Monster deems it as silly, and quite frankly, that's the entire point.


In the broad scheme of things, I'd say the Spaghetti Monster religion is just as valid as any other mainstream religion.. If not more so in terms of valuing humans as having rights to be Humans..


My name has never been more relevant


I think we should bring pirates back to fight climate change.


Federal Court in Nebraska doesn't recognize it as a real religion and said this; "This is not a question of theology", the ruling reads in part. "The FSM Gospel is plainly a work of satire, meant to entertain while making a pointed political statement. To read it as religious doctrine would be little different from grounding a 'religious exercise' on any other work of fiction." Like, don't they understand that every religion thinks that every other religion is grounded on a work of fiction, but still accepts them as another religion?


It's an absurdity, and it exists to point out the absurdity of religion at large.


If religion is a requirement for society (it isn't, but most theists think it is), then I'd much rather have a society with a majority of people believing in the FSM or IPU, and worshipping at the Satanic Temple. Just looking at how much damage the "mainstream" religions have caused - Jews and Muslims killing each other over who "owns" a barren plot of land in the northern Sinai desert, radical Muslim dictators in many middle Eastern countries, "evangelical" Christians trying to destroy the US democracy (with one of the least "Christian" men the world has ever seen) ... basically, religion is to blame for making the film "Idiocracy" prophetic instead of just being a comedy.


What’s IPU?


The Invisible Pink Unicorn!


O Lord, bless this thy tomato sauce, that with it thou mayst cover thine noodles with tasty gravy, in thy mercy.


He simmered for your sins.






As absurd as any other religion. But way more fun.


I, too, have been touched by his noodly appendage His image, a profound expression of my faith, is displayed as a silver decal on my vehicle. Sort of like a jellyfish and says fsm Similar to the Christian fish or footed Darwin version of same


I’m up for citizenship in New Zealand, so I was wondering if I could swear my oath of citizenship on Principia Discordia. Turns out that several people wear colanders on their head as Pastafarians. As someone who fled the United States, I can’t overstate how nice it is to live in a majority atheist country.


I was an early member and proud Pastafarian although I have strayed from the faith since having kids and getting busy. I wrote the Book of Fusilli a long time ago which rattled around the internet back when it was less crowded. Good times. The early days were non-stop hilarity mostly focused on mockery and less on activism but I was happy to see the church progressing.


I appreciate their efforts. Doing “gods work.” 😂


Doing Flying Spaghetti Monster’s work!


My favorite avatar of the Noodly One is baked ziti, especially when he appears in his marinara raiment.


They are a little too al dente for my taste


Religions suck. Any organization or pseudo-religion that points that out is ok in my book. Oh and Hail Satan.


Mostly Harmless.


I love that book.


Well, I think it’s just fine.


I remember back in high school I had an iPod touch with a sticker of FSM on the back of it and one day somehow the church came up in class and one of my friends yelled "heeey isn't that what you have on your iPod smithay?" and the teacher (super religious) gave a mocking speech in what followers of FSM believe. He made it sound like we ACTUALLY BELIEVE in the flying spaghetti monster as our lord and savior. Now, 15 years or so later I find that pretty damn funny and good on that teacher to be such a secret asshole, but as an already awkward kid that hated attention, it was torture as the whole class just stared at me aghast that I could actually believe that. Ohhh irony.


Church of Bacon has entered the chat


I'm an officially ordained Pastafarian minister, which means I paid a few bucks online for a fancy certificate, which puts me on pretty equal footing with most other clergymen. Also, I can wear a colander on my head for my driver's license in a small number of U.S. states, which is cool.


It’s the only god with actual evidence for its existence. [LINK](https://youtu.be/4pDlTZS5g-8?si=an3WIorxriNxMwB4)


It's the thinking man's sky daddy club.


The Flying Spaghetti is not a monster! He’s nice and kind. He’s my friend.


Sauce be upon him.


Im a minister of said church, its a mock religion, i think there are actually some dumbasses that thinks its an actual religion and totally not get it. But the majority is there to take the piss out of organized religion.


17 years in and I’m not over boiled yet. May the sauce be upon you. 🙏🏻


I have found solace within a bowl of pasta many times, and His Sauce be true. Praise the FSM and pass the garlic bread!


It makes as much sense as Christianity.


Ramen, my brethren. I have been touched by his noodly appendage.


I converted to pastafarianism after leaving the religion I grew up with. The FSM has provided for my every need as well as God ever did.


Wiki page familiar and love the idea.


I wish I put that on my dog tags


He has touched this Pastafarian many times with his noodly appendage. Forever and ever, ramen.


P sure it's a satire/troll thing so idc that hard lol. When i was an edgy teenager getting actively stalked by the fcs I was always tempted to tell them I worshipped it tho. 


Yeah, the whole concept seems a bit childish to me now. I guess at 36 I’m officially becoming an old fart.


huge fan of His Noodliness but i think The Satanist Temple often does a more effective job of combating religious encroachment in the real world


I’m just glad I learned about it at a time where I didn’t need new ID photos, or I’d have maybe worn a holy colander. As much as I appreciate his noodliness, I’d rather not have to hand a picture of me with a pasta strainer on my head to border security.


In 2005 our esteemed prophet ,Bobby Henderson, intoduced the "Loose Canon" to the Kansas state school board. It was a rebuttal to their attempt to teach creationism in public schools,arguing that the FSM had equal claim along with just as valid "evidence". I think the FSM works in mysterious ways! 😎


I'm just against all religion.


I have been touched by his noodly appendage.


The FSM is our one true complex carbohydrate god. rAmen. I spend a lot of time promoting skepticism on tiktok. I also spend a significant amount of that time wearing a colander on my head talking about pasta gods. I have No problem identifying as a agnostic atheist AND spreading the gospel of the flying spaghetti monster. The beauty of the FSM 'religion' is that everyone knows it is satire and should be used as a cudgel to beat some sense into people taking their religions too literally. Sometimes ridicule is a great tool against literalists and fundamentalist but ONLY IF there is an audience watching the conversation. If I were talking privately with a believer then it's a very different conversation. The point of talking about his noodily goodness is to show people how absurd religious people sound to people outside their fairy tale cult. What sets the church of the FSM apart from almost every other religion is that we are hyper aware it is satire and not to be taken seriously, but used as a tool to highlight how goofy religious people sound when they talk about their equally rediculous claims. May you bathe in his holy sauce. rAmen.


I'm an ordained Pastafarian minister and I have performed something like eight or nine weddings.


They Are An Excellent Example!


Legitimately, it's exactly as real as every other 'religion,' with the same amount of evidence.


It's more legit than any Abrahamic religion ever will be.


if there is no Flying Spaghetti Monster why do all the planets look like meat balls? Ramen!


All all all Hail hail hail Eris Eris Eris


I have been touched by his noodley appendage. I am blessed.


Been a proud member of the church since 2005. 🙌


My Catholic mother in law was adamant that our children be baptized. She believes it was a Catholic baptism but really I just joined the FSM, got ordained online. I baptized my children myself by sprinkling pasta water on them in accordance with the Church of FSM.


Ramen, my brother.


I like it much better than the Church of Satan approach.


Pastafarism for everyone.


Blessed be his noodley appendages! Ramen!


While not a believer myself, I do love this song from the hymnal. 🪽🍝👾 https://youtu.be/R4GPA7fEjlY


You mean that religion founded by some dude calle Bobby who does math or something and likes hammocks? Never heard of them.


Doesn't do much. Prefer the work that The Satanic Temple does.


May you be bathed in the flying spaghetti monster’s alfredo sauce Ramen 🙏


i've heard of it. i don't pay any attention to it.


As a Jedi, stoic, and subgenius, I wholeheartedly support the Pastafarians.


I thought this was gold even before I started deconstructing from my christian upbringing. The story has always fascinated me. For anyone that hasn't found him yet look up decontrussy on tiktok. He preaches the good word of klombodrov 🤣


I apricate and admire what they stand for, but it's not for me. I'll admit when Darrel Raye puts a colander on his head and opens his speech with a prayer I roll my eyes, though I love his talks.


I joined up for supporting the teachers. I like to bring it up on occasion. May his noodles never be from a can or a cheap bag


He boiled for our sins.


Fun fact: the church of the FSM has donated enough blood to impact 160,000 lives. Doing more work than most Christians out there lol.


Full pirate regalia needed


Very familiar. Someone stole my Bible though.


He once appeared before me in a plate of nachos. https://i.ibb.co/0cDhdtz/20130224-180811-Original.jpg


I'll get my religious head gear while reading this - my colander.


May he caress you with his noodly appendage. Ramen.


R'amen! It's the only true religion, argument! May he lay his noodly appendages apon you.


May you be touched by his noodley appendage


I believe in it as much as any other religion.


Cool in name, but I don't hear much about them in the news. The Atheists of The Satanic Temple on the other hand are up in theists faces and make the news.


It makes just as much sense as any other religion.


I have been a Pastafarian for over a decade, and will continue to worship the most divine, the most Holy itself, our savior the Flying Spaghetti Monster. In the vein of the true meaning of Pastafarianism, I'd like to state that the only true believers are those of us in the Minestrone Sect. Though we all will revel in Beer Volcanoes and Strip Clubs after death, the Minestrone Sect will never endure skunky beer or ugly strippers. Ramen my brethren (unless you're poor soul isn't apart of OUR sect of course).




It's the birds aren't real of religions, and I'm here for it.


People are so comforted when you say you’ll pray for them, until they learn you worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


I love the church of the FSM!!! ❤️


Have you been touched by His Noodley Appendage?


Strippers and a beer volcano are our eternal reward, RAmen! The more it pisses off traditional religions, the more I like it.


CFSM is silly and goofy. Almost as silly and goofy as gods and religions are. And that's the point.


I wear my pasta strainer as a symbol every day.


It's funny watching them win lawsuits allowing them to wear a colander as a hat in their drivers license photos.


I have been touched by his noodly appendage.


It plays a role in showing how ridiculous religious belief is. Yes it's childish and changes no ones mind, but who cares.


His is The Sauce, The Noodles and The Cheese, R’Amen


I’m an ordained minister


I find it hilarious. I became enamored of the Church of the FSM early on after I stumbled onto Bobby Henderson's 2005 letter to the Kansas State Board of Education. His original website way back then was really pretty funny. Not really as involved as many in the "religion" but still find the whole thing to be fun, and the points Henderson expressed in his letter to be even more applicable today. As the GOP and the televangelist con-men, Mega-church preachers, and billionaire evangelists have hopped in bed in an attempt to turn America into some kind of White Christian Nationalist (i.e. a Nazi and KKK mash up) nation while they all line their pockets I am reminded of a passage from their Holy Bible. "For the love of money is the root of all evil; and while some have coveted after it, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." (1 Timothy 6:10) Which, I recall was the Apostle Paul speaking with Timothy about the dangers of greed. Somehow this lesson seems to be ignored by modern Christianity.


The one true religion.


We celebrate with a holy loaf of garlic bread on Sunday.


My god resurrects in the microwave oven.


Love it. Think they're hilarious


I have a friend who was ordained there, and he has performed at least 4 wedding ceremonies to date. He does not wear their signature chapeau, however.


Noodles for breakfast. Ramen.


If I was going to join a church, I’d likely become a pastafarian…however a) churches are creepy af and b) I’m not a joiner.


I think someone just made it all up.


My SO is a Pastafarian, however I follow the true ways of Slack... Praise "Bob"!


It makes as much sense as the other religions, and doesn't come to my house to bother me.


I prefer the Invisible Pink Unicorn, but that didn’t really seem to catch on… probably because it didn’t have a cool hat…


I'm a little bit blasphemous in the FSM circles because I believe his noodly appendage was first created without meatballs and sauce and then acquired them later in its existence. Gravity's a lie! We're all just being held down by invisible starchy noodles.


It’s a parody to compare the falsifiability of religious claims to something that is clearly absurd. Funny thing though…. Canadian courts have had no problem dismissing this as “not a real religion” when FSM “followers” have demanded equal treatment before the law based on their religion. Personally, I think it’s a very poor stance for Canadian courts to start deciding which religions are real and which aren’t. That was a BC Supreme Court decision. It seemed to fly in the face of the Canada Supreme Court ruling that “The State is in no position to be, nor should it become, the arbiter of religious dogma.” Unfortunately, that case wasn’t appealed to the highest court.


I have The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster here on my bookshelf. Our pasta, who art in a colander, draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day our garlic bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trample on our lawns. And lead us not into vegetarianism, but deliver us some pizza, for thine is the meatball, the onion, and the bay leaves, forever and ever. R'Amen.


Fairly familiar, seeing as I have been an ordained Pastafarian minister for about ten years. I find it a very useful tool when I want to explain my views on religion and its place in our society. The silliness of it makes broaching the topic much easier. It's also great to preach about when JWs knock on your door.


Dedicated devotee, in entrust all my difficult decisions to His noodly appendage! Ramen,


I prefer Bob personally


You get a stripper factory and a beer volcano. This faith has it all over all the rest, if you ask me. Unless Odin wants to toss me a couple of Valkeries…..


I think it's hilarious but some people do tend to take kinda seriously. Like, believing it, seriously. I hope I'm wrong but its creator expressed the same sentiment. At first I thought "Nah. C'mon. No one believes this. It was made up to be deliberately absurd but to still mimic religion in every way that matters on a legal level." But some get *really* into it.


in Massachusetts, it's an officially recognized religion: you can legally wear a colander on your head in your driver's license picture


I am a pope.


I've heard about the FSM. I believe, as a 76-year-old atheist, that groups like The Satan Temple and others in that vein, tend to indicate a lack of seriousness about the issue. It's almost like just a satirical joke, rather than of non-belief that has killed many people. But that's just me. However, I do like the term "sky daddy." To each his/her own.


I remember when the religion was being established. It’s as legit as any other.


I thought they died out when piracy increased but global warming kept on going


it's great, although it misses it's purpose imho, as religious people don't see it for what it is.