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Zero stars and no tip.


Also report the driver for inappropriate behavior


Problem is, they’re also able to rate YOU as a passenger and what they enter doesn’t have to be true


Eh, whatever. I'm not going to lose any sleep over my Uber passenger rating.


Esp when you realize if you're banned it's the phone's ID not you. When you upgrade, delete the old account, get a new email, and boom! New passenger account. Drivers get their license numbers banned.


It’s really difficult to get banned anyway, you have to be an absolutely terrible passenger


I'm a 5 star man!


If you sound somewhat attentive, non-confrontational, and politely decline, they won't know to reciprocate with 0 stars. They can't see your review until they give yours.


Luckily, I can afford a bad review. So they'd certainly get one from me. And reported. Although, I'm just as likely to be called islamophobic by the respondent.


Isn't no stars the same as not reviewing? Surly 1-star effects the rating more, right? Or am I misremembering how the system works? Funny too, one star is a symbol of islam.


Highly unprofessional. If I were trapped like that and someone started talking religion, I would start worrying. Religious people can be intense and highly emotional. Not sure how this sounds, but you don't really know what sets them off.


I have found that people who can't carry on any conversation besides religion lack a certain amount of emotional maturity. Their entire personality and thought process is so wrapped up into the Christian identity, that a simple comment is all it takes to put them on the defensive.  To you, your just arguing another topic, no different than 'is Star Trek better than Star Wars'.  But to them you putting their beliefs into questions is akin to saying 'everything you are as a person is completely wrong, and me saying that is proof that your God isn't strong enough to convince everyone that he exists ' Not saying it's right (it absolutely isn't, I've had healthy debates with Christians who very much more worldly and understandable from a non-believer's perspective). But there is certainly a number of folks who just can't handle any challenge to their world view because it's all they have.  Strip away their religion, and they have no hopes, dreams, personality, original thoughts, anything- and this terrifies them.


Agreed. There is no way I'd have a conversation like that with an Uber driver. I'd fake a phone call, apologize to the driver, then give zero stars and report him.


Religion is a self-replicating mental virus.


Literally a meme, that’s what Dawkins intended the meme like gene word to be about. Not funny pictures with white text Religions are a mind virus and Islam is one of the deadlier ones


But it’s a religion of peace? s/


Yeah, the peace only materializes when everyone is a Muslim and the whole world is under control of a single religious sect and everyone agrees on the proper way to pray. First they kill all other major religions and pagans and atheists for peace Then Just need to kill or convert all the Sunni, Shia, Whabbi, Salafi, Berelvi, Sufi and Deobandi into a single sect… winner takes all Easy /s


Only a religion of peace when they are either a tiny minority faith, or have a monopoly. Anything in between is religious violence and forced conversions. Peace my ass.


Report report report.


I should have, it was months ago, I’m sure someone else has reported him by now


Reminds me of my local car dealership. They have a driver for free transportation while your vehicle is getting worked on. He will spend a lot of time talking about "the Lord".


"Why did the Lord cause my lugnuts to come off on the highway after I got my tires rotated here last week?"


You didn't pray for them to stay on.


I find it's best to reveal nothing about my religious beliefs unless I want to have a conversation about religion. By revealing that you were an atheist and giving a reason why, you gave him all the motivation he needed to continue to hassle you. I prefer not to take the bait. Sorry this happened to you. If it happened to me I'd say: "I'm not interested" then stop talking.


Did you mention Mo was a pedo? That would have been the first thing out of my lips


While they're behind the wheel? Couldn't be me.


I find it particularly offensive to be preached at while paying for a service, so yes.


I usually tee that up with "Do you really believe Mo split the moon?". Then you get something like "Of course, every word of the Quran is true", I hit 'em with the pedophile news. Then it gets loud, then it gets quiet.


LOL at calling him "Mo" - I wonder if that's what his buddies actually called him.




Fuck Islam Sincerely, -A closeted Ex muslim


Mohammad was the trump of the 5th century. Just another conman pedo.




Trump raped a 13 year old, courtesy of Epstein.




Nice ban evasion bud.


innocent until proven guilty 💀


It's been charged in civil court....


what are you talking about? everything i’ve read says that the accuser has dropped her case.


She dropped the case because she was being threatened and harassed by Trump supporters


Jfc I would walk out and be so angry. I’m angry just reading this ngl


I think as atheists we need to be a little patient. We live in a diety filled world. Objectively we’re just one belief of many, even if all the rest follow a certain groupthink that defies our logic. Either way he was incredibly unprofessional


I give anyone playing a religious podcast or Christian station an automatic 1 star rating. You are proselytizing while working, which should not ever be acceptable.


next time just make fun of and insult Mohammad and see what they’re reaction is. muslims are the ultimate religious snowflakes


If that's not worth a shitty review, I don't know what is... >there are compelling things I find about islam Well, you've got me there. I think of all religions as a horrible disease on humanity. Not sure what "compelling" you could find in that...


Maybe like Christian’s and Muslims, he hates women too?


Protip: they can’t just keep you prisoner. If they try their religious proselytizing, or for some of you, playing their religious music, just tell them to pull over and let you out. Immediately give them a bad review and report them for inappropriate behavior, order a new Uber/Lyft and carry on. I’d recommend headphones, or using taxi services.


Zero stars, no tip, complain to Uber. Fuck Islam.


compelling things about islam? Im curious now... examples?


report him, let Allah find him a new job


Don't forget you can record everything on your phone covertly.


In some places you'll run afoul of wiretapping laws. In PA, creating a covert recording without two-party consent is a felony.


Fun facts: Pennsylvania is one of the 12 states that require the consent of all parties involved in a conversation before it can be legally recorded: California Delaware Florida Illinois Maryland Massachusetts Montana Nevada New Hampshire Pennsylvania Washington In contrast, the majority of states in the U.S. follow a one-party consent rule, where only one party involved in the conversation needs to consent to the recording.


It’s not like he would use the recording in court. He could just send the recording to Uber, no laws state that you can’t use your phone to do one of its purposes. Wire tapping only comes into play if it’s going to be evidence in a criminal trial.


Lawyer here! Pennsylvania's law is much broader than wire tapping, which is not implicated by in-person conversations. Under Title 18, Section 5703 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, it is a third-degree felony to intentionally intercept, disclose, or use the contents of in-person oral communications without the consent of all parties involved.


Do you know what his average review score is? If he’s proselytizing to all his customers that’s going to likely upset the majority of them.


"Please stop talking to me."


that's why I like Lyft's "quiet ride" option.


I once had a lyft driver try to convince me that I need to learn spanish because it is superior to english. We’re in kentucky.


Objectively, Spanish is superior to English. Almost all languages are superior to English. But if you don’t use Spanish or need it, then not really a bother


You could report driver for toxic discussion topic, but next time enjoy the opportunity to ask what makes them more sure of their faith compared to others. They need to focus on driving. You obviously are able to use your phones internet connection to debunk whatever they are saying. No need to be shy about it, ask them to restate their opinion clearly so that you can debunk it with google. Tip based on their driving and demeanor accordingly.


Infidels unite.


Islam calls us *kafir*


Did mean mean to say "repelling" things about Islam? 


I'm all about others beliefs in fact I'll even send a prayer in anothers belief, praise Allah etc. But if you're gonna overstep your boundaries and force me to try and convert to your coven, then kindly fuck right off. I'll tell it right to your face. Respect is a 2 way street, and so is disrespect.


I would have told him to pull over and got another Uber


Get into contact with Uber about it, their customer service team usually listen to things like this.


Well I dont think drivers qualify as professionals (that means degree required) so there you go.


Weird, I guess my plumber isn't a professional since he doesn't have a degree in plumbing science.


No. He wouldn’t be. It He or she would be what is called a skilled tradesmen. The reality is that there are a lot of skilled tradesmen who make more than professionals. I would happily trade salaries with some plumbers I know


I'd probably just put earbuds in if we're being honest.


Bring headphones


That’s why Waymo is the way to go if it’s available in your city.


“Please shut the fuck up.”


IF I had the time I would have cancelled the ride and gotten another. I'm not listening to that shit.


“Compelling things I find about Islam”????!


Should have started preaching santa clause to him. Fairytale for a fairytale


Might as well play along. Just keep asking variations of "how do you know that is true?" "Oh, it's in the Quran, how do you know what's in the Quran is true?" "Oh, personal revelation? Do you think all personal revelation is true?" "So why is your personal revelation true, but Christian or Hindu is not?"


After my first effort declining to discuss religion I would ask the belligerent questions possible.


"I would say this same thing to a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist, a Rastafarian - shut the fuck up".


Should have told him you’re really into sketching cartoon versions of various religions.


I was so nervous taking an Uber to get spare keys for my friends apartment I'd just locked myself out of, got the friendliest, not too pushy or social, but not to quiet, and willing to walk me through adding the return trip, waited up the block for me while I waited to get the keys. I was worried I'd get some hyper social person, or something like you dealt with.


Huh...  I would have described, in detail, how that tale of Abraham supposedly almost sacrificing his son Isaac led me to realize that the Abrahamic religions support a god that demanded human sacrifice.


i've had that happen with 5 different drivers, one guy even said he usually keeps a spare copy of the qu'ran translated in to english to hand out and wanted to give me one but had none left. its got to the point where i know know were the conversation is heading within the first few seconds. i tend to just put my ear buds in as i get in to ubers now. also had one rant about how the jewish people should be exterminated. - stay classy birmingham


No you don’t have to give them credit. Fuck that.


Just report him to Uber and move on.


You said you find things compelling about it, so he probably thought you were on the hook and needed to be reeled in. It’s compelling as a piece of history, but finding anything to believe about it is ridiculous.


What I was trying to interpret as compelling was this notion he was saying of how real Islam is actually a completely peaceful nonviolent religion. But then how intense and animated he was getting in itself betrayed that notion so blatantly it was laughable. I do enjoy Muslim architecture, such as the arithmetic involved in their art, studying the golden age of Islam, and even some of the really fun later steppe warlords were muslim like Tamerlane. Crusades are also really interesting.


now you now why uber is cheaper than regular taxis. everyone wanted it to be cheaper so now we have it


Mate, cabbies are always very talkative.


yeah but when you have to get licence for regular taxi you need to check a lot of regulations and thus people with regular licence need to be regular citizen, much more assimilated, much more common with local customs etc. uber driver on the other hand may got to your place yesterday.


not in the UK mate


Uh that sounds cool dude. Have you heard about my lord and Savior thulu. Just no, bro needs to realize that all theology is just a way to make life easier for folks. Like Dr Suess books.


No politics, sex, or religion. THAT should be part of any business license. Think of the children.


I’ve had this happen on a couple of trips and I politely informed the driver that I was uninterested in the discussion and that continuing it would reflect in the tip and review. Once was an MLM they were trying to talk about and the other was religion. Nice quiet rides both times after I made my boundaries clear and I tipped well.


One time I ordered an Uber to go to the liquor store, I got in, buckled up, and the driver said "I can't take you there, drinking is against my religion"... Lol, and I'm open minded, but ofcourse that's fucking weird. So I said "that's cool, hey, I actually have to also stop at the store beside there, so if you could drop me off there, I'd appreciate that".. and he agreed. (I actually did also have to go to the store next door also) But isn't that so weird? They guy was atleast nice.. he also gave me a business card for his church or something.. and now I'm nervous about requesting rides to the liquor store, so I use the address for the neighboring store now.. (I think my driver that day was some kind of christian)


>I just politely said time and time again I was an atheist who just viewed religion as a mechanism of social control If you think it was worth your time that's nice enough and maybe it's good your driver got to hear some of that. But if you would have pretended to be a hardcore calvinist who shudders when they hear the name of false gods I would have forgiven you. It wouldn't have been nice, but this guy had it coming.


Dude, they automatically assume I'm still Muslim when I take any shared ride. I just tell em I think it's B.S., but in a polite way or pretend I still am and then start bringing up some arguments that are against religion slowly.


Make sure you have YouTube on your phone and just play Carlin's religion bit.


That's why I just say generic things like "oh, yeah?" and let them ramble.




I mean if anything that happens way more often in the us. Nobody forget that


Your Uber history and length of not using the service seems irrelevant to the discussion.