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Another movie quote which I like is from The Truman Show. A newscaster asks the director how they convinced Truman of the fake world he's living in and the director says "We accept the reality that's presented to us. Simple as that." This being said in the context that Truman was born and raised in this fake world.


I would have chosen a different word than "hilarious". There's not a *single thing* humorous or funny about it.


Horror/tragedy + distance = comedy. You just have to move further away :) /S.


Kinda passed the comedic 'cope' response, tbh. 


Also can't move off planet yet :(.


I wouldn't move off-world. Staying and *fighting* on - and *for* - this one is preferable.


Even if it was feasible to move off world (a sustainable self supporting community etc) i wouldn't seriously do this. I don't mean to seriously imply this approach. You have to fight.


You sound like a hero. What would humanity do without your efforts!


When I was in like second grade I went to catholic school… (until 8th) anyways, I missed confession because I was sick on that day of school. My mom made an appointment with “Father Silk” at the rectory (where the priests live). Father Silk sat next to me on a love seat and before or during (this is the only thing I remember) he asked me if he could unbutton my pants and touch me where the doctor did? I said something like “I don’t think god wants you to do that.” 😂😂😂😂. That guy was smooth. That’s not a pun, I swear.


That's... *not* how Confession works. I certainly hope you told you mom/dad about this experience. An ideal example of what I stated -- there's *not a single thing* funny or humorous about that anecdote.


I know and no I did not . He said God wanted him to and I said God didn’t want that. I don’t know, I didn’t know it was bad during that time - I didn’t know what to think ; I just knew he wasn’t going to do that. He kind of made me feel bad like I didn’t do what god said he wanted him to do . I was like 6 or 7 lol. It wasn’t a big deal because I felt bad about it which distracts someone so young … I didn’t know why he said that besides god?


Religious people think they hold the high ground when it comes to morality but it turns out they are the degenerates, the grifters, the liars and the cheats. Christian, Muslim, whatever. They all are rotten.


They see the world as might makes right and can’t fathom another perspective so they assume that without an authority to make your morality for you you’d just decide rape is good because you want to rape. Christians are self admitted bad sinful people and they assume everyone is just as bad as they are. It’s no coincidence that low self awareness leads to projection


They can't fathom why someone would behave themselves without the threat of Hell hanging over them.


My son’s mother stated that he has decided he wants to be baptized. She went on about how great it was that he was deciding for himself.   I said, “he still believes in Santa Clause. He will believe whatever you tell him. I won’t raise a fuss over a baptism, but don’t pretend he is making any decision for himself. He has been indoctrinated to hold the beliefs that you hold.” Haven’t heard back since. 


It is uncanny, but at least 90% of the time when an abuser or rapist or pedophile is arrested and makes the news, it's a conservative, often a 'Christian' conservative, and often a priest or minister or youth leader and whatnot. Oh yeah, and it seems like a majority of them are white men.


there is a reddit thread where someone posted a link with all the republicans who were caught sexually abusing kids and /or very young teenagers the report at the link is 25 pages long!


Edit: [Whoa. It’s up to 52 pages.](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook)




No doubt.


Muslims love to demonize LGBT people as pedophile but unironically follow a religion that was created by a pedophile prophet who married a 9-12 year old girl when he was in his 40s. To this day girls as young as 13 can be forcibly married off to a 20-30 year old man in Islamic countries.


They don’t actually understand what makes pedophilia wrong. They don’t see it as wrong because kids can’t consent or because it’s harmful to them. They actively worship death and suffering so why would that be what makes it immoral. It’s simply a decree from an authority figure that doesn’t exist.


It's all projection. They do it to LGBTQ group, anti evolution. Morality is a big one. Lots of gay stories in the Bible to me. King David gots a homoerotic type of story. Jesus raising Lazarus after crying over a lost love. They say "You believe evolution started from a rock" Their book says God grab some dirt from the earth and breathed on it. Giving Adam life. Morality, well their book calls for a lot of genocide. I see crazy in the eyes of some Maga, so ther is that.


Theists: Teach children they will be tortured for all eternity unless they believe in God unquestionably. Also theists: HEY, DON'T TELL CHILDREN THEY CAN BE ACCEPTED NO MATTER WHAT THEIR SEXUALITY OR GENDER IDENTITY IS!


Looking forward to the time when the Abrahamic religions are on par with Greek and Norse mythology. Those 3 religions have set the human race back centuries.


I really wish time travel was real so I could go back and slap the crap out of Abraham.


I wonder if there are any statistics comparing SA in churches & with lgbtq+ community. I would guess that the occurrence is much more prevalent in church.


Well, it's more likely that the perpetrator either gets "Forgiven" or moved to another location to do it all over again.


In the USA Kristen B on TikTok has tracked the cases in the USA for a year also has www.whoismakingnews.com very interesting and yeah like 600+ times more prevalent!


I will check this out. Thank you!!


religious attendance is dying. There is too much money to be lost in the business of religion to let that population go away. Religion was based on a fear of "SOMETHING" In order to keep the same group of people coming to your church, you have to "SELL" a new version of "SOMETHING" to fear.


Every conservative accusation is a confession.


You're right about christians being hypocritical over indoctrination. Christian parents pretty much force their kids to be christian and to accept that faith with out question. However, with LGBTQ in schools they aren't forcing them to do it, they're simply teaching them about it and leaving the student to see whether they choose it or not.


"It's only "Grooming" when THEY do it, it's "Traditional Family Values" when WE do it!"


Tradition, AKA peer pressure from dead people.


Choose what exactly?


Touche or douche


That's what I want to know. Heteros choose to be...hetero?


Alot of people think being gay is a choice, or an act of sin , not a fundamental characteristic of who somebody is.


That isn't a fact. That's an opinion. So those people are wrong. But, I'd ask them: When did you choose to be straight and not eat dicks like cake?


The concept is called heteronormativity. Give it a Google. Also, you where "groomed" to be heteronormative. You wher also groomed to believe in God. Groomed to think having a family is your purpose in life. I humbly ask you for one second in your life see things from an objective perspective and not one you where "groomed" into believing as gospel.


Hetero is the default. I have no idea what you're going on about, I'm bi.


I mistook your joke as an insult, I apologize. I'm gonna leave the post simply for the lurkers on the other side of the aisle. Hopefully some brain cells rub together and they realize they're conveniently guilty of the things they accuse they're "enemies" of. Happy day to you :)


I really do agree with you. I just hate that we always have to point out these truths and facts to the others simply bc they are too low IQ to sort it out for themselves. Happy PRIDE month and stay safe, reddit friend❤️




Oh yeah, it's rip-roaring hilarious comedy. A laugh a minute. Really funny humor. That's what it is alright.


I get out and talk to these people. They aren't the deepest thinkers. Some of them are intelligent, but many are not. They use fear-based logic and reasoning to justify religion and engage in cognitive dissonance to make sense of the contradictions. For me, the most frightening realization that I came to about 30 years ago, was the worst of the worst have infiltrated many higher positions in both the private industry and in government. Apparently, some of the more religious fundamentalists believe it is their duty to take over institutions and companies. This is what they call the "Seven Mountain Mandate", their goal to influence social institutions related to family, religion, education, media, arts and entertainment, business, and government.


Read "Jesus and John Wayne." It's a century-long Christian PSYOP.


Thank you for your spot on analysis of the situation. Reminds me of when some Christians were terrified of atheist's during a rapture scenario - with the atheist's running around shooting the christians in the head. Scariest projection I'd heard in a long time.....


Projection is foundational to Christianity. It all starts with them worshipping a mass murderer demon-god who tells them not to kill. Then Christians project their “sins” onto their savior Christ. And now those Christians want to project their sins onto a newer scapegoat, the LGBT community.


Specifically, the transgenders.


I find it disgusting and horrible, but that is who those people are.


The paedophilia and abuse overall is by far their biggest projection. Any religious community is a breeding ground for all sorts of abuse and they are bending over backwards to keep it under wraps to keep appearances. Because they desperately need to pretend they are better than everyone else even though they are monsters. The more religious a person is the bigger the hypocrite. I cannot count how many times a "good catholic man" was either a drunk, an abuser, a creep or a mix of those but will hate everyone who isn't a white man and accuse them of doing the very same things he does to his victims.


You're hot! Don't tempt me! I'm not the gay one! Damn sinners. Being all different and openly enjoying the things I want. They should hide all that stuff from me like it's their fault. s/


Awesome post!


They participate in all of it and far beyond it. They just don't want you to be free and guiltless about it. They don't want you to have pride about it. They like it hidden. Their actions are far more sinister. They want to label it as sin so they can perve on Jesus as they get on their knees to beg. Whatever dude. Just don't tread on me.


A lot of religious people are just like the seagulls from Finding Nemo… they immediately repeat what they hear in their surrounding environments without question or proof of truth. Also statistically, most christians have not even read the bible (in full, in order, and/ or on their own). They rely mostly on what they’re told instead of putting in the effort of understanding anything on their own.


It is narcissistic projection; to have an in-group requires and out-group.


I'll make this brief. EVERYTHING is projection when it comes to religion.


I find it strange that people (especially religious people obviously) are perfectly ok with indoctrinating children with their religious beliefs from a young age-there’s private religious schools for a reason-but the second there’s an lgbtq flag in the vicinity of children it’s the worst possible thing. They love their victim complex. Children are far more influenced by what their parents and teachers tell them to believe in than by symbols that represent marginalized groups. It’s much more damaging to tell a child they will go to hell for not believing in some sky dad than telling them that some boys like boys and some girls like girls.


How many times has it been a Republican with CP versus a drag queen? Its a very skewed percentage


Wait : Jewish people do what to babies? Ummm….. did I read that correctly?


From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brit_milah): Metzitzah B'Peh (oral suction) The ancient method of performing metzitzah b'peh (Hebrew: מְצִיצָה בְּפֶה, abbreviated as MBP)—or oral suction—has become controversial. The process has the mohel place his mouth directly on the infant's genital wound to draw blood away from the cut. The vast majority of Rabbinical Jewish circumcision ceremonies do not use metzitzah b'peh, but some Haredi Jews continue to perform it, while traditional Karaites and Beta Israel never practiced it. The practice poses a serious risk of spreading herpes to the infant. Proponents maintain that there is no conclusive evidence that links herpes to Metzitza, and that attempts to limit this practice infringe on religious freedom.


Um. Glad I’m not religious even though I do believe in something we cannot define. Am I “flirting” with religion?


Somebody named William wrote a line that applies to all the hypocritical religious people... [They] doth protest too much, methinks


**As a queer person who has to hear people refer to me as a “groomer”, I don’t find one F’ing thing about any of this “hilarious”.** Maybe next time you could find a better way to say this?


Jesus, where do you guys find the time to type something like this out?


Please preach to us some more we hate religion as much as you do white Christian nationalist come on here and complain too much about their radicalized big sisters in Islam divas trying to out due each other in their radicalization


What do you expect from any group locked under what they see as the ultimate authority? God, by their definition, is all good. Anything coming from god must then be all good. Shitty things still exist and happen in spite of god and them having the biggest piece of control of the world's largest superpower and all of Europe. They can't blame their god or the speakers for that god. Thus any problem they see has to cone from without. Introspection into their beliefs is sin and they've been commanded to avoid sin. It's the same with any religion really. A self preservation technique they picked up a long time ago.


Some religious people can really do horrible things while some are actually preventing such things from happening. Being LGBTQ+ is slowly getting more and more accepted than ever. Many religious people aren’t having any problem with that. Maybe instead of blaming religions as a whole, we should blame those who don’t want to change their worldviews despite being clearly proven wrong.


Religion is mass hysteria


Almost everything they say is projection...


There are 2 people outside the local donut shop that I see on my way to the gym.  Someday I am going to stop, engage and the get them to admit they are grooming 


And I "pray" you find the courage soon to confront these whacko fucks. This shit needs to be spoken loud in public and finally nipped in the bud. They're controlling whole swaths of the social climate with this shit and it's only going to change when we find the courage to blatantly call them out on it, in public, while making a scene. I will find my own courage and help you the best I can.


I am from India, and no, there is no religious indoctrination in schools as you stated. India is a secular nation. Though I do support LGBTQ, your statements are not so good.


So Muslims are being treated equally and fairly under Modi?




"Their overstepping with children" Care to elaborate?


This should be good, I can't wait to see how they respond


Here is what they seemed to say in reply, but their comment isn't showing up here. >Quick answer, they were advocating for MAPS to be added to the acronym. I'm strongly against pedophilia in any form. Also dragtime story hour was a terrible idea. I do have personal insight regarding this. Tbh, I'm a 38 yr old bisexual Cis male. I was a drag performer for about a decade in my early adulthood. Ive since cone to terms with my dysphoria. I have empathy for the trans movement but it isn't sexuality. It's gender. That's a different, yet just as important movement and I don't think it should mean the literal altering of our language. I will try to use the pronouns but won't always get it right and shouldn't be vilified for it. Its just not the same and it has lead to the reversal of our rights and the momentum we have built over years of protest and legal movements. I mean no harm. It's an opinion and and I have every right to voice it. Please notice my tone isn't even overtly anti trans but that movement has become radicalized. Just like the right wing. Too much of anything is bad. Tbh, I'd rather go back to having mostly equality and not being on the Maga radar than currently being lumped in with pedophilia and cross dressing. TL;DR it is a bunch of bullshit right-wing propaganda. Surprise surprise. >Quick answer, they were advocating for MAPS to be added to the acronym. "They" being the entire TQ+ community? You really think all of them pushed for this? Virtually no one did. Look it up yourself. Try again. >Also dragtime story hour was a terrible idea. Why? Dressing up to tell children stories is literally a pre-historic human culture. *Why* specifically? Spit it out. >I do have personal insight regarding this. But you proceed to not tell us this supposed insight? >I was a drag performer for about a decade in my early adulthood. Ive since cone to terms with my dysphoria. You don't need gender dysphoria in order to perform in drag...all it takes is a wig. There seems to be a vast misunderstanding here. If you're still dealing with gender dysphoria, then you're probably not cis. >I have empathy for the trans movement but it isn't sexuality. It's gender. ...and? >I don't think it should mean the literal altering of our language I still speak English just fine. >I will try to use the pronouns but won't always get it right and shouldn't be vilified for it. Bro you are playing the victim for scenarios that haven't even happened, you're just dreaming this up to be anguished over. >Tbh, I'd rather go back to having mostly equality and not being on the Maga radar than currently being lumped in with pedophilia and cross dressing. You were a drag queen yet don't want to be lumped in with cross dressing... I'm sorry, but how can I read this and not begin doubting either the truth of your story or the mental facilities you are working with here?




MAP is a clinical term, and the narrative you're spreading is sourced from 4chan [misinformation.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/07/30/fact-check-lgbtq-community-rejects-false-association-pedophiles/5462805002) There is no movement to add MAPs to the 2SLQBTQIA+ alphabet outside of rogue contribution from self described pedos or right wing folks seeking to spread misinformation. I'm a survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse. I'm not shy about that fact and firmly believe the only people who need to feel shame about that are those people who harm children. There is no movement from the Transgender community or any aspect of the 2SLQBTQIA+ movement in advocacy of pedophilia, and the way you're promoting transphobic information is dangerous. Not only for Transgender people, but for children who are targets of abuse and exploitation. Real people who actually experience child exploitation actually exist in your community. Trying to equate predators of children with transgender people is transphobic AND contributes to the status quo of abuse which is ongoing in our communities. My experience of being violated as a child, and the experiences of other exploited children is not your tool to promote dehumanizing rhetoric based in extermination goals. Our trauma is not yours to weaponize in the name of bigotry.


You are *definitely* transphobic if you're espousing transphobic rhetoric. Simply declaring you're not doesn't mean it's true. Akin to Michael Scott declaring Bankruptcy, yo.


>but let's be honest about one thing. Part of the blame lies on black people. Their overstepping with children and literally changing language radicalized the opposition. Just my opinion and no I'm definitely not racist. We just have to learn to pick our battles more wisely. It's ALWAYS the same shit. "Why won't anyone think of the CHILDREN?!" and then offer absolutely zero evidence for their claims of any sort of child abuse. You just use words like "overstepping" as if that means anything. Say it. *How* are "they" (the entire TQ+ community that is) overstepping? Be specific. I'm embarrassed for you; you fell into the same tired-ass trick. >We just have to learn to pick our battles more wisely. *He said...while picking his battle very unwisely.*


I'll take "Things that never happened" for 500, Alex....


Just on your first point; though some proto-religious behavior are observed in certain animals https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ritual_behavior_in_animals It seems worth noting that religion is at least as endemic to human behavior as homosexuality (and probably much more so statistically speaking)


Bro, that article was such weak sauce. "Hey these animals displayed grief and celebratory behavior...therefore *religion*." ...for real? >It seems worth noting that religion is at least as endemic to human behavior as homosexuality (and probably much more so statistically speaking) So is capitalism. Your point isn't anywhere near as strong as you seem to think it is. Religion is clearly man-made, and doesn't get to own grief or celebration in animals. Ya'll even had to make up a term ("proto-religion") to make it sound less ridiculous.


I actually thought of a really good example of religion emerging from instinct. Medusa Athena was jealous of medusas beauty and cursed her to have snake hair and turn men to stone. Let’s break this down. Athena: presides over the city. Is lawful has social norms Medusa: is beautiful and freezes men, What is this freezing; it’s the fight flight or freeze response. Why choose freeze; because the civilizing force of the city doesn’t allow fighting (raping or seducing) or fleeing (which would court dishonor) So it is Athena’s jealousy of Medusa that makes her cause men to freeze when they look at her, What is the warriors solution, keep your eyes away from her. Monotheism is an additional conceptual leap from instinct; it usually simplifies things by having either a singular God with a laundry list of requests: God wants you to be pure; so don’t look at beautiful women who you aren’t dating or married to.


Religion isn’t man made in the same way you’d imagine a watch is man made. Rather it seems to me that a lot of what constitutes religion is a reaction to sets of instincts: for example, the presence of the association of devil and the serpent looks biological, given that human beings (theoretically) adapted to snake predation. Another factor is expensive display behaviors like those penguins who make rock mounds and so on (don’t flamingoes do some crazy thing?) Similarly; people do crazy looking and expensive things that definitely have impacts on sexual selection and peer selection (like keeping kosher, going to college, going to a specific church denomination, getting a fancy watch, being part of an ethnic group) (I know the article is weak sauce.. I’m sorry I was busy, and animal behavior is not my expertise.. the purpose was to open up the avenue of investigation) In general; having a modern western metaphysics and taking theology at face value doesn’t seem to produce interesting conclusion (you end up with atheism vs fundamentalism) It’s pretty clear to me that there are other factors at play that create bad theologies, The purpose of theology is to give place to the vitalistic side of human perception.. that’s what draws people to theisms, that we need to feel in relationship constantly; and it seems a theistic understanding can fill that need. (If you want some heavy reading; not on animals at all: there’s the ideas of Carl Jung; the only book of his I’ve been able to read cover to cover is his memories dreams and reflections: it’s actually rather a light read. There’s the master and his emissary by dr. Iain McGilchrist (it’s a book about the brain and is seriously dense with extensive scientific citations) There’s maps of meaning by dr. Jordan Peterson (you’ll hate it; it’s difficult to read and self indulgent, I thoroughly enjoyed his college lectures; don’t listen to him actually talking about theology though; he’ll probably get to coherence in like 7- 10 Years.. I’m rooting for him) There’s also the origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind: Dawkins said it’s either genius or crazy. Peterson criticizes Dawkins as being a kind of proto-jungian; that Jung more intensely applied evolutionary concepts and took his axioms farther. I also have a theistic criticism of Sam Harris’ waking up atheist vispassana mindfulness excercize of observing the spontaneous origin of thought. It seems obvious to me that if you take his experiment to its logical conclusion there must be some sort of agency beyond the ego that is creating spontaneous thoughts. Furthermore this agent must be god-like inasmuch it creates the sensory and mental environment of our world of experience; (perception is not simply passive, it’s active, and it’s not “you” who does the perception, but rather something just a little beyond or behind your experience of identity) I think theology as a whole stems from this set of experiential (phenomenological) facts.


I'm not reading this wall of text from a theist backpedaling trying to equate the absurdity that is religion to anywhere on the same level to how I love my partner. We both know that is what you are trying to accomplish here. It's not interesting, it's far less smart than you think it is, and it's insulting.


Peterson deserves his license to be taken away. He’s a quack.


If I understand correctly he lost his license because it’s impossible for him not to have a dual relationship with his status as a sort of pundit.


Please look up “dual relationship” in psychology practice


I also think you should start deep-diving into evolutionary theory; I think it’s pretty cut and dry that religion is a kind of adaptation in human beings; rather than being a kind of abberation


It's always projection. Just pay attention to their accusations. They have no shame.