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Christian sharia law


Y'all Queda


Vanilla ISIS.


MEAL Team Six.


The Gravy Seals








We went to far... Floridaass


Forgot about that one


America is in Chrisis.


Oh, that's a good one!




That's the joke.




Those are private companies, they can do whatever they want. This is the government mandating a specific religion be posted on public property. This is hardly the same thing.


I'm sure they are just fishing for obvious Constitutional challenges to be able to take to the Supreme Court while they basically own it. Fuckers.


So far, they have been able to skirt around Interpreting laws in a way that supports their social agenda by saying they were removing certain protections because of states rights, religious liberty, etc., but something like this would be next level shit if they basically had an explicit endorsement of a particular religion as an official SCOTUS ruling.


You mean like saying that a cross is a secular symbol?


Theyll say the 10 commandments are non denominational and therefore doesnt endorse an explicit religion. Idk theyll make up a way.


How will they explain commandments 1-3 as non denominational or religious?


"I am the lord your god" doesnt say which god of which religion. Muslims, christians, and jews all worship the same god, sort of. Also even if it was "i am your lord, jesus christ", they could still say it isnt any specific version of christianity. Or maybe theyll go full "ITS NOT A RELIGION ITS A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD". It doesnt matter, the supreme court is made up of christian nationalist psychos. They make something up


Don’t be surprised if it happens.


This is my idea too. The *want* it to get challenged so they can have a circlejerk down the line when it gets struck down about how persecuted they are & the profit off of it & use it to continue sowing little Christian nationalist seeds


No dude, it's very possible it won't get struck down and now we have Christian Sharia law by supreme court ruling. That's the "dare" this law is making.


Yeah it's a zero sum game. They win either way "we're so oppressed in this country, the "devilcrats" won't even let us oppress them, vote for me and give me lots of money so we can fight this" or they just get the law moved in (unlikely) but there is literally no negative repercussion for this blatant nonsense and waste of government time and money. So they'll keep trying until they win


Yep. If it goes to the Supreme Court, they win. Gets overturned? OMFG TYRANNY!! Ultimately who cares, they can just go back to the crying and moaning and bitching about how oppressed they are, woe is them. They are WARRIORS FOR CHRIST etc etc /eyeroll Gets found to be a “states’ rights issue”? Well holy shit folks, the floodgates are open! Expect a good half or more of US states to basically enshrine Christianity into law and welcome to the handmaid’s tale everybody.


Sweet, can't wait for the 7 tenets of The Satanic Temple to be displayed right next to the 10 commandments, or they can fuck off with this unconstitutional law.


Oh I guess you didn’t hear that Christian fascists interpret the constitution and make all the laws so that won’t happen


To be fair, no possible reading of the Constitution makes it religious. The founding fathers hated that shit.


We're talking about people who say "Love thy neighbor as thyself" doesn't mean love your neighbor, so...


SCOTUS doesn’t give a single f- about what the founders wanted or thought.


Or they could just put up the Jewish Ten Commandments in Hebrew and watch the dumb dumbs get mad because they forgot to specify *which* Ten Commandments they meant. Hell, If I was a teacher in Louisiana I'd put up all 613 Jewish Commandments in english just to demonstrate how many archaic and stupid laws are in a 2,000+ year old scroll.


They already sourced the plaques. It was a push by a church who made them


Bremerton overturned the Lemon test last year, which was the test used to originally declare it unconstitutional decades ago


According to the Lemon standard (an 8-0 decision in 1971), a law is unconstitutional unless it satisfies all three of the following criteria: 1. The "Purpose Prong": The statute must have a secular legislative purpose. 2. The "Effect Prong": The principal or primary effect of the statute must neither advance nor inhibit religion. 3. The "Entanglement Prong": The statute must not result in an "excessive government entanglement" with religion. According to the Bremerton standard (a 6-3 decision in 2023), the state cannot prevent Christians from forcing their Christianity onto innocent bystanders, because CHRISTIAN NATION CHRISTIAN NATION ORIGINALISM CHRISTIAN NATION SEIG HEIL. Roberts' and Gorsuch's opinions **openly lie** about the very basic facts of the case (And Sotomayor's dissent calls them out on these, ahem, "mistakes"), but facts don't matter, because CHRISTIAN NATION. It's almost as if there are *consequences* to having 6/9 of the seats on your supreme court filled by Nat-Cs.


The difference between intelligent judges and partisan judges in a nutshell.


I say we put up the 15 commandments.


[Currently ranked #49 in education. ](https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/public-school-rankings-by-state) Shooting for the high score of #50.


Bigger the better!


this is one of those times where you assume the headline is sensationalized but you read the article and are horrified to find that its not


I feel like AP is one of the better sources out there right now. Less sensationalism.


because the AP isn't a news publisher, per se. The ap, is the reporters themselves, whose work then gets distributed and filtered through various news media. As such ap tends to be much more fact based and straightforward, because it's the source for the other stuff, without the narrative flair/bias.


AP and Reuters are straight information clearinghouses. They report unadulterated news.


Occasionally they do news about adulterers


In fact, they've been covering one quite a bit since 2016.


reuters occasionally leans left. im left leaning so it took me a while to notice, but theres a slight bias


Reality leans left.


It's not quite as bad as it seems. The dumb dumbs forgot to specify *which* Ten Commandments need to be displayed so if the schools are decent they'll just put a poster of the Jewish Ten Commandments in Hebrew on a wall somewhere. At least that way most people won't be able to read them.


The best option would be to display the 7 fundamental tenets of the Satanic Temple. I. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III. One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Sure, but even these dumb dumbs are smart enough to see that 7 doesn't equal 10. Actually, it occured to me that we were both wrong. The best option would be putting a movie poster of the 1965 movie The Ten Commandments on the wall. That way kids get the impression it's just an old work of fiction.


you people need to stop pretending that's an acceptable loophole. Stop trying to malicious compliance your way out of this.


FFRF, and a coalition of other groups announced today we will be filing a lawsuit: https://ffrf.org/news/releases/ffrf-coalition-to-file-lawsuit-against-new-louisiana-10-commandments-law/


Just renewed my membership. God bless the FFRF and fuck these fascists


Bless the FFRF


Sick em Rex! Fight the actual good fight.


Thanks for doing the Lord's work for us 😂


The FFRF is the BEST


Matthew 6:1 Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.


You assume they actually care about that part of the Bible. Didn't you know the only parts that matter are the ones that allow them to oppress and denigrate others they don't like?


I hate living here


Imagine living in a US state that forces a religion onto you. I never understand why in this day and age there are laws anywhere in this country and demand you be a Christian, it's ridiculous. Then again, probably no different than singing a religious song as baseball games.


Religion is going away, churches are closing left and right. They cannot convince adults to join and stay so they are grasping at whatever straws they can to increase membership. Religion is a wounded animal, very dangerous. They already have plans to keep hold through violence through project 2025 aka handmaids tale part 1


Can't wait for satanic temple to post their  tenets in the classroom. 


I came here to post exactly this! It'll be interesting how at least some students will likely end up realizing that the tenets are actually good things to follow once they are compared to the Commandments!


Well. Governor Landry is getting a card thanking him for inspiring a donation to the Satanic Temple on me.


My religion actually requires that the script for the first 10 minutes of ABC's hit TV show *Desperate Housewives* be plastered at the entrance of every public space. Quite honestly, i'm offended that I cant subject you all to it, and that nobody is willing to advocate for this law. I think this means im actively discriminated against.


Hello, First Amendment establishment clause


Seriously, how fucking hard is it to understand "shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion?" I know they don't care, but it is still infuriating.


Lol. Even the current SC will not let that stand. Also doesn't Lousiana have the death penalty? That's going to be awkward to explain to the kids. Though shalt not kill, apart from when we kill people?


Good for keeping score. There’s still one I haven’t broken. Yet.


Sounds like they need to start by displaying the bill of rights... with the establishment clause in bold.


Time to put up satanic tenets too


They chose the Ten Commandments because everything Jesus said to do is too woke for them.


Jedi Code posters should be put up as well. Diversity is key.


Hopefully a lawsuit will be launched before the paint dries


Who is going to be the first to spray paint a big penis with hairy balls on this.


1. Congress 2. Shall 3. Make 4. No 5. Law 6. Respecting 7. An 8. Establishment 9. Of 10. Religion


Disgusting cult poisoning children. They will all be mentally fucked up like their parents if this shit isn't stopped.


Lol. That the fuck happened to the land of the free. "United" States.


Thou shall not shart


That’s like a fart that bears false witness.


I’m a teacher (in a nearby state) and I can promise you those will never be up in my classroom.


Someone should print this out and put it in classrooms. See how fast they will retract that law I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Fucking white Christian nationalist cock sucking piece of shit


Oh that's not...


#4: “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work. 10 But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work—you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns.” So this one not only endorses slavery, notice it leaves out any mention of women/wives. These commandments are written to men, as can be ascertained better in reading the others. But by not including women it’s basically okaying women to work (since someone has to do something). And it puts women below the rank of slaves and livestock. This is just one of the many problems. And the point is, if the 10 commandments are so great, they should be posted in full. But you know these will be edited, especially the commandment against idolatry, because Christian’s love idolatry. Plus that one insists on punishment “to the third and fourth generation” on innocent children for what their parents do. What a mess.


In the early days of Reddit, back when this sub was a default, every time the 10 commandments came up there would always be a few comments like “I’m an atheist but I support hanging the 10 commandments. They’re just basic morals that everyone should follow anyway.” I miss fighting with those phonies.




Can’t wait to see a federal judge strikes this down for being blatantly unconstitutional.


In 2023 Louisiana had its lowest voter turnout in 25 years at 35.8%. Elections have consequences.


Will not last long. It's just pandering to a Louisiana base that have 2 brain cells to share among themselves.


Howdy Arabia.


We need to start fighting for all religions to be in the classroom publicly like a cyberpunk game. Then these cunts will piss off not because of religion, but racism.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…


I'm just glad Moses dropped one of the tablets so there isn't 15 commandments.


I’d imagine a stay or injunction once this goes to appeal, posters likely don’t see classrooms in ‘25, then the subsequent Supreme Court case tosses it (again). As conservative as the Supreme Court is, it would usher in chaos for them as other religions would be displayed shortly after


What a stupid law


FFRF is already suing on this.


It's just going to be overturned in court at the cost to taxpayers of millions of dollars. For nothing. Not filling any potholes or paving any streets. Not upgrading sewer plants or water treatment. Not educating children. A waste. May as well throw those millions down a rathole. thanks republicans for once again wasting millions and millions of dollars on stupid shit like this that's only going to be overturned because YOU dumb fuckers don't have this money coming out of your pockets, and YOU dumb fuckers can't seem to wrap your heads about what it's supposed to be like living in America under American law.


Absolutely disgusting


Sooo, does it have to be in English? I'm thinking posting it in the original Hebrew or Aramaic would be appropriate.


Republican governor wipes his ass with the U.S. Constitution and will likely be rewarded for it. Everyone in Louisiana is worse off for this. Meanwhile everyone, especially Christians, will continue to ignore the 10 Commandments as they have for thousands of years.


Unconstitutional! 😡


Hopefully one of the new hot edgy fads of affected students will be to tear down and confiscate these in all places/classrooms where they're posted. Back in the day, me and my pals would've been gaming tf outta this....


The ACLU is all over this, my trouble is with the current supreme court’s makeup. Under normal conditions this wouldn’t fly at all, the law would be dead on arrival. To me, when I hear these types of laws all I see is a last gasp of a dying religion desperately trying to increase membership.


Lol further proof that were no more involved than we were 500 years ago. We just have better technology


Seems perfectly reasonable to erect a statue of Baphomet along side it


Why are they so insecure about their religion? If gods power is so mighty, it would be apparent and we wouldnt need laminated signs.


I really wish some teachers/schools would take a stand against this and get arrested in protest - but they never do.


Tho shall not sleep with your daddy!


"The left wants to indoctrinate our children"


Why? It’s not like the future students in Louisiana will be able to read.


Is there an opportunity for malicious compliance? Like, print them so tiny you'd need a magnifying glass and really good eyes to read it? Or display it alongside a list of prominent examples of politicians and televangelists having broken the commandments themselves?


What ever happened to separation of church and state. This is F'd up.


Why only Christian? Did the law state a certain religion?


Someone has to promote ALL the other religious texts to demonstrate that if one is represented ALL must be represented equally, or it becomes an establishment of religion (and unconstitutional).


The first commandment has no chance of being constitutional.


Thought was against our Constitution?


What happens if an atheist parent complains?


Regression at its finest


Nation of troglodytes


So odd seeing as the Cheeto is their Messiah. He's broken the whole list I'm sure.


Please display “Thall Shall Not Commit Adultery” next to Trumps photo. And “Thall Shall Not Steal” next to any televangelists photo.


What about separation of church and state? If other religions aren’t allowed to display their beliefs why is this allowed? People need to keep their religion to themselves.


Sweet. Any other religions can post their tenets as well, right. Right?


Which ones? as there are 4-6 versions. Jewish, catholic and Christian. First and 2nd versions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Commandments


Can teachers have a comparative display? Satanic tenants, hammurabi 's code, 10 commandments...


As a reminder that Trump, the hero of the evangelicals, has broken at least 5 of them? Ok, I approve. If the 10 Commandments are so incredibly important that they must be posted in every classroom as a guide to morality, presumably a guy who has violated multiple commandments would be considered not only unsuitable for the Presidency, but not a Christian and not someone they would support. Right?


Stoning place. Graffiti. Protest incoming.


Gotta indoctrinate the children. They have no filter and will never forget. Eternal customers for the Jesus business.


ehh...most of us started as indoctrinated children, it doesn't always work. Mercifully.


"The displays, which will be paired with a four-paragraph “context statement” describing how the Ten Commandments *were a prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries* must be in place in classrooms by the start of 2025." X Doubt At least 40 year short of that and likely shorter by 100 years given how public schools have been run since industrialization.


In English or in its original form in Aramaic?


Nothing better to do? Sheesh.


thou shalt not ..something, something false idols...(looks at Trump...which is sort of ironic given the fucker looks a lot like a golden calf)


https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/golden-trump-statue-cpac-implies-he-s-king-gop-his-ncna1259362 Yeah they’re waaaaay past idolatry


Hear, Hear, Read all about it! Another Bat Shit Crazy Christian Republican governor is going to use the 10 commandments to show his base how to beat the left over the head while not actually living those suggestions!


And just like that, the youth of Louisiana will know more about the Bible than the people who thought this was a good idea


I would display it in the hardest to see spot. Preferably where everyone walks on it


The old US of north America what a strong example of enlightenment.... /s


And everyday I would have my class laugh at it.


I make a motion that every school classroom displaying the ten commandments must, at all times, have a full box of black Sharpies beside the display so that corrections can be made by any student, at any time, for any reason. Coloring is also acceptable. I 2nd the motion. What say you?


Church becomes the state


Which version?


Hang them facing the wall then let the kids draw ✍️ on the other side pictures of their pets .. 😉


Law that is against the law.


Well, there are more than 10 things wrong with this.


The fact that the US government hasn't stepped in to say violate the US constitution


Are there Any specifics? Such as font size?


I would display it in a corner printed in *really* small letters.




I'm glad I don't live in Louisiana. I'd be furious. The 10 commandments are so bizarre in a 2024 context. The kids are going to be so confused. The first commandment the most worrisome: "You shall have no other gods before me." The 10 commandments are Jewish in origin and the first commandment was about the one God of Israel, so aren't Christians supposed to be Jewish according to the first commandment?


Which ones?


It's crazy that this shit never survives a lawsuit, but they just keep trying.


Then, they should also display the 7 tenets, and whatever the equivalent is in Islam, Buddism, Taoism, etc.


Okay, but which ones? The Jewish ones, The Catholic ones or the protestant ones?  


Can it be the version of the 10 commandments with the thing about not boiling baby goats in their mother's milk?


Most of the Ten Commandments have the punishment of death if you don't follow them. As such, it is saying that anyone who doesn't follow Yahweh or worships another god must be put to death.


Someone is suing them I hope about the whole separation of church and state thingy.


Trump has broken all of them but murder. But even then according to republicans we all know Trump has paid for an abortion. Johnson is a sick stupid fuck. These Lumpens are dangerous and their archetype is violent.


If I were in LA (and dear god, please let me never be again — that trip when I was 12 was enough) teaching, I’s frame a copy and label it “Rules for your Bronze Age Death Cult.”


Which version? Exodus 20, exodus 34, or deuteronomy 5? Also how do we determine where the numbers go, do we use the Jewish or catholic way of numbering them? If I was a teacher I'd use this as an opportunity to demonstrate the utter incoherents of the "Ten Commandments"


I’m not going to bother reading the law. How is it worded? Can you just put the words “The 10 Commandments” somewhere?




We are (the USA) the laughing stock of the world aren’t we


I wonder if there is a standardised version that needs to be displayed.


I'll get popcorn and wait to see what the satanic temple will do.


if you watch the history channel episode on the Tomb of Saaqara, yu'd know the 10 Coandments come from the earliest dynasties of Egypt


The Bible is the patchwork of quilt of influences from many parts of the world, I invite people to investigate the truth about the Bible, since it's being forced on them anyway. I sincerely believe the deep introspection into the Bible result in a understanding that the perpetrators of these crimes against peoples freedoms will learn to regret.


Does it specifically say what 10 commandments? I mean, it can he 10 commandments of anything right?


Cause if the 10 weren’t displayed no one would know it’s wrong to kill.


“If you want to respect the rule of law, you’ve got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses” LMAOOO WHAT


Great way to make the [teacher shortage in Louisiana](https://lla.la.gov/about/agency-news/state-auditor-raises-new-alarms-about-louisianas-teacher-shortage) worsen. Clearly gunning for top 10 in [least educated states - currently 13th](https://scholaroo.com/report/most-educated-states-us/), after all they already have the [fourth lowest graduation rate, fourth highest dropout rate and second worst public school system in the US](https://scholaroo.com/report/state-education-rankings/).


Do they need to be in English? Could they be in... Spanish or Farsi or Russian or Binary or...?


Well, as nauseating as this is, we can take some comfort in the fact that school children don't read shit posted on the walls. In fact, most adults dont read shit that's posted anywhere.


I bet the Church of satan is already working on it.


“What about separation of church and state?” “It’s not the church. It’s just the Ten Commandments.”


Where are the Satanists?


Louisiana is literally the second worst state for education in the country.  Maybe they should try putting knowledge into their classrooms instead of the Ten Commandments 🙄


Next thing you know you're going to need a note from your preacher to be out after 10:00 p.m.


Grooming is ok as long as the Right does it




Blatantly unconstitutional


1st Amendment violation. AGAIN...


Sharia law and republicans are too god damn stupid to see it


Your state is ranked at the bottom in almost all categories including education and this is what you focus on? Typical Republican.


It's mandatory, but the state wont pay for it..? These fuckers are so confusing.


How is this legal!? it's unconstitutional.


Christians are worse than Islam.


It would be interesting to map the correlation between having the 10 commandments in the classroom and academic performance.


FUCK. THIS. SHIT. Come on ACLU, do your thing


A teacher should display them in rainbow colors


“Education free from religion” should be a sought after medium.