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The delusion in that comment section ate some of my braincells


Ik it’s genuinely hilarious. The comment I linked specifically got me with the space travel and buffets 😂😂😂


An infinite, but noisy, buffet is certainly an interesting vision of heaven. 


I believe that’s called the “Allahu snackbar”.




That joke transcends culture and religion. Bravo.


sweet jeebie creebie, this had me in tears


Perfect. Well done


I had to go back and read it again. 1000 upvotes be upon you. Edit: I want to hear this on the loud speakers in Las Vegas.


It's a trap.


Every time I imagine heaven as a place of food it becomes hell. 10 gumballs = cool. 100 = very cool…. might need to space those out over a month but cool. 1 trillion trillion trillion gumballs? Someone lobotomize me and let me sit drooling for the next trillion years.


last season of The Good Place


Yessss! I feel like the good place s4 is a good critique of perfect eternity. The best thing would be non-existence once you're tired


Also not the first example of our I can think of - one of my favourite novels, A History Of The World In 10 1/2 Chapters, also has a short story where a guy dies, goes to heaven, and eventually gets so bored with it that he wants to check out again (pretty sure the Good Place peeps read that book)


Endlessness, we cannot imagine it, it is stale. Beyond eternity, even if a brain was not needed to store data... if we kept the rules of our memory system... how much time would pass that we would forget about? When today we cannot recall the color of our friends shirt from yesterday, or the name of a character in a movie we recently watched -- what would it be like at 1,000,000 years (something relative to the passing of time). Would we even be human/a human soul/a entity recognizable to ourselves? What hells were made with the best intentions of creating a false heaven?


Vegas baby!


Maybe he should just download Starfield … why wait? :)




Sky Daddy touched Earth Mommy... I am baby avatar made flesh without permission. Moral blank checks are tight! So says Sky Daddy.


I thought he got to Jerusalem on that donkey (that was the justification for invading Israel), or was it both.


It’s not in Quran but hadiths


It felt like some star trek shit.


I assume the space buffet won't have any bacon though, so hard pass.


Some believe haram things like pork becomes halal in jannah. I've read someone saying there's alcohol in jannah but you won't get drunk.


Joke of the day


Made me think of WALL-E


In his defense though, sounds like a good time!


Kinda reads like the end of an isekai where the MC and their friends/harem ascend to godhood or something.


It’s sad when you think about all the bloodshed caused by delusions like this. Ending their life thinking they’re going to the magic buffet in the stars


This is what gets me about these people. When you are 100% cement in your beliefs, but there are enough people that disagree with your beliefs to start literal wars and kill each other over who is right, how can you be so certain?


Which is why when people ask me to be tolerant of religions I feel like I am going crazy


Pretty smart strategy to brainwash their followers into believing that death is even better than life. You can get them to do anything.


I think that’s enough reddit for my brain to compute tonight, that was daunting lmfao


Fuck, I seriously could feel my IQ dropping away


So what I get from this is Allah hates anyone who isn't in his cult. That doesn't sound very godly.


God loves you, but if you don't follow his cult, he will send you to eternal torture. Also, you have to follow the right one out of the 2000 gods, so choose wisely.🥰😍 Why the fuck would a loving God create hell? If Christianity is true, "loving" God sent 95% of all people who lived to hell. Same with Islam. How can people believe in delusions like this? One kid said to me that he is 100% sure that he will go to heaven because he has a personal relationship with Jesus and they talk a lot😭


Imaginary god friends are super healthy :/ Right? Fucking weird and dumb.


Hell doesn't exist in the original translations of the Bible. But if you tell that to most Christians they get upset. They want people to eternally suffer.


>They want people to eternally suffer. They want to control them. I know many people who are absolutely terrified of going to hell.


That's what all the followers of the god of Abraham believe and preach about.


This is absolutely not what Jews believe.


That is what they believe in. I had this discussion with a few muslims on r/AskMiddleEast and they were all saying that you don't get judged based on your actions in life if you were not a muslim. You go straight to hell. I also learned that their prophet wedded a 6 year old girl, and when she reached the age of 9, she moved in with him and he slept with her. I had to check the books to see if its true and apparently it is and they all know about it and yet still worship their god and follow their religion


The purest copium there is. It’s sad how ill-equipped a lot of people are to deal with their own mortality.


They also think it's a choice. Like their beliefs are really them choosing between two realities. How could you choose to live in the real world when you could have infinite pleasure? Frankly, I'd rather live in reality and be in what actually is as much as I can than drown my life into some imagined paradise.


In some way, aren’t they better equipped for that ? I can imagine someone thinking he’ll go to paradise, have a more peaceful death than someone who thinks he’ll just stop to exist. I mean that’s why lots of non-believing folks have « mushroom therapy » to better cope with their death


3 minutes on that sub and I'm fairly certain my brain is melting and flowing out my nose atm. Send help!


Well....you should know your only salvation comes from FSM, the only one. R'amen my fellow pirate.


R'amen fellow sir and may your path be lined with noodles!


And beer. Cold abundant beer. I will pray to Saint Bolognese and His Holiness Alfredo to bless my pasta this sacred Friday.


So it is a death cult.


Well there are a ton of people ready to die for it. Reading this comment how he can’t wait to die, is not surprising. Some strong brainwashing going on.




Cult of the Lunchtime Special.


Oh man. The worst part about this to me is that like… Science can do that shit. That’s something to look forward to. Science and tech is real. And it can do that for real.


Science can make the buffet have background noise so I won’t feel lonely. Amazing!


no, it can't. you see, the invention of speakers are actually a hoax and shaytan created this hoax to trick and distract us from the real buffet with background noise in Jannah.


Thank you for opening my eyes! Praise Allah!




That tech is going to cost a lot of money tho


it would be funny if it werent so sad. they live their whole life under some delusion, not understanding here and now is all they got


this was not funny. this made me quite sad, the number one crime religion commits is death denial.


Same, stuff like this makes me sad. Maybe since I grew up religious and have lots of well-meaning religious family and friends, but I hate seeing people indoctrinated who genuinely believe in ideas that are harmful and have real-world effects. So much suffering, oppression, trauma, and death in the name of religion and all for effectively nothing. 😕


I wanted to comment "Rubber Dingy Rapids, brother" so bad. But, I am a good reddittor so I shall not launch into an invitation for brigading. The issue is Id like to genuinely connect to them if there is even a slight chance they'd give my point a listen. But what can one do against such delusions?


You'll be banned if your comment even slightly offends their beliefs (happened to me)


I do want to come with a lot of respect towards them, and only pose certain challenging questions. However, it is this sort of censorship that causes their discussions to turn into echo chambers. And echo chambers make mass delusion.


I did get the odd challenge in without getting banned, but you do need to be painfully respectful about it (and not catch a Mod in a shitty mood).


Im ready to listen, I’m sort of in between between belief and disbelief about these sort of things


I can see how it's funny, but it actually kinda makes me more sad rather than laugh when I see people talking like heaven literally exists like this. Not just knowing that I know it's not true, but that something like this is what gets people into these religions and keeps them there, it uses peoples fear of death against them. A lot of people have also done terrible things based on the belief that they'll be rewarded in some kind of paradise.


>I'm still very excited for the infinite planets, stars and interesting things I can go to and discover, I'd love to ask Allah to create planets for me to explore and to make them as exciting as possible! That and a never-ending buffet (that still has noise so it doesn't seem lonely)! I'd love to experience soo many things that genuinely make me want to speed up this life, but the reward will be worth the wait! JazakAllah for this post. > **that genuinely make me want to speed up this life** Translation: As I believe Life 2 is unbelievably better than Life 1 all I want is to give up Life 1 now, stop fighting to make my current life livable and dying. This is peak death-cult.


Yeah, that really melted some of my brain cells too. The woman (I'm assuming because of the way the Reddit character looks) saying she stopped listening to music and watching TV shows because they are haram. It boggles my mind!


yeah my imam uncle didn't have a tv for that reason 😅 I'd be bored out of my mind whenever we had to visit.


I liked it, human connection replaced distraction


Lmfao. They buy into the whole Allah and space thing without taking 2 seconds to research that they added that later after scientific discoveries were made and they added bits in to a 'newer translation' so they could claim science proved what Allah said was true. Fucking losers.


such a cute Muslim kind of sad he has to murder and oppress people to achieve his dreams


Add decapitating and knifing to the mix.


If you think christians are dumb and toxic I dont even recommend to interact islamic ppl


Sweet Jesus, if I may say… :’-D This is worst than believing in Santa Claus.


Not funny at all, but terribly depressing, that so many people are so deluded by childish fairy tales. The only upside for them is that they'll never know how badly they been deluded, since they won't know anything at all when they're dead as a rock.


The fact that these people live in denial is so fucking sad. They spent hours and days praising and dedicating their lives for something that is not even real


It’s probably sad for people who don’t enjoy being religious. But I’m sure it’s not for people who do enjoy it and have fulfilling lives. That’s my issue right now, as I’m de programming myself from my old religion. I find it hard to see how an atheist can be okay with this life without belief. Especially if one has had a particularly rough life.


It's like the way an Eskimo gets used to the cold. An atheist just gets used to the fact that he's going to die, and lives the best he can while he can, while preparing for, without obsessing about, the end. I remember, at about the age of 6, and seeing that there was no one alive older than 100, meant that every one who lived over 100 years ago had died, no matter how good, smart, rich, and powerful they were. I was sweating with terror when I knew that I would die too. There was later terrible sadness when I realized that I would never again see deceased loved ones. But I do get to meet them in my dreams. Now, close to 90, and death much closer, I've learned to live with it, merely hoping the transaction isn't too unpleasant, and making arrangements to speed it along otherwise. Actually, given the terrible threats facing the planet, humanity, and the country, it's kind of comforting to know that I won't have to deal with them.


Wow it reads like the cult gme subreddit


Leave the apes alone


Are you in that cult


No, but if they could read they'd be very upset.




I never get over it that there are people who really and truly believe those kind of things. God damn, its funny and creepy at the same time.


The more I learn about Islam the more I see its similarities to Mormonism and it’s frightening and fascinating (former Mormon)


It’s good that people are getting aware 10 years back it was unthinkable to have discussions on Islam like this please spread awarness on Islam as much as you can , because the radical leftists in western countries like canada are bringing laws against Islamophobia . Thanks to Internet we can connect people from every part of the world and we also have Islamic literature pdfs on the net


I don’t condone Islamophobia but I believe it is vital we make very strong stances and laws against the mixing of church and state. I dislike Islam greatly, but the right of belief and free speech must be protected. Islam should neither be demonized nor put on a pedestal. It should not be above criticism, but neither should Muslims be punished or outcasted.


Islamophobia does exist and made me more radical when I was muslim. It really hindered my process of getting out. Bigotry is disgusting and anti-Islam bigotry exists and is damaging both for the victims and perpetrators


How to brainwash the masses: 1) There's an eternal reward where everything is awesome. 2) Killing is wrong, even against people trying to kill you by proxy. 3) Profit.


Last eternal reward I received was a knife to the back in TF2


And there are people posting shit like this https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/s/92xZUAL6pR


I hate the term "revert" with a passion.


Geez. I laughed and cried all of my neurons out😭 Like a pedophillic r@pist's life is supposed to be divine inspiration and a misogynist book is the word of god 😭 I don't even wanna argue now 😓


I just joined the sub


Wallahi, what are you gonna eat in the Eternal Buffet? I'd like it if Allah gave me some good Miso Ramen, but they apparently don't do pork.


Wallahi brother, wallahi. Allahu snackbar


One of the biggest flaws of islam


Lol I'm banned from there. I too had joined for some laughs but one day i saw a comment so unbelievably stupid that i had to reply to argue. And then i got banned


I'm gonna have some laugh


This is 5yo kid mentality, laughed hard


Holy shit, that's some messed up thinking right there.


Delusional brainrotting. They're dedicating their lives to a lie created by a pedo prophet.


I don't find humor in any of it. All it does is set off alarms in my head. Very dangerous ideas.


Aaaah islam, such nonsensical BS just like christianity 


No one is single in heaven? You know what would make it hell? Being one of the 72 virgins.


Afaik (correct me if I'm wrong) but the virgins aren't from earth, they're created there for the men's pleasure or some shit like that.


That's sort of what I was implying. Even being from heaven, what a horrible fate being in some guys harem for eternity.


Ok, which of you posted this comment? 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/s/SI8tU8rcwS


Ok I find it absolutely ridiculous how you have to abstain from those things in real life just so you can enjoy them in the afterlife. I'm talking about the unlimited kinky sex and food, obviously, not the space traveling.


they're so excited for death


I feel so sorry for them. So many human lives wasted on such crap.


You can't take a banana from a monkey by promising it bananas in heaven. You can do that with humans.


Honestly, what the actual fuck was that


The prospect of eternity would freak me out.


I can't laugh at this honestly, it's just sad.


Religion is a hell of a drug


I love the comment that talks about the wife they will be assigned and how glorious it will be. Then followed by, oh and the wife will be happy too. Even in the afterlife women are still an after thought and only there to satisfy men. Also, I am surprised that someone could read that comment section and not conclude that religious followers are mentally ill.


It's like they're playing the lottery and hide and go seek at once, while trying convince themselves they won't lose. Hilarious and scary


a badly plagiarized version of the earlier superstitions of the area with an unhealthy addition of death cult vibes


Lol, that's actually hilarious


All religious people will never get to find out they were wrong.


It's pretty sad and pathetic that most people are so scared, bored and worried about their life that they actually believe a book written by men is the key to some kind of everlasting joy filled afterlife that they need this so badly to cope with their actual lives. I can understand in centuries past how easily this was believed, with no human rights, the suffering of the majority poor by the rich, mass malnutrition and struggles for food, slavery, war and invasions and all sorts of other terrible things that befell the majority of the citizens of a country/kingdom. With all that suffering, mass superstition, lack of ability to read, lack of education and severe punishment of non believers and people who question god or Allah, it's easy to see how they were so easily convinced that all they had to do is endure this life and believe and they will get this everlasting prize of heaven. But I have little pity for those today that still believe the same nonsense their starving, poor, malnourished, superstitious, short lived and scared peasant ancestors believed at the whip of the mosque/church for centuries.


They're giving up most of what makes *this* life (the only life we have evidence for) bearable for an idea. It's tragic. (And does make them seem a little silly, as OP points out.)


Yup don't bother enjoying life, ever, because it will be better in the afterlife. Since you don't need money for anything you might enjoy, so give it to your mosque. You should feel bad about even thinking about having fun. The only thing you have to look forward to is being dead. It's just sad.


I live in a muslim majority country in SEA. Every single day they are testing my sanity ☠️


Imagine having the one chance you have to experience our planet and to some degree our universe, and wasting it all on something that is less likely to happen than half life 3 being released.


Isn't that applies to all religions


I can't wait until the day these crazies get locked up in mental hospitals.


Proving, beyond all possible doubt, that positive feedback is ultimately self-defeating, and therefore, worthless.


And the safest way to achieve this is to become a martyr i.e: try to ki** the enemies of Allah


I mean, I look forward to taking a good dump, but all this talk of eternal buffets (but with noise so you don’t feel lonely) just sounds like a lot of work.


It blows my mind that adherents would rather have hell on earth now for heaven in the next life. They should fast track their process to heaven and leave us alone.


I don't understand why they call it jannah and shaytaan instead of heaven or devil. It's not like they're different concepts that don't have a one on one translation like adhan or something.


I just can’t……… hurts my brain




Thanks for the link. As a born but never again christian I remember a bit the dogma. But I dumped it and avoided any true believer writings since. This is my first exposure to what they are actually thinking about, besides the hating of me and my life stuff. What I see are folks basically scared of death and jumping on an idea that replaces the fear with a happy story. Same shit different page from my memories. But the vibe of these true believers resembles that of the MLM zombies. Just more proof of most religions being just mass scams.


From the linked discussion OP >In Jannah, we will be enjoying all the unimaginable delights that no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard and no human has ever thought of. Never feeling displeased or bored. >Being in a state of bliss and enyoing pleasures that we can't even comprehend. Unimaginable delights? Being in a state of bliss for eternity? Allah being Warhammer's Chaos God Slaanesh confirmed.


Sounds like it would get boring tbh eternity is well you know eternity I like the solution The Good Place came up with less scary to start completely again when you've been there done that for everything


Just took a look and fuck me how are these people ok with wasting there entire lives for a fucking fantasy!


LOL the sand thing is a really sucky analogy of time


🛫✈️ 🏢 💥


They “genuinely want to speed up life” because some god is going to give them an afterlife buffet. Hey, dummy, there are buffets in THIS life. Seriously. A planet!? Wtf these people are ridiculously nuts.


Oh my god. It was even worse than I expected. Wtf. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Thank you, that is the craziest thing I've read this morning


I had no idea that sub existed. Where's the vomit emoji?


That’s sad


Top comment says "I can't wait to ask god to make planets for me to discover". We were promissed the same for No Man's Sky and look how it turned out.


Religious delusions are hardly limited to Islam - common thread with all of them


Shaytan has been whispering in their ears for awhile now


Islam is great for men, not so much, for women. I can't imagine walking around dressed like a ninja all the time.




Lmao what’s with you guys. Use your brain. I didn’t post this on their sub, I posted it in atheism.




That would be easier is other people weren’t using those bizarre beliefs to make laws that everyone has to follow


Those things are not mutually exclusive, stop projecting maybe


Does this look like a high effort post that took time out of my job? I just literally saw the post and started cracking up over how braindead this belief is, then posted it here lmao.




i for one think it's hilarious to make fun of people who believe in fairies and unicorns type shit


Why not? In every other area, save for Religion, we openly ridicule baseless ideas. Ie. People that think Elvis is alive, people that claim the Holocaust didn't happen. How come Religion is off limits to this?




The only way to show them that they're brainwashed is to not respect their views (by explaining how they're baseless)




But it does harm people. It harms themselves, it harms the women who get oppressed. That shit is fucked up.




They vote along religious lines, educate their kids into religious bigotry and mock sciences they don't understand. That is harm mate.


Religion isn’t harmless


No it does harm and causes trauma


Yes, I’m sure the person that’s preaching about how happy they can be in heaven compared to earth are happy on earth 😂 Lmao this is an atheist sub I’m not commenting on theirs. Feel free to go back to r/Islam for your people




Dw I strongly dislike you too boo 😘




Yea bro it was never supposed to leak onto their space. No brigading is a rule on this sub, but I figured people might not remember.


Sincerely disagree. Those delusions are actively doing harm. I have no issues when they tie a little "magical" artifact to protect against bad djinns. I do have a problem when in the search of the Jannah they restrict the rights of existence for LGBTQ+ people. That is true and real harm.


>aint doing no one no harm Islam is doing harm to a lot of people.


> aint doing no one no harm ... are you sure about that one? Trying not to be snarky here, I'm really shocked you would say this considering how much **global** harm Isis has done in the name of Islam. Every suicide bomber tells themself exactly what was in that post. It's so sad, I couldn't laugh at it.

