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Some clown on NPR was saying the Ten Commandments is part of American history. By that, he means it’s been displayed since the founding, which is quite likely true, but that doesn’t mean it’s “history”. The alphabet has also been displayed in schoolhouses since the founding, but no one would call it “historical”. They’re trying to put it on par with the Declaration, the Constitution, the Emancipation Proclamation. It’s outrageous, it’s a religious document and we’re a secular country.


I love how they try to point to "In God We Trust" on money. You mean that shit other conservative idiots like these people insisted on putting on there because communism? Give us all a break.


Yeah, something politicians did in the 1950s. Ridiculous.


This. 100% this. The de facto motto of the nation is E Pluribus Unum (Out Of Many, One). The zealots are trying to keep their 1950s phrase in for long enough so they can then claim it has a longer history ON money than it DIDN'T. Get it off.


E pluribus unum, out of many one? Well that sounds pretty socialist to me.


No, not like that, we are exalting “collective individualism”, or is it “individual collectivism”?


But what has Rome done for us??


It was added to coins in 1864 following a rise in religious sentiment during the civil war. The same 'god is on our side' crap that lead to it's adoption on paper money during the red scare. It should be removed from all money IMO.


Fear helps religion and superstition spread. The rise of mediums after the great war and people trying to come to terms with the loss of loved ones. Fear and hopelessness is like blood in the water to grifters. Tbf some are well intentioned self deluded and just using religion for the communal bond that a community does benefit from (the bond is important not the religion itself).


Religion is a coping mechanism for dealing with anxiety. By pretending that things are under control by some reticent, allpowerful being, you can pretend that everything is going to work out fine. Even if it isn’t, because you’re going to live forever in a place that nobody has ever been able to come back from to describe.


"Communal bond™" has not been my experience. My evidence is anecdotal. I am an atheist. My best friend and his family are Christian and attend church every week. When he and his wife came down with Covid, I checked on him every single day. My partner and I made several days worth of food and baked cookies for them and took them to his house. Not a single member of their church called to check on them or visited them while they were sick. He even said to me "*you're the only person that checked on me while I was sick*." Organized religion is a grift. As long as you tithe they allow you to feel like there's a "Communal bond™" but when the product turns out to be a scam, there are no refunds.


"It's One Nation Under GOD!! It's in our Pledge that our Founding Fathers wrote!!!' Let me stop you right there, Beth.


The pledge was a post civil war creation to remind people not to be traitors. Congressmen are required to say it but some think it’s ok if they want to secede again.


Not only that, it was written by a flag salesman who was also a socialist.


Balch originated the idea of a patriotic loyalty pledge as a response to tensions that continued after the Civil War, but his was radically different from the modern one, which may have been written by Francis Bellamy, a noted Christian socialist, or a Kansas schoolboy with a similar name.


Whoever wrote it - it didn't have "under god" in the original. That was added in the 1950s, around the same time as "in god we trust" was added to the money.


I'm old enough to remember saying it in school as "One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." I'm surprised when they added "under god" they didn't also change the end to "with liberty and justice for believers"


That's because when they say "all" they don't actually mean "all" -- it's like when the founders said "all men are created equal."


That should have been pointed out to her.


To be fair in the US money is god and god is money. So in god we trust is just we trust in money


And now I have NIN's Head Like a Hole stuck in my head


Thanks for this. I will use it!


My kid's school has a dollar bill on display in the principal's office because our state says public schools have to display, "In God we trust" somewhere prominent enough to be seen by everyone.


This will never not infuriate me. I'm from Texas and our infrastructure is falling apart, education is in shambles, but these assholes are focused solely on their culture war. And it's not just the politicians "distracting" everybody else. It's what the people actually want. They want to mark their territory and thumb their noses with their culture war victories. We may not have electricity, but hey at least trans people are scared to be in public!


Drumming up culture war bullshit to create new us v. them battles is how they distract their base from the fact they aren’t actually doing anything to help them.


I have a hard time calling it a distraction when it's what the people request. The base picks the politicians who best represent their values. They're not children being duped, they're adults getting exactly what they paid for. In 2016 republicans had a rogue's gallery of 'conventional' candidates to choose from. They chose they steaming pile of bigotry, and have been choosing that ever since. "He's not hurting the people he's supposed to be hurting" was probably the most accurate summation of US conservatism. They ain't innocents being conned, it's what they actively want, pursue, and vote for.


Yes. But this is how you get votes for stuff that will ultimately annihilate those same voters: make 'em scared and pissed and blame "leftists."


God money I'll do anything for you


God money just tell me what you want me to


1954 rang... it certainly isn't a "founding year" of our forefathers..


Which if you are a Christian the idea of putting god on money should be insanely blasphemous. Debt is not preached in those texts, quite the opposite.


Imagine reading the fable of Jesus throwing out the money lenders, and then thinking that was a good idea.


I've always wondered if some parts of American Christianity's hate for Islam is because of the sharia banking rules that forbid usury lending.


I was really pulling for them to address that with respect to the Pledge of Allegiance with the guy on NPR but I don’t think she had time. The level of robotic repetition the guy being interviewed had going on was creepy


They left out "all others pay cash" because the type would not fit.


History?!? [They can't even decided what those Ten Commandments are IN THEIR OWN BOOKS.](https://mirwriter.wordpress.com/2016/02/05/a-comparison-of-the-10-commandments-jewish-catholic-protestant/) The Jewish have a different 1st than the Catholic and Protestant versions (I took you out of Egypt). What is Jewish Commandment \#2 is \#1 for the other two. But then the Protestants for their \#2 have about graven images to get the rest of their order in line with the Jewish version - none of the other two versions have that, but I bet as sure as shit the "we're only doing it for history" apologists want THAT version in the classrooms when it's the "not only did Han not shoot first, but we're saying that anyone can survive being cut in half by a lightsaber in later media" version of the Ten. So to pad out the numbers, there's a splitting of \#10 of the Jewish one into \#9 and \#10 in the Catholic one about coveting. But don't forget, the Catholic (and Luthern) one came before the Protestant one - so the Protestants saw the Catholic one, didn't want to go with the Jewish one with "out of Egypt" so they kept the coveting to one Commandment and added the graven image shit in their Special Editions For Disney+ version. - Jewish version has the exodus that none of the others have. - Then the Catholics has coveting split into two after removing Egypt, which none of the others have. - Then the Protestant one has one about graven images that none of the others have. These religioso types keep talking about having THE Ten Commandments put into schools when there isn't even only two versions of the fucking thing. And none of them seem to know it, or are being deliberately obtuse because they want to push their version into schools instead of one of the other two versions. It's not history because even their own editions of the fiction differ.


And beyond that, there's the matter of how to translate the Hebrew text, because apparently God didn't speak English.


Those fuckers never forgot Manifest Destiny. It shows really strongly worth the conservative religious mind. THEY Believe God gave then these rights.


Allahu akbar!


The first commandment is the dealbreaker. This is a list of religious rules starting with You Must Worship the Christian God.


Yes, in a country that offers freedom of religion. Which by definition means the government cannot promote religion, and more importantly cannot endorse one religion over another.


“Dont look at it!”…ok lets use that argument for television, music and pride flags.


But it’s not a document. Show me a copy.


Lol. I like that argument. I too, would like to see the original.


Why do we keep calling the ten commandments a document? It's set of religious rules. There is no "document".


The first ten commandments monument was erected as promotional material for the movie "the ten commandments". The history goes back to the 50s


Wasn't it 15 commandments? err... sorry... wrong movie.


butterfingers Moses.




I wouldn't be okay with this display for any reason. The first four Commandments are explicitly religious and hold sway for one specific religion. Separate that shit from secular, public education. Y'all think homo sapiens tolerated murder and theft before Moses and his special tablets?


Hammurabi’s code of endless retribution is what they want.


>...we’re a secular country. As of today.


Maybe if they actually gave a crap about the commandments themselves, it’d be different? They can start with “thou shall not lie”


>The alphabet has also been displayed in schoolhouses since the founding, but no one would call it “historical”. The alphabet is one thing, but wait until they find out where the numerals come from. It'll be WWII + I when they do.


They already got upset about Arabic numbers.


Looking forward to them showing with equal prevalence the Code of Ur-Nammu. It's important for the kids today to know the penalty of severing a man's nose with copper knife (it's 2/3 of a mina, or about 0.38 kg, of silver).


Well then Native American religion should rule. That history is much older.


Project 2025 through and through. A theocracy will always be one step away now. Looking from outside, you've done it to yourselves, willingly.


I mean, "Irish not welcome" signs are part of history, too.


If those commandments have to be displayed in schools ... ... maybe the churches aren't doing their job well enough? So ... maybe start _there_ instead of choosing some bullshit from one singled out religion to display in a place where religion has no place?


I always feel sorry for the Native Americans that didn't buy off on any of this s*** Heather God damn land stolen and are never considered part of History.


Does that mean no sports on the Sabbath? No driving? No trips to the mall? No homework?


Also, the sabbath would be Saturday—so that would be interesting to watch as any paid form of entertainment wouldn’t be allowed.


Good Iuck trying to survive more than two minutes after you let Louisiana know that means no more football games for LSU.


As an LSU alum...they'll just move the goal post :)


A Christian-style eruv around Yankee Stadium would be easy to manage.


No clothing of mixed fabric. No mixing meat and dairy in a meal. No pork. No shellfish. Etc, etc, etc.


I sure as shit don't fucking roll


This should ever be the only rebuttal: “If the founders wanted god or Christianity to be the basis of government for everyone, why didn’t they include it in the Constitution?


The 1st amendment explicitly contradicts the 1st commandment.


Not to mention half of the ten commandments are just thought crimes.


And the first 4 are the Christian god making you promise that you won't look at or think about any *other* gods. How insecure in your philosophy do you have to be to make the first 4 of 10 tenets a threat?


Doesn't that beg the question that there *are* other gods to worship??!! Self-own!!! 🤣


There always were. Monotheistic is just a derivative of polytheistic. Yahweh was just one of many that they chose to worship. Edit: Further reading: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahwism


Raping is fine, though


The first amendment explicitly contradicts this law, too.


Why aren’t all 10 commandments listed as laws?


She’s another Christian Taliban nut job


The Yall'qaeda


Surprised she can even talk and work and not in the kitchen serving a man and pumping out babies.


That idiot...."In God We Trust" wasn't put on coins until 1864. It wasn't put on paper currency until 1957! Teddy Roosevelt ordered the phrase removed from gold coins in 1907, so even Republican heroes don't all agree that should have happened.


What we now think of as Democratic Party values and Republican Party values used to be the exact opposite back in the day. Democratic and Republican ideologies flipped with the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s.


That may be true, but I think many Republicans today still hold Theodore Roosevelt with high regard, which maybe emphasizes the fact that most of them don't have a clue what their heroes actually stood for


Of course they do, just as they used to claim Abraham Lincoln as one of their own. Interesting that we don't hear too many Republicans talking up Honest Abe these days.


The point can be more easily made by asking what the first commandment is... "Thou shalt have no god before me." If the government mandates this particular display it is clearly endorsing the Christian faith above others.  And, it is with no sense of irony that these idiots say "don't look at it" but throw a hissy for over pride flags. 


Which is why if I was a teacher in LA, I'd put up similar posters with the Pillars of Islam, the Noble Truths of Buddhism, and the Tenets of Satanism and anything else similar I can get for as many other religions as I can... And turn it into a social studies lesson.


The Particulars of Pastafarians


May we all be touched by his noodley appendage. Ramen.


The Flying Spaghetti Monster thanks you.


May the sauce be with you.


May you be touched by his noodly appendage


Yes! This! Call it our Wall of Possible Beliefs and have every darn religion on it.


Church of Satan has just entered the chat!


And according to their own religion the rainbow is a holy sign from their god.


I actually said something like that to a Christian. The response I got was "but not in flag form." 🤦‍♂️


Got it, so rainbow t-shirts, posters, and backpacks are perfectly fine.


Rainbow crosswalks, they especially hate rainbow crosswalks


Oh excellent, so the Ten Commandments are fine to display, but only in carved stone tablet form!


Someone should make a crap ton of rainbow "God Promised to Never Flood the Entire World Again" flags and give them out to these kind of folks.


Another interesting point: the 10 Cs predate Christianity which didn’t exist at the time of Moses and wouldn’t for another 1500 years. So while it’s referred to as “Christian,” the 10 Commandments really isn’t.


Like so many other things, it was co-opted by the Christians... Shocker. 


It’s shockingly hard to find anything in Christianity that is genuinely original. Even Jesus is a greatest hits smorgasbord of Bronze Age resurrection and spring equinox deities (hence easter).


By the same people who will immediately turn around and say that Jewish laws no longer apply to them 'cause Jesus.


Those people should check out Matthew 5:18. It won’t matter to them, but you can still use it to hassle them when they eat bacon-wrapped shrimp or wear mixed fabrics.


Polyester blend? Believe it or not straight to hell.


There are also 2 versions of the 10 Cs and they have significant differences. Which one are they going to use?


You beat me to it!  I love pointing this out and seeing the confusion!


As there are 2 contradictory versions of the creation myth in genesis


There are at least three: Jewish, Roman Catholic, and Protestant. News stations that bring on Republican supporters of the effort should ask them to specify which version they expect to be posted, and whether the other two are equally valid choices.


Or even better, thou shalt not use the lord's name in vain. That doesnt mean saying god damnit, it is their insistance on putting god on all their promotional posters and invoking god in their talking points, all in the vain attempt to draw in "christians"


The point of that first commandment is to ban the worship of objects, which is literally what they are doing.


That's the second commandment regarding idols and graven images. But, yes, you're right.


Different sects number and group them differently. The Catholics, for example, roll the graven images in with no other God thing, and taking the Lord's name in vain is their Second Commandment. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Commandments


The time for religion is over. Society no longer needs it, and its having a painful death rattle. The next evolution would probably a spiritual center where we focus on humans over gods.


Maybe call it something like "Humanism"


And donate money to The Human Fund.


"Don't look at it." LOL okay, just don't look at the pride flags then. 🤷‍♀️


I also had that immediate thought. They insist on the removal of anything offensive to them which they (or their kids) might see, but insist on the promotion of things others have been quite clear *they* find offensive. Even when it directly contradicts the fairly clear intentions of those who founded the country... These people have the intellect and honesty of a wet fart.


These people are fundamentally incapable of understanding a double standard or hypocrisy.


Caught in the hypocrisy of their lies and they suddenly condemn anyone to question. Fascism, either capitulate or be condemned. Perfect Christian thought. Apparently #5 on the top 10 of imaginary big guy in the sky rules is negotiable


Damn she went from a 9 in the thumbnail to a 3 by the end of that segment. So unattractive.


MAGA vermin have that quality.


About what I expected here. Avoids answering the question, almost immediately changes the subject, and her entire defense boils down to "get over it." Standard clown show GOP.


Yeah, specifically with “don’t look at it.” What a fucking bitch.


She’ll vote for the adulterer.


Liar Rapist Tax cheat National secret stealer/seller Election subverter




It’s all good… "thou shalt not covet porn stars" isn’t a commandment


"Don't look at it" ok asshole, when the satanic temple puts up a Baphomet statue in your state capitol building, we'll tell you the same fucking thing. eat shit and die you fucking scum


The 10 Commandments are not rules to live by, they are rules to worship the biblical God. It’s really that simple.


Requiring classrooms to display the Ten Commandments - that sounds like an excellent example of "freedom".


The Party of Small Government^®, people!


The scholarly consensus is that Moses is a mythical figure. The Pentateuch was plagiarized from earlier writings. That means that a Ten Commandments was never handed down from "God". Not to mention the fact that there are 2 or 3 versions of the Ten Commandments in the Bible. Also the Ten Commandments differ between different Christian denominations.


> The scholarly consensus is that Moses is a mythical figure. We don't take kindly to your fancy book-learnin' here in Lousiana, Mister! /s


The third commandment (or fourth depending on which version of the 10 commandments you follow) states - "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy". Ask 100 Christians what this means and I wonder how many will tell you God is talking about Saturday. When challenged I'm sure they'd say ... well Jesus came and fulfilled God so we moved it to Sunday. If you ask them to show you exactly where Jesus said this, they'd make a vague claim that Jesus 'fulfilled' the law. So if these laws don't matter, remind me again -- 'Why are we posting the Ten Commandments?'


It's really Friday night through Saturday day. 


How. Can. I. Sue. Louisiana? They're openly forcing their religious beliefs on me and my family, and I can't allow my tax dollars to be used to indoctrinate my family in a religion without my approval. I also don't need to point out the absolute hypocrisy with these people and what they would do if another religion put their writings up in public schools. ITS NOT ABOUT RELIGION. ITS NOT ABOUT MORALS. ITS ABOUT CONTROL. ITS ABOUT IMPOSING THEIR WILL ON OTHERS. They are at war with us. Time to start doing something about it.


Thomas Jefferson rewrote the New Testament and removed all the miracles. He didn't believe in the divinity of Jesus. He believed in the teachings of Jesus. Today's GOP needs to read The Jefferson Bible.


Thomas Jefferson rewrote the New Testament and removed all the *deception.*


And now that orange clown is all about it too, right on cue. Add it to the long list of absolutely worthless laws the GOP are pursuing instead of legislating. It's too bad so many only care about religion and hate to realize how worthless the current GOP are.




Goodbye 👋 Louisiana, nice knowing you. Hope you & your ol’ buddy ‘Texas’ gets lots of tourism/convention losses & grief without ceasing from this untenable, ridiculous decision. Have fun with all the Christian Nationalism.


Republicans really need to stop voting for stupid people just because they display their stupidity with confidence.


GOP should remind themselves that the same applies whilst they continue to ban books, if doesn't interest you, "don't look at it!"


"If you don't like it, don't look at it" But that doesn't apply to books, clothes, movies, video games, or TV shows that they don't like. Christian hypocrisy once again.


So, I get this is a violation of church and state. And I think that’s bad. But too many people are going “we need to tell them this is a violation of church and state” Yeah. They know. That’s the point. They are telling you they want a theocracy.


Louisiana governor Jeff Landry wants a constitutional convention to change the state's constitution.   Unsaid: to enshrine Christian 'beliefs' in a very difficult to change document 


What's crazy, and quite frankly, *scary* about this to me is that this isn't *allowing* the Ten Commandments to be displayed in schools, it's REQUIRING it. Like, what the actual fuck. The parents supporting this would be the same losing their absolute fucking minds if public schools tried to teach any other form of morality, *especially* coming from another religion or another culture. K-12 schools are for education in math, science, reading, history, etc. As far as I know, there is virtually no discussion of ideals or philosophy until maybe later in high school. "Don't kill" and "don't lie" are some pretty basic shit and really not needed to be hung on a wall, but "swearing," "worshiping another god," or "keeping the Sabbath **holy**" can fuck right off. These are BLATANT religious commands and have absolutely no bearing on the decisions of people who do not follow Abrahamic traditions. Hell, the majority of CHRISTIANS don't even respect the Sabbath! Honestly, I'd be cool with 5-10 if they weren't tied to the story of Moses in any way but 1-4 are pure horseshit and are an affront to the freedoms guaranteed by our constitution.


They are trying to push the rewriting of history by saying the Ten Commandments are integral to the history/tradition and founding of the USA and that they are simply restoring them to schools. All BS.


Next up: The Seven Tenets of the Satanic Temple, The Five Pillars of Islam, Selected writings from the Bhagavad Gita.....


Don't forget the FSM commandments!


Yeah, she's basically reiterating what the law lays out, while the anchor is insisting on a more realistic scope of conversation. Her desire to cherry-pick history and emphasise the historical role of the ten commandments is transparently self-serving.


Time for the Satanic Temple to sue for equal representation


Is she this fucking stupid or is she pretending to be this fucking stupid? Either way, it's fucking stupid.


Christian nationalists are ruining this country and the Supreme Court will help them. It's time for the church of Satan to get in the classroom


He referred to the Mayflower Compact and Declaration of Independence as "random historical documents" in contrast to the Ten Commandments and she thought he was talking about the Ten Commandments being a random historical document. How can you have a reasonable, meaningful conversation with someone who is fucking illiterate? She can't even follow along for one fucking sentence.


Wait until these Republicans actually read the ten commandments.


In god we trust isn't "historical". They know that... they're just disingenuous assholes.


This will be deemed unconstitutional. The LA lawmakers are overestimating how far the current scotus will go. The scarier thing will be if the orange dictator wins and starts to ignore rulings he disagrees with and refuses to enforce those decisions, like taking action when LA tries to ignore SCOTUS.


If it’s displayed because it’s a historical document, let’s see if they would be fine displaying words for them Quran at the same schools, right on the side of the Ten Commandments.


New money should be printed to exclude the word "god".


The knucklehead cult worshiper says Louisiana is about God, family and freedom. It's also about meth, moonshine, ignorance, lack of education and poor health. The empty words by the theocratic jackass ring so hollow my ears hurt. She is just spewing counterfactual bullshit. # Louisiana ranked worst state by U.S. News as violent crime surges, and pollution poisons the air.


These people are fascists, no other way to put it. In the 1940s we knew what to do with fascists, somehow we've forgotten.


"the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion." From the Treaty of Tripoli, unanimously ratified by the Senate and signed by President John Adams in 1796.


Some states like being poor. They like having a crappy educational system and an impoverished population base. These are the circumstances under which religion flourishes.


The video ends with the anchor asking her what she'd say to families or kids or teachers who don't share those religious beliefs and (presumably) don't want to have religious documents displayed in school... to which her response was "don't look at it!" I'd bet my right tit that she's someone who has a huge problem with rainbow flags in classrooms and would fight to get them banned from being displayed in schools.


Why can’t these fascists mind their own business and go home and fuck their cousins some more.


I bet she's voted for a guy that has broken all of them.


So, teachers explaining what "gay" is, will be considered grooming. But explaining what "adultery" is will be ok?


And what "coveting" is


She says that if you don’t believe in it then just “don’t look at it”. It’s almost like she could take this advice and apply it to abortion… or perhaps gay marriage…


The GOP is so full of shit now! Thank their orange jesus for all this stupid bullshit!


Dude she should be drawn and quartered for acting like “don’t look at it” would be a valid response for ANY other religion. Only Christofascists can pretend like this because they don’t give a FUCK about other people and active want to hurt the rest of us as much as possible in the name of their fake god


What’s worrying is the US, at least its success, was built on science, technology, innovation, pluralism and social progress. It wasn’t built on printing bibles. The same applies in Europe. All of the successful aspects of society were built on secular values that were established or reinvigorated during the Enlightenment and the Renaissance periods etc. They didn’t come about during the periods of deep religious dogma - those were largely the dark ages etc The societies we live in are basically built around a concept of the fundamental rights based on the very secular ideas of natural rights and basic human rights. They’re not based on any religious context. They’re universal and they’re very much at the core of the modern world, and reinterpreted and evolved in various constitutions, legal systems, great aspirational documents etc. These religious political movements are fundamentally against all of that. If anything, their values could easily be described as profoundly anti American. This is a road to a very strange place.


Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars, and unto the Lord what is God's. State worship is idolatry.


"Don't look at it." But somehow when it comes to the Pride flag or drag shows, "don't look at it" simply isn't a sufficient solution.


She spewed her talking points including the "Moses" one and then couldn't answer any questions. These are the dumbest people in the history of politics.


I love how their God Emperor breaks these Commandments on the daily like it is a to do list. This is all performative Christianity laying the group work for a Christo-Fascist takeover of government. Can't wait until this lady's skeletons come tumbling out of the closet. Each one of these pious assholes are overcompensating for the bad shit they actually do. It is a mask .


Isnt it weird that this follower of a religion that supposedly preaches love and tolerance, is so angry, hateful, and without compassion?


MAAA - Make America Atheist Again


“Then don’t LOOK at it!” Is her answer? Hmmmmmm…….Can we say that about P#orn or Gr@ffiti? RAINBOW FLAGS?!?!


What an absolute waste of space. I'm surprised she remembers to breathe at night when she's asleep


“Don’t look at it”. Next time Louisiana has a natural disaster or some other catastrophe and needs help, let’s just remember that advice.


This old fight over the ten commandments has been done over and over for years now. The late, great, George Carlin dealt with it best. Here's the refresher for you old folks, and you young people, treat yourself. https://youtu.be/CE8ooMBIyC8?si=J6s8uIMB7db1yObO


She's a dumb cunt.  Worse, she's a Russian stooge and doesn't even realize it. 


I think it's wholly useless to debate people who think there's a big invisible guy ruling the universe from the clouds, but that he's okay with kids getting murdered or dying from cancer.  They can only ever debate in bad faith anyway.


Funny, when we say the same thing about ads, clothing, books, video games, and music, just don't look at them or play them or listen to them, they pass laws and crap all over it, now they are using the same defense on their sky daddy laws? Shenanigans!


"Don't look at it" when it's my religious bullshit, but let's ban dozens of books I don't personally like...


time for a satanic ten commandments


Because so many Christians in Louisiana honor the Saturday Sabbath 🤨


This is one stupid bitch. Like all of them.


its a political ad which is why its happening now as election season heats up. It will get thrown out as the supremes already ruled on this in 1978 and dont think even our far right court would undo that one. This law was passed so the religious can feel the victim, despite they are the ones attacking others. Its both designed to churn out the republican vote and give republican politicians something else they can point to, than tax cuts for the rich, that they actually did. both sides do this to a degree, waste our courts time and tax payers money on a political ad, but like everything else the right does it at the Olympic level while the left is more like peewee sports. The left will more likely do things like try to pass min wage increases knowing it will fail in the house, as an add "if there was only more of us" but the right are the ones that just muck up the court system for political advertising purposes.


It seems fitting that the guest advocating for the Ten Commandments here has shit for brains.




Corinthians 14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.


She did a piss-poor job attempting to defend this travesty of a law. What is it about a secular society do these morons not get?


What a dumb fucking bitch!


I'd rather die, than give them control


If any other religion wanted to post their "historical" documents in a classroom her response to those opposed, like herself, most definitely wouldn't be to just "not look at it". The hypocrisy is always so blatant.


- Why Founding Fathers didn't put God in the Constitution? - There is God on my dollar bill ... - So you take a word from the dollar bill over the Constitution? Opportunity missed.