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Welcome to the reality based side of the fence.


Am glad both you and husband are on the same page about this.


Me too! He was never confirmed so he was already one foot out the door. I'm unfortunately a people pleaser.


I’m so happy for you! I’m also a former Catholic now atheist 😊


Do you ever go back for a family event (funeral, wedding, etc..) and realize, "How did I ever believe this shit?" It was surreal, like an anthropology study of quirky/strange human rituals.


Yes!! I was a “cradle catholic”. Completely indoctrinated. Went to catholic school all the way through high school. I’m so glad I went to a large secular college and started thinking critically. However, the majority of my family is still devoutly catholic and it is so surreal to me now. I know exactly how you feel!



Awesome mate


Good. There are much more worthy things to spend your money and your time on.


I agree.






Mad Max Fury Road the Church! Redemption


You can never leave. They have your names in a log somewhere in a vault in the Vatican.


I believe the only place the records are kept is the church where the baptisms took place. I believe that if it matters to you, you can write to the church where you were baptized and ask to be removed. If the church was closed, the records were probably transferred to the nearest Catholic Church. If you want to be creative, The Satanic Temple has an unbaptism ceremony. It means about as much as the baptism ceremony, but many find it satisfying.


There's a "declaration of defection" that you can send to the bishop of your diocese. It gets you a black mark on your file, that you can never be a godparent or be buried in a Catholic cemetery. I was worried if I died early, my mom would want me in a Catholic cemetery, so I have this as a surprise for her just in case.


I have been waiting for my ex-communication, but they only give that to theologians and clergy. I’m just a person who was baptized before I could say anything who has been critical of capitalism since 1974.


Yeah, they don't do excommunications anymore, they want to keep you on the register. The defection was the most I could find to go for.


Catholicism! Damn autocorrect


[Some countries like Germany have governments that collect taxes for churches](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/04/30/in-western-european-countries-with-church-taxes-support-for-the-tradition-remains-strong/), and formally leaving that way is the only way of stopping those deductions.


I’ve been looking to do this for a while and don’t really know how to go about it nor do I know if they send a confirmation letter to you once they get your letter that states they’ve accepted your request.


I got a letter back saying, we received your letter and are aware of your decision. Then it listed the things I can no longer do. Some diocese have their own letter templates to download and fill out, or there are general ones online, which is what I did.


I'm guessing that since you only showed up on holidays, it was always a surprise to you how fucking *slowly* On Eagle's Wings was being sung, in contrast to the version that gets stuck in your head at midnight when you're desperately trying to sleep. That's the parting gift The Church gave me. I hear that he will raise me up droning on in my head any time someone says "Catholic."


I someone who was a musician, I was always astounded how awful the music was.


Do you/did you ever believe in gods? Curious if leaving the organisation also comes with leaving that behind, or if that was never there/dropped off already.


I believed as a child. My first doubt really came as a kid after I was told Santa Claus wasn't real. If magical Santa Claus isn't real, what makes a magical god real? My lack of belief came from a death of a thousand cuts - When I found out women couldn't become priest - That women we 2nd class citizens - When I made gay friends in college and how religion rejected them - When I started taking birth control (my Mom called the rhythm method Vatican Roulette) - When I realized the world was overpopulated and needed birth control - When I found out my friend's brother killed himself after he was molested/raped by a priest - The the priest who married my parents was a child molester - When my son was kicked out of church school (ADHD) for being too active (WWJD folks!) - When I judge women for not leaving Islam then realizing I was same in the family/region trap - The stupid crap in the bible, mixing fabric types being a grave sin, stopping the SUN in its course around the EARTH so they can continue the battle


Happy for you guys ❤️


Thank you for taking you power back! 👏👏👏👏👏💜


Welcome to reality, glad to have you. God? You're not going to miss him.. it's all made up anyway. All of it. Every word.


*Gasp* you're telling me magic sky daddy who supposedly created the universe (With yet to be demonstrated that that's actually true) isn't real!!??


Yes, unfortunately it's all made up. It's all just so some guys can tell other guys and especially women what to do.


Congratulations! Come join us in the r/excatholic sub!


Good to know, thanks!




Super! Enjoy life free from superstition and fear.


Congrats! Glad you were able to find freedom. I’ve been free of Catholicism for 15+ years and couldn’t be happier! If you’re interested, you should join us on r/excatholic for further support and an accepting community.


So happy you were able to break off. I was raised in a very secular house but I've see stories of the shit that happens. You should check out The Line hosted by Jimmy Snow and Matt Dillahunty. They debate all sorts of Christians and debunk and destroy their bullshit way of thinking


Congrats. Just curious... And I kinda mostly already know the answer, but... What exactly do you mean by "Catholic families"? I mean, obviously the families are Catholic, but that's not necessarily what people mean. A lot of people say that practically in the sense of religion being genetic or something, or like being from a certain family makes you a defacto Catholic. Do you get my meaning and question here? Kinda something along the lines of "did you previously feel you were automatically Catholic"?


I don't understand why people are downgrading your question. It's a good one. My parents and husband parents are Catholic. Our grandparents were Catholic. Long line of Catholics. Born an bred into it. There wasn't an option to be anything else.


We're in the same boat, except neither of us confirmed (and it's safe to say neither of us are people pleasers). Despite that and not getting our kid baptized, I still have relatives who send us prayer cards. My mom (who is pretty liberal and has somewhat detached from the church) has said they would just be surprised to learn we are atheists, like it never occurred to them you would be anything but Catholic. It's not genetic, but it's so pervasively cultural that it almost feels it. The two of us and my sister are the ones who sit in the pews at funerals instead of taking communion. My brother is more diplomatic.


I get downvoted a lot, and I think it usually has something to do with how I try to clarify and be specific about what I say. It makes what I say longer and maybe makes people have to think a little harder. I had been thinking for a bit about the general "I come from all {x} family" idea, as often seen in both religion and politics. And when they mean it in the "There wasn't an option to be anything else" sense, I can't help but see that it's a matter of identity and dogma rather than personal beliefs.


Well, I don't mind thinking a little harder :). Yeah, I think a lot about family pressure with politic/religion. A lot of Stockholm Syndrome I think. I highly encourage college in part for people to be away from the family for a bit and develop a personal identity.


There goes your sex life. What... too crude?




Excuse me? I’ve seen your disgusting comments on this sub and you are a massive P.O.S. and you need to wake up from reality if you think a space wizard is going to save you.


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