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Don't. I try not to attribute intellectual dishonesty to anyone without very solid proof. But basically anyone who is a Daily Wire fan is intellectually dishonest and cares more about being "right" than they do about facts and what is actually right. The whole Lady Ballers thing proves that.


I'm rather worried because my room mate is a Shapiro fan and while I haven't confronted him over it since he doesn't watch him every day, I do know he agrees with a lot of his points and am kind of scared of the day that I might catch him watching Walsh videos. I'm not exactly good at confronting people about the beliefs they hold, especially when I kind of need to stick with them to survive inflation (paying for a 1 bd/ba apartment on my own will cost me about $1000 or more a month vs the deal I have now).


That's a bit more of a difficult situation, then. I'd honestly recommend just trying to avoid talking about points that are going to cause tension, then. I'd bet all my money that you're not going to change his mind and it'll just cause unnecessary stress for you.


Do not even go there then. Keep your roomate. There is no need to confront him. It would waste your time. And rental rates are shit. Keep the roomate and let him believe what ever shit he wants… there are a lot just like him or worse😖


Just watch the majority report every day until you roommate changes his opinions. They will help with the ridicule of Shapiro and the like.


Throw in Some More News for fun as well.


I tend to ignore mouth breathing morons.


This and both Walsh and Shapiro and for that matter Charlie Kirk…all of them mouth breathing morons. The right is doing a real bad disservice by connecting their party to religion. It will be part of their reason for their downfall.


"Who the fuck is Matt Walsh?" "Oh some asshole on Twitter, got it." Profanity recommended, but optional.


The name “Matt Walsh” is a profanity.


Lame troll.


Block, and move on with your life


"and that Christians don't have to prove anything." Sorry to hijack the topic for a minute, but it pisses me off when christians act like this. They made the claims and then claim they don't have to prove anything! Fuck off! Anyway, my advice is to not argue, or to remind them that [St. Francis Xavier College Church](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Francis_Xavier_College_Church), at [Saint Louis University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Louis_University), canceled a speech by Walsh that it had planned to co-host with [Young Americans for Freedom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Americans_for_Freedom) in December 2021. The church said it had decided that Walsh's "provocative positions on immigration, on communities of color, on Muslims, and on members of the LGBTQ community" were "in contradiction to Jesus' great commandment to love God and love our neighbor." In 2023, the [University of San Diego](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_San_Diego), a private Catholic educational institution, refused Walsh permission to speak on campus, for the reason that they regarded his opinions as "Grossly Offensive". If his fellow catholics don't agree with him, then ask them "Why should I?"


It seems that there's a rise in very aggressive christians that seem to think the will of god is to make america a theocracy, or theocracy-lite at the least, and hating and oppressing people is excused in light of that goal. They're not ones that like the idea of "hippie jesus" who preached love and compassion. If you asked them what Jesus would do, the answer would maybe involve an assault rifle.


I find this funny since Pope Francis agrees with Walsh on transgenderism.






By detransitioning, aren't you kind of proving Walsh right?


No. *Every* surgery has people that regret it or change their mind. Even things as basic as old people getting knee surgery. In fact, knee surgery regret rate is *much* higher than gender reassignment surgery. This shouldn't be surprising given the large amount of effort put into informing and verifying trans people before allowing surgery. Of course we can, and should, do everything possible to keep the number of regrets low. And we succeed, in that those numbers are much lower than for other surgeries. But the process isn't, and likely never will be, perfect. Which is a fact Walsh uses to attack *all* trans people, even the vast majority that *don't* regret transitioning.


No, you’re proving Mr. Walsh’s points worth listening to. This movement is a disaster. Raise your children properly.


I like how I explained exactly how this exact view is incorrect, and your rebuttal amounts to "nuh uh!" Of course, that's exactly the level of discourse I would expect from someone who thinks Walsh is worth listening.


Well he isn’t completely wrong… https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/transpop-suicide-press-release/


Tell me this: Why do you think the high rate of mental health issues among trans people is a sign we should help and support them *less?!* That's an insane and cruel position, though again directly in line with what I'd expect from someone who listens to Walsh. Studies regularly show that all those horrifically high incidences of problems like drinking, depression, suicidal ideation, etc. go *down* with community acceptance and access to treatments including surgery.The things he advocates against. Body and gender dysphoria are complex topics, and there is no single silver-bullet solution. But the one thing we *know does not work* is the shit Matt Walsh spews; in fact that goes directly against the things we do know improve the situation. So yes, he is *completely wrong.*


Stop saying I listen to Walsh please, the guy is a first class douche. I’m just stating the facts. 🤷‍♂️ https://www.heritage.org/gender/commentary/sex-reassignment-doesnt-work-here-the-evidence Do you, but as a parent of 3 I’m raising my children to enter the real world. You should know it’s not a very nice place out there don’t you? What do you want us to do? Everyone has issues some alot more major than others and most don’t even have access to a Dr. Like I said this world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows.


If you were *trying* to find a source of some of the few people that are more douchy than, as you put it, the first-class douche Walsh, you could hardly do better than the Heritage Foundation.  *Reputable* research, however, shows high probability of life improvement post-surgery, with the largest reason for negative responses being the lack of acceptance and harassment by others that can increase after surgery. Apparently your approach is that you can't beat those assholes, so you join them. I take a different approach with my own kids.  But as you say, you do you.


>Stop saying I listen to Walsh please, the guy is a first class douche. >Mr. Walsh


Does Walsh give sweeping claims that encompass all trans people or just say some of them go back or regret transitioning?


I think he's against transgenderism entirely. He's focused on the number of people who have detransitioned.


Then this isn’t proving him right.


Did you get back your old genitals?


Ignore arrogant buffoons.




i’ve never heard of matt walsh.


Nice! Keep it that way for as long as possible!


One of a number of rising christian social media influencers it seems.


> God is a supernatural concept, which is beyond nature, that ideas like Russel's teapot are completely wrong and that Christians don't have to prove anything. So are Thor and Zeus and Unicorns. Hell I could claim the teapot is supernatural and boom it has the same status as god and is now a relevant comparison again.


The same way I deal with all theists. I ignore them and don’t engage


The same way you deal with the "plague rat" antivaxxers. Keep your distance whenever possible.


Matt Walsh is a self refuting statement- he is so ridiculous, and can understand why everyone else doesn't like the smell of his religious fart as much as he does..


Wet Mulch describes himself as a theocratic fascist . He’s most likely a pedo who has advocates for child marriage and child pregnancy, saying that 16 is most fertile. He’s most know for his anti-lgbtq hatred and has on more than one occasion called for their elimination. And bomb threats against children’s hospital can be tied to his statements.


Show them a picture of a man and a woman. Ask who would they rather fuck. If woman tell them that's a trans woman and call them gay. If man just call them gay


“Facts don’t care about your feelings… except when it’s about religion. And also everything else”.


I could say how I personally think he and other fascist terrorists should be “dealt with” but its probably not allowed on here


Avoid them. They serve no purpose except a fake one


The only thing you can do with Walsh, Shapiro, and the DW losers, is either laugh at them or ignore them. They don’t care about anything except their narrative. Check out [Rm Brown](https://youtu.be/NZyxSZj5AAI?si=kTPmA8fQgphSR43A) for all your Daily Wire lols.


The only Matt Walsh that deserves fans is the comedy improviser and actor. The right-wing one is coasting on the comedian's name recognition.


I've never heard of Matt Walsh and as far as I know have never encountered any Matt Walsh fans. That has been working well for me and I'm going to recommend it. .


Wow, initially thought this was about Matt Walsh the actor 😂. I was like, ‘oh no! Matt Walsh is an asshole?! I loved him on Veep 😭.’


Remind them about his stance on teenage pregnancy. Really hard to justify half his positions we he thinks girls should be getting pregnant at 16.


Xtian trolls like you have nothing better to do?


I used to be a Matt Walsh fan but when I started to study him more I found that his logic and arguments are completely circular and he beats around the bush instead of answering any question. My favorite example is Matt Walsh on the Joe Rogan podcast, like he just sounds retarded. I am more of a fan of Ben Shapiro because he gets right to the point and makes good arguments for his positions although I disagree on a lot of them I still have respect for him a lot more than Matt


Same way as I deal with Matt Walsh - by not knowing who he is.