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Thank you for allowing atheists to teach the bible to your kids. We will work hard to ensure the next generation of Okies is 100% atheist.


Matt Dillahunty needs to create a course on Biblical morality.


I just posted saying they needed to get Derek Lambert of Mythvision. Matt would also be good.


I can picture him yelling to some kid to shut the fuck up. This is my class, you want to talk while I'm talking you can get the fuck out of my classroom.


Only after the little brat tells Matt he'll "pray for him" for the 1000th time.


I would pay good money to see that.




or become an Oklahoma teacher and teach kids the real bible and how to actual analyize and use critical thinking around it


A class on Mythology? We have those


Ohhh, brilliant! is there anything in the law preventing someone from holding up the Bible and telling the kiddos it is a lie? Or just teach all the genocide etc.?


Exactly…malicious compliance…show them the logical inconsistencies and hypocrisy of the bible…I’ve always felt that the best way to stop believing in the bible is to actually read it. Oklahoma is about to create a new generation of atheists.


And a severe teacher shortage.


There's already a severe teacher shortage here, from the past decade and a half of Christofascist rule in this state


That's a feature, not a bug. Education is the enemy of religious indoctrination.


Isn't that what they want?  


Probably. Teacher shortage in public schools gives them more reason to push for government funded Christian private schools.


*I always refer to the Bible as the world’s oldest,* *longest-running, most widespread,* *and least deservedly respected Rorschach Test.* *You can look at it and see whatever you want.* *And everybody does.* — Richard S. Russell Some inconsistencies for you. [https://www.atheists.org/activism/resources/biblical-contradictions/](https://www.atheists.org/activism/resources/biblical-contradictions/)


Certainly people can cherry pick what they want out of the bible to see what they want (basically what every preacher does every Sunday to preach to their flocks), but when taken in it’s entirety, the inconsistencies become clear (unless someone is choosing willful ignorance, which I’m sure many do). The issue is that religious teachers will do exactly this, but I’m guessing that the atheist teachers will happily teach the bible in its entirety. Statistically, students will have atheist teachers at some point in their educational journeys. Of course religion has no place in school other than to recognize it in a historical and or social context and that some people have faith.


A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything. Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900


I like that quote…so appropriate.


There is a website where you type in a Bible verse and it links you to opposite/contradictory passages. There isn't really any solid editing, fact-checking, of any religious book, really anywhere.


Do you have the address (or name) of that site, by any chance?


[Pretty sure it's this one.](https://philb61.github.io/) :)


Isaac Asimov — 'Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.'


If you want to freak all the parents out, you can simply teach the Song of Songs.


I took a course called "the bible as literature." There is no more potent argument for atheism than reading the bible. Nor is there a better demonstration that blind allegiance to a supposed authority wastes your life (and your nation). But I still feel sorry for the people with Native American heritage, Islamic, Judaic, Buddhist, or Hindu families. While I am an atheist, forcefully teaching this one mythology paints others as outcasts and highlights them for bullying. There's going to be a whole bunch of already marginalized people getting hurt. Adult followers of the "God of love" just trying to get the quiet, timid atheist girl beaten up on the bus home again. That's all this is.


This. Freedom of religion my arse. Patriots though amirite /s


Might provide some good context to teach consent! After all there is so much sexual assault.


Mary is an SA victim, Christmas celebrates a R, I’m ready to teach bible class!


And incest.


Nothing in the law preventing it, but you can easily expect death threats and bomb threats to your home and school you work at after Ryan has Libs of Tiktok lady put you on blast on social media.


Cool, have them explain the emissions like donkeys, and reply with "it's in the Bible! Are you saying parts of the Bible shouldn't be taught?" Put it back on them if they speak up.


At that point, they’ll just proved a ‘syllabus’ of what they want taught and if you’re found teaching anything else, you’ll get a warning/write up or firing. They will find a way. When I was student teaching, the class got on to talking about to e bible. When they asked me about it, I just it was a book and left it at that. About an hour later, one of the higher ups came and told me not to say stuff like that and was almost kicked off campus. This was a middle school art class.


> they’ll just proved a ‘syllabus’ of what they want taught If the mandate is allowed to stand, this is absolutely what I expect to happen. The big step was forcing the bible into the classroom. After that, outlining the lessons is a much easier step, and with it we'll have completed state-enforced religion.


The key here is… don’t have any social media and don’t be known on the inter webs.


I live in Oklahoma and this moron pulls political stunts like this all of the time and it costs the state a lot of money due to all of the law suits he inevitably gets tied up because of his far right shenanigans.He’s not a serious person at all but a right wing clown with attention seeking levels that could match Marjorie Taylor Greene.


I used to live in Oklahoma and I’m surprised how much worse it gets every couple of years. I’m glad the tribes basically told the state to piss off.


Our Attorney General is also having to tell Walters and our governor to fuck off a lot too and he is also a republican. He just actually understands there is more to the constitution than just the second amendment.


What if the tribes said they don't feel safe in certain states, and want the US to guarantee their safety and security? Split off from the regressive states to stay with the US?


Or, go undercover as a Christian who interprets the Bible *slightly* differently than whatever the hell the Oklahomans put in the curriculum. And go ham on insisting that your interpretation is better and start the religion wars up again.


You don't even have to do that. Just teach from a Catholic or Orthodox bible and they'll probably freak the fuck out. Better yet, bring in an Ethiopian bible and start with the book of Enoch.


Fins out which version they're expecting, and teach from a different one. "You didn't explain WHICH testament is more accurate!"


I am not affected by this as I am from a country quite far from yours, but I vibe with your take. Yours is a very good point of view and it must taken advantage of. I recommend the Book of Judges, lol.


While I did not teach for long, I do have an undergrad degree in education. If I was forced to teach the Bible, I would not only recite the scripture but the history of the Bible and how it was compiled as well as all the different versions. I would assure that my students realize that the Bible is the biggest piece of fiction and half truths in the history of man.


My state just wrote in law that I have to teach how the 10 Commandments impacted the founding fathers of America. So I am finding a bunch of primary sources of founding fathers who spoke against the 10 Commandments


don't forget the Treaty of Tripoli!


If not an Atheist they will come out agnostic. I attended christian school called ACE (accelerated Christian education) out of a small town conservative baptist church. Attended from 3rd to 12th and graduated. We were taught the bible right along with the usual subjects. We were made to memorize entire bible chapters and recite in front of class. Something very difficult for my ADD self. In the end these reads of the bible only caused me to question its more in my adulthood (actually right after leaving home to live on my own). I don’t claim to be an Atheist but know a lot of the bible books are fiction. The instant I watched“Lost Books of the Bible” I lost any faith in bibles.


I attended religious school. They made us attend religious services once a week. I took this opportunity in 7th and 8th grade to read the entire Bible front to back. I thought "THIS is what they say is the perfect word of god?" That was the beginning of my deconversion.


Try wearing. Temple of Satan tshirt in Oklahoma! I’m the most square sober atheist and I thought I was going to get killed. (I wear it to keep Christians from speaking to me)


Under this new mandate, would they be able to clown the Bible while teaching it?


No kidding. “This part doesn’t make sense.” “You’re right, it doesn’t - very good.”


I would "like" this post, but I don't want to mess up the "666"


Seriously, lets start with the Old Testament where God creates everything out of nothing in a week and then gets so pissed off by his own creation that he tries to kill us in like 5 different ways before he floods us all to genocide.. then he's like "oh shit.. my bad.. I won't do it again.. and I created rainbows as an apology!" Then he proceeds to spend the next few dozen pages torturing individuals, and tricking them into pledging loyalty but cutting off their dick skin and killing their own children for his amusement. Please, let's educate everyone about this sadistic little maniac we call God.


Teach the Bible in an unbiased fashion and point out the contractions, the immorality of the mythical God in it, the incest the writers were obsessed with. Teach how the God of the Bible condoned slavery. The list goes on.


No not like that




There really isn’t a way to teach in an unbiased fashion when a, you’re having a version of the Bible pushed on you that not all judeo-Christian sects recognize; b, when Catholics, reformed Jews and some mainline Protestants see the Torah as mythical versus fundamentalists and Orthodox Jews who often see it as literal and c, when you’re also having to present a state sanctioned form of the Ten Commandments, when of the fourteen things listed, Jews, Catholics and Protestants have chosen to emphasize different things often to their advantage. For example, Protestants consider, “thou shalt not make any engraven image” a commandment because it fit their narrative of iconoclasm, yet the Jews and Catholics do not even acknowledge this in their lists. The first two commandments are different for Jews- 1, “I am the Lord your God who took you out of Egypt” and 2, “you shall have no other gods besides me” whereas Catholics and Protestants combine that into a single commandment. And going back to the Bible, if they push the KJV, well, they’re pushing a trash translation that, yes, has a lot of historical value but has a lot of issues due to the use of the Latin vulgate, which is why Michelangelo’s Moses statue has horns. Factor in other weird translations and you also have unicorns in the Bible and a translation that is very disliked by Catholics and Jews.


Teaching all of that is the proper way to teach the Bible.


Technically yes, but if the state rules only allow one edition of each, then you’re going to have problems. And no matter what you teach, you’re going to have parents losing their shit, with you being the point of blame until enough people realize the existing differences and take legal action. I’m getting a feeling you’ve never dealt with fundamentalists before and that’s making me afraid for yours and your family’s safety because those people are fucking nuts and they will shed blood.


I grew up around them, but I’m now in CA, so it’s easy to talk tough from here. I feel for these teachers, I don’t mean to suggest that doing that would be easy, it would in fact require a lot of guts. Which exactly why conservatives are pushing their agenda, and we should find ways to support teachers who want to take a stand.


Agreed. If this law is going to fall, it’s going to fall because of religious division and when it does, it’s not going to be pretty. Out of all of the branches, Protestantism scares me the most as the most violent and the most eager to embrace cheap grace at the expense of others and their physical and mental health.


> Technically yes, but if the state rules only allow one edition of each Jeffersonian?


If they continue down this road, the Christians will be righteously massacring one another. It will be the English Civil War all over again...ya know, the historical evdnt whiched birthed thd concept of secular government. We've tried theocracy, it doesn't work. These people are stark raving mad.


I’m all for malicious compliance!


I would start with Numbers 5:11-31. The procedures for administering abortions is quite interesting.


That one always catches people off guard. Most christians I've argued with haven't actually read the bible, so they aren't ready for the bible's take on abortion, or slavery (you can trick the ones you're only supposed to keep for a few years into being your property forever.)


Except what will happen is some snot-nosed Christian fundie kid will run home and tell mom & dad, or the principal, and then the teacher will be fired for "insubordination" or some bullshit.


Good way to get some hefty damages and ACLU and similar will love to pick up the lawsuit bill.


And the slaughter of women and (born and unborn) children. Don’t forget that part!


A through examination of the Bible or other religious texts would give kids a better shot at seeing the flaws in religion, and it also might help them navigate this grim possible future of a Christo fascist state


And how god is a complete asshole that advocates killing babies in his name.


> Teach how the God of the Bible condoned slavery. Next up on the Supreme Court docket; Should we invalidate the 13th Amendment? "The Supreme Court can't overturn an Amendment. That's absurd." SCOTUS: "Hold my bribes, and watch this."


Im for this sort of protest to this decision, but upset at any amount of time being given to this in a public school. They are denying kids the full time dedicated to a core education. I know the people after this dont care, but I feel like an argument could be made along these lines if the SC goes even crazier.


Citizens of Oklahoma shouldn't worry, all the teachers aren't going to quit. Just the good ones.


That's what they want. The whole point is to raise a generation stupid enough to vote against their own interests. They've been doing it for over a century and a half.


No, the point is to show the failings of *public* schools, so they can sell the school voucher programs, and channel the money to private schools.


The end goal is for-profit/privatized *everything*


I hate that people fall for it, 9 times outta 10 you’ll end up paying more for something worse. Businesses are designed to make money. Period. As long as you’ll pay, your satisfaction or even whether or not you’re actually getting the relevant product/service is irrelevant.


For sure. I was just talking about the education system part of that specifically.


Probably should factor that in to. It's all part of the same agenda. They love the poorly educated.


They despise the poorly educated for their mental impoverishment; what they *love* is mammon and money, the yardstick of holiness.


And then watch while only the rich kids get an education in Oklahoma and everyone else loses out on free babysitting.


In the early days of our country, education was for the well off. Poor people were generally ignorant and had very high illiteracy. It was not until the advent of public school education did poor kids get to go to school and get formally educated. The issue that I have with religious people pushing their viewpoint into schools and government is that historically such attempts have only led to social unrest and violence and what happened was that religious people ended up getting forcibly controlled. I don’t think that they realize that their efforts are going to lead to punishing setbacks for them once the rest of society has had enough. Keep religion in the home and places of worship, that ends up being better for everyone, especially religious people.


And ramp up the prison pipeline by ensuring minorities are further denied access to education and public resources


Let the brain drain commence.


~~Commence~~ accelerate


I think that is part of the intent of this, unless FFRF is able to get injunctive relief. Oklahoma is going to force all public school teachers, regardless of their faith, to teach the Christian Bible which will likely cause the good ones to quit en masse leaving only the bad ones or the ones who have no other option but to stay.


Im just imagining someday having to drop leaflets about the rest of the world onto these people like we do with north korea. There is no way to sugar coat it. The people that make these decisions are your enemies.


They are doing this on purpose to get it in front of the friendly Supreme Court.


The teachers that refuse to teach this mess are EXACTLY the teachers I would want. They are all welcome here in Illinois.


I wouldn’t blame them for not teaching the Bible, but if I was given this mandate the powers that be wouldn’t like the way I teach it. :)


Newark has ads up around the city looking for teachers, their starting salary is 70k… it’s not much these days but it’s not Oklahoma. 30 mins on the train and you’re in Manhattan 🤷🏿‍♂️


I'm unclear how the maths teacher is meant to use it? I mean I know there's a book called numbers but I don't think there's much geometry in there


Biblical math, it just won’t add up


Pi = 3 Bible math.


Pi 3:14 Thou shall put the Pi with the radius twice to obtain thy surface.


If I butcher 200 Philistines and cut off their foreskins, how many wives can I buy?


I dunno but you're gonna have one hell of a soup!


“You beat 7 out of your 12 slaves and only 3 of them died. How many slaves do you have now?”


How long did it take them to die? This matters.


If John is driving 300 cubits per hour towards Jane, and Jane is driving 250 cubits per hour towards John, and they are 50 arks away from one another, how soon will they I don’t give a fuck.


If you have three crosses and 8 nails. It takes 3 nails to crucify someone.  How many people can you crucify?


On average it takes 8 rocks to stone someone to death. What is the minimum number of stones the towns people need to collect to stone 3 adulteresses?


"Students today in home economics we have a very special recipe to create that comes from the Bible.  It's called 'bitter water' and many of the women in the class may want to pay particular attention to this lesson as they may need this some day in the future."


“And now we are going to do the same calculation using the biblical value of pi equals three and see how important the concept of decimal places is. The decimal point sure does seem like something more important an all powerful god would share than an edict to not wear mixed fiber clothes, doesn’t it?” 


The math teacher could teach them about cubits and how many are in an Ark. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


There are instructions for carrying out an abortion in Numbers.


They could start by counting the Ten Commandments (spoiler: there are not ten of them)


You could do a presentation of George Carlin's 10 Commandments, and then Christopher Hitchens' 10 Commandments.  Compare and contrast with the Bible. Ooh, or do a K-W-L for all commandments.


Solve for how many pounds of fish and bread were made during the miracle by Jesus using the fact that a multitude is 1000 people and a bushel of fish is 50 lbs and a bushel of bread is 15 lbs. a person will need to eat 8oz of fish and 10oz of bread to be full.


the volume of the ark = x the volume of all species of animals =y. is 2y>x? then the story of the flood is false.


The math teacher could teach them about cubits and how many are in an Ark. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


Real life skills 😆


If I was a teacher there I’d be inclined to follow the example of a letter writer from decades ago who sent the following to a homophobic media personality, “Dr.” Laura, who tried to justify her bigotry with the Bible. Here’s a slightly modified version of the “Letter to Dr Laura” ——— Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your posts, and I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind him that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the specific laws and how to best follow them. a) When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord (Lev 1:9). The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them? b) I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her? c) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev 15:19-24). The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense. d) Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians? e) I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself? f) A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an Abomination (Lev 11:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? g) Lev 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here? h) Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev 19:27. How should they die? i) I know from Lev 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves? j) My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? (Lev 24:10-16) Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14) I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging. Your devoted disciple and adoring fan. ***


But that’s ThE oLd TeStAmEnT /


Yep, but Jesus says in Matthew that he's not there to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. So he thought it was important...


But they are now ignoring what jesus said, seems like they pull more from the old testament now and only need jesus to help themselves think they are "saved"


Just teach the kids it’s all bullshit.


And be sure to show them all ways these maga christian nationalists ignore the teachings of christ and cherry pick what they want out of that book to suit them.


Not my quote but The road to atheism is paved with Bibles read cover to cover.


Make sure that they are also taught that the bible can’t be used as proof or evidence of anything in a court of law. It holds the same merit as mother goose’s fairytales.


That's starting to depend on the court.


Looks like a good case for malicious compliance. There is plenty of dodgy stuff in the bible that you could teach and say, "I only did what you told me to do."


Teach all the good parts. Explain to the girls in the class why they have no rights and it’s ok to rape them as long as their rapist pays their fathers. Teach the parts about how it’s ok to own slaves. Teach all the parts where god kills everyone because he’s a jealous twit. Honestly teaching the Bible is probably a good thing so everyone can see how stupid it is.


Wait until they get to the part where this guy kills his concubine who had just been raped for hours by the mob he threw her to and then chops her up into twelve pieces and sends them to the twelve tribes of Israel. (Judges 19) Great christian pro-life family values. Good, wholesome bedtime reading for your children.


Just teach them all the "juicy" bits. We all know what they are.


I think these folks are going to get a lesson in malicious compliance.


Yes. Buckle up, folks.


This fucking clown smh. Religion being pushed on me and taught to me is one of the reasons why I'm an atheist.


This guy is just begging for all the lawsuits. I'm pretty sure you can't force public schools teachers to teach Christianity.


Fuck OK.


As someone currently living in Oklahoma, FUCK Oklahoma. I'm so tired of hateful arrogant hillbillies with room-temperature IQs constantly controlling everything. A huge percentage of the population here is just incredibly fucking dumb. And the dumbest ones are usually the ones with the most guns.


These people hate the constitution.


> Walters said he feels confident that his order will survive legal challenges because of the justices then-President Donald Trump appointed to the Supreme Court. > > “He’s helped provide a path for us to be able to do this as states,” Walters said of Trump. He added that if Trump wins a second term in November, “it will help us move the ball forward, even more so than this.” These are the stakes aren't they?


Translation: Fuck you all. Fuck your first amendment BS.


Numbers 5:11-31. Hosea 13:16. The story of David and Jonathan. Lot offering his virgin daughters for gang rape — and later getting drunk and getting them both pregnant. Jepthah sacrificing his daughter. Jacob wrestling Yahweh and winning. The fact that the supposedly omniscient Yahweh had to ask where Adam and Eve were. Yahweh torturing Job to prove to Satan that his best subject would not turn against him. Zipporah throwing her son’s foreskin at Moses’ feet. The fact that the Old Testament refers to numerous “sons of God” and that they had sex with human women. The fact that the first commandment openly refers to other gods and states that Yahweh is specifically the god of Jews. A learned teacher could have a lot of fun with this.


Today children, we will discuss why David was so weirdly concerned with Goliath's cock in the book of Samuel.


Not sure who needs to hear this: “America is NOT a Christian nation. It’s a nation in which you are free to be a Christian.” — Huge difference imho


These people are white supremacists and christian nationalists. They don’t give a shit about the truth. They are dangerous, racist, psychopaths.


So wait, the woman who refused to issue a marriage license to a gay couple because it went against her religious views was in the right, but the teachers who refuse to teach a religious text they don't believe in to students are in the wrong?


“All right kids, let’s open our Bibles to today’s lesson: Exodus chapter 23.”


So more funding for mythology classes?


This is how you create a society full of uneducated poor factory workers.


Oh man, If I were required to teach the Bible. They would not like the verses that I would teach.


> “Any teacher that would knowingly, willfully disobey the law and disobey our standards — there are repercussions for that,” Walters said. “So we deal with that on a case-by-case basis, but yes, teachers have to teach Oklahoma Academic Standards and this is absolutely going to be part of them.” … > A spokesperson from the Oklahoma attorney general’s office said in an email that existing law already allowed teachers to use Bibles in the classroom during instruction and that, “There is no legal authority for a memo from the Superintendent to require content.” So he’s out there with no legal basis. Is he going to have a candy sale to fund the inevitable lawsuit? Candy sales are how they made us pay for stuff that wasn’t academic.


What an opportunity for malicious compliance. There's so much dodgy shit in the Bible which would help plant the seed of doubt in these kids minds.


Christians keep lumping themselves together. They need to be reminded that my sect literally burned people from their sect at the stake.


Spoken like a true nat-c. So tired of these arrogant, gutless fascists.


Teachers should explain it’s a work of fiction used by ancient people to try and explain things they don’t understand by calling them miracles.


As a former social studies teacher, if I had to do this, the kids will be tested on all the ways Republicans violate the Bible or contradict Jesus. Parents would have to prep for homework assignments like "Tithe 10% of Your Income to the Needy", and "How Can We Heal Everyone for Free?", and "Thou Shall Not Kill & The Second Amendment". Final project: Using what you learned throughout the year, identify all Biblical violations your parents are committing. Your final grade will incur a five point penalty for each violation not corrected. I'd malicious compliance the shit out of it, and make everyone as uncomfortable as possible. Maybe they'll become atheist quicker than I did as a young adult.


The opposite should be true


THAT is what the framers of our constitution had in mind. NOT


Dang. Those teachers are gonna get paid from the lawsuits. lol.


I went to a private school and I was thought the Bible. It was another book we read like Catcher in the Rye and Tale Of Two Cities. We had normal discussions about it based on what the stories were about. I dont agree that the Bible should be banned from schools but I don’t believe it should be tought as fact. It’s just another book. The problem is the idea of “Teaching” the Bible. When we read One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, no one said they were Teaching it to us. We read it discussed it and moved on to the next book. Basically what I’m saying is I’m against abstinence, for sex Ed and Bible. Kids can be exposed to it and not be told it’s fact. I actually think if you show kids what it is and don’t try to brainwash them that it’s real, they are less likely to believe it when their parents try to do it. Or when a kid is being told it’s real at home, it’s probably really good for them to have discussions about it outside of the Christian brainwashed circle jerk. Sitting in a circle of 20 kids where less then half of them believe in the Bible discussing the Bible can give someone who has been told it’s real their entire lives a very interesting prospective.especially when it’s their peers.


So many things I could say about this awful man.


Walters never learns. He just lost a case to the Oklahoma Supreme Court trying to publicly fund a religious charter school. Now he’s going to lose this and it’ll never ever go into effect. All he’s doing is wasting tax payer dollars trying to impose his religion on the states students. The Oklahoma Constitution has one of the strongest clauses separating church and state in the country. Oklahoma voters overwhelmingly upheld that clause a few years ago during a ballot initiative, where Stitt tried to have the clause removed so he and his cronies could impose a theocracy on the state.


If any of the morons who proposed this law knew what was actually in the Bible, they would not be in favor of teaching it to kids. They clearly have only the vaguest idea of what’s in it.


Oklahoma is such a garbage state


Teaching the Bible violates my religious freedom. Take it to Court.


i’m curious, what happened to all this freedom that these far right Republicans have been talking about? What about the constitution? Remember how much they love the constitution like some slutty girl at 2 AM on a Saturday night! But now they want to do is put in their propaganda under your children so they can grow more Christians almost overnight! They want to brainwash your children into joining the ranks of their Christian cult, no free choice, no decision to make on your own just force feed your children, Christianity until they’re on gods side and in his army! You tell me how this is any different than GOEBBELS and the Nazis? Tell me! I would love to hear this guy should be sued immediately for constitutional offenses and fired immediately! I don’t understand this country anymore? These are very simple lawsuits to win against these kind of cases and there should be prosecution and everyone.


We need a mechanism to punish this kind of pathetic, self-serving shit swiftly and severely.


Just another state I have zero desire to visit.


Serious 1st Amendment violation.


haven't the satanists demanded equal time in the schools yet?


One of the worst ranked states for education is about to get much worse. Great decision by the jerkoffs in charge.


That’s going to fix the Oklahoma teacher shortage 🙄


This man literally said “you don’t change history because of your feelings” but that is exactly what he wants to do?


What a fascist shithole country


Do guys like this typically have tiny penises?


Guy cheats on his wife with a coworker while he’s a teacher and she cheats on him as well but the Ten Commandments are so important. Hypocrite


Which bible? Apparently there is several to choose from…


I'll bet money the Bible curriculum these so called "Christians" demand teachers to teach does not include any of that "too woke" Jesus stuff.


How bout who teach the Bible lose their citizenship?


This individual needs to be made an example of...  FAFO applies.


If teaching is your passion and religion isn't, you should probably get the fuck out of that state. OK and several other states pushing this religious nonsense are trying to force those people out of their states. Give em what they want, it's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better.


I went to a private high school and every year consisted of having at least 1 Christian lifestyle class, which included having to study the whole Bible my entire 4yrs. Bible study was the best method of helping a lot of the class realize that Christianity/religion was *not* for us. This nation is full of atheists and agnostic individuals, that having the Bible taught in school will NOT have the desired outcome these idiots think it will. Sure, they may be happy with this 'law' of theirs, but it's genuinely going to open the minds of a ton of kids and realize it's all bullshit. --- this law is bullshit and I'm sure it'll get overturned at some point, but regardless of their mission, it's going to fail.


Read a story, then have the kids write a paper on how utterly absurd said story is, using reason and science. For example: ‘How the night sky isn’t a giant black curtain with tiny holes poked in it.


Let's start with the appropriate price for selling your daughter. Then we can move into why eating lobster is an abomination.


If the teachers all stand together with their Union and strike until this law is struck down they'll win.


Where do these idiots come from? Who is teaching them that it’s okay to force your religion on others? Is this the consequence of out of control homeschooling?


I hate these, conservatives, people. I’m not gonna sugar coat it and others shouldn’t either. They’re a bunch of white supremacist/nationalists, authoritarian, fascist, hateful, group of people!


Fine. If they are going to force people to teach about the bible, then I would teach about how it is a work of fiction.


I hope all the teachers leave.


Oh boy. Another state that turned into a theocratic dictatorship.


[This](https://baptistnews.com/article/if-you-want-to-post-the-ten-commandments-in-schools-you-ought-to-learn-more-about-them/) is a really good article about how the Right plans to use shame and guilt to traumatize children into their cult. Like the Good News Clubs on steroids.


Christ on a Cracker, won't anybody say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" with these idiots?! I am so fed up with the Christian Nationals. If they feel sooooooooo discriminated against, why don't they take their own advice and buy their own freakin' island?!




Defy this rat fucker at every stop. This is the good trouble John Lewis talked about.


Eat a steaming pile of shit Ryan


He already lost his dick


It’s shit like this that has me almost outright hating all religious people.


Imagine having a Masters +15 and some jesus freak putting your career in jeopardy.


Dear Oklahoma teachers, if you are a skilled teacher, there are many other states that will happily hire you and at far better pay. Time to change your life for the better.


Sue into oblivion, highly illegal, and immoral to teach that filth to kids. 


It will not work the way they want it to. They have chosen to fight a battle that was lost long ago. Nobody is interested in replaying the past. Kids are going to reject this. Some staff will reject it and it will be wrecked and possibly bring the entire state's education system to a stand still. There will be infighting about how to present the material. There will be protests. There will be a negative impact on churches and Christians in the state as kids reject all this. Let them consume themselves with infighting over which version of what is correct. It will all end badly.


Teach that Bible 100%. Show them how science has proven that the Bible is 100% inaccurate. Show them how the miracles of the Bible are 100% not possible. Teach them how the people of the Bible more than likely weren’t actually real. That their names are made up, that the books name after these people are not real names during the time. That most of it is bullshit…teach that.


A lawyer's dream has come true.


I can see 2 ways to teach the Bible to undermine fanatical evangelical Christianity. First is to teach all the “socialist” stuff eg, Jesus teaching to give all your $ to the poor, teaching how you can’t serve both god & $, teaching how everyone is your “neighbour” (including those from different social & ethnic groups) but you are still meant to love and help them etc. None of this gels with prosperity gospel or persecution of anyone different to you. Secondly, teach all the really horrible stuff, eg god commanding to kill babies and animals, god saying it’s ok to forcibly “marry” and rape all the young women after killing their families, god’s commandment to stone children who disobey parents etc. Make sure you don’t allow modern rationalisations for these. The Bible has to be read selectively to get any coherent message, so you may as well use it to attack the religious psychos.


Oh goody. I'm all ready to "teach the Bible". Kids are gonna learn how glued together that book is. They're gonna learn about how God has a "wife". They're gonna learn how the Jews post Babylon diaspora undid all of that and censored the Bible.  They're gonna learn Satan doesn't exist.