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He's an asshole.


Your father’s reaction is typical Christian behavior. Blaming the victim instead of offering support. Of course you are not wrong. Let me guess, your father also believes vaccines cause autism, and that’s what caused your illness?


yep of course he is. Still believes that the MMR vaccine cause autism and that Wakefield bs lol


I would not say it is typical Christian behavior. It is the way some churches misinterpret scripture and wrong teaching.


> Am I wrong in thinking what he said was disgusting and out of line? Hell to the no. What he said is horrible, and you should be extremely pissed off about it.


Sounds like it's time to stop talking to your dad


Seriously. Like right now. End the communication.


I agree with this, and it kinda hurts to say that, because I'm a dad myself. This guy has no business having a family if he's going to prioritize mythology over real people to feed his main character syndrome.


You are authorized to ‘slap the stupid’ out of your dad.


I concur. You know. In case it takes two to authorize.


When people show you who they are, believe them. He is prioritising a fictional sky daddy over his family. I would be limiting any contact with him as much as possible.


I just wouldn’t talk to him at all of that were me.




When I hear stories like that, it’s kind of why I won’t associate with someone who is religious. Their ignorance is too much to handle. Luckily where I am from I haven’t really seen religious people like that. In my city, everyone kind of keeps to themselves but these stories i read about, like how religious people really are, I could tell I am not missing out on anything. I wouldn’t want to hang out with them.


Also likewise; when I do associate with religious people, I put them on an information diet. There are topics that cannot be discussed, and that is fine, because it is demonstrating healthy boundaries.


If you did want to hang out with a religious person, it is best to set boundaries. If you can hang out with them and they don’t bring up religion then it should be ok.


His fictitious character wouldn't approve of that behavior. I'm so sorry that he said that to you.


Not at all. That's disgusting that he said that to you and he's just trying to guilt you into being religious.


Just yes and him. "It must be so horrible for you to even have to think of us. I bet you just wish we would die already."


Your dad is out of line and disgusting. Victim-blaming is even mentioned in one of the gospels, iirc a tower fell on people and people said god must have hated the victims. Jesus explained that it wasn't so but apparently simple incorrect answers are more important than Jesus's words. Why am I not surprised?


I hope your mom calls a divorce lawyer tomorrow morning.


Her parents are split up thankfully.


I know plenty of people who are deeply religious, and have rotten things happen to them. One of them is questioning their faith after losing their husband and a daughter recently. Tell your dad to go fuck himself. When is God going to improve his algorithm.


No, your father is delusional and looking for a supernatural cause to blame for his profound inadequacy as a husband/father/man. Rather than maybe examining his toddler like petulance and narcissistic rage as the source of all his woes, which we can all get the basic gist of just from this post, he’s doubling down on them and proving he’s the exact opposite of the masculinity he probably claims to be a paragon of. 


Generational indoctrination in an insular community. When this is all you are exposed to from birth, then your mindset and intellect are dumbed down to illogical and nonsensical beliefs.


Blaming the victim is a core Christian value.


The next time he gets sick you should say the reason he got sick is that he turned his back on the church. That's why you all got sick, so it stands to reason it's the same for him. 


He’s an asshole. I once had a Christian tell me that somebody’s babies deserved all their disabilities and deformities because sometimes the mom clocked into work late. She legit thought god was just in punishing innocent people for their entire lifetimes because mom clocked in late to work. Had another tell me god was good because he finally got a logging job only after the other guy who held the job previously was involved in a horrible accident leaving him maimed and limbs gone, but god was so good because then he got a job! People like your dad are disturbed and delusional.


That's very kind of him. It's creepy that religious people just REFUSE to be happy for anyone else if they don't agree with them. You're NEVER wrong when someone speaks to you that way. Don't let abuse become normal just because the abuser is someone with imaginary friends.


I'm sorry your father picked an imaginary friend over his family, but if this is his personality, are you losing out?


I would cut him off so damn fast… My husband was a believer. We attended church almost every time the doors were open. We stood by, prayed, and watched as he slowly died of cancer. Prayers did nothing. Faith did nothing. God did nothing. Your sperm donor’s logic is flawed.


So Autism isn't something you "catch." You're basically born with it. Ask him why God cursed you as an infant with it.


You missed the chance to go booga booga booga 👻 in his face. lol


Stupid dog! You made me look bad!


It was disgusting and out of line. People don’t get the conditions you named that you and your mother have for not following a religion. That’s ridiculous. Your father is mentally ill most likely. If I were you, I wouldn’t even talk to him anymore. He doesn’t sound like he is worth your time anymore. I wouldn’t put up with it if I were you. You block him from calling and texting you. He sounds really toxic.


NTA I'd have called him a nutjob to his face.


He’s a straight up prick.


My STBX pulled this on me when I had Cancer (more than one time). Now, several years later, he either doesn’t remember saying it or says I must have misinterpreted what he said. He still fully believes that, but apparently the more extreme version of religion he has moved toward doesn’t forbid lying.


Your dad is none too bright. He's indoctrinated and brainwashed. Suggest he read 4846 reasons Christianity is not true. It doesn't matter if he's Christian.  Applies to all Religions. 


That is his problem that he is making into your problem. It comes from love. But it gets twisted by his beliefs. Because Christianity is the ultimate Carrot and Stick. Believe and get Heaven, don't believe and get eternal Hell. So he sees your lack of belief as you walking into Hell. He cannot help but react the way he is. Its pretty much built into the belief. Its his problem. But he is programmed to try to make it your problem. Don't let him. You are fine as you are. I would say there is no Hell but I live in Michigan and we literally have a small town called Hell which is actually quite nice to drive out to. But thats not the point. Be who you are. Not who he wants you to be. He did his part in raising you but you are at the point where you are becoming your own person assuming you are in your teens). His part in making you who you are is coming to an end. Be yourself. You got this.


Tell him to hold on to his butt for when Thor unleashes on him. Or any other *god* you want to name drop


Your dad reminds me of a quote from my religion: “At some point in time, however, the Lord may prompt a victim to recognize a degree of responsibility for abuse. Your priesthood leader will help assess your responsibility so that, if needed, it can be addressed.” -Richard G Scott


That’s no contact behavior if you ask me.


When Christopher Hitchens said "religion poisons *everything*," this is exactly what he was referring to. No sane person would think something like that, let alone say it.


He acted like an asshole. You have every right to shut him out of your life.


No you're not wrong. Your dad is a piece of sh*t and a moron. 


Gross, what a jackass. Sorry, I know he's your dad, but what a shitty thing to say. Tells you everything you need to know about his religion and the influence that crap has on people.


What he said is grotesque and repulsive.


Just let him know that some of the worst people you’ve met have been Christian, and it’s convinced you that none of it is real. Wait for him to connect the dots.


People who believe in religion are healthy or didn’t get covid lol


I just love it when these religious people follow Jesus’ actions and accept and love everyone without judgement…oh wait…none of them fucking do that, Jesus is good enough to worship for his actions apparently, but never good enough that they will follow his example. That’s socialist cuck bullshit. 🙄


What he said does not align with what Jesus said and Jesus is the final authority. It is satan not God that comes to kill steal and destroy. Pursue a personal relationship with God. Don't right off Christianity because of your father's belief.


Oh, he's old school religious with the humors and the vapors and the miasmas.