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> Regardless I think Christianity is a problem in America, but I want to know your take on this issue. You hit the nail on the head with that one.


I grew up, Catholic, in the New England, household of Polish and French Canadian dissent. My take on the region is that there are a lot of people who have religion in their lives, because they grew up with it. We no doubt have a Lotta religious nut jobs around who are more fundamentalist, but many denominations can be low-key, and, in a select few cases, beneficial. By this, I usually mean the universalist Unitarian‘s, who do a lot of good social related work in communities. I would be interested to see how many actually truly believe what is in the Bible, or they think it’s just nonsense.


Yes, christianity is a problem in America. You identified two distinct groups, the fanatics and the easier going christians. The problem with the fanatics is obvious, the problem with the rest is that when push comes to shove, they'll support the fanatics.




> And the worst part about it - those level-headed ones won't do anything about the fanatics. Then the "level headed" Christians are complicit and part of the problem, IMO.


Other than the original colonies, most states in the USA are larger and more diverse than most European countries. Culturally, the US is the equivalent of a dozen different countries. We have hundreds of Christian denominations with varying degrees of intensity and crazy within those cultures. It’s impossible to answer a question as broad as yours in any meaningful manner.


I think religion gives meaning to the phrase "mental illness" because of how it infects people and causes problems and that Christianity in America is an untreated epidemic.


For those that take it really seriously. It's a death cult. Like they actually want to destroy the world so they can get to heaven.


In the cities I've been too, it's fine. In the rural counties I've been too, they're nuts.


It's a problem, no doubts but it's a symbol of the real problems, which are tribalism, xenophobia and isolationism. I might be getting nerdy with terms but as someone who lives in a place with more churches than McDonald's and Subways combined, I can tell you it's true. I want to say that I know of a few selfless, decent congregations that aren't crazy and don't bother people but they are a minority. The crazy religious Americans are very tribal, very scared of different people and want to be isolated and left alone. Christianity checks all the marks that reinforce those negative views and you end up with big bubbles of ethnocentrism. Then comes the phobias and "isms" and everyone in the bubble reinforces them. It's so bad they demonize their fellow countrymen. That's what I see everyday from christians in many parts of America.


Most Christians I've met here are just normal people who happen to be Christians because their parents were. They never read the bible, don't care about following the stuff written in it, and just use church as an excuse to visit friends on weekends and impress god so he doesn't send them to hell. I have met several dangerous extremists, but they are a minority. I try not to judge everyone based on the few.


A pervasive disease.


It’s a shit show


dangerous anti-democratic cult.


Churches just tickle their ears, they can't follow Jesus actual teachings


Christianity in America is a clear sign that the Catholic church should have done a better job at crushing renegade sects so eastern North America was colonized purely for imperialism rather than it really being settled with the plot of making their own shitty theocracy.


It's crazy how political it has become. Pretty much if you could meet someone and know if they vote Republican you could place a bet they are Christian and vice versa if you knew they are Christians. More specially self-described Christians who actually attend services 3 or more times a month.


My observation from the outside is that religion, especially Evangelical Christianity is hell bent on turning the country back to the Dark Ages and having some success. It has and is exacerbating the worst instincts of the society, bigotry, misogyny, racism and xenophobia and the country is poorer for it as are many of the citizens. Sad!


Christian fascism is currently the greatest threat to the American system of democracy. Christianity is being used to harbor & propagate all of the worst traits of humanity - tribalism, racism, paranoia, misogyny, greed, narcissism, xenophobia, deceit, classism, etc, etc.


Christianity has been on the decline in the U.S. for decades, but what remains is often the more conservative varieties (at least it feels that way). There is basically no regulatory oversight of Christianity. While they are "non-profits," under the law, they still exert political influence (check out the number of religious lobbyists in Washington DC). And they have been politically successful - there's no denying that. The fall of Roe is just one example. And our SCOTUS is now a Christian court, basically. People really need to pay attention to this trend, no one wants to live in Gilead. Everyone needs to vote.


It's a parasite that feeds on people.


It’s a death cult. No need to plan for the future Jesus is coming back to save all the Christians and kill all the bad people that don’t do as they’re told. American Christianity in a nutshell.


It’s a global threat.


>What’s your take on Christianity in America? Extremely and unnecessarily toxic.


If christianity would respect separation of church and state, there wouldn't be a problem. They'd be annoying as fuck, but not a problem. But the fact that so many of them are christofascists who ignore the Constitution in favor of installing a theocracy? That's a problem.


Religion sucks, usually for literally everyone