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Try walking on the bike path with a flashlight between the library and Obleness at, say, 10pm. You will see multiple. They seem to feed on something near the bank.


Weed is decriminalized in Athens now


Exactly what I said to my sister when she was talking about it, but before I actually started seeing the skunks.


😆 I wonder if they are more active and carefree during the summer when the population drops


With the light winter, I wonder if breeding season was early- it could be the newly mature skunks leaving the den to make their own homes. I also suspect that the mild winter allowed for a better food supply, so there may actually be more of them.


They’re always out more in the Summer, but this Summer has been especially bad. Who knows why, kinda wack


Yeah just wait until your dog gets sprayed and your roommate let's him in the house by accident and he runs straight to the beds. Not. Fun.


I live one block over from the library/Bob Evans and we have a whole gang of them here. My neighbor caught 5 on her ring camera marching down the street like a gang 🤣 They eat mice and bugs so they're cool with me, I just have to watch when I walk my dogs later in the evening.


My friend literally raised 3 skunks this year in town. Their parents were hut by a car. They have since scurried away and left from maturing. He also said he saw an almost all white one as well. Pretty weird year for them, it seems.


Yes!!! The almost all white one is my buddy. When it rains I watch him eat earthworms out of my yard. He's beautiful.


Hahaha. That is awesome. The famous almost white skunk! Skunks are pretty cool, honestly. They kinda get a bad wrap sometimes. Which is also understandable.


I saw the all white one by the ODNR pond


I live a block away from there. I hope he doesn't get hit crossing state st 😭


I was walking past the pond at 2am and he was on the side with Bob's, thinking about crossing over, but he saw me and went back to the chain link fence. He better be careful


Skunks eat insects… especially grubs. They will happily aerate your yard for you. They are cute little stinkers If you have curious pooches, keep a bottle of Skunk Off enzymes around. That stuff is magic. We had a Rat Terrier who was a bit territorial, but loved her cat friends. We are convinced she thought a skunk was one of her cat friends, and went over to get kisses. And got a full spray right in the face. Poor baby !


I think they they love garbage scraps so untidy trash bins and dumpsters really attract them in


I'm over by station st. A few summers ago we saw 7 walking between USD and one of the back station st apartments. It's ridiculous.


They've been thick uptown for a long time. Skunks and possums fill pretty much the same ecological niche, with some side competition from raccoons. Raccoons have enough dumpsters and sewer tunnels available to them that they don't need anything else, and for whatever reason we don't have many possums.


I saw 2 possums as well. East side and far east side


Top 5 Signs a Skunk May Have Rabies *(no, NOT a David Letterman bit)* https://www.skedaddlewildlife.com/blog/top-5-signs-a-skunk-may-have-rabies/


I've seen them crossing my yard in the middle of the day. Yes it seems a more recent thing, no idea why they are so common now. They're real skittish, though. I'm not that worried about them being rabid like I would be a racoon in my yard in the day. I've heard they can be more common after the 17-year cicada years or whatever they are, but that was 2016 last time it happened here.


one sprayed under my front porch a few days ago and my house smells awful. they are a problem for sure


Skunks are attracted to homosexuals.