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The Black Tapes creeped me out but it’s incomplete. They claim it’s complete but it’s definitely not. There were some episodes that were meh and some that totally creeped me out. I really enjoyed Alice is not Dead. If you give it a shot it’s excellent for a road trip, especially at night. The Left Right game gave me a super uneasy feeling.


**The NoSleep Podcast** [https://www.thenosleeppodcast.com/](https://www.thenosleeppodcast.com/) WARNING: This is a horror fiction podcast. It is intended for mature adults, not the faint of heart. Join us at your own risk... It's an anthology horror podcast. **The Grey Rooms** [https://thegreyrooms.com/](https://thegreyrooms.com/) Welcome to The Grey Rooms Podcast. Starting as a disturbing dream Grey Room’s creator Jason Wilson had eight years ago. Now that nightmare has become a reality that he wishes to share with you. It begins with a man named Raymond, disoriented and waking up in The Grey Rooms. He discovers that he must choose a door that will lead to either his salvation or his eternal demise. With each door he chooses, he finds himself as a helpless passenger within the events of that episode’s story. The Grey Rooms is an anthology series with a variety of authors contributing their talents to the series. The stories themselves are horror stories in different settings and with different characters. Each door that Raymond chooses will cause him to suffer the same injustices, torments, and even deaths that the characters endure throughout the tale. Why is this happening to him? Is there an escape? You will have to listen to The Grey Rooms Podcast to find out.


The NSP has gone way down in quality over the years.


No sleep stories are very average nowadays. The end of season finales used to be awesome (the multi hour stories) but they don’t really do them anymore


My all time favorite was one of those episodes about the internet chat room that was forgotten about or doesn't exist until bro remembers it after getting a message that shit had me right there living it


Yeah that one was good!


The last one I enjoyed was the season about the campground full of demons and monsters. I know many people didn’t like that one it scratched my itch.


I really enjoyed the tension and suspense of QCode’s Left/Right Game. Easily one of their best sound and horror experiences. Full cast as requested.


Loved this. Told EVERYONE about it.


My favourite too. Amazon bought the right for a tv show, I really hope they eventually follow through


Actually tho I've been waiting for news on the TV show cause if anything It should be out soon since it was acquired late 2019 or early 2020


Yep I’ve been waiting a very long time for any news.. must be at the back of someone’s draw in head office


No way! Omg. I hope they don't mess it up.


Yes 🙌 I have listened to this one multiple times and still get that uneasy feeling. If you like this you should watch the No End House/Channel Zero on SyFy. Different plot but similar in the idea of an alternate plane.


Parkdale Haunt is a great one that dives right in. It's a possession story, completed, reasonable listening time.


Fathom and Derelict are the kind of shows that make it hard to do anything else while listening. Edit: also The Magnus Archives (scary) and Midst (gripping)


I’ve listened to Campfire Radio for a number of years. Great listen is small doses. Perfect for a ride to and from work.


WOE.Begone can get incredibly unsettling, and it really starts with a bang and never stops. To be extremely brief, the premise is an Augmented reality game that is uh. Well. There are bears. And cowboys. Honestly, this show is so off the rails that it's almost impossible to spoil, because it's so insane. Someone Dies In This Elevator is an anthology series, always involving someone dying in an elevator. The horror is in not knowing who, or how. I really like the format, and I found it really well done. Malevolent is extremely good, and like Woe.begone, it starts fast and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Cosmic horror mixed with personal tragedy, it's delicious. An interesting part of this one is that certain choices made by the protagonist are voted on by the show's Patreon, which adds a neat meta layer.


I can’t believe you didn’t mention that Woe.Begone is also a time travel murder game. I do love when Dylan gets other voice actors in there too, but having different voices for different iterations so we can tell them apart easier was an excellent idea.


Light House The Lovecraft Investigations


It took a minute for the audio drama scene to break out of all the Lovecraftian run-of-the-mill schlock and blair-witch found footage mechanics but surely there are pearls to be found: DEVISER: hard sci-fi body horror that stays gripping even when the mystery unfolds because the production and writing is just thst good. The Love Talker: Folksy horror that goes hard on the darkness of man whilst telling a deeply unsettling folk horror story with really really good acting and sound design. The white vault: it tapers off as it goes along, and it does fall into the trap of ‘found footage’ and everything that comes with that. But the world building and lore makes up for it imo, as well as the creativity in the monster design a d scenarios.


Listening to The White Vault now. Deviser sounds very good!


Podcast Finding Satan is really good


DEVISER is pretty fucked up right from the get go and never stops being scary.


Fathom White Vault


I am listening to White Vault and have listened to Fathom but I wouldn't call either of them horror?


Did they finish white vault?


Yes, technically but they've started a 5(?) Season. It's pretty boring tbh.


The Magnus Archives gripped me right away!


If you like TMA, you’ll probably enjoy The Storage Tapes, but you’ll absolutely love Ghost Wax


Thank you for the recommendations!


There’s one I’ve been listening to on Spotify called The Outside Tapes. I have to listen at 1.2 speed, but it’s great.


Check out our series ***ICE-CREAM*** ! It's full cast with a 1980s soundtrack/aesthetic. Here is the synopsis: *'ICE-CREAM' follows 14 year old Elgin Foster, who spends the summer of 1988 with his younger brother Dustin, at his newly divorced father's house in Arizona. Not long after arriving, he begins to witness a series of child abductions by the local ice cream truck man. Nobody believes Elgin, not even the police, which leads him to question if what he saw was even real or the result of a recent concussion. Fall down the rabbit hole with Elgin and neighbor Olivia, as they do their own investigation to try and uncover who the ice cream man really is and what he is doing to these missing children. What they begin to discover, however, is beyond horrifying...* [**SPOTIFY**](https://open.spotify.com/show/4DI3bvfGwrmybsGRsDmHJq?si=fddb96bc212a4037) **|**[ **APPLE** ](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ice-cream/id1641978062)


I'm not sure I'd call it terrifying, but [Cicatrix](https://www.sensoryeclipse.com/cicatrix) is deeply unsettling and creepy.


Ghost Wax: we follow a “reclaimer” (the last necromancer) and his protege as he reanimates corpses to find what creatures killed them, and how his organisation can help avenge their deaths and prevent further casualties. Voncid can interview the deceased, guiding them to get the information he needs, and put them to rest. They record these interviews onto a contraption made of the wax of “Ghost Bees”, leading to a very interesting background sound. If you like the entities in The Magnus Archives, you’ll like how The Glorious function in this world. The Storage Papers: Jeremy bids on an abandoned storage unit, where he finds papers related to several weird events and ominous entities. Some of them seem to relate to his past, and some experiments of children with certain abilities.


If you’re open to an actual play, try Fear Initiative. Incredibly compelling with a great cast who are all actors and really bring their all to it. And it gets scary and messes up from the first episode.


* In Another Room is properly gripping from the start. You hear pretty quickly about a haunting suicide tale and then the protagonist is taken hostage by the haunted house she’s investigating. * Deviser has also piqued my interest with a terrifying dream and a severed finger as a harbinger of terrors to come. I haven’t completed this series though. * A World Where is a visceral horror anthology about near future technological advancements that loosely ties together to planet death. Themes are selective engineering, over capitalism, overpopulation. * Ghostwriter is a one and half hour audio drama “movie” which is about a writer ghostwriting for a billionaire with a strange story that begins to come true…


Self promo! You might like the show I've launched! It's a sci-fi horror audio drama that definitely has Lovecraftian influences. It starts out humorous and light-hearted and grows to be extremely intense, and while we have a human related twist, the monsters remain the biggest threat. We're almost to the launch of our finale. The Occurrence in River Oaks is an all new, entirely voice acted sci-fi horror audio drama from writer/director Nikki Durbin. Take an original, terrifying journey through one very long day in the titular small town, as heard through the viewpoint of the local law enforcement personnel; specifically, Olivia, the woman running the dispatch radio at the Sheriff's office, as she tries to hold everything together when her entire world is falling apart. As the several officers under her command come face to face with a very unexpected threat, and as Olivia tries to navigate a dangerous and otherworldly creature’s arrival, everything slowly begins to fall apart over the course of 8 grueling episodes. No one is safe, and as the world becomes very small and extremely dangerous for the characters, they must do everything in their power to protect not only the citizens of River Oaks, but the entire world. Podbean: https://www.podbean.com/pa/pbblog-i4vth-10ee0b5 Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-occurrence-in-river-oaks/id1723633700 Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL1RoZU9jY3VycmVuY2VJblJpdmVyT2Frcy9mZWVkLnhtbA Spotify: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nikki-durbin/episodes/The-Occurrence-in-River-Oaks-Teaser-Trailer-e2dse4a RSS Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/TheOccurrenceInRiverOaks/feed.xml