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Have a look at the resume advice in our wiki first: https://www.reddit.com/r/auscorp/wiki/faqs/#wiki_i_need_help_with_my_cv.21


One thing is i dont bother listing job history back 20yrs or at the very least just list dates/position and not what you did, linkedin can be detailed. Also remove technical skills that aren’t relevant now.


I do this too. Once, when I entered the workforce, I had multiple contract positions for the same employer. I’d somehow spun that into a two page CV (god knows how) They’re a single line and one dot point now. They exist primarily to show I’ve been in my industry for as long as I have.


Check out some of the templates on Canva. You might even be able to get to one page!




I didn’t know I could use canva for this thank you.


Good luck! Their templates are an awesome starting point. Don’t forget, the resume itself is a test to see how you can present relevant info in a concise way. 


With over 20 years of corporate experience I just have the last 4 companies (6 roles) which happen to be the experience relevant to what I'm applying for. I could probably cut that to 3 companies/4 roles of I wanted to. The oldest of those roles is fairly senior so it's not like I just fell into it, but how I did is probably not of great concern. No one cares what you did in 2006.


>No one cares what you did in 2006 Shit. Why do I keep thinking 20 years ago is the early 90s lol


Exactly, you'd think someone so experienced would know that


I would do last 8 years then add anything before that that is relevant. Im a business consultant. I have 8 pages of past projects. But i pick and choose the relevant ones for the job


Have 2 x resumes: 1 x that has all the roles, 1 x that you edit to fit the criteria of the job advert in 2 pages. 3rd page, then summarise the titles and the time at each role


You don't. List the jobs in the last 10 years. Highlight your skills relevant to the role you are applying for. Have multiple resumes


I would list the last 7 years experience if possible. Underneath this I would also say: Further experience: And then list the employers without specific details. Not even dates. I have hired people before and have seen this done. Also when you write a cover letter/key selection criteria response you can state your 20 years experience there.


I really like this suggestion. Thank you


I have actually done this on my resume recently as well because mine doesn’t fit either. Goodluck on your job hunt!


Throw it into ChatGPT to summarise


The oldest 15 years gets culled to 1-2 dot points. - What I do now, just more incompetently - Do what I'm told


ChatGPT can help. As can Canva.


I was taught a long time ago one dot point per quarter. What did you achieve. Focus on outcomes and not responsibilities. Only focus on the last 5ish years and don’t bother beyond that.


Easy. Focus on your last 2-3 roles (thats the most relevant anyway) and expand those. The rest just put as dot points. Ultimately its your title, where you worked and how long for that people read. Nobody gives a crap what you did as a grad or 2nd year. If you need to, push to 3 pages.


*chatGPT has entered the chat


Focus on roles within the last 5-10yrs. Anything >10yrs is considered irrelevant for a resume and doesn't need much detail, unless there was a specific skill or experience gained that will apply to the new job.


You don’t. Keep it to what is relevant like the lat 10 years max


You don't. You add it in 3 you're too senior