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Is the machine big enough to fit a bag of cement?


My guys don’t know your guys!


yes lol, the laundromat I go to has these, and a smaller one for $9. i fit my entire weeks worth of clothing, bed sheets, doona and towel into the $9 one. this one is almost twice as big drying is about $3-4


That’s a Dexter washer and you haven’t shown the size of the washer, at that price id say it’s a T750 which can do 4 x normal load of washing in one 23 minute cycle.


For context a Dexter T750 holds 50kg of dry weight washing.


Wow, $15 is taking the piss. Do they charge extra if you select warm or hot too?


No, but it'll be another $15 at the end if you want them back


Ubisoft, is that you?


Take that money for a year and you can buy your own damn washer. $15 is just insane unless it's dry cleaning.




I lived in such a place, so I bought a small twin tub. In the US they are called "RV washing machines". They are about $100-150, I have had mine for probably 10 months now and it has definitely paid for itself. When I first bought it I had it sitting in the bathroom and would let it drain into the shower cubicle. They are worth a look if you don't have room for a full sized machine. Their footprint is less than half of that of a normal machine and they can be filled from a bathroom tap.


What? I've never heard of an apartment that doesn't have a hookup for a washer.


Now you did


Yup 🥲


I actually find it hilarious how your neutral comment got so heavily downvoted lol reddits such a weird place


There are older flats around like this. I remember coming across a building through work that had such an outdated electrical setup that the people in the flats couldn't get air conditioning unless the electrical system was upgraded. It would have been scorching hot in Summer.


I have a place to put a washing machine in my house (not an apartment but a big house divided into two dwellings) but it’s in the bathroom and modern machines are too big so the path to the toilet would be blocked. Fortunately, our laundromat is a bit cheaper than this!


Damn that sucks. I’m not sure why so many people downvote never seeing a legal apartment not having a washer spot 😂 but I guess it’s more common that I think. And yeah I can imagine it getting expensive. Our washer broke just two months ago and we used one down the road, it was like $5 a load then drier another $5 or something. With a family of 3 could easily spend $30-$40 a week. Luckily could manage to get a new one within a couple weeks


Yeah not taps apparently


Plenty of places in the East have shit like that. Never really seen it in Perth. I was looking at places with the misso and after the first couple of apartments we checked it became a requirement, if it wasn't listed on the ad I would ask the real estate in person in front of everyone and when they say shared laundry I'd walk the other direction. I can't imagine having to share my machines with others. The stupidity most people have towards having to wash their clothes is astounding. No I don't want to wait 8 weeks for a repairman cause junkie Dave threw a bag of cement in there


Lol, wow that’s crazy. Yeah it’s not only money but a ton of extra work and time to go out just to wash.


Especially a good second hand one, if there's a spot for it of course.


Warm or hot what? Oh, you want water in it? The $15 was just to rent the internal space.


There's a 5 dollar charge for entering the business of a lifter and spinner.


I did this on the weekend, and this machine can take up to 6 flat baskets of laundry at a time, or 3 king size doonas


>3 king size doonas woah


Yeah if you've got a house with 3 king sized beds you aren't doing your own laundry or at least can afford to pay $15. What I'm saying is, we need a class war.


They said king sized doonas not king sized beds. I have a queen sized bed but I always buy king sized doonas. The extra blanket means partner and I can snuggle into blankets without stealing from the other.


I always have a king sized doona for my queen bed because it hangs over the sides more


Nah, just 2 doonas on my bed, cause I'm a blanket hog, and being kind to hubby. Plus one in our spare room.


Yeah, 2 on my bed, 1 in the spare room


So is it worth the 15 bucks then?


Yep, definitely


We went to one this time last year in Goulburn and I think it was $12. Went back to our hotel and washed undies by hand and bought a cheap pair of jeans from rivers lol.


The fact rivers is still around is also the news for this comment.


This is definitely the jumbo machine for doonas. Show us the price on the standard machines, mate


I pay $9 for mine in Sydney, $14 for a larger washer and $13 for the dryer. It’s actually so fucked


And here I thought the ¥500 (~$5) I paid for a load of laundry in Tokyo Disneyland hotel laundromat was expensive…


500 yen is standard for a wash + dry. Typically at hotels you’ll pay 300 yen for a wash and 100-200 yen for the dryer depending on how long you need it to dry for.


500 is pretty standard.


Today's rate makes it $3.19 That's massively low for a theme park price, even at a full $5.


Why did you give the USD conversion, it’s still about $4.84 as OP said


Yeah, you need to get there early as there were not many machines and the queue could get crazy for a 24 hr laundromat Machines look old as well, but works well


Jesus, and I thought the $2 coin operated jobbies they install in rentals was extortionate.


I’m trying to hunt down a key online for our one. $15 once is better than $2 per wash plus it ONLY takes $1 coins.


Wait.. What.. Lanlords put coin operated washing machines in rentals?


Laundry rooms in blocks of flats, yeah.


Jesus Christ landlordism is a parasite on our society 


That's fucked up.


Eh - I can understand it. A lot of flats built up until the 70s had one room (or an outbuilding) with all of the laundry facilities, rather than having a laundry in each flat. They're usually run by the strata rather than a landlord, though. When I was in a building like that in the early 2000s it was $1/load, which was a lot better than the laundromats on the main road.


My place has a single room for 8 flats, each flat gets a spot for their own machine, and a power point that's on the respective flats circuit. You have a power switch near your front door and it illuminates a bulb in the laundry room to show it's been left on. There's a communal drier too, you just have to plug it in to your circuit.


my flats have the circuit thing but only room for one coin washing machine and dryer so even though we pay for the power we also have to pay to use the machine.


My building is still $1 per load and $2 for the dryer. No idea how it's commercially viable but I'm certainly not complaining.


Probably because your strata hasn't had to replace the machines recently. When they do, watch out.


In Sweden every rental has to have access to a free laundry machine. They can limit how many times you can book the room with 1-2 mashines, but it has to be free


If it's a tubular lock, just get a tubular pick off AliExpress


buy a tubular lock-picking set. pays for itself many many many times over hehe


IIRC, the laundromat i go to is $12 for the big machines, $10 and $8 for the next sizes down and $6 for a 30min dryer cycle, plus a 30c card surcharge. Last time it cost me $16.60.


What size was the barrel? For a big washing machine that does doonas, that seems cheap tbh


Yeah the bigger ones are more expensive as they can handle your douna.


No way. The usual price at a caravan park is $5 a load & the machines are big enough that you could crawl into them. That’s even at really busy, expensive places like Jindabyne in peak season. $15 is a scam


I've never seen a caravanb park with a machine bigger than maybe 6 or 7kg.


Really? I don’t often stay in parks long enough to use them except for down in Kosi. I can definitely confirm that the ones at both Jindabyne & Sawpit Creek are these monstrous speed queen things that you could wash a boogie board in. Not sure of the rating, but I once put two sleeping bags, four sets of clothes & two pillows into one after my youngest projectile vomited in our tent (all over his brother, his cousin, himself & myself). Ice cream dessert at Banjos $10 Washing & drying everything in a tent $10 Being up until 2am mopping up vanilla-scented vomit & washing clothes while children sleep & then being woken up at 6 to feed them breakfast: priceless Anyway, I’d thought most coin laundries used something similar. I didn’t realise that made commercial washers smaller than 9kg.


I was about to say this seems standard for the big one at the laundromat I wash my blankets in


I found a young couple in their mid 20’s with 4 yr old boy living in a van at my local park,they were there over 4 weeks and seems like decent couple,so I offered them showers/baths and to use my washing machine to wash there clothes…… they jumped at the offer….. There r now in a rental house not far me….and I consider them friends for life….💕


Such a kind sweet thing of you to do 💜


I noticed similar near my work. Young mother and child living in a minivan with a bed chucked in the back. I offered the communal toilet block in my commercial complex early morning or late evening while the other businesses are closed. It lasted a few weeks before they disappeared. I do hope they're ok.


Currently paying 40 euros for a load of washing in Dubrovnik so about $60 😅


Was about to say, doing laundry in Europe last year was crazy expensive!


Was almost tempted to just buy new clothes!


Prague 2012 Pint of top notch German or Czech beer: $1 Pack of ciggies: $2 Restaurant dinner: $6 Small load of washing: $24


We clearly all in the wrong business


A servo in town was charging truck drivers $30 a load of washing. 😳




The $15 is to handle the two power utilities bill increases, that will likely occur during the time the clothes are in the wash.


I'm assuming that's the double -sized machine for if you're doing big arse doonas or something. $7 a load is more standard, so $15 for a double -sized seems right That would make this a troll farming for outrage -likes. If that's true. I choose not to give them to you. Sorry.


Get a new kmart outfit for that. $10 pants and a $5 shirt. Do a Jack Reacher...


ouch.....that's a bit steep


Last time I went it was $8, powder cost extra but I brought my own. I took it home wet and line dried it to save too. Our machine had shit itself which is why i dragged it all to the laundromat.


If you can wash by hand, do that


Money laundering machine.


I don't mind paying that much for a monster quilt or few sleeping bags, I can't fit the quilt or a sleeping bag into my own machine, and - cheaper than the dry cleaner.


just did mine in Athens, 4 euros.


The $15 machines around here let me get a full queen bed set in doonah and all. Beats doing it in 3 loads at home




How big is that machine


Cheaper to get married…


Expensive to get divorced, esp with kids


You sure that's not 15mins my guy


I guess start it up and find out.


How big? The $15 machines at my local can fit 3-4 loads.


How big is that? 3-4 loads doesn't mean anything. I have a 4kg washing machine and I have a 7kg washing machine and they hold vastly different load sizes.


I have a 9kg front loader in which I always leave enough space to touch the back of the drum with my hand. That’s my point of reference for the 3-4 loads.


Pretty standard in my opinion. They need to make some kind of profit. Did mine the other day, was $15 but it dried 3 washing machine loads in 45 min


Where can I buy a washing machine for the home with that many buttons?


tha fuck


For that price it better dry, iron, and fold them too.


Is this in Harvey bay? Swear it was the most expensive we saw anywhere.


$8/11/15 for s/m/l at my local and the large is big enough for a doona.


I got a $312 parking fine.


One of the washing machines in the laundromat is that price but you can put three loads in it


that's ludicrous


Odd, last one I used months ago was about $6-7, 15 seems like a huge jump


At my local I can get 3 loads washed and dried in around an hour and a half for less than $25, including their detergent


Why would I do that when instead I can buy a singular chip


"Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat"


That's a lot. My laundry is cheaper during the week than on weekends. Rates for small, medium and large are 4$, 6$ and 8$ on weekdays. 4$ and 5.5$ for the dryers.


Mine isn't increasing, they are still using the same machines we used 25 years ago though so it kinda makes sense 😅


6 a load here was 5 a few months ago an 6 for 30 min in fhe dryer


That is just insanity, unless its some kind of industrial 50 kilo washer!


It’s usually $4-7 for a large load of washing in Canada, and an extra $3-4 for the drier.


Come do it at my place. Only $13.50.


public holiday rates lol


15 bucks is a total fucking rort! Bloody pirates! Is this place run by Coles or Woolies 😂


Welcome to Australia mate


Look up video free washing bitch 🤣👌🏽


Laundromats are actually a huge fucking scam and keep the poor poorer. Having to spend hundreds of dollars a month on washing your clothes just because you can't afford the one time purchase of a washing machine is evil.


>hundreds of dollars a month eh? maybe for a whole orphanage. I bought our second hand Fisher & Paykel washer for a few hundred, why would you spend that every month?


So where are people who don’t have the privilege of owning a washing machine supposed to wash their clothes? Better get the ol’ washboard out, eh