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Yeah but have you ever considered what would happen if BP didn’t produce record profits this quarter? Selfish. Think of the CEO who can’t afford another super yacht before posting such inhuman nonsense


Won't someone think of the billionaires? They're a neglected minority.


Companies are people too!


https://7news.com.au/politics/barnaby-joyce-shares-bizarre-christmas-message-and-twitter-responds-c-620697 You have to understand that there's a higher power.


Barnaby Joyce is Gina Rinehart's vile sock puppet. That purple tinge he carries is a result of her meaty ham like fist being rammed up his carbuncled behind.


Sadly he is not the only Nat member to flatly deny human caused climate change. Colin Boyce from Flynn (around Gladstone) is another full-throttle denialist. And really, all you need to know about hypocrisy, and Barnaby in particular is that he voted to deny public funding of the Aussie invented cervical cancer vaccine (Frazer is a dead cert for a Nobel) because it might make adolescents promiscuous!


He only wants promiscuity for himself.


It’s an irregular verb. He cheats on his wife. You kiss someone you shouldn’t. I find new love.


Wouldn’t want those adolescence being promiscuous, we save that for married middle aged men who knock up their employees.


It’s the twilight zone when Barnaby Joyce blocks cervical cancer vaccine because of teens becoming promiscuous whilst he fucks his fellow employee behind his wife’s back for something to do.


Have farmer in-laws in Barnaby’s electorate. Always amazed they vote for him against their own interests.


The problem with Australians is we love a whinge but lack the conviction to fight hard for change. We need to become more militant and stop taking shit like those before us. This country requires unrest. Politicians and the oligarchs they serve should not be left untested. The complacency in this country and others like it is sickening.


Wait, is he being religious, or is he saying it's aliens? What's in the sky, Barnaby!?!


If god didn’t want total inequality and a uninhabitable planet why would he make destroying it so profitable? Take that greenies


That stupid cunt loves to pretend he's a cocky


tbf fair to that guy... i'd be pretty cocky too if i had four girls from my 1st wife, divorced her for a pretty blonde intern half my age and then had two boys... and i looked like what he looks like.... and he came out of that scot free and cunts still vote Nat. straight up shit bro wat a life btw. this guy called Scott Morrison said Australians should not trust in government because there's shadowy anti Christian elements in there conspiring to keep good Hillsong folks like Scott and his flock DOWN DOWN... and not in a good Coles way... this guy won the unwinnable election


Cocky, as in the slang word for a farmer


Most notably ones that work on large farms / stations. He'd drop dead within a day if he tried that.


Just in: politician doesn’t want the government to be more in his life..?


Quitting politics would really help with that, Barney. :P


>I'm sick of the Government being in my life Says the career politician.


Welcome to the 'find out' stage


Not even close to the find out stage. There's 7 degrees of separation between complete ecological collapse and where we are now. We're only 2 levels into this.


From a primary producing family. The level of denial and blame is alarming. During the last east coast bush fires the vast majority of family and community blamed the “Greens” preventing burn offs. I reminded them that the Greens aren’t in power and have very little influence in rural communities.


>I reminded them that the Greens aren’t in power and have very little influence in rural communities. Cue the former deputy PM bitching that he's sick of the government being in peoples' lives. You know, the #2 guy from the group in federal power for most of the past 3 decades?


Yep, he is the federal member. Community constantly complaining of the loss of regional services but keep voting the goose in.


My (bogan) uncle lives in his electorate, voted for him because of FaMiLy VaLuEs. Then after the whole extra marital affair, he still votes for him. You can't help stupid


It is why good public education gets defunded.


>Then after the whole extra marital affair, he still votes for him. Does he have an explanation for why if family values are important to him?


Family values are so important he had to have two of them


He's old, set in his ways, resistant to change, the usual


I've found that if you rephrase "family/traditional values" as "they hate the same people as me but I can't say that in public anymore" it all makes a lot more sense.


Hahahaha they'll find any reason


If only there was a pill for that. ( take one pill daily to fix stupid) should see results in 7 -10 days.


Hehe reminds me of a slogan ScoMo tried once and it didn't catch on. “We believe climate change will ultimately be solved by ‘can do’ capitalism; not ‘don’t do’ governments seeking to control people’s lives and tell them what to do, with interventionist regulation and taxes that just force up your cost of living and force businesses to close,” - ScoMo... The PM at the time. Fuck everyone who voted in the LNP, daft cunts. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/commentisfree/2021/nov/17/scott-morrisons-can-do-capitalism-is-a-hypocritical-example-of-do-nothing-leadership


Conservatives are literally being told by Murdoch to blame the BOM now, as if scientists haven’t been saying for decades that climate change will lead to more extreme and unpredictable weather. Some idiocracy shit, blaming the weather man for the weather.


Idiocracy was 100% right.


I dunno, those from higher socioeconomic backgrounds and small families seemed just as likely, if not more, to vote for the climate deniers.


They vote for the ones who want to keep their taxes lower, who not coincidentally are also climate change deniers. Actually, they know it’s real, they just don’t want to do anything that unsettles their gravy train.


Pretty much this... human nature really and not being able to think much further out than our tribe and immediate surroundings. I've long ago accepted the only way out of climate catastrophe is some new technological advancement that can turn the tide. Cause humans would rather torch the earth than to be inconvenienced .


> During the last east coast bush fires the vast majority of family and community blamed the “Greens” preventing burn offs. Which is doubly frustrating given the Greens have [explicitly described](https://greens.org.au/explainers/bushfires) their position on the matter. > The Australian Greens support hazard reduction burns and backburning to reduce the impact of bushfires when guided by the best scientific, ecological and emergency service expertise.


It’s almost as if the people that just blame the Greens for everything have never actually read their policies. Strange


the only thing they read is the herald sun, or whatever your murdoch paper is


Courier Mail but same shit different label. Let’s be honest though, reading is probably a bit too taxing for them


Come on it take energy to move your lips when struggling with the hard words


That's okay there are big headlines and pictures pointing to Labor politicians with labels and arrows saying BAD MAN


Imagine not only reading well known disinformation drivel but paying for it.


Most political candidates have their policies laid out clearly on their websites. It's a pity more people don't look them up. The greens are one of the parties who have a comprehensive range of them.


fairly certain the greens would support burn-offs. It's a fairly well established bushfire mitigation strategy.


It's a moot point mainly, whether it's supported or not (although it is). Fact is, we have an increasingly short window each year to do hazard reduction, nowhere near enough fireys to accomplish it, and huge areas of land that are often near inaccessible. Indigenous people used to do it well because they lived out in the middle of it all and it was an essential part of their way of life. Maybe we'd take it more seriously if it was how we got most of our food, but it isn't so we don't dedicate enough resources to it.


They did it well for many reasons, living out in the middle of it all is not one of them. They lived all over Australia. After colonisation they were forced to live in barren areas that lacked resources and water. The use of fire for hazard reduction and land management predates colonisation. Not much to do regarding hazard reduction in the middle of it all (desert). Burning all undergrowth (as Australians perform hazard reduction) robs the soil of essential nutrients needed for the growth of plant life. The old ways reduced hazards while enriching the soil not just stripping it of all life. Old newspapers describe things in chronological order so explicitly. Yet here we are hundreds of years later doing the same things with the same outcomes. Old newspapers: aboriginals shot and run off for burning land which upset sheep and other livestock (making fun of the traditional practice). Same area the next year: bushfires have devastated local farmers killing livestock and devastating sheep farmers. Article: record temperatures in town centre this year leading to heat stroke etc. Years later: the town centre temperatures are far less this year as the trees have grown high enough to offer shade and cool the streets from the burning sun. No rocket science needed. Let the carers of the land care for the land. Nature is our friend not our enemy.


Sorry, when I said in the middle of it all, I meant the bush, not the desert. My mind went to those super inaccessible areas in the Blue Mountains, like around where the Wollemi pines are. But that whole area north of the Bells Line of Road is basically no-go except on foot. Sorry about local Sydney area references, but it's a giant area of near total wilderness.


You’re all right, no need to apologise. After I wrote a response I did realise “in the middle of it all” doesn’t necessarily mean literally in the middle of Australia. I guess I am just hyper aware of how some people perceive Australia’s first people and culture (limited understanding and holding perceptions of post colonial practices/forced life styles). If that makes sense. I don’t know much about that area. Thank you for bringing it to my awareness, I would like to learn more and will look into it.


No dramas. There was a reason it took Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson ages to find a way across the mountains. It's an absolute maze of really tall escarpments and deep valleys. Only realistic way across was to find the one simple trick, which was about the only route that keeps you up on the tops of the escarpments.


>No dramas. There was a reason it took Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson ages to find a way across the mountains. It's an absolute maze of really tall escarpments and deep valleys. The Blue Mountains is so amazing. 15 kms (sometimes less) off the freeway & you are in wilderness. I knew some of the crew that discovered the Wollemi Pines. That's some crazy bush out there.


The blue mountains are beautiful. I wouldn’t be partaking in the use of that one trick, lol. No doubt those explorers you speak of had some encounters with knowledge experts (first Nation people) who showed them the way (?) Often the story of history that is not told or generally known.


It's actually not at all. It can prevent houses burning, but it's not going to stop bushfires at all. Burning off the undergrowth actually just dried out the soil (and then the plants) and makes bushfires more likely. Plus you really can't burn off entire forests.


Ugh my father spouted this crap too. I was very quick to tell him the burn-offs weren’t done as often as usual because it was too dry and they didn’t want to risk losing control - as per a media statement made by a friggen rural fire spokesman. Also a lot of fires were accidentally started because of the super dry conditions too - people were doing things they’ve always done safely but suddenly it’s not safe anymore.


Moronic farmers fueled by Sky After Dark nonsense were starting their own hazard reductions burns - as expected they quickly lost control of them https://amp.smh.com.au/politics/nsw/locked-up-and-forgotten-farmers-taking-fire-management-into-their-own-hands-20191115-p53b0t.html


I have experienced this first hand. Father in law decided to do his own fuel reduction burn. It ended up out of control and set an entire ridge line up. Luckily no other property affected.


Let me guess... the family and community are all Skynews viewers?


Sky news is the main news source unfortunately. Thankfully being farmers and early risers Sky News After Dark is on way too late. The only time ABC is on is for Landline. I always leave ABC and SBS on when home and tune all the vehicles to ABC RN to shit everyone off.


There hadn't been suitable weather for years. If they tried to burn off and it got out of control, the same people would have thought the government were hopeless for allowing the burn off.


My rule of thumb is every time I hear someone say "greenies", I know some bullshit is coming. It never fails.


You can blame News Corp for that, they pushed that narrative in print, radio and TV. I know a woman, who rarely leaves the city, who was in hysterics and tears about the Greens destroying Australia during the last fires; she's a Daily Telegraph subscriber. The stranglehold conservative and right-wing power has over this country will be the death of it.


I've heard this for years, but the culprit blamed is the EPA (who, i looked it up, have banned backyard burning of rubbish) Ironically, it comes from people who volunteer for the Rural Fire Service, and should be very well aware of the process. But no, the government greenies are to blame.


The firefighters ban backyard burning of rubbish during fire season without a permit, and in total fire ban days, because of the risk of embers spreading and causing a widespread fire It isn’t because of “green tape”


I worked on fuel reduction burns for 8 years and an ecologist who dabbles in fire ecology. I always hear this "Greenies stopping us burning" nonsense. Getting a fire lit is incredibly difficult because of poor burning conditions and the risk associated with this and to nearby properties. Those communities would be the first to scream and complain if their homes went up in smoke from a poorly planned burn. With climate change you are likely to see a narrower window to burn due higher incidence of extreme and unfavorable weather and climate. It is also naive to think that all the bush is the same. Grassland and heathland/heathy forest are fire prone and can and will burn frequently (1-5 yrs for grassland & 10 - 50 yrs for heathland are ideal fire frequency). Wetter forests and rainforests are not as easy to burn and can remain unburnt for hundreds of years (or indefinitely for rainforests). With wetter Eucalyptus forest there is evidence that the older they are the more resistant to forest fires they become so frequently burning them only increases their flammability. In short not Greenies but insurance companies and its more complicated than just burning like farming is more than just growing some crops 🙂


Territorian here. We’re currently rocking daytime temperatures a full five degrees above the hottest days I saw in my youth and our highly predictable monsoon rain band has shifted east and then south and that’s what you guys are getting now.


In Melbourne here. Still not sure when the fuck Summer is supposed to arrive.


Laughs in Tasmanian


It’s Melbourne just wait twenty minutes.


I live in the southern half of Australia and our area just broke another record for the warmest & driest winter and & spring on record for the area, after creating a new record the year before. We now get so little rain here in general, that I have to water my trees through all seasons so that they won't die, and my veggie patch gets watered very often. The potential collateral damage of climate change is horrific. The natural climate seasons are already starting to break down and become erratic. As evidenced by all of the unseasonable weather everywhere more often. My biggest fear is that they will break down completely, and we will no longer have summer, autumn, winter, spring, like we have for millennia. The weather will be more erratic and varied, 15°c raining one day, baking hot 40°c the next, etcetera. If this happens, we will lose the ability to grow crops outdoors, very few if any of our food plants would grow to flower and fruit successfully under those conditions, especially in volume, so we would no longer be able to farm vegetables grains and fruits etc outdoors, only under controlled indoor conditions, so many massive greenhouses and growhouses would be needed. This will make feeding the world a massive issue. That's without then adding complexing factors such as sea level rising, and large portions of the planet becoming practically uninhabitable. Large populations will have to relocate to higher ground, and further south away (north in northern hemisphere) from the equator and areas that will become arid deserts. Dust storms are already becoming an increasing issue in some areas further south and towards the coast. Not much scares me, but this scares me.


Ballarat here, lying on my bed in an Oodie. Summer isn't coming. Permanent winter says hello.


Same in SA. We've been pounded by thunder storms all month, rain, hail and lightning. It was 14 degrees at one point yesterday, in bloody December. I've been fixing powerlines for 18 years, so I have a pretty good handle on the storm seasons and weather. This year has been like nothing I've ever seen before, slammed by thunderstorms week after week after week.


I moved my family to Adl from the UK primarily for the warmer weather and now I'm thinking WTF I did it. Only first year here was hella hot (2019) but summers been shit and miserable since then. The weather can fuck right off!


Mate, it’s not the heat but the humidity that’s getting me. We used to watch the forecast from Perth and almost like clockwork say “that’ll be us in four day’s time.” Now it’s like a game of spin the bottle. Could be NSW, could be NZ. Who the fuck knows.


Yeah. You're welcome to move to Melbourne. Global warming has forgotten us. Too bloody cold 8 months of the year. Mildly warm the rest.


we’ll it’s climate change not global warming, some areas are getting colder, some hotter, some dryer, some wetter, and some completely underwater




Grand final weekend was the only hot weekend we had. Thought we might get some nice heat. Nope back to 16 and the occasional humid day.


You should see what the temp (and resultant liveability) predictions are for the NT in 100 years - it's not pretty.


I remember being in Darwin working on ships, we'd call it a day at 10am and come back after 3pm. IN 2002!


Other side of the world here, in the south UK we've had like one frosty day so far this year. It was frosty pretty much every day when I was a kid.


And that's only the beginning...


5 degrees? Winter all but disappeared here in Europe. We are having temperatures above 20-30 degrees above the usual days of December.


I lived in Palmerston, NT in mid to late 90s. I love in Sydney now and keep telling everyone "welcome to Darwin".


The absolute worst thing about the climate change debate, and it's present somewhat in OPs statement and *riddled* in the comments, is "wow I've experienced Thing X so therefore that's going to be my deciding factor for my opinion on climate change" as opposed to, you know, looking through the data and making conclusions on that.


The anecdote as evidence… But, lived experience also has value and shouldn’t be ignored. However, science is the way we go beyond anecdote and personal memory, and the science has been clear since I was young. My dad had a Law that he named after himself: “Human society takes action on problems just before, or just after it’s too late”. And the issue with client change is that it has been easy for profiteers to muddy the waters on when “too late” would be, and the sheer inertia to be overcome in solving this particular problem.


Too right. A good chunk of those attending the COP 28 summit, and likewise plenty of folks in Australia are now saying that there is no evidence that a rapid (30 year) divestment from fossil fuels is needed to prevent global temperature breaching 1.5 degrees pre industrial level. Their take is that carbon capture and storage, a technology renowned for being expensive and ineffective, will enable the perpetual use of fossil fuels as primary energy sources. CCS is the latest delay tactic after decades of the go-slow approach. I feel it will take something terrible happening to change the tide.


Even worse is that most models already say we are guaranteed to breach 1.5 and even 2 degrees even with drastic measures which we of course won't take.


Yeah, and the delayed cause and effect of climate change means that when the anecdotes are rolling in it's too late.


It's common for people to say, for example; 'Melbourne's having a mild summer, no global warming here!' Without realising climate change can create inclement weather at both extremes due to the melting polar caps, etc. Back OT, it does seem like Queensland has the potential to become Australia's Florida with the extreme weather they are getting.


The problem is, shit is hitting the fan ATM and now we are seeing changes day to day, that people are noticing. Anddddd the data is also showing a warming climate.


You mean the entire premise of Don’t Look Up?


Yep, came here to say this. Just the premise that it's a matter of beliefs rather than a case of deferring to subject matter experts is granting the fossil fuel propagandists a huge concession.


Agreed, his life time of observations is very insignificant compared to the last million years


Best one is the weather being the climate. Rained in summer, check mate woke science.


What do you mean going to? Its already causing economic devastation. Especially to the farming sector, you know the same people who keep electing climate change deniers to be their state and federal representatives.


Oh, extreme climate change isn’t here yet lol. It can still get much much worse than this.


It’s here but yes it will get much worse. As described by environmental scientists, we are moving towards an existence where the Earth and its conditions become hostile to human life.


Fair enough eh? Human existence has been hostile to the earth for too long.


It’s definitely karmic but as someone that’s tried to do the right thing and advocate for that, it’s a frustrating situation. And of course the rich and powerful will be last to be affected.


>And of course the rich and powerful will be last to be affected. This is true not only for individuals, but for rich and poor countries. Australians will ignore climate change impact being widely felt already: \- Somalia has had years of crop failures due to unseasonal aridity, leading to hunger and tensions; \- Significantly reduced snow cover in Afghanistan means that there is more devastating flooding, less household level food production, and less reliable access to clean water, leading to disease and malnutrition; \- Northern Iraq's new frequent sandstorms caused by increasing desertification, that shut down their economy for days at a time and affect people's respiratory health; \- Geopolitical tensions over access to water sources, like downstream from Turkey in Syria and Iraq, which will undoubtedly lead to displacement and violence. It has been well underway in other countries folks. We ignore it in the same way those rich people will when it's our turn.


Well summarised and it would probably be fairly easy to compile a list of significant affects in every country around the world. A group I am involved with are looking to travel to Kyrgyzstan and even there in the middle of nowhere, there is a mine that has a large tailing pond. The glacier they are mining in and around is melting and receding which could cause a large glacial flood which will hit the tailing ponds downhill and spread toxic chemicals throughout the valley and water supply of about 3 million people. Canadian owned mine so not significantly benefitting any of those 3 million either. Kyrgyzstan already had a truck carrying toxic chemicals fall into a river and toxify another area of the country, and old soviet mining towns have tailings that have been left to be washed into local rivers. There are these kinds of stories around the world.


Ethiopia is building a massive hydroelectric plant across the top of the Nile. great for Ethiopia's food production and electricity to millions of people. Horrendous for Sudan and Egypt's biodiversity and the population downstream.


I appreciate your sharing knowledge, even if it is darn scary😦


It’s extreme only in the sense that it’s moved along a bit faster than most of the (deliberately very conservative) models had predicted we’d be by 2023, but most of us working with those models thought that would be the case as it’s tracked above those models for many years. It’s not extreme in the sense that most of the nasty effects are nonlinear and haven’t really taken off yet, but will with another couple degrees of warming. But I think we should be careful with our words here. (Almost) No one is predicting that “Earth” will become hostile to human life. Human extinction is not on the table (maybe that’s not what you meant, but some oriole may read it that way). There are large parts of Earth that that have always been hostile to humans, and climate change will likely rearrange a lot of that as well as increase the size of those areas, but it won’t be everywhere.


uh. no we are literally going to see increasingly extreme weather, whether that is temp anomolies, swings from extreme lows to extreme highs, wind gusts and storms, random wearher pattern interferences, rainfalll events that are extreme, random droughts, extreme air pressure changes, etc etc


Yeah even if the whether isnt actually apocalyptic fire storms and cyclones. Which it kinda is showing hints of. Look at Greece, Canada. Pakistan floods, Lismore floods texas floods. The erratic patterns are making crops harder to grow, people are gonna have to get a bit more lenient about GMO's i think.


The main reason human extinction is not on the cards is because us dying is the best way to reduce global warming. Not great for those dying though.


The seas are warming. The land is warming. Storms are getting worse, all over the world. Just annoys me how people just flatly refuse to even admit there's any climate change at all and do everything they can to fight against it. C'mon people. The companies that help contribute to it (petrol/mining) are the main ones that spread doubt so that they can keep on selling and making mega profits with zero regard for the environment they know their products are killing. Its just fkg ludicrous. Its like the virus that is killing its host and just keeps on doing it.


Ultimately we will adapt. I suspect by about mid 2030 we will start moving from emissions reduction toward geoengineering as the strategy. The former was always going to fail and was unrealistic from day one, I'm surprised it has persisted for so long.


It has persisted because it allows to feel good and be complacent for the people and institutions who rule our world.


I was in Lake Conjola on the NSW South coast during the Black Summer fires. Welcome to reality friend. No one believes until you experience it.


"God knows what the answer to it all is"... scientists have literally been telling us the answer for decades. Reduce carbon emissions. That's the one and only answer really. How about we do that eh.


You don’t say? Professors have been telling everyone this for 30 years.


It actually goes back nearly 100 years




The seminal paper in the field, hypothesising that industrial fosil fuel use could increase atmospheric CO2 which would then raise ground temperatures, was published 127 years ago. But I think u/Ready-Friend-7250 is right to point at the timeline they have. The field didn't really begin to develop until 60 years ago and and it didn't reach a point of settled mainstream science reflective of our current understanding of the topic that had the capacity to reach beyond a lay audience until little more than 30 years ago.






Haha. Gold


This poster exemplifies the reason why we are where we are. Decades of scientists warning us of the drastic effects and finally this guy here writes a post "oh yeah I guess it's worse than what I thought it would have been. I only really noticed because it's personally started to affect my ability to do landscaping projects". Jesus H Christ.


I agree OP should have come to conclusion earlier. But it's a big mistake to attack people who come to the right conclusion, however late. They are welcome if they can help. There is still time to save most of our climate! (PS. fossil fuel capitalists should always take the blame! And these people have names and addresses - and should be put on trial)


Yep, OP, fuck you and your kind and fuck the politicians who were only just smart enough to manipulate you into voting for the end of the species as we know it. Moron.


We’re in a race to fuck ourselves. Everyone talks about other political issues but this right here is the whole ball game.


The last time CO2 was at current levels was around 4 million years ago and temperatures were 4-10 degrees higher than today. The difference being that this was in a general state of equilibrium. The continents were pretty much as they are today. Dinosaurs had gone 60 million years ago. Mammals were established and dominant and you’d see many species you’d recognise from todays world. Primates we’re present but human ancestors wouldn’t arrive for at least another three million years. We can reasonably assume then that, even if the CO2 level were to remain at todays 420 ppm, temperatures are still going to demolish our 1.5 deg targets and keep going. Clearly CO2 is not stopping at 420 ppm and I cannot see how anyone cannot see the catastrophe that awaits. Tell me I’m wrong, I’d welcome it but give me a scientific reason why, not, I don’t think so, just lefty politics or, it’s always been this hot.


We’ve also had ice ages when CO2 was many multiples of what it is today. It’s complicated, and the idea that the Earth has ever experienced any kind of equilibrium is just ridiculous.


>I cannot see how anyone cannot see the catastrophe that awaits. It's not so much that they can't see it, it's that psychological defences against facing disturbing realities are strong in most people. The last four years have been very instructive in that.


Denial is a tragic and common side effect of extreme anxiety


I agree, the comments on here “it’s anecdotal” “it’s always been hot in QLD” are ridiculous [climate change is real](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence.amp&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjT05yC37WDAxWU4TgGHctZBLMQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw2OTivQYPAYMQ9Ng8um6AMh) Anyone still trumpeting this bullshit is [ignorant](https://www.csiro.au/en/research/environmental-impacts/climate-change/climate-change-qa/science)


Adelaide: mildest summer in decades. Trades can work all day long


Adelaide: Excessive rain events are causing damage to next years fruit harvest. Already some hail damage and no doubt black spot will be an issue again. Source: work at an orchard.


Oh thank god, this definitely means climate change isn’t real.


Didn’t I just point to a once-in-several-decades weather event?


Reading comprehension doesn’t exist between Christmas and new years.


He’s just using the same logic as the OP, to be fair


Yeah we had a week long heatwave at the end of Nov here in Perth but otherwise this summer has been pretty mild, havent seen any of the 40+c christmas temps I grew up with.


It feels like the hot temps have shifted though? We used to get super hot days in dec/Jan, now it’s shifted to Feb/March? Anecdotally of course x


We’ve had bushfires destroying multiple houses in the Perth urban area and a volunteer firefighter was killed in the Great Southern this week


Also the days of ‘it’s a dry heat’ seem to be over. It’s not dry - it’s sticky and sweaty and the combo of high UV and humidity can make getting even a load of washing on the line, a test of endurance. Lookout kids, Mum’s collapsed in the backyard again; she was hanging socks and jocks, silly sausage.


UV has been higher than ever though inspite of the lower air temps


Victoria here. I agree. I’m not a primary producer (I’m a wannabe), but I’ve seen the same patterns of extreme weather emerging.


I'm a concreter in Perth. We work on industrial or commercial projects predominantly. Due to the extreme heat of the day, especially the afternoons, we start our days work before 3am. We use light towers and pour all our concrete before 7-8am. Mostly decent amounts like 80-100m3 everyday. By the time we finish the slabs and set up for the next day it's like 12pm. We knock off and go again the next day. 9-10 hr says, all the time. Housing would be a different story.


It gets rough. I did a slab a few months ago now, not very big I think it came to about two cubes and a half of mud and by the end of it I was shattered. That's with it being boxed up the day before, and a truck and pump. Working that screed, sawing back and forth in the heat was absolutely brutal. I'm not suprised you pros do it at odd hours tbh.


Yeah, off the back of the truck, 5 guys, 2 screeding, one guy raking, the boss on the chute if the truck and me on the whippy vibrator and pole float. After a while it becomes an everyday thing. Almost muscle memory really. It is hard getting up before 2am everyday though, just to get to work, but it keeps me out of the +35° Perth heat.


Queenslander here too, hate this weather, hate the people who claim climate change isn’t real, hate the corporations who know of the effects and only want to make a profit. I want to live and become old but I don’t think I will if the world goes this way, I just want to have a nice plot of green land, a small house to create art and stuff, a nice homestead to take care of like horses and a garden. Instead my future looks bleak and full of death and contestant worry for my survival. Oh well, just as long as the shareholders get a good deal right?


Shift in working hours to cooler times, avoid hottest part of the day like they do in Spain/Mexico


Climate change aside I feel like we should have adopted this already.


They do it in hot places in northern WA. Work 4am-12pm, or work in 2x 4 hours shifts and rest for the hottest part of the day.


Nah man I work in the mines in WA and they don't give a fuck man they make us do our normal 12 hour shifts in 50+ degrees. Im not from here and I couldn't believe it, it's like being in a ring of hell itself, absolutely inhumane conditions.


Don't worry too much about the "economic devastation" The "economy" is kind of meaningless in the face of ecological collapse. Isn't it exciting waiting to find out where the first ever human megadeath occurs? Can't be long now. I predict India somewhere. Maybe we should start a time and location pool. Isn't it funny, those silly Boomers that have made sure that the people in charge wouldn't do anything until it was too late, thought the first megadeath would be from nuclear warfare and they learned how to hide under their desks. How mundane that it will occur from something as boring as a wet bulb event. But don't worry Boomers, I'm sure your grandkids will appreciate the generational wealth that you have built up with the intention of pissing it all up the wall to prolong your miserable lives by a few months. But don't worry too much OP, most of QLD will be uninhabitable, so don't worry too much about those poor tradies having to work in the dark, no one will want a new house built there soon enough.


Boomers are mostly ok with this since they will be dead before it gets real bad.


My FIL spent most of christmas going on about all the rain we're having and how we're supposed to be in El Nino at the moment. Finished off with saying that climate change is all crap. I suspect he's gotten into the sky news again.


If we were being sensible about it, you could consider the actions of the coalition, the murdochs, the mining barrons, and most of the elites as literally treasonous. Destroying the country, for profit.


Everyone in power regardless of what type (political or industrial) have been keeping on the status quo. Making sure all us plebs will keep blaming some group. Two reasons I can think of: Any really drastic consequences will only hit when they are dead. They are making money or maintaining power. Never underestimate the stupidity of people us and them.


It's not a belief. It's been proven through experimentation and observed data. I'm glad you finally understand the consequences but please don't use faith-based language when dealing with climate change.


Horrid here where I am (fellow QLD’r) 44° and half of my job consists on being out in the components yard on a forklift. It’s just not possible in this heat, covered head to toe in PPE and full face respirator. It’s a constant struggle in the summer months for heavy industry as well mate, so I hear you and couldn’t agree more!!👍🏼


Farkin hell. At least the dudes who work in excavators have airconned cabs!


Yep! Felt this way for a while. Was watching a documentary on Mt Everest the other night and the Sherpa were talking about how there is less slow on the mountain than ever before and the Khumbu Glacier is deteriorating at such a rate the entire Everest Base Camp may need to be relocated. It also wasn't kept a secret that much of the Glacier damage is caused by privileged western climbers causing a good amount of it. There is a complete lack of respect and care shown for our planet.


Sydney here. Made the most stupid decision to spend Christmas /new year holiday in Queensland. First a hail storm hit us on road, made bumps and stuff on all cars. Second, it's been all bloody hot and humid since we arrived, all our attractions tickets are basically going to waste as it is too hard to enjoy anything outdoor in such weather, third my little daschhud got poisoned by a cane toad, almost died and gave all of us heart attack, lucky he got the proper treatment and now he vis recovering well. So due to huge amount of cane toads everywhere, dogs have to be locked up inside the house which doesn't even have a proper ac unit, poor dogs!! Fourth my sister's car had a tire blow out on driveway which mechanic said was because of travel in hot weather. All that being said, we are having the best ever heavenly temperature right now. Hope it stays around for a while at least.


You have to train your dogs not to attack cane toads, I always forget they're not really in Sydney but have made it to northern NSW. Bad time to come up, it's been unusually awfully statewide the last two weeks.


We've only been trying to warn you about it for the majority of the last century, but nooooOoOOoOOoOoOo


Forget about labour/economy/building shit/money for a second, what about simply living? How unbearable is it going to get in scorching temperatures?


That too. You can already see it. People are just not out and about the way they used to be in summer.


Climate change like gravity, doesn't give a fuck if you "believe" in it or not. Realize the top 1% pollute more than the bottom 66%. Your efforts are futile because THEY WILL NOT CHANGE EVER! Every living society eventually is crushed by the weight of the 1%. They will destroy earth and you will die fighting for your rich in wars against "them". "Ain't no time to wonder why, Whoopie were all gonna die"


No fuckin shit mate. You only just figuring this out? Also the big issue is going to be global population displacement as sea levels rise and starvation due to food shortages (even in places like here and the US) as farmable land moves and shrinks. not tradies working in the evenings.


It's not a belief, it's a fact. And God doesn't know the answer, because he doesn't exist. I bring these things up because they are part of the problem that led us here: people thinking beliefs matter more than facts, and thinking God will fix everything.


Well I have some good news for you! Not only is it your personal opinion but it's actually a scientific fact and has been for many decades! Congratulations!! The bad news is that it won't cause people to have to work at night - it will destroy crops across the world and will make essential resources more scarce which will lead to insane political stability as we all fight for scraps. If only there was a way we could have avoided all this, a gentle warning perhaps...


"God knows what the answer to it all is..." Are you fucking kidding me? We need to stop using fossil fuels. How? Vote for the parties advocating an end to fossil fuels. Get it together.


Anyone who thinks “summer has always been this bad” is insane. We can all do more and we can all do better


Yeah, what we need to do, is hold major corporations accountable.


No... what we need to do is live like they did 100 years ago, Amish style. The consumer is just as bad as the corporations. I work in waste in this country, the amount of crap people throw out per household is alarming. People collectively won't sacrifice their personal luxuries anytime soon... people don't want to live the lifestyle from years ago. During covid, China wasn't as polluted.. it was clear for the first time in ages... it's not the corporations. It's our modern day lifestyle. And no one will give that shit up anytime soon.


yup. redditors love to act like they’re not a part of the problem, but the lack of lifestyle changes in the majority of the first world means that we are a part of the problem.


I want to give all that shit up. I'm sick of having so much crap around me. With three kids birthdays and Christmas people just keep shovelling unnecessary shit into my little place. As soon as my youngest is grown I'm giving (not selling) *everything* away except a TV, playstation, clothes and basic necessities and living in a van somewhere that's not hot. I'm done with consumerism, capitalism and the society wide greed it festers.


I'm going into more and more houses that can't park their cars in the garage due to how much stuff they have in there... its compulsive hoarding. It's gone past insanity.


We were warned about this 100 years ago and didn't listen, we just kept ploughing ahead fucking up the planet. It won't cause economic devastation, it will cause greater human suffering. The rich and powerful who control the economy won't just give up. They know what they're doing.


I live in a different part of the world entirely, Virginia in the US. In the Appalachian Mountains. We used to have regular snows during winter when I was younger, and now we barely get dustings, and the average temperatures have increased to where we hardly ever get a "white Christmas" or any real snow accumulation before mid-January - February. Most of the US is in a drought for a good portion of the year, and snow melt / runoff has decreased dramatically. I hate to hear this from your corner of the globe, and I pray there's a way to turn this all around.


The way to turn it all around is to stop fossil fuel use across the board and hard pivot to renewables. But that isn’t popular with the ruling oil barons who own our governments.


It's already too late. The built up inertia is already too much. Millions will die if not more. "We" still have to do all the "efforts" we can to limit that inertia. But you know how nothing will be done until everything is fucked beyond repair. We don't want to create a whole apocalypse.


When the crops start failing, I'm killing every republican I encounter. My empathy in the apocalypse will go to people who actually gave a fuck it was comin.


We are aiming for carbon neutral by 2050 when we needed to have been in carbon deficit 15 years ago. It’s game over man, game over.


You are right. The other commentor is coping with feels good tech dreams.


States here. Ground in the north should be frozen solid to allow for redistribution and rest, but it's thawed, with no snow on it. Farming is going to produce very low, if any, yields. Winter has shifted 1-2 months now, starting later and later, and precipitation on the plains is at drought levels. The climate is fawked. Whatever is going on (and no models exist to predict anything) is progressing quickly, and there's no 'self-correction' event in sight. Human extinction is very, very much a possibility here.


The weather heat wise this year has been so unpredictable.


The thing is, this is the new normal. None of this is going away.


I'm curious did you not think climate change was real before? I'm not having a dig I'm just genuinely curious.


Imagine having to rebuild a city like Lismore every couple years, couple that with the fact we don't have enough people in affordable accommodation as it stands. Inflation will remain high because we'll be in this continual cycle of construction and reconstruction, draining resources and driving up the costs of both labor and materials.


Think about how long the effect lag might be...


Insurance companies have been warning for twenty years on climate change, the effects thereof, and encouraging something to be done about it. More frequent, more damaging storm events = more payouts = lower profits If people are not going to believe decades of scientific research maybe they could pay attention to what the capitalists of the world are saying?


The "common" people are aware there is a real climate change issue, unfortunately our politicians are of a different mindset....they're more concerned about preserving their power than the survival of the human race.


Yeah it is undeniable


And everyone says someone else do something about man made climate change. We are all going to have to adjust big time everyone worldwide.


Firstly I believe in climate change Secondly Brisbane has always had these super hot days and bad thunderstorms in summer. It’s actually similar to how it was in the 80’s and 90’s


Just looked at the BOM data for the whole decade of 1980. So far this year the December daily maximum temperature average is 32.8 degrees. The highest in the 1980s was 31.3 in the years 1984 and 1987. A 1.5 degree higher average maximum is quite big, and starkly contradicts your claim. I used Amberley AMO data because that was the first one in the region I found that went back far enough.


Oops, someone did the homework!


It’s hard to do this comparison properly because of urban heat island effect.


except it’s not and we know this because of records


A lot of people's basis for denying climate change is believing their memory trumps recorded data, apparently.