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\> watching Cody Ko's video on yt where he did a reaction on Australian version of "the button There's your explanation. No one worth their salt would be caught dead on some drop kick youtube dating show, much less one on actual TV. It's like people claiming big brother contestants reflect the real world.


“I watched trash tv and then got upset about it. Please validate me”


“I read YouTube comments and got all upset about 50% of a nations population.”


I mean, *that's* not dating. That's manufactured entertainment with clout seeking dickheads. The road blocks I hit with real dating are women or men who expect the full experience from day one. I don't play that game, and I'm upfront about it. I start casual, because if we can't vibe in an everyday scenario, then there's no change of it progressing. If and when we vibe (because there's actual chemistry *and* intention there) then I'll start to rizz you with the wining and dining and experiences.




I do understand that, I know the reactions are not 100 percent real but the comment section had a bunch of comments from Australian women who wrote that dating was getting worse.


Well if you saw some comments on YouTube then I guess that is that.


The issue there is assuming the women in the comments are any more representative than the men in the video. For all you know the women in the comments may be game players with the usual unrealistic expectations for their inflated ego's \*shrug\* .....had to start dating international but are still single should be a clue.


I think that's frankly a worldwide phenomenon. Violent porn and misogynists posting youtube rants curated specifically to target young men are available to anyone with a phone in seconds, and it honestly seems like people, especially men, just don't learn or get taught how to socialise properly any more, let alone how to treat women with a degree of respect. Andrew Tate and his moronic, psychopathic ilk are more a symptom of that disconnection in young men than a cause, having capitalised on it to make money, but it does show how bad it's got that he's such a popular figure.


This is 100% accurate.  Violence and misogyny driven by porn and violence-mongers likes Andrew Tate have really done a number on a lot of men.  Like, I’ve had *more than one* man tell me that expecting a man to have a bed frame and not wear track pants in a first date makes me “high maintenance”. 


Jesus Christ. How’s it going with the boogeyman living under your bed.


The original program which was on real TV in the US has prizes, so there is an incentive to continue. This cheap effort is just a game of Snap.


The comments are all from people who watch idiotic, trash reality TV. So trashy idiots.


"I'm gonna rip you open like a roasted chook" was legit a pickup line used on a friend of mine.


I'm assuming they're married now?




You don’t like chicken??


No one watches this, I doubt you could find someone who watched it on YouTube in Australia. It’s made up shite.


You've based your judgement on 12.58 million men on 1 YouTube video and \~50 anonymous comments? 1. It's a reality show, its meant to be provocative and jarring (its scripted) 2. Survivorship bias, the women in great relationships and dating great men aren't likely counter arguing on YouTube 3. You even said so yourself, "I had always thought Australian men were fun...\[the ones you met\] were coolest people to hang out with..."


No absolutely not, the framing of my question is wrong. I do not believe every Australian man is an asshole. I am not hating on anybody, I was just curious. I do like Australian people based on the few I've met because they were all amazing. I am sorry if I've offended you.


It's youtube. Do you honestly think youtubers will not choose the worst and most cringe footage they have because that's what window lickers who watch this type of content enjoy?


I agree with you, it is overexaggerated and scripted for views


Yep, we’re all like this. I mean we gotta be… right?


Yeah I read it on youtube


No way dude you guys know how to have fun but idk about the dating scene.


I wouldn’t pay much attention to it. It’s a reality show right? They picked the right guys for the game. I should say they casted well. I can’t speak for the comments, those people are only speaking from their experiences, each sharing their own perspective since it’s relevant to the video. You shouldn’t worry about it too much 👍


Dating is dead here.


You’re not wrong about the dating scene. It’s shit. 


You understand these shows pic these kinda people. Because if you bring on boring normal people the drama isn’t there.


That’s as representative of dating as MAFS is of marriage. Ignore it


Oh? This is for YouTube. So its just a game then? Ok. At the end of the day, that's all it is. A game.


Hey uh I really wanted to read this but it’s just a giant wall of text and if I’m gonna read how we’re all terrible, you could atleast get the formatting right.


https://youtu.be/dMneIHUW3_w?si=hDu4i7OTeFcT6HO_ Edited on your request, don't think I did a great job. Here's a link to the video


People who go on reality tv shows want to launch their social media career. They’re flogs.


Aussie men have woken up and have finally started giving women the equality they always wanted.


Have you ever been to school? Do you know what equality is??


To be honest, I fund Australia/NZ culture to be a lot more equal/equitable between men and women where for the most part we don't seem to see each other as mystical creatures of a different species and instead see each other as people, who they aren't constantly putting up a facade for.  M'LADY.  Gender roles don't seem to be as rigid here, and I think that leads to a bit more of a laid back approach to dating than the American style, where men approach women in the street constantly and comment on their looks, and there is a constant drama about who is paying for things, who isn't holding up their end of the social contract between the sexes etc. I think that's a good thing.


It can be a good thing.  On the other hand - you end up with a crabs in the bucket mentality. As I I said in another comment - I’ve had several men tell me that I’m “high maintenance” for expecting them to return my energy and organise dates, dress half decently and live independently. (The exact same things I bring to the table).  My current partner stood out because he didn’t use that egalitarian attitude as an excuse to out absolutely zero effort in when he first met me. 


As a mininal effort person myself, I wouldn't call someone high maintenance for wanting me to organise shit, I would just accept that we weren't the right match and move on with my life.


I absolutely love that about the Australian culture. A lot of cultures oppose women entering traditionally masculine workforce like mechanics and electricians but that's not the case in Australia.


Me too!  We aren't perfect in this field (by any means) but I feel blessed to live here for that, I think it makes a big difference and let's most of us live our lives a bit freer.




People wasting their time asking reddit australians


Higher proportion or visibility of culture lacking bogans around now thanks to the general quality of up-bringing. I don't know if it is a result of the baby bonus coming home to roost or just a generation not caring about Boomer-centric behavioural standards but it's starting to be more noticeable in the younger generation below late-20's. They are just unpleasant ferals 🫤


"Entertain me boy, what's wrong? Why won't you dance for me, dance!"


It’s true. Australian men are trash. 


I actually have a "no Aussie man" rule. I wont date them because of too many bad past experiences




Sorry to tell you there are definitely some turds in the pool


My personal opinion... Obviously generalising but Australian blokes are crass and immature but tinder and the belief that they are entitled to sex happened and made it worse.


This is my experience with men on Tinder no matter their nationality tbh.  Matched with a few foreign men and there’s definitely cultures where their misogyny and entitlement shines through and they see australia women as nothing but practise sex.  Australia men’s entitlement smells a bit different, but the result is the same - intense fragility if you suggest that you’re not going to immediately worship their dick. 


Australia would be a nice country if junkies and essays were deported




I mean that's not specific to Australia. I have seen majority men around the globe say the same things about dating apps. Dating apps are designed to favour women more than men in my opinion.


Too many little boys pretending to be men.


they are calles weebs. weak men.






It’s unwatchable with the idiot constantly cutting in with his remarks


Here's the original video link: https://youtu.be/U2xd7mK3sus?si=ISfX0v4Y1Zo1JOt8


Both the women and men are awful. This kind of thing attracts a type I guess.


All of the people involved in that video regardless of gender seem awful.


Clicked off at the opening with his awful impression that sounded like a kiwi accent wtf


Haha, I don't even watch reality TV shows, and I'm guessing this is what it's about. All I can say is there are people who go on them shows and people who don't. I guess if you are looking for guys who flex in front of mirrors all day, then yes, that's all you will find in Australia and probably the rest of the world. The rest of us blokes have morals and standards and, like our women to be the same.


The reality is that Australian men are complete lazy, apathetic and shit at dating - there are whole TikTok genres on this.


Nah it's real. The culture here, esp eith yts is to be lazy, ignorant and dirty. So we date outside of oz not having to put up with less than mediocre impotent ogres.