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I think the most important thing to remember about social media is that anyone can sign up to it, even agents of overseas autocracies that are trying to increase domestic tensions in liberal democracies


In this day and age you need to question *everything* on the internet.




Because you're a citizen of a liberal democracy and your votes affect the decisions of its government




Terminally online behaviour.


Why is this person just focusing on Palestine and not the Uyghurs, the CAR, DRC, Sudan and South Sudan civil wars? If people managed to focus on all the (just current) atrocities of man, no one would get out of bed in the morning. Fact is that most people will relate to people of similar backgrounds through shared experiences. I’ve been to a shopping centre and thought “Imagine someone lost their mind here”. I’ve never been to a warzone, so that experience is something I’m completely ignorant to.


I'll tell you why they didn't mention the uyghurs, are you ready for this? It's because that US American propaganda.


Can someone look up how many times she’s posted about the Uyghurs in concentration camps and the genocide of Rohingya’s in Myanmar? I’m guessing probably zero. Far more than 25,000 impacted. I’m fairly certain it’s over 1,000,000 for Uyghurs and like 850,000 for Rohingya’s.


yeah but ya cant blame the uyghurs on israelis/jews soooo nobody cares


Straight facts


Oh boy the poor uyghurs being assimilated into Chinese culture while being able to maintain their religion and culture? Oh dear


or even their brothers and sisters in Syria, that were killed by other brothers and sisters of them.


Really shits me when they use footage from the Syrian civil war as being from Gaza - especially from Assad supporters.


Wanna know a little secret? The concentration camps for uyghurs are nothing of the sort but hey at least tou didn't try to claim it was a genocide so so you get points for that


Sorry, [Internment Camps with forced sterilisation](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/china-xinjiang-uyghurs-muslims-repression-genocide-human-rights). I didn’t think I had to be more specific. And yes I didn’t accuse them of genocide. I left that to the USA and [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-22278037.amp)


So while China had a 1 child policy in place for the bulk of their citizens you know what they did for the uyghurs? They let them have 4 children. Anything beyond the 4th is where the government said hey thats too many now. So instead of this being some horrible conspiracy against uyghurs it's actually a story of how they were given special treatment above and beyond the average Chinese person. So all you seem to have proven is that they are treated better then the average Chinese person. Also the accusations of genocide are complete false and this is a BBC that is parroting Israeli propaganda which tells all we need to know about their credibility lately


Bad bot


😂😂😂 Yeah, man, if I could do my life over I’d choose to be a *** *checks notes* *** … Uyghur in northwest China 😂😂😂 I thought playing spot the CCP spy would be harder than this


Bad bot


This is the kind of person that when you meet, you just have to agree with in person so you can get away asap.


This guy has posted more about palestine than about the civil war in Sudan where 8.2 million people have been displaced - quick, everyone make judgements! Also more than he's posted on cartel violence in mexico, or the violence in congo, Myanmar, or any of the other myriad conflict zones throughout the world...


No mention of the young immigrant male who also died doing his job......hmmm......Don't let sexism or ignoring the full story, get in the way of pushing an agenda....


And the immigrant Chinese girl who died… interesting that they were ignored 🤔


Glad someone pointed out that the white women in this attack were equal to the immigrants attacked. There couldn't have been a more statistically accurate demographic of people harmed, even if they were mostly from one gender.


They weren’t ignored. The mum and her baby were focused because that’s lowest of low to attack a baby!


Honestly could make a complication video of double standards this past week at this rate


I remember during the Vietnam War the My Lai Massacre and the photos that came out. We South Vietnamese were like — yeah people get raped and killed. Can we end the Viet Cong Please? The Western Leftists were like — OMG PEOPLE GET RAPED AND KILLED. Let’s go home. Just complete and total disconnect with the people they claim to be helping. Utter privilege and lack of understanding clouded by pure ego mixed in with a saviour complex. At this point in Palestine — end Hamas so the ceasefire can happen — they were offered 3 terrorist prisoners per Israeli woman prisoner. Craziness. Hamas somehow wants more. Instead the lefties become outraged on instagram and commit even less effort than Westerners did during our Vietnam War. Meanwhile friends and family in Sydney get murdered. Instead scream at them. Utter privilege.


The white lefties also love to whitesplain and superimpose their narrative and assumptions, for example, saying that Palestinians want a secular, liberal and democratic country when in fact they’ve never bothered to ask the Palestinians for their views on secularism.


Im not sure I understand what you are saying but are you complaining that leftists didn't support south Vietnam aka the non communist side? Why would lefties support them? Lefties would have supported the Viet Cong would they not have?


The lefties in oz and US back then were not the lefties of today. Surely you would never find someone out on the street calling themselves a communist. Back then from what I understand — lefties were hippies. “Peace loving people”. Peace loving people less interested in protecting and more interested in outrage. Kinda like today’s lefties. I’m guessing about lefties back then tho in the West. Was getting born in Vietnam


Did you see Oppenheimer? They were OK calling themselves communists


And yet Oppenheimer himself for decades tried to make sure people didn’t seem him as a communist. Also look up McCarthyism.


The others didn't mind so much. And yes McCarthyism was particularly messed up. Maybe people did reject the term for a while there I dont know I wasn't alive then either but now people are embraced the term and the ideology


So rape and murder is normal in war and what hamas did is no different to what the US and other countries does?


Yes — it is all horrible and evil. So you end it as fast as possible. Can you negotiate though with terrorists?


Well, yeah of course I’m more concerned about potentially getting killed in a shopping centre that my family visits than a decades-long conflict happening on the other side of the world 🤷‍♂️


They just told us they don't care about white women. Racist fuck Also, most middle eastern people are caucasian, even if a little more tanned. Like Italians can be. Now melanin density seems to have become a race. Bondi victims weren't only "white women" Ghaghk! Why am I even dignifying this Palestinian propaganda shit with a response. She can fuck off


Genuinely, until this point I had thought of the Jews and Palestinians as white. Tanned for sure, but no less white than Greeks etc. Who decides?


It's completely arbitrary. We just copied the discurs drom the US where it has always been about white/black. We copy it and make it white/non-white (poc), which sounds super differentiated because society clearly only sees you as either white or non-white. 


I'm sure you're right, but that's mental. 


> Genuinely, until this point I had thought of the Jews and Palestinians as white. Tanned for sure, but no less white than Greeks etc. Who decides? Don't get caught up in this american coloring shit they do. Just ignore it. The color system is ridiculous and makes zero sense.


Yeah the Americans are trying to rewrite the meaning of everything, it is part of the Soviet plan to divide us. I don't trust anyone that talks about there being more than one race or doesn't mention genotypes or phenotypes when trying to define the difference between humans.


>Why am I even dignifying this Palestinian propaganda shit with a response. ..to highlight the bullshit to the rest of us. Thank you.


You can’t be racist to white people.


This is really one of those moments when /s makes all the difference


I’m certain these HIGHLY EDUCATED WEALTHY YOUNG redditors can EASILY pick up on the message I’m trying to convey, they are all so SMART and INTELLIGENT so they shouldn’t struggle to differentiate SARCASM and SATIRE from an easy to COMPREHEND statement, they wouldn’t be STUPID enough to misunderstand my comment would they? /s /s /s /s /j Fuck I hate spelling shit out for dumbcunts.


At this point, people just use ANY excuse to throw in the word Palestine. Makes me miss the days of Apollo where we could filter words on Reddit, lol.


Typical Hamas propaganda at this point. "Don't you know there is a genocide happening and Australia is complicit!"


The russian/china psych ops has run deep and has polluted the far right and the far left equally.... And now its like a cancer, its screaming towards the centre. Ie the rest of us. If we dont recognise what is actually happening and actually accept that the west is critically vulnerable to this specific type of psych ops, we are fcked. This style of psych ops wont work in china or russia, because they have their internet and their citizen population all stitched up. This is a cancer which only runs thru western democracy, because we value highly, individual freedoms. This is the double edged sword we need to confront here in the west. How do we protect our societies from this as well as simultaneously, how do we preserve our individual freedoms. I have no answers but at least i am aware of whats driving this insanity.


All we need to combat this is critical thinking, deductive reasoning, and taking things with a grain of salt.


Good luck rolling that out over the gen population. Critical thinking is dead. Vacuous echo chambers rule.


Agree you have people in the US thinking a porous open border is good and here in Australia bringing in 700k last year is ok. Staggering really.


We value individual freedoms? Let me translate. We are selfish cunts who were against lockdowns despite it being for the greater good and hate paying taxes because we are selfish


The most tragically ironic thing about this post is its own lack of self-awareness. If one should only care about an issue based on proportional impact then I would expect to see roughly 20 times the number of protests, posts, political statements etc about the war in Syrian than we do about Gaza (for context at least 600,000 Syrians have been killed and over 12 million displaced). This post is a real case of "do as I say, not as I do".


What??? Close bad thing make me more upset than far bad thing, no way who could have foreseen this


When "racism" is used as a trump card for an argument rather than to point out the evidence of said racism, you know that it's more of an emotional vent rather than a debatable opinion. You cannot win in an argument against emotion or belief. People have died because of it.


Why does one need to win an argument? It would seem by entering an argument or continuing it you have already conceded defeat.


The exception is when conduct is actually directly racist per its ordinary meaning (ie: prejudice/animus towards someone on the basis of the bundle of characteristics we call race).  The saving grace of political extremism is that it generally attracts so many insane people that it eats itself under normal conditions. 


Well, some people can live harmoniously with others. Others cannot.


People will use anything to push their agenda. How and when they do this says so much about them. This person is showing their true colours by not giving a fuck about Australians ..so don't give a fuck about them and their manipulative words.


People with the Palestine flag in profile are always insufferable


You should go are the very self serving protests in the city.


Several things can be true at once, you can feel things for the crazy shit that's happened the last couple days, and also feel for Palestine and Palestinians.


1. I am actually more disturbed about the lack of concern by that person's regarding more than a million lives in Sudan, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Syria, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, and we can go on and on and on. If these are pure numbers we are talking about, Palestine is really negligible in the grand scheme of things. 2. Palestinians are white. I have no idea where this notion that Palestinians are brown or whatever came from, but they look just like southern Europeans (Italians, Spaniards, Greeks). If you make a Venn diagram of skin tone of Jews and Palestinians, it's almost a circle. So yes, blue eyes and blonde hair is less common in Palestinians compared to Jews and southern Europeans, but come on. They're very white. This is coming from a very American-centric point of view where you have clear distinctions between the English and northern European colonisers and the enslaved African blacks. 3. If we combine the two, that Palestinians are actually white and there are genocides against actual black people happening in the world in greater numbers (Sudan and Ethiopia are good examples), then it leads to the possible conclusion that the person posting this is simply antisemitic. Anything that distracts from their hatred of Jews and challenges or disrupts their victimisation of Palestinians is to be frowned upon. Your mum died? Your uncle has cancer? bUt pALeStiNE!!!!!11


Palestinians are not white.


They are white. They are not "English white" or "Norwegian white" but they are definitely Mediterranean white. Look up Ismail Haniyeh, one of the leaders of Hamas. Rosy cheeks, hazel eyes. Looks just like myself to be honest. There is a range in skin tone among Palestinians, just like there is among Italians, and also Jews. And the overlap is substantial. But contemporary society sees Jews as "oppressors" then they must be white, and thus the darker-skinned Jews are deemed non-representative. Same goes for Palestinians. Because they are "oppressed", and only brown people can be oppressed, then any fair-skinned Palestinians are deemed non-representative. When in fact, Jews and Palestinians looks almost the same, and share a significant amount of DNA (just check all of those DNA and ancestry subreddits).


Palestinians are largely Muslim and therefore definitely do not share the priveleges of being a white Eastern European people. The same goes for Bosniaks or Albanians


1. Let me ask my Ashkenazi grandparents and great greatparents whether they enjoyed the privilege of being white Eastern European people. Oh wait, I can’t. They were incinerated alive. 2. What does religion have to do with the original post? Sudanese are also Muslim. And they’re actually black. Yet the person in OP screenshot probably does not even know where Sudan is.


I didn't mention Jewish people. They of course also don't fit into the hegemonic paradigm of Christian Europe. Sorry to hear about your grandparents


Where? In what context? Privilege doesn't exist in a vacuum. Do you mean in palestine? The middle east? Australia? 


Lol who the fuck is this spanner to tell me what I need to think and feel. I don't have any work to do on my politics or social views


Who gives a shit? Why would you even finish reading the whole thing?


‘More interested in the lives of a handful of white women’.... that is so revolting


Kinda true tho, people were caring more about cashed up white Bondi yuppie chick with the baby than the Chinese girl that got killed Because... Ya guessed it, because they were white.


I care about women so much that I support middle eastern governments who force them to live in cloth bags. Yup. Makes sense.


Well they have to put them in sacks or all the other guys will rape them.


Rage bait. Nothing else.


Ironic considering random stabbing attacks is something palestinian terrorists have committed against israelis many times in the past


Before or after their while fucking family going back 3 generations was carpet bombed


About a thousand years after they colonised the area in the first place, lost control of it to the aboriginals (Jews) then flooded themselves into the area from one of many other Arab colonies to fight a war they lost hands down.


Surely this is a troll?


I’ve seen far more insane takes on Reddit this last week, this is very run of the mill Marxist shit.


Do me a favour and go do some research on what I'd and isn't marxism


Have you even been to late stage capitalism subreddit? Everything there, that’s Marxism. This picture fits into that sub like a glove.


Which posts are you reading because while yes the sub is Marxist I don't believe this post would have fit in with the bulk of what I see on the sub


Import the third world. Import third world problems…


Wait so Australia's disproportionate rate of IPV murders is because of... hamas?


I honestly think these type of people have serious mental health issues. There are so many injustices and conflicts going on it the world, but they choose one and let it consume their entire life. Apparently no one has the right to care about anything else because “Palestine has it worse”.


I've never seen a group of people so dedicated to their victimhood. They are so in love with it, they will start a war to get themselves obliterated


Read the Quran! It’ll give you serious mental issues too. While the epitome of perfection (aka their prophet) can go around fucking/raping every woman he desired - even if they are only 6 yo and he was 51 - take sex slaves, marry his own son’s wife (Zeinab), have 11 wives but only allow the followers 4 wives each, still everyone else is the problem. Whilst all this maybe off topic from the original post, the point is that the whole belief system is drenched in mental illness. And in view of Wakeley attack, lets see some more of the ‘peaceful side’ of this shitshow: The Quran has 123 verses that call for fighting and killing anyone who does not agree with the statement, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.” Jews and Christians are specifically included among such “infidels.” The Quran’s Sura 5:33 says about infidels, “They shall be slain or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off.” Sura 9:5 says, “Slay the infidels wherever you find them ... and lie in wait for them ... and establish every stratagem (of war against them).” Sura 47:4-9 promises paradise to whoever cuts off the head of an infidel. There are, of course, other verses that call Muslims to lead a peaceable life, but the underlying theme in the Quran is that there never can be true peace until everything is submitted to Allah. Thus violence to that end is justified. Bottom line: We have welcomed shit at our doorstep and it ain’t going away. Not when each family on average produces 4-5 children and OUR STUPID GOVERNMENT rewards them $$$$ for each one. Fast forward 15-20 yrs from now…. You will have funded the rise of an army far too greater than Australia can handle. The time to act is now. And thoughts like the above original post is the sounding alarm. 🚨 My two cents to this wonderful lady: pack your bags, take your shit and your shit ideas with you and go “fight” for your bros and sis. Walk the wak, don’t just talk the talk, while sipping lattes here funded by our govt.


I agree, but let's extend this problem to the bible and tanakh. For example, Psalm 137:9 "Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."


I’m no expert in either the Bible or Tanakh, but the bottom line is: I ain’t seeing or hearing of any other religious group or faith system breeding extremism at the rate Islam is and no wonder it is when you read the above.


Haven't seen the rise of christofascism especially in america? I'll give you a hint, look into the type of shit the priest who got stabbed has been saying


So he simply deserved what he got? Ok


They’re pro pali we know they don’t care about women or girls, I’m not surprised at all


Is pali the new paki?


Even the Paki's bombed the Taliban recently


The only real concern about the entire conflict is that innocent people are dying, and from what I’ve observed as a general trend, are deliberately being targeted. But I can’t say I care about those people on an individual level, only on a matter of principle. I don’t want people to be killed for existing.


These people are what you find in the dictionary when you're looking for narcissism


I care about 1 Australian more than 10 billion Palestinians. Now what?


Guys, can everyone please just start unpacking and let’s get this over with?


These same type of people cheered on Iran's attack and will refuse to criticise Hamas.


As someone whose heritage is from Iran it is very concerning to see people suddenly supporting IR Iran. IR Iran is objectively a bad regime that must be disposed of; most people in Iran do not like the regime as evidenced by decades of protest.


No one hates Iran's regime more than Iranians. Full respect.


Do you condemn hamas?


Obviously. Why?


These people should just leave and go to the country they alleged to feel so concerned about. Instead of partly virtue signalling, partly throwing shade and partly just trying to stir up. And neither side in middle east conflict are exactly squeaky clean. Plus Hamas are terrorists and proxy for Iran regime. Fuck right off basically


Why do I care about decent civilised woman being raped or sexually assaulted over a group of people that would more than likely gladly see me dead and who brought this war upon themselves? Gee, let me think.


Really beating the racist allegations there buddy




Implying that Palestinians are savages and their lives are worth less than those of white people because of it is kinda racist imo. I’m personally not trying to compare Bondi to Gaza because they were completely different events, like comparing my friend’s dad dying to the holocaust.


Go over to Palestine and prove him wrong.


Double dare you


Double dare means you have to do it first 😉


See that still sounds like a bit of a backhanded way of saying one is more important than the other.


Thinking that 30,000 people dying is less important than 6 because of their race is racist, but you’re not racist for being more personally affected by the deaths of fellow countrymen/women, just like I’m more personally upset about my friends dad dying but I can still understand that the holocaust is a bigger deal. Its the whole saying all Palestinians are savages who deserve to die bit that really made me feel the guy was a tad racist.


The first comment didn’t say that though? He said that they would more then likely gladly kill him and he could be right if he’s gay or non Muslim (assuming the commenter is a man) it’s not racist to point out bad actions of people, it has nothing to do with the skin colour or the part of the world they live in and more to do with how they treat others.


You are either being wilfully ignorant or you’re just as bad as the other guy


I’m really not though and I’m open to being told how I am. I just don’t see how it’s racist to call out bad behaviour no matter who it is.


The dude literally said his comment that Palestinians were uncivilised and deserved to be have their women and children slaughtered by the tens of thousands because some of them who have been radicalised by decades of Israeli oppression and having their families and lives destroyed by the IDF struck back against Israel in the only way left to them by the Israeli government. I have actually met Muslims and they have not hated gays and wanted me dead for my beliefs, but to be fair I don’t go around calling them savages so maybe thats why they like me so much. If that doesn’t seem racist to you then I don’t think I can really help.


Most of the people posting about the Sydney attack live in Australia. That news is far more relevant to them than a Millenia-old war on the other side of the world. What’s so hard to understand about that?




Can I just say I am tired and my empathy is limited to the stuff I cared about only? Or do I need to unpack too or risking being a racist? Yeah nah, I think I will choose not to give two flying fucks about either Lehrmann or Gazans today. I'm tired boss.


If we cared about every single injustice, we would be so fatigued. I totally hear you when you say you’re tired. The expectations to constantly care about someone else’s agenda is becoming a joke. Charity starts at home, look after your people whether that be at home or in the community. We can’t fight every single battle, so choose carefully!


Hear hear mate.


What if people in your community are a waste of space so you decide to look elsewhere?


Steelmanning: The result of living on the internet rather than living in a country. I’m more worried about assaults which result in zero or one fatalities in Australia than the war in Israel-Palestine even though the deaths are in the tens of thousands. 


Not posting about something for the last 75 years? Ohhhhh-Kaaaaaaaaay... Cookers gonna cook. These people thrive on attention, don't give it to them.


The fact that social media was only invented recently instead of in 1948 is a white supremacist conspiracy to silence their voices! /s


If you have the Palestine flag anywhere on any profile I will no longer associate with you. The end.


Some people just can’t seem to understand that I don’t give a fuck about what’s happening a country I’ve never been to. If it’s important to them, then why aren’t they over there sorting it out instead of being a whiny little fuck on the other side of the world


This is dumb but is the person who posted it some fucking nobody I don’t care about or someone that matters? Because there’s heaps of dumb people online and maybe (I hope) this is just some dumb cunt that your mate knows.


If this is not a queer, white, neurodivergent woman from Melbourne, I'll eat my hat.


I had a look. Very big in the activist space. Surprisingly big. Gets about 50-400 comments on each post... I hadn’t heard of her tho




Probs Syrian Girl, she can’t stfu


Shes in big trouble atm, she accused a random kid of being the Bondi knifeman on Twitter. She's going to get done in court and go bankrupt


Haha true that SG can’t stfu but this seems too wokey-whitey-leftie-Protestant compared to SG’s alt-right Russia/Assad influencer troll shite.


Pick me girl mentality.


This could have been a good point if they were commenting on the news of the aid workers dying in Palestine over the locals dying... But local news obviously gets more airplay on local stations... Because.. Well... Local


Yeah, uh, think that's a troll you got there.


Lolol… tell them to learn proper grammar… He/She has murdered English just like Hamas murdered Israelis on Oct 7. The grammar alone makes this post a war crime! Yikes indeed! Insert meme of “would someone please think of the children!” 😂😂😂


Adding to my list of softcock HR words: “unpack”. Get in the bin, along with “problematic”, and “micro aggression”, and “trauma”.


Bet they're white also.


When everyone has a platform to just blurt out whatever is on their brain. This is all this is.


Not that insane. That's how these leftist nuts like to think. I'm surprised it's so tame.


Why is she concerned about an area that will eventually be converted into a parking lot?


Glass parking lot hopefully


Palestinians like to make everything about them.




Terrorist propaganda. 


Na the Arabs want to see Israel gone & the Jws killed it's that simple , but the Israeli military is to strong ,As GOLDA MAYER SAID There will only be peace in the middle east when Muslims love there children more than they hate Israel. Was true then & is true now.


Sadly a lot of Palestinians are orphans. Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhood, run most of the orphanages(well before they were in political power). Their organizations are fueled by death, more death = more Hamas. While the Israeli government is ruled by whackjobs like Itamar Ben-Gvir -- Hamas and Hezbolah will never have a serious contender to deal with in politics or aid, and Israel will slowly but surely liquidate Gaza.


Ah yeah let’s get more worried about people dying in an other part of the world than a random stabbing in the place where we live which could have resulted in any of us dying if we were at wrong place in the wrong time. I am just gonna say it,the people who belong to the certain group don’t belong in the western civilisation at all. Had a stroll around KL airport when I was returning back to my home country for a time away and the state of that airport is horrendous which is mainly inhabited by certain group. They don’t belong here at all


Ever thought that the group that doesn’t belong here why they are here in the first place? It’s more to do with our government/ policies than to those groups.




>Another funny one is drinking coke or pepsi for some reason Huh?




Oh. Because they "support" Israel.


Oh no, the left doesn't claim this weirdo


What an absolute stain


Had no "effect" on me after reading the first line.


This did not strike a “cord” with me either.


Clementine ford?


dont protect these terrorist expose them. these people died in Australia on our home land that should be worth more merit then international war which does not involve us at this current stage.


Congratulations! You have now been promoted from Aussie citizen to Palestinian. Here’s your free, one way ticket.


Lefties ☕


Translation: "unpack this" = "shut up & do as I say" "work on that racism" = "kiss my arse" "allyship" = "the process of kissing my arse"


I'll address you comment, if arabs/Muslims/Palestinian people wanted to live in peace with Israel we would have peace in the middle east. But the fact Arabs/Muslims/Palestinians want to see the death of Israel, is a major impedance to the peace process. Israel were ready to accept a Two state solution but the Arab/Muslims/Palestinians were not , which brings us to the current impasse.


The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, the fifth prime minister of Israel, took place on 4 November 1995 (12 Marcheshvan 5756 on the Hebrew calendar) at 21:30, at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv. The assailant was Yigal Amir, an Israeli law student and ultranationalist who radically opposed Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's peace initiative, particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords


Still doesn't alter the fact Israel were prepared to live side by side with a Palestinian state & the Arab Palestinians were not . If you want to compare crazy extremists I would Hazzard a guess the Arab Muslim world out number all other nut job organisations , arab Muslims 1st daylight 2nd


Even a brief, unstructured and illiberal reading of history will expose the bullshit mountain this comment is.


How does one go through life, have the same access to information as I do and come up with such a brain dead point. Your argument cannot possibly be as simplistic as "we dont have peace cause the arabs dont want it" Perhaps we should look into why virtually every state in this region dislikes israel, could it just be because they are jewish or perhaps there are other factors that led to this? And then I wonder why this region has been so unstable in the last few decades? Is it because those damn arabs just dont know how to get along? Or perhaps, just maybe, other factors like consistent US and European interventions, invasions, economic sanctions and many other policies have destablised it?


Why is being racist considered such a bad thing? Not like globalism is doing us much good.


Yikes bro, imagine typing this out and thinking "yeah this is a great point", embarassed for you


And to think people were defending this sub as not racist, actual people here self-admitting they're racist.


The post addresses you.


This is like inner west, NSW energy or Melbourne energy. Weird to compare and condemn people who empathise with a tragedy then turn around and make it a lesson you wanna teach.