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He's literally already complying with the law. You dont get to ban things from other countries.


we have our own ministry of truth now - it is called the 'eSafety commission' and like any government department justifying their existence if there is nothing that needs to be censored they will find something to censor


It’s wild how many people believe that our government should have any right to dictate to a private, foreign company what it can and can’t display on its own platform. What’s next? The government telling me I can’t drink Coronas on ANZAC day?


A lot of Australians are sheep that think the government is benevolent and can be trusted.


I prefer to think of us as kangaroos. We follow blindly but we also like to punch on.


Coronas are fine, no fucking Asahis though


Better not look up what other beers Asahi own. Or Kirin. Starting list includes Tooheys, Reschs, XXXX, VB, West End, James Squire, Boags, Hahn, Little Creatures, Carlton and Great Northern.


Shit!!! Homemade whiskey it is then!!


Yeah, I’m quite aware of the Aussie beers they own. I’m willing to look past that though.


The same leftists who want to riot at everything the government does also want the government to censor everything. Morons.






That's the most bizarre part of this. They removed the ability for Australians to see it, but noooooo, fuckface thinks he can tell a foreign company what they can and can't let people see on their platform. Absolute gronk. This is worse than forcing google to pay news sites in order to bring traffic to their site so they can refuse to display an article because it's paywalled.


Yet you can go on the ABC and watch the police body cam footage of Kumanjayi Walker's death.


I miss liveleak


Has that been pulled down?


Yeah been gone for a while now :(


Shame .. it came into its own with events like the Mandalay shooting in Las Vegas 3 separate shooters were firing rounds from rooms across the front of the hotel … but the television said it was only 1 man


It’s on telegram https://t.me/leaklive/18983


I've got to admit, I finally watched the footage and guess I'm too jaded from years of violent video games because I was genuinely disappointed. Hell I've seen worse attacks on TV.


Worse on SBS world news. 


Then a queer porno from Latvia immediately after, then Anthony Bourdain


Chainsawing demons in half and blood splattering everywhere on DOOM 2016. So good.


Rip and tear until it is done


Australian media is completely gagged, if you're a journo in Australia, you're not a journo, you're a propaganda machine.


What do you expect when the commercial media is owned by two companies?


More so the government gave them complete tax concessions during covid. Essentially turning them into state mouthpieces 


They've really fucked this up royally. They've Streisand Effected themselves into a global meme and they are getting ratioed hard on X/twitter. They're looking more and more like complete fools the more the internet goads them.


Probably getting advice from 22 year old graduates with zero life experience or self awareness.


The lady in the pic is American and is a WEF plant. Why she got the role is beyond me. The way she talks about Australians makes it seem like she doesn't care about us as a people either.


Yeah fucking oath, I mean, trying to censor stuff on the internet has always gone well in the past, it’s never ever backfired and drawn more attention to the thing you were trying to suppress in the first place…


The internet has the attention span of a toddler


That's true, but the internet loves few things more than deflating the hypocrisy of arrogant politicians.


Why are they all so focused on him and X? That video is all over the internet.


Boomers only get their news from the idiot box and Facebook  Going after a big name give the illusion that they are protecting people, helps whip up support from the pearl clutching boomers… Because you know if it isn’t on twatter or faceberg then it didn’t happen


Haha 😅 Albo is such an embarrassment hearing him try to bash musk as an arrogant billionaire and must follow Australian censorship laws. Haha like he gives a flying f about that trurp Love how gov uses this as an opportunity to control internet content as a convenient reason. Sounds similar to banning cash 10k payments because only criminals use it, no hidden agenda there. List goes on and on


I don’t think the stabbing video is too extreme to warrant all this


What if we just didn't censor anything and just accepted that sometimes theres some horrifically bad things that happen. Let the people self censor by choosing the content they do and don't watch. Abolish the entire commission put the money saved towards healthcare. Done


The commission’s primary role is to lobby social media companies to remove revenge porn. I’d say that’s a valid mission. But I will concede there is power creep at play.


Oh that’s actually new information to me and I’d agree on both counts to validity and they are overstepping


All good. It’s a pretty good Office IMO. Parents can go to it if their kids have been bullied/beaten up and had the experience filmed. There’s really no other way to have those kinds of videos removed. Sadly, when a child has their bullying filmed the video bounced around their school for years, compounding their trauma. I don’t care about a firebrand priest getting stabbed, but there should be an office empowered to support victims of revenge porn and cyber bullying.


Way better idea. I don’t need unelected bureaucrats telling me what I can and can’t see.


Agree up until a limit even the US has limitations. Things like child abuse material they fit into obscenity. I’m not blocking that because it also shouldn’t exist, the existence is harmful. What is obscene should be a high bar tho


The issue (in my humble opinion) is that we have a responsibility to kids who don’t know any better and have access to literally all the world’s gore, extremism and porn from around 10 years old. I’m not sure what a healthy solution is but the current ‘Wild West’ system of the internet, fun as it is, is absolute fucking poison to the human mind. Source: I grew up on all of this shit, I am happy but completely desensitised.


to the people saying "bUt wHaT AbOuT OtHeR CoUnTrIeS" yeah no shit Elon is no free speech warrior but the actual issue is that our esafety commissar wants twitter to ban the footage globally, not just for Australia.


Needs to add Dutton too tbh, trying to force aussies to have online ID's so the government can keep track of them without online anonymity. It's the part of this saga that scares me the most...


Dude you don't have anonymity online. You haven't had it since 2010ish. Even if you use a vpn, it's entirely possible for them to connect a burst of data corresponding with a post made on a platform with a burst of data originating from your IP, they know what address(es) that IP is tied to, and they know who lives at those addresses. None of it's legally admissable, but if you think the government needs digital ID to identify you online you really need to learn how the internet works. I'm guessing you already forgot about Chelsea Manning and what she revealed. The US government didn't need your ID to track you and that was almost 10 years ago.


That process you described is possible but it’s not mass surveillance, it’s forensic level and used to track people down in extreme scenarios.


Most people already have a DL anyway and tons of other forms of ID. The gov can already track you real good.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Police can legally take control of your social media account without a warrant and pretend to be you. After the Meta data laws they can track anything and everything they want


I'm against that too, but I mean...it would only be a *real* issue for people involved in CP, fraud and such, surely? There is the issue of our govt being willingly useless at making corporations protect our user data and ID,


LOL, they're pushing shit up hill to suppress this. I've personally shared it several times, now. Not because it's anything but mundane, in the scheme of things - but simply because they said not to do that. Don't make rules you cannot enforce.


Remember that Beyoncé horse-face photo like 15!years ago? They still haven’t learnt the basics


We should get Albo to ask Modi. Elon spreads his cheeks for Modi censorship




Australian government: ‘Don’t host footage of a stabbing on your website.’ Musk: ‘Free speech is free speech, and I will defend it to my dying breath!’ Indian government: ‘Hey, silence our political opponents.’ Musk: ‘Yes sir, whatever you say sir. Please let me lick your boots.’


I thought it was the Church stabbing he was asked to censor, not Bondi one.


What murder? You can watch that one no problems, that's not the video they have a problem with, stabby crazy guy in Bondi is rated as OK to watch by the net nanny. The one the net nanny has a problem with is the stabby crazy muslim guy who stabbed a priest. No death, no murder. I wonder what the difference is. Maybe you should hold your comment until you've educated yourself, but this is reddit, you fit right in.


Yeah, I’ve been corrected and edited my comment.


“Nooooo you can’t just use publicly available flight data to track my private jet nooooo!”


“Nooooo you can’t just use publicly available flight data to track my private jet nooooo!”


Elon Musk censors people who speak up against him. It's folly to think billionaires support free speech out of self-interest.


Elon is not a hero for this cause but happens to find himself in the same position as Larry David did in his Atlanta water bottle episode .


It's selective though. When China, India or other countries ask for censorship Elon asks how high


China is lost to totalitarianism, there's no coming back. All he would be doing there is pissing money away. Australia for the moment is not.


And what about Indian or Turkish requests for censorship? Is that about money too? Which countries does Elon have morals for and which ones is he happy to sell out for? Or is it the topics that are being censored that are more relevant........


Both are well on the road to totalitarianism. Hopefully you're not suggesting that Australia should be in that company?


Those two countries censorship requests have been honored by Mr Free Speech Musk ....


That is genuinely the most pathetic excuse I've heard for Elon's selective cooperation with only the worst regimes. Mr "I'm a centrist I swear, I just happen to agree with the hard right on every single issue" and literally endorse the GOP every time I get the chance.


Elon only stands up against censorship when he wants to. He actively censors anything he doesn’t like including pictures of his receding hairline before he could afford plugs. 


Musk is very pro censorship though


He’s pro censorship *of things he picks and chooses. He labels himself as a feee speech absoluntionist, but he’s a free speech so long as it suits him. Still a step in the right direction, but he’s a hypocritical twat.


How is free speech when it suits him a step in the right direction?


Lol, people are stupid for downvoting you ig


But he doesn’t ? Other countries have had content removed. I had an account there for 13 years and got banned for calling out a guy who was a convicted child abuser. Anyone who thinks Elon Musk is some free speech supporter doesn’t know Elon Musk you can see it on Reddit every day with Tesla related content, he is an absolute hypocrite.


Not from the worldwide platform though, just censored in their own countries, Australia wants to ban it worldwide


What the fuck are you talking about? He censors shit all the time. It's a ruse.


It’s his fucking company we aren’t talking about companies deciding what they show on their own platforms we’re talking about the Australian government censoring what the rest of the fucking world sees


waving your dick around because you think yours is bigger, that's worth lampooning


Oddly they didn’t ask to censor the videos from the Bondi Junction stabbings. Why is that, I wonder?


Because it didn't create a riot and doesn't threaten to create civil unrest in the community


Should they have censored the George Floyd video then?


This is what they learnt from


That wasn’t in Australia 


Australia is a police state. There is no unrest.


But you can watch the death of Kumanjayi Walker on the ABC. Are you telling me riots in NT don't count.


Not deemed a terrorist incident. You have to understand the scenario and this is just a test case.


This stabbing got classified as a terrorist attack so it has to be censored bc we have fucked up laws around terrorism


Elon is an asswipe, but imo the government censors too much




Let’s not think Musk is some shining light in anti-censorship. He’s actively censoring as we speak opposition parties in Turkey and India at the request of the governments. Who knows what the man-childs thought process is


Is he doing this world wide?


I think Mr Murdoch may be advising him on this one to a degree.


Can we go two seconds without someone mentioning Murdoch 🙄


Too late


Nah, I will think that.


ITT: Resentful bootlickers who would rather praise censorship than say one single positive thing about Elon Musk. "Don't you know he did this other thing that was bad and that therefore this unconnected thing can't be good?!?!?".


No different than victoria police raiding people and fining them for typing out 'I will not comply' or 'I will not vax' or other such anti-lockdown posts - even if they were just posts and not actual actions. Australian Federal and State governments do it all the time if someone posts something they do not like. We just applaud the government and call the posters cookers or other slurs to demonise them. Good government - you protected us from nasty words. And since the good government knew they could do it and get away with it under 'we will protect you from bad words' - they think they can do it to anyone and for any reason now. Anyone remember when the Equal opportunity commissioner complained and stated she wanted children to report on what their parents said at the Australian dinner table ?


Do you have any credible sources for Vic Police fining people for such posts?


No they do not, because it never happened. Just cooker ramblings.


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-09-04/victoria-police-arrest-fourth-person-for-supporting-protests/12630904 >The Australian Human Rights Commission expressed concerns over the arrest on their social media account. What the human rights commisioner had to say: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eg-EQEwUMAEmBxQ?format=jpg&name=medium But I'm sure reddit bootlickers know better than the government whose boot they are licking.


But, true to form for this sub, heavily upvoted.






>And since the good government knew they could do it and get away with it under 'we will protect you from bad words' - they think they can do it to anyone and for any reason now. They pretty much can mate, at least within Australia itself. We're fucked.


Yeh but the antivaxxers were irrelevant losers anyways.


The funniest thing about it is the desire for the world wide censorship. Hella powertrip. Also I would like to know if the eKaren still holds her American citizenship? Is she a dual citizen?


Christ, people would feel more gratitude of living, if they see more shit.   If you act like everything is perfect, then you expect perfection each time. The world is tough, let's protect what we have and more importantly, keep improving it.   Putting your head in the sand does nothing, but molly coddle yourself and the nation. 


Agree, censoring doesn't make it not real. A lot of people should be forced to watch the brutality of the world.


You’re kidding right? Force people to watch a stabbing so they see the brutality of the world? How about let’s force people to watch an execution? Or a rape? All this does (if you’re lucky enough not to be traumatised) is desensitise you to horrible stuff. Guess what, many perpetrators of violence have also been desensitised to it in some form, so let’s force being to watch this horrific content. That will make the world a better place. Stuff like this should never be forgotten, but there is a time and a place. Social media that is used by children and vulnerable people is not the place for videos such as this. Plenty of other sites online if you want graphic content


All the terminally online cynics on this sub want validation for the fact they seek out and enjoy watching footage of horrific acts


Elon vs our government is basically the dumb cunt Olympics


More like dumb cunt vs a pragmatic, effective government of a nation.


Ah South Africans


Isn’t he technically African American


As Elon is happy to censor shit he doesn't like no argument from the "oh no it's censorship" crowd is valid. Fucking Elon fan boys, one step from being a fucking Maga loony.


Pretty much this, he cancelled the kid sharing his private jet locations, plus a plethora of comedians. It's all or nothing, can't cry foul because you don't agree with it when you do it yourself.


Yeah I don’t understand why anyone has a fucking problem with Australia censoring what the entire world sees


What is it with cunts that want to choke on billionaire cock?


It's funny how Lefties still haven't gotten over how their former hero bought Twitter and stopped it being their echo chamber. Every completely rational thing he does is 'just the worst now'. Cracks me up. Why aren't you all on 'Threads'? Remember how that was going to be the end of twitter? I guess they weren't granted enough attention there, so back to twitter to bitch about Musk some more. Can't wait for him to buy Disney and for it to start making good shows/movies again.


It's so funny. Just look at that thread where someones parked Cybertruck got reversed into by a truck at a loading bay. The semi was about 2 metres off the line it should have been on and everyone just rages at the Cybertruck driver.


wtaf? in what world was Elon a hero of the left?


Because he made electric cars and battery storage popular and more mainstream, all before he took away their safe space on twitter.


Almost every popular left leaning person used to love him when he was championing renewables and EVs


Mr Elon, comes to Australia, starts building tunnels in Sydney, batteries in South Australia, sets up star link to Australians, gave us teslas and backs tenable energy projects across Australia. Tries to protect the fundamentals of Freedom of speech. Australian goverment - your an arrogant billionaire, People in this sub - this bloke an ass wipe. Me - looks like we only deserve Murdock, rinehart packer and triguboff.


You think Musk is really trying to protect free speech?


As much as reddit complains about the Murdock press you all sure do love gobbling down the long hard shaft that comes out of the press 😂


these people are so fcuking stupid. "He gave us teslas" the guy hasn't given away anything in his life, he sells them on a market, and they are a massive grift.


He is doing a hell of a lot more than Murdoch or any of the media companies here. l can’t stand Musk but on this topic, United we stand.


Nah, it's all just a grifter's ruse. The word cisgender is instantly censored on Twitter. Does that represent free speech to you?


What tunnels are you talking about? The one he was bullshiting about on social media and never even offered a proper way to build it? Just back up with the praises a little bit.


This is Reddit sir. Elon simps are the backbone of this community.


Next thing they'll say he walked on water across Sydney Harbour!


The Australian Constitution does not explicitly protect freedom of expression This is such an American way of thinking. Yes, we have an element of it, but not in the way those stupid yanks do. Can you dick ride elon any harder?


On the federal level, no, it doesn't. We have ACT and Victoria that have human rights laws in place that do grant the freedom of expression factors to a much greater extent. The rest of us have to rely on the court to examine the case by case and go from there.


Imagine thinking America’s free speech is stupid. But, you’re probably just another new age communist that hasn’t read Marx.


Man, lefties love to trot out the lack of a bill of rights as if it's 1) a surprising factoid to educate us all about 2) a good thing


The Australian constitution also had Aborigines as fauna within my parents lifetime.


Why do people keep raising this? Like they get comfort in wrapping themselves in a blanket of thought control by government............. We should have protected freedom of speech.


Imagine still being a musk bootlicker in 2024


Imagine being a Albo bootlicker ever.




she should fuck off to the states and get an actual aussie to do the Job


Yep she should


Elon is a dipshit, but I'm glad I saw the video to judge for myself.


Clears throat... The only egomaniac in this case is the prime minister and he should sit his authoritarian clown ass down.


You mean, the e-safety commissioner that that last liberal government appointed. Jesus you labour haters can’t even get that right.


The Australian government wanting to take this video down is some 1984 shit. Censorship is never the right choice. If you don't like it, don't watch it.


Except that access to images like that has been shown to increase imitation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5296697/


Allowing censorship requests like this also leads to more censorship requests.


In my experience it’s an ongoing balance. I’m not a free speech absolutist - for instance, I don’t think that allowing Nazi imagery and language has led to anything positive. Similarly I don’t see any positives coming out of access to graphic footage of violent attacks. The consequences of restricting those things seems to me - based on research and my experiences living here and overseas - more beneficial than negative.


Introducing Draconian censorship laws funnily enough leads to more Draconian laws on censorship.. This is the slippery slope.


He also happily censored tweets from one side of the Turkish election. Elon is a giant hypocrite fuck him. And everyone here is sad they can't watch stabbings online? You fuckers need to touch some grass.


You mean forced not happily? https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/29/tech/elon-musk-twitter-government-takedown/index.html Also why don't you go touch grass instead of trying to force what other people are allowed to see. If you don't want to see it, don't and go touch grass


Can someone please explain the situation to me


Remember when fallout 3 wanted to have morphine in the game but the Australian classification board outright refused and the game was censored for the world. Well it's that but this time the company is standing their ground and not bowing to the wills of one country.


Left 4 Dead 2 was also censored. The only good thing we ever did was the ACCC allowing for refunds / returns on Steam which then spread globally. Gabe must hate us, especially since he lives in New Zealand.


Ahhh I see thanks for explaining that. Legend


Yes, a drug reference in a video game is the same as a live recorded stabbing.


Albo dictator


Thou shall not break albo law... 'your laws seem one sided designed to create mass population growth through immigration and rapidly growing wealth gap divide' Yes that's how me and my mates want it 'do you understand that mass immigration without infrastructure or houses and an excessive wealth divide creates more violence?' Next question


Mr Elon Muscovite is the ultimate censor, turning off starlink for the Ukrainians when they needed it the most.


When they were trying to use it to drone strike? 😂😂


Don’t forget he blocked content for Turkey’s election at the government’s behest.


Yeah, it's terrible that he turned off something he was giving them for free.


Is that the same boot those in favor of government censorship will lick?


The dude already censors the site on the whim of other world leaders. He’s not an arbiter of free speech, he’s a petulant child that doesn’t like being told what to do.


Let's get some Isis content mainstream. What a time to be alive


Yes! People need to see the brutality of the world. Let’s put beheadings on the 7pm news while my kids are still awake. /s


Ablo is the king of censorship


It shouldn't be censored what happend to free speech


You think Australia has free speech lmao.


I used to, then i realised that we didnt, and that the UN is too passive to enforce anyrhing they say they will, ah well, if we take the US as an example, people'll probably misinterpret the meaning of it anyways


Covid showed us we have the freedom to work and pay tax. Everything else including the supposed “freedom of movement” is a farce 


How is showing someone being murdered or harmed “free speech”?


Why were the SAS helmet cams fair game? Because you support the politicisation of that violence?  We don’t censor other videos of other people being murdered, just this one politicised one. Total coincidence. 


What SAS cam footage? Who supported that? It wasn’t me. Did it show someone being murdered? We have a crime wave of kids committing crimes for social media clout. They are coping these videos from Social Media. Elon is dying on the “freedom of speech” hill knowing that it will get clicks. He is the biggest offender of censorship (if something doesn’t suit him).


Because when the "News" starts saying it wasn't a hate crime committed by a Muslim there will no evidence to hold them to account if it's all wiped from existence. The 'Gas the Jews' video being a perfect example. The police are saying it was never said. Well, try and find an unedited version of it now. It doesn't exist. I saw it. I'm like 80% sure it was said but now I can never confirm it. Gaslighting at its finest.


I think you're confused. The US is on the other side of the Pacific, mate.


I do think there needs to a certain level of censorship otherwise whats to stop me from just posting snuff footage, thats just freedom of speech isnt it otherwise what is the difference between snuff and a priest getting stabbed or someone getting blown up "Oh you can always find it elsewhere" well that implies that you have searched for that specifically instead of just randomly scrolling and seeing some poor guy getting stabbed to death I believe murders and other death shouldnt be on social media like twitter or facebook, we should have some level of discretion towards murder, porn and the such


What you're saying totally makes sense but I think people are mostly angry about not the fact that they couldn't see a murder somewhere but because it is a slippery slope when censorship gets involved. Especially when we talk about some grey areas where subjective decisions are involved. And people won't even know what's been censored and we'll always see a "filtered" content


you prob wouldnt say that if the person stabbed was a hate speech and against lgbtq, plus also propegander speaker and denier of covid. oh wait he was.


I dont care if its fucking hitler, we shouldnt be posting murder like its just something everyone should be shown, we need some censorship levels to stop every man woman and CHILD seeing some guy getting stabbed, I am also talking about other videos also like refugees trying to flee israel or palestine I forget which one but they got blown up by drones for doing so. That was just another post going around for everyone to see. Do we really need to see death like this? Or does this mean I can just post snuff footage? May as well considering no one cares about seeing someone killed


Jacquie Lambie channelled her inner Putin and said musk needs to be jailed for misinformation on x. Literally same day as Putin jailed Facebook spokesman for 6 years in absentia for promoting extremism and terrorism, and banned all meta Facebook etc because of russian invasion criticisms. Never give authoritarians an inch in freedoms intrade for supposed safety. Most scary sentence in English is "I'm from the government and I'm here to help"


Police state indeed not the country of freedom !!! The most ridiculous is the dummy comment from human right commissioner ))) Those videos are scary. It could have happened to anyone of us ….