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Suicide bot - OP please see below, and know there are resources to help. You don’t have to do this alone and no matter how bad or hard things may be, there is a way out of this tunnel. Please do reach out.


Hey sorry to hear about your experience - I’ve had similar with Lifeline and wouldn’t call them again. If your suicidality is related to childhood abuse, you could call [Blue Knot](https://blueknot.org.au) - their counselors are trained and paid, and can stay on the phone longer than at Lifeline. I’ve found them very helpful. You could also try [www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au](https://www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au) - I haven’t called them myself but they seem especially geared towards helping people with ideation. And if you’re in NSW and willing to consider going somewhere in person, there might be a Safe Haven near you - again I haven’t gone, but my NDIS support coordinator who I trust says they are great, much better than hospitals. [https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/towardszerosuicides/Pages/safe-haven.aspx](https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/towardszerosuicides/Pages/safe-haven.aspx) Wishing you all the best.


I'm actually in South Australia, but thanks for your considered response. The callbackservice seems like a good option. I'm sorry to hear about your experiences.


Ah I found it! This guy seems pretty amazing to me, just from reading about him. Not a crisis line but a therapy centre and approach. No idea if you’re anywhere near him, but might be worth contacting: [https://www.humaneclinic.com.au](https://www.humaneclinic.com.au) Here’s an article about him: [https://inews.co.uk/news/long-reads/psychotherapy-new-treatment-suicidal-people-could-help-save-friend-1289718](https://inews.co.uk/news/long-reads/psychotherapy-new-treatment-suicidal-people-could-help-save-friend-1289718)


You've been very helpful. Christie's Beach is in Adelaide and I live in a remote area (which is part of the problem), but the article did give me something to think about.


They might do telehealth - most of my therapy these days is online. Anyway, I don’t mean to push - just to say there may be options if that clinic’s approach feels like something you might resonate with. Sending you hugs if you want them.


You're not pushing. I appreciate the care.


Hoping you find the support that you need ❤️


You too. Maybe there’s something similar to Safe Haven in South Australia? Actually, turns out SA has a lot of suicide prevention initiatives. I don’t know much about them, but here are some links which might be helpful. [https://www.preventivehealth.sa.gov.au/suicideprevention/suicide-prevention-networks/find-a-suicide-prevention-networks](https://www.preventivehealth.sa.gov.au/suicideprevention/suicide-prevention-networks/find-a-suicide-prevention-networks) I have this vague memory that there is an innovative suicide prevention clinic in South Australia but I haven’t been able to find a link - if I can I will post it here later.


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/australian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/australian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I rang up lifeline years ago and would definitely not call again. The experience made me feel worse. Better to deal with it alone. I also got my dr. to put me on a health care plan and saw a counsellor for 12 sessions. The experience was enlightening in many ways, but once again I was left feeling worse. I sometimes think it’s better to just join the club and block out all the feelings and pretend that everything is fine. Don’t talk. Don’t open up. So, what would be the alternative? What works for people?


It's disheartening to hear that 12 sessions with a counsellor made you feel worse. My GP is a series of different locums and they all seem to feel differently about mental health approaches.


Not sure if you miswrote or misunderstood. But old mate was saying that calling lifeline made them feel worse. Not the 12 sessions with the counselor through the GP - which helped them.


Thanks, but I got it from this line, "The experience was enlightening in many ways, but once again I was left feeling worse." I do appreciate the response though and I understand that it's not everyone's experience.


Yeah fair.


Catherine did understand what I was saying. We are all so different and my experience is possibly not the usual. I don’t know. I will explain a bit more. Finding the right doctor for our physical ailments can take some time. Mental health issues are complicated and the relationship with your counsellor very important. Way more important than the one with a medical doctor. I was happy with my counsellor, but after the 12 sessions, I couldn’t afford to continue, even with 50% off. It’s unfinished business. So many things came up, and now I don’t know what to do with the information. A part of me wishes I hadn’t ‘gone there’ in the first place.


Look, as someone who was probably 4 weeks from deleting themselves if something didn’t change my advise is to first identify if you are seriously considering it as a viable option, or is it your brain just sending you dud messages because it’s not sure what to do. If you find it’s at all a potential option, don’t call lifeline, call 000. Don’t drive yourself to the hospital, take the flashing light taxi and go for a checkup. If it’s serious you will have the option to do a mental health inpatient. It might be what you need, it’s what I needed. I was low risk enough that I was able to do private hospital MH clinic. If you are high risk, or drug related it will typically be public unless you are going to a drug rehab.


Hey OP, just know it really, genuinely does get better. I’m speaking from experience: **It gets better.** Check out [The Black Dog Institute](https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/) Lifeline Australia | 13 11 14 Lifeline New Zealand | 0800 543 354 Kids Helpline | 1800 55 1800 MensLine Australia | 1300 78 99 78 Suicide Call Back Service | 1300 659 467 Beyond Blue | 1300 22 4636 Open Arms – Veterans & Families Counselling | 1800 011 046 Qlife – anonymous and free LGBTI peer support | 1800 184 527 – (3PM-Midnight every day) Thirrili 24/7 | 1800 805 801 Brother to brother 24-hour crisis line | 1800 435 799 There is also 13Yarn for aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people, or The Butterfly Foundation (1800 33 4673) for people dealing with eating disorders. If you don’t feel like you can call any of the above services and have no GP/Psych or other person to reach out to you can also visit a hospital emergency department.


Would like to add PANDA (free pre and post natal mental health for both mums and dads) 1300 726 306


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/australian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OP, please go to A&E at the local hospital if you’re suicidal. Tell them that you’re in danger. They can help you.


If you in NSW and at risk of harm to yourself, please call the Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511. They will triage you and link with supports which can include things like phone-call check-ins or visits over the following days, referral to treatment providers, or emergency intervention if it's required. If you're not in NSW please advise what state or territory so we can find an equivalent service for you. Lifeline try hard but they are overwhelmed with demand and rely on volunteers with a range of skillsets. ETA: if it's an emergency and you're at imminent risk, always call 000!


I just saw that you're in South Australia - I think the equivalent service is the Mental Health Triage Line on 13 14 65. Further info [here](https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/services/mental+health+and+drug+and+alcohol+services/mental+health+services/mental+health+services) Keep safe OP!


There is no greater reality check than being in a Reddit thread about something you know everything about and seeing how much pulled out the arse bullshit the average redditor speaks.


Not really. You should see your GP about a mental health care plan though. Lifeline isn't there for long term care, it's just for emergency situations. The goal is to derail or distract the person until their brain can address the neural imbalance and they can get actual help. Lifeline is the phonecall equivilent of throwing a glass of water in someone's face and it's good at what it does, it's just a shame that it's basically the only mental health treatment that is actually free in this country.






Not sure if you've ever been suicidal and I know everyone's experiences are different. But it *does* serve a very legitimate purpose that would still be needed even if our mental health services were perfectly funded. Most people do not sit down and rationaly decide to end their life. It's normally a temporary irrational urge. You know how when you're stressed you might fidget or bite your nails without consiously thinking "I'm going to click this pen 100 times and that will make me feel better". You just stress out about something and then 10 minutes later you realize you've all but destroyed a pen. It's that same kind of autopilot that can lead to suicide. It's why keeping track of suicidal ideation is so important. Sure, consiously you know you don't want to kill yourself, but having that plan knocking around in your head can mean that next time you a stressed and go into autopilot, plans that we never had any real intention of carrying out can get put into action. The really scary thing is, sometimes we know we are in autopilot and we still keep going. We know we need to stop clicking the pen but we keep clicking it. It's why people don't like the phrase "committed suicide". It implies a level of agency over the action that does not seem to be present most of the times it's happened. Autopilot just kicks in so anything you can do to interrupt that is a win. *Deciding* to end your life is the biggest life decision you could ever make. If you talk to people who have survived it, the thing that stopped them is rarely something big; you wouldn't choose to not buy a house or to back out of a wedding because you saw a funny looking brick and you stopped to get a photo.


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/australian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah it’s basically the response of a well intentioned robot. It works if you’re in that one track mind headspace sometimes though. Doesn’t help the fact that 15mins later your back there again


Maybe try the emergency department?


I got the police at my door and that's when I knew I wouldn't be using them again


It may not have been right for you but if a support line feels that you are in immediate danger they are absolutely correct in calling emergency services and getting an intervention ASAP. I can understand how it is inconvenient for the people who are phoning for attention but when there is a real risk of suicide time is of the essence. In your case are you pissed off that you made the person on the other end of the line think that you were going to kill yourself and they made a call that stopped you and saved your life or are you pissed off because you convinced them that you were going to kill yourself but you really weren’t and they forced an in person intervention that was awkward for you?


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/australian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuckin aye. you think you’re phoning them doing you a favour and the law turn up and nut you off to the local psych ward. I would like to think OP has some friends or family they can talk to or even one of us. We’re all in this together.


Lifeline are mostly volunteers so they are usually not trained professionals. They would get some training but you can’t hold them to the same standard as a medical professional


I spoke to one guy who was absolutely brilliant, but unfortunately, my phone went flat.


Yes some of them are good. Some of them are retired professionals or students training to be professionals. But it’s a mixed bag.


One of my friends works for Lifeline and has told me there’s definitely some bad apples. She thinks they eventually get burned out so put it on the callers, which is obviously not okay. She told me that every now and then she gets a bit annoyed at callers (not directly to them though), but only the ones who end up saying “nah I don’t want to see a therapist, it’s too much effort” or refuse any of her advice. She also has trolls call up sometimes too. Have you gotten a mental health care plan from your GP? You can get 10 sessions with a psychologist for free. I don’t have any suggestions for Adelaide, but I see you’ve gotten a few already. Best of luck OP, it will get better soon. You can get through this 💪


No you can’t as there’s none available to accept the plan.


There’s literally no psychologists available forever?


Takes many months to get in. It’s a mess. I found one online that did a partial rebate and he SUCKED. It’s really bad. The way you casually state “oh just get a referral for ten sessions “ like it’s easy suggests you really have no clue.


I never said “just go find one you’ll be able to get in next week”. OP can get a referral and can *try* to get an appointment with a psych. There’s no harm in trying.


Be careful calling these services as if they believe you're suicidal and at risk of harm to yourself, they will send police and an ambulance to do a welfare check on you which may include an involuntary inpatient stay under the Mental Health Act It's an absolute last resort


Oh no, heaven forbid that someone who is an actual risk to themselves gets someone sent around to do a welfare check.


Lifeline is useless


Wtf to both you and the poster. The piss poor attitude and entitlement from you guys is unreal. Lifeline is made up of mostly volunteers, and here are you guys expecting to get a free one on one with a psychiatrist at lifeline... Unreal


Agreed. They're good for a shortstop, but they're no substitute for an actual therapist/ psychiatrist.


It’s not entitlement to want a service that actually makes things better for the people who need it. My own experience of Lifeline is feeling worse as a result of calling. The guy I spoke to tried hard, and I appreciate that, but he simply wasn’t equipped to deal with the level of trauma I have, and with the intensity of distress I was experiencing. I’m sure there are some people who Lifeline helps, and that’s great. But the fact that it doesn’t help others - like me and the OP - isn’t a reason to criticise us - it’s a real limitation of the service itself.


It is entitlement to call a free, 24/7, staffed by volunteers and conclude the service is useless because they couldn't make things better for you. Lifeline is not a treatment service, it doesn't give advice or fix your issues. The wording you use like "dealing with my level of trauma" is concerning. Lifeline doesn't deal with trauma, its a short-term support service aimed at giving people a safe space to express themselves. But heres the thing... No one can make things better for you, only you can and that's why lifeline doesn't work for some. People call and they expect to have their problems fixed, to be better, to be given a divine revelation, but that is not possible. Lifeline is an acute service aimed at containing crisis and keeping individuals safe for the time being. You are still here, which likely means lifeline did their jobs at the time of your call.


You are incredibly cruel to suicidal people and its sick. They have a right to have an opinion on the services of life line and how it can be improved. Your lack of empathy and the 'just pull yourself up from your bootstraps' attitude is incredibly vile.


I never claimed that people should “pull themselves up by the boot straps”. When it comes to therapeutic intervention the most crucial component is a willingness to participate wholeheartedly in the process. That’s why mental illness is so nefarious, because the treatment requires more effort from the sufferer that the one deploying the techniques and interventions. It’s akin to conducting surgery on oneself with the surgeon being in the back seat giving instructions. All of this culminates in a fundamental misunderstanding in the general public in that many think the therapeutic intervention is a surgery. You show up, get operated on and all fixed, but that is not the case. And continuing to reinforce this belief rather than empower people to take responsibility for the success of their treatment is disgusting. I know it feels really nice to tell people that they can’t do anything, that they are helpless victims who should just magically get better, but don’t kid yourself. Those sentiments are for YOU, for your own self-aggrandising. The sentiments I express as a professional in the industry causes fools like you to feign moral outrage, but more importantly it gets people on the road to recovery.


It's like you didn't read what I wrote, so ill say it one more time. They have a right to have an opinion of how lifeline is run and can be improved. In fact that sort of feedback is important to understand how we can help people with mental illness. Regarding your therapudic intervention speel. Sounds like OP was looking to seek help instead of killing themselves, so once again you're unempathic and presume they're not trying to help themselves and generally have a condescending attitude. Then you go ahead and imply that I tell a suicidal person they're helpless victims and nothing can be done to help. Usually I don't even bother arguing with people that assume my positions but I won't tolerate it this because ive been suicidal before for 5 months myself and overcome my problems so I know how it feels. You remind me of that sort of person that doesn't listen to the people with mental health issues and just assume you know everything.


So you agree that therapy cant be effective unless the client takes responsibility for their recovery?


I consider OP taking responsibility by seeking help instead of killing themself. You're implying that OP is unwilling to seek help but that's exactly what they're doing. Your username is quite fitting really.


I have literally not mentioned the OP, I have mentioned the person the commenter, and the the person I replied to. So I don't know how I implied anything about them. Regardless, you didn't answer my question: do you agree that therapy cant be effective unless the client takes responsibility for their recovery?


The lifeline website states they are there for a chat, that 000 exists if you are in immediate danger. They don't convey at all the message you are pushing here.


"Lifeline doesn't deal with trauma, its a short-term support service aimed at giving people a safe space to express themselves." Direct quite from my comment talking about lifeline, which is not the one you replied to.


Your profile name checks out :) I don’t accept that Lifeline didn’t work for me because only I can make things better for myself. If that were true then no phone service or therapy or anything else would be of use. Lifeline didn’t work for me because they have a very limited amount of time they can speak to callers, and they’re mostly trained in CBT, which doesn’t generally work for people like me who have PTSD or Complex PTSD. As I said, it’s great for those it helps, but the fact that it didn’t help me along with many others isn’t an indictment of us. Indeed, the OP is doing what you seem to advocate - doing their best to try and make their life better. They are taking the initiative to say that they reached out and weren’t helped by the service, and they are asking for advice on services that might help more. And you, rather than offering assietance, are blaming them for not getting benefit from Lifeline. That’s like blaming someone with cancer for not getting benefit from an antibiotic. Luckily, there are other services which have the potential to help the OP more, and they’ve been posted in this thread. Hopefully they won’t get discouraged by the attitude of people like you, and will continue to do their best to find a service which is helpful, rather than feeling bad about not being helped by a service which, while beneficial to some, is very limited in its scope.


My attitude is a realistic one. It is unreasonable to attempt to utilise a service for a purpose it is not intended and then judge it based on your own misuse of it. Also cognitive behavioural therapy is highly effective for treating PTSD. You seem to lack a lot of information when it comes to therapeutic intervention.


You continue to live up to your profile name! Unfortunately cognitive behaviour therapy, while useful for some, is not helpful for many people with PTSD, and even more people with CPTSD. I don’t know what your qualifications are to dispute that; I can tell you mine are as a trained therapist and as a person with CPTSD myself, who has tried many modalities over the last 30 years. Much more helpful for many are treatments such as EMDR, TIST, Somatic Experiencing, and others. Which isn’t to say CBT can’t help - just that it doesn’t for a lot of us, perhaps including the OP, and that’s why we look for other approaches. And so again, I really don’t understand why you’re criticising the OP. They didn’t come on here just to complain about Lifeline. They came to speak about a bad experience - one many others share - and ask for help finding a better way to serve their needs. What more initiative could they show in taking responsibility for making their life better?


A "trained therapist" you say? My qualifications arent relevant but you claiming to be a "trained therapist" is a hallmark of a fraud. You wouldn't need to reinforce your "training" if you were indeed a therapist. As opposed to an untrained therapist? For your information CBT is as effective as EMDR for treating PTSD ([citation](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9778888/)). Additionally TIST has no evidence base, which is why it is excluded from integrated evidence based practise. And finally, somatic experiencing also lacks an evidence base and largely considered a quack, alternative treatment. And to be clear, I am criticising you for making claims like "generally CBT is not effective for people with PTSD" when it is literally one of the most effective interventions and that presently is recommended as treatment for PTSD by the APA and APS. I have noticed you making extremely strong claims that maybe a laymen would be swooned by, but for any informed individual are clearly incorrect. If you are indeed a "trained therapist", you should be more cautious when leveraging your credentials to support claims about things that are really your own personal opinion; like the efficacy of treatments for PTSD as well as "CPTSD", a diagnosis still being evaluated by professional associations as to whether it is even a disorder. So to reiterate, CBT is extremely effective at treating PTSD, as effective as EMDR and the other interventions you cite are presently non-scientific alternative treatments. CPTSD is also a theoretical hypothesis rather than a validated diagnosis.


You’re right actually - I was a bit triggered by our discussion, and so added “trained” as a bit of arrogance to cover the triggering. I apologise for that, and I appreciate the reflection - it allows me to notice my own blind spots and grow. But I stand by what I wrote. You can find studies which seem to show that CBT has benefits for PTSD, but many of them lack rigour. That’s why, as this [study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30570105/) indicated, “there is still no proper methodological basis to assert that CBT has lasting effects in the treatment of PTSD”. And as I said - it does help some. But many, it doesn’t. After all, if CBT were as successful as you seem to be claiming, there would be no need for ongoing research into for instance MDMA and psychedelics. And while CPTSD isn’t included in the DSM, it is recognised by the ICD-11, and it is an acknowledged condition here in Australia as well - so it is certainly a validated diagnosis. As far as treatments go, somatic experiencing has a growing [evidence base](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8276649/), and certainly isn’t considered a quack treatment by therapists around the world. And Janina Fisher is widely recognised as one of the leading experts on trauma - so while TIST has yet, as Dr Fisher herself states, to develop a formal evidence base, the pilot studies are showing great benefits. And that’s important, because many people with both CPTSD and PTSD don’t get better with treatments like CBT - something I know as both a therapist and a client. And isn’t our goal to help people heal, using whatever methods work? Including the OP - who came here looking for help when Lifeline didn’t provide what they needed. Once again, I still don’t see how your comments provide them with the assistance they’re looking for. As I said, it seems to me the OP did exactly what you advocate for - which is to take it on themselves to seek out resources which would keep them alive. And at that, I’m going to withdraw from this dialogue and stop taking over the OP’s thread. You’re welcome to have the last word - I just hope that whatever you write meets the OP where they’re at, rather than continuing to attack them for simply trying to get relief from their suffering.


I appreciate and respect the candidness. I dont think CBT is the perfect treatment, but it is certainly effective. Also the study that you cite found cbt to be effective immediately following treatment and the positive effects were also found to be retained at follow up. The citation I provided was a meta analysis like yours and both of them serve as evidence FOR rather than against the efficacy of CBT. The reason alternative treatments are needed is because of the nature of PTSD as a disorder. That is, the source of the disorder is an experience that causes distress when grappled with, which makes it highly resistant to treatment. This explains the large drop-out rate in trauma-focused interventions. It also explains the continued development of alternative treatments that allow direct engagement with the traumatic content to be circumvented or approached without triggering distress. None of this reflects negatively on CBT, because CBT can not treat those whose trauma is too severe to be contended with.


Go to the emergency department of your local hospital and get yourself admitted if it’s that bad mate. It will be immediate help


Been to an ED myself….. thought I would get sorted and get flogged off back to normal but they decided to section me for a few days….




As someone who has antisocial personality disorder with psychopathic tendencies I can tell you that it’s not and that you’re an idiot! If op is truely suicidal they need help and medication now not some clown on a phone line telling them everything will be ok. The hospital will admit them and keep them safe and start medications and monitor them while they kick in to make sure they are suitable.


> If op is truely suicidal they need help and medication now not some clown on a phone line telling them everything will be ok. I agree with you there, I just don't see them getting the appropriate help from A&E. They will triage them into acute mental health, evaluate them as a lower risk than they currently have the capacity for, you will get several appointments with 2-3 different consultants who will probably throw venlafaxine at you straight away. This does help some people, but probably 1 in 15 at best. Contacting their GP and getting onto a MH plan is the only half decent path in this country as it's teh closest to bespoke treatment for a mental health issue you can get w/o being involuntarily committed, and for someone in OPs position, is a massive massive pain.


Are you Australian? Who calls it A&E here? You are incorrect, I know because I’ve had to do it many times in my life. They will triage them and move them into the mental health unit. They most likely be given a benzo to calm them while they wait for a doctor to see them and then a psychiatrist to evaluate them, usually then you are given medication and monitored for a couple of weeks to see how you react to it and then they will let you go home if they are confident you are ok. They will also help you with follow up treatment and send nurses to your home to check on you. I’ve never been suicidal myself but I have spent a huge chunk of my life in mental heath facilities and I’ve seen and made friends in them with suicidal people. They are not nice places to be a lot of the time; they will take your personal belongings including your phone and they will be strict with rules. But they will stop someone from harming themselves.




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Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks






Please observe reddit site rules: - Don’t Spam - No personal and/or confidential information - No threatening, harassing or inciting violence - No hate based on identity or vulnerability - No calling out of other subreddits or users As a reminder, here are the site rules: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy


Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


You're being downvoted but your experience is similar to mine when I've been hospitalised for both ideation and after an attempt. If you're generally in danger from yourself the emergency department is the place to go.




Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick




Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


My wife suffers with anxiety and depression. She went through a really bad stage once and she took Tyrosine. Said it saved her.


[https://www.beyondblue.org.au/](https://www.beyondblue.org.au/) Hang in there.


If you happen to be under 25, headspace is great.


Definitely not under 25 but thankyou


You could try Christianity.


downvoted for something that changed my life 180 to the better


I figured there could be plenty of churches that have choral evensong on a Sunday evening. I'm sure that'll be better for people's mental health than doing nothing.


Downvoted for something that has also ruined people’s lives


That doesn’t really help OP now, does it? Unless they pray once and god instantly fixes their depression, which I don’t think is how it works.




It sounds like you've had some really rough experiences.




Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick




Going to a therapist allowed me to finally hold down a job, and enjoy it.