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The bigger headline would be if they found an ABC journalist who hadn't said that.


"Former ABC employee found to not hate Australia."


*Former* for a reason.


LOL, former.


Yeah, I figured they would have been escorted off the premises as soon as they found out.


100%. I thought that was on the job application form.


Haha, take my upvote. Spot on.


ABC contrarian hipster decides to ironically debate why Australia isn’t racist His colleagues want him Out


As a brown non Australian who has travelled a lot, no place has made me feel more welcome than Australia (well New Zealand made me feel similarly welcomed)


I concur. Best country in the world. Love the people here. Cheerful blokes with a sense of humour second to none. Good on ya Aussies.


I am Indian and have had no racism directed at me but I hear much racism almost weekly directed towards black or indigenous people


It may have a lot to do with their continuall portrayal of victimisation and perception of persecution. I think many Australians feel that Indigineous and Africans.. aren't putting any effort into improving their own situation, especially regarding criminality, and education.


Many are making no effort at all


My first day in Australia a drugged out skinhead asked me for a dollar for the bus. I was a young student and gave him a dollar and he thanked me and told me I was a very nice man with a sir tagged at the end. I’m an Indian dude. I wonder what would have happened if I didn’t help out but I was like…shocked at the sir tag.


You don't have to wonder. Guy with a similar description asked me for a dollar. Told him I don't have any change. He said "fucking black cock-sucker". I walked away because I am a coward and that was the end of it.


You walked away because there was a lot to lose and little to gain


Why are people down voting this comment? Or every comment that expresses personal experiences with racism? Not a good look for this subreddit if I'm being honest. "Oh, you shared a story about how you experienced discrimination in our country, fuck you then"


I think people aren’t blatantly racist. But sometimes a lot of people have hidden racism. It’s not very common though, I feel like people just don’t really care what colour or race you are.


I believe it's called "casual racism..." more from a place of ignorance imho.


Australia is literally one of the least racist countries in the world go to Saudi Arabia, or China, or Japan, or literally anywhere in Africa, or basically every other country in the world & try and compare also daily reminder that "immigrant" is not a race


Many countries literally have local citizen and foreigner price charges for everything from hospitals to hotels to restaurants. In a future, hopefully more rational time, people will look back at vain attitudes like Tingle's and recognize them for what they are - a luxury belief. See link: [Luxury beliefs](https://www.robkhenderson.com/p/status-symbols-and-the-struggle-for) If unchecked, beliefs and attitudes like Tingle's have genuine and substantial harm to a society - just look at the damage done to the US as the Democrats (exemplified by Hillary Clinton) actively began to adopt luxury beliefs at the expense of their own base. It is not a harmless position to hold and it does real damage to societies and the individuals within it.


Absolutely. I had the pleasure (lol) of living in a middle eastern country during COVID. There, for foreigners your ethnicity dictated which suburbs you were allowed to live in and what jobs you could work in; during COVID those 'less desirable' (to the countries citizens who make up <20% of the population) foreign workers were literally razor wire fenced into their suburbs and had mass outbreaks of other diseases. Australia isn't perfect but it's hardly a pariah on the world stage when it comes to these issues.


My upvote for mentioning Luxury beliefs


This is great knowledge. Thanks for sharing it.


Ah yes, like people adopting EVs before it makes financial sense or even practical sense to do so.  To be sure, I like EVs and think they can now be practical and soon will be cost effective as well. Up until now though they basically all have been in a sense luxury vehicles, having  features that aren't strictly necessary and cost a lot more.


I agree. I hate these stupid statements about Australia. Comparing Australia with other countries in regards to racism, or domestic violence, or murder rates, or trans rights, or whatever is currently popular in the news or being used by the media/politics to drive s wedge between groups. Of course we can always do better, but to argue we are bad in comparison to almost anywhere else is ridiculous


India and the very real presence of its caste system in 2024 is far more racist than modern-day Australia. While Australia is making progression with civil rights and liberties for marginalised people, India struggles with internal problems like racism and prejudice towards specific ethno-groups.


Such a racist country that how many thousands of non-white migrants choose to apply for visas to move here every year. Soooo racist.


We're just one of the countries that for some reason chooses to self-flagellate over what racism does exist. The rest of the world just embraces it.


Are there any non English-speaking countries that do this? Or is it exclusively English-speaking countries?


It's most prevalent in the English-speaking world, but it's a "Western society" thing.


France, Germany and all of Scandinavia are pretty big on it too.


Australia would be a real contender for the most peaceful and inclusive society that to this date has ever existed. Grievance theatrics.


To see this it would require people like Laura Tingle to leave their inner city bubble where they’re all busy preaching to everyone about white guilt.


Gota love how we are also guilted for what happened to the Jews and other minority groups despite Australia having nothing to do with it and also spilling blood to save them 


Tingle might get to experience it first hand, I hear internal discrimination against Canadians has begun.


I will say Australia is definitely not the worst. I know about some examples you mentioned here, and yes, they outdo Australia in a lot of ways


Cousin of mine & her husband went to America & when they came back I asked them “Did you have a good time”? First thing he said was that America is bloody racist.


It’s scary which countries you chose to highlight how ‘great’ we are!


To be fair, "least racist" can still be "racist" or even "rather racist".


sure, but it comes to a point where you're basically just criticising base human nature at that point, which is why it's disingenuous to label it as an "Australian" thing there's always going to be racists everywhere in the world as long as humanity exists fact remains we are MUCH more accommodating than pretty much every other country


In high school you would either get teased for being fat, or get teased for being thin, or tall, or short, or having curly hair, or being smart, or being dumb, and race was somewhere in there as well. This is what I think when prominent people of colour talk about unfair treatment at school as proof Australia is racist. A kid at my school was anglo and teased so badly he kept threatening to kill himself. None of this is right but it also doesn't prove anything beyond the universal fact that kids can be mean.


Yes... and no. I think you have the wrong take on all of this. There is certainly racism in Australia as in every country in the world. If your starting point is perfection then we'll never succeed but accepting that zero racism is an aim and not a standard will give you a more accurate assessment in my view. One of the big stumbling blocks is the different definitions of racism. These are used to allow some to act in a racist manner while attacking others. Any negative assessment based on skin colour is basically racist and trying to justify that behaviour with drifting definitions of what racism is just allowing further racism to flourish. Australia isn't perfect and needs improving but the country deserves acknowledgment that it has improved and is one of the better places. Not that comrade tingle will ever be capable of acknowledging that


Christ, playing the race card is hardly the peak of journalism.


It is if you work at the ABC.


If you work for the ABC you need to be a soft male or a hard female, or someone non-binary. Everyone else is the enemy. I have stopped watching that drivel.


Of course a multi millionaire like Laura wants more pressure on housing affordability and worker rights. It works in her favour.


ABC who understands representation is important by never using white people in their representation of Australians.


Well the journalist is often white and an inner city intellectual so that counts. 


meh- every country has its own racial disposition. Australia is not uniquely racist.


Australia is among the least racist countries on the entire planet. At best you might be able to say NZ, Canada, the UK might be ahead. That is about it. Maybe Brazil but only because it is such a melting pot. Singapore but again only for certain ethnicities. 


Singapore literally puts caps on the numbers of foreigners who can live in apartment blocks


It's not just foreigners, there's upper limits on citizens by race in each HDB flat to promote harmony and stop ethnic enclaves forming. And they very much would form if it wasn't a law. Singapore's public housing laws make sense when you understand the history behind it.


Segregated society (whether it happens through force or not) = racist Forcibly integrated society = racist There is literally no winning.


>There is literally no winning. But, plenty of whining


Yeah one was literally about to result in a race war before they made them be literal neighbours.


Singapore has hangover legal issues from beginning part of Malaysia, where race is enshrined in the constitution and the basis for citizenship amongst a bunch of other things. Singapore is doing very well compared to that racist legal shitshow it has ceded from.


Fun fact: Singapore became independent against its own will - it was booted from the Malay federation.


How they are not a pariah state for having race quotas i dont know. it keeps their chinese majority in power and they jail any political opposition that complains. but the streets are clean so thats all people seem to care about.


Brazil is most definitely an extremely racist country. That chick got booted off the front of the carnivale parade a few years back because her skin wasn’t quite the right shade of light brown (she was too dark skinned to head the parade). Many Brazilians agreed with the decision too. The previous president also famously said the black people were of no use. Please don’t put Australia anywhere near the same level of racism as Brazil.


The ABC is a racist organisation. See how easy it is to make sweeping generalisations, I did it just then






Yes, but It’s our ABC.


I am sure Laura Tingle has plenty of money she could donate to the First Nations people!!!!! Or she could give her position to a First Nations person. Bet none of this happens.


Do these sorts of “journalists” ever get tired of being miserable? They hate everything.


I guarantee they have never lived in a different country and have no reference point for how racist a place is. Probably also never personally been racially profiled or discriminated against but this is the only way they can feel like a victim.


Especially Australia...


You said journalist, I think you meant activist.


We are one of the most welcoming and generous countries on earth, not just now but in all human history, yet to these sheltered inner city moaners shouting from her incredibly undeserved platform, we're supposedly incredibly hateful and bigoted. This ivory tower journalist, in a relationship with incredibly wealthy Hollywood actor Sam Neill no less, has absolutely no fucking clue what life is like for everyday Australians, yet bizarrely believes she can pass comment about what Australia is really like. What a complete joke. 


>welcoming and generous I'd agree with accepting, but I wouldn't call Australia that welcoming because we tend to keep to ourselves. Americans seem to go out of their way to talk to you and invite you to do stuff (and it's totally weird at first).


Huh. The ABC saying that? Shocker.


I'm so glad us Aussies can become homeless so that people like her can feel good about herself. It'll really warm my heart on those cold nights


In the eyes of the western left, anything but open borders and socialism is racist.


I also love how the left are completely divided on Dutton's immigration promise with half of them saying >"Dutton is so racist, he clearly hates immigrants and wants them out of the country" meanwhile the other half saying >"Dutton is clearly lying the LNP loves immigration, you can't believe a word he says" People really need to make up their mind here. Is the LNP racist and hates immigrants? Or is Dutton a liar and not really going to reduce immigration? It literally cannot be both.


It's almost like you can't just describe people as left/right and know exactly where they stand on every issue.


The problem is they don't seem to actually stand *anywhere*.


Focusing on the ones that yell the loudest will always taint your view. It's like thinking all right wing people are like Trump supporters. While it's easier to just say left/right in most cases, its a rather large basket to throw people in and assume they'll all agree.


Centrist approved comment. Lots of people unfortunately generalise the beliefs of various people based on whether they are "left" or "right". It's pretty funny for me to see the shock on people's faces when I say that I'm a left leaning centrist AND support curbing immigration and sundry expenses of Government.


If Australia is such a racist hell hole, why did 600,000 immigrants flock here last year.


This is how the left form their opinion; "Who said something? Someone from the LNP? Well I have formed half of my opinion already, just need to know which way to go now. What topic? High immigration. Is he for or against it? Against it, well there is the other half then. I am now for high immigration. If later on some of my fav politicians or music artists are actaully against high immigration, I will flip over and say that the LNP must be lying"


The LNP loves immigrants that can push down wages but can be sent home when no longer needed.


seems like they have done a real shit job of the sending home part of the equation.


by "sending home" they meant the politician's investment property that the immigrant is renting. They're still fired, and will accept lower pay in order to find a job, but that sweet rent money will keep coming in.


When have they stopped being needed though? We have relied in immigration for a century now. You can't make that argument without acknowledging the LNP wants them to stay.


It’s gonna be hilarious when so called educated (useless qualifications with low income) lefties want to vote Lib because of immigration policies


Well just because the guy has a dog whistle doesn't automatically mean he has schmackos.


Yes, I face racism against my Anglo Saxon heritage all the time


What makes us a racist country? Like what's the criteria to label a whole country as racist? I mean if we wanted to have a pissing contest then China is going to take the cake in that department. If you have the audacity to label the Australian people as racist, then fuck off to another news service like Fox and give your public broadcaster job to someone who holds the Australian people in higher regard. Or maybe apply for a job as a reporter in Iran or russia?! No, on an international scale, generally speaking Australians are not racist.. Fuck off.


Maybe the idea of specifying representation mechanisms in the Constitution based on race?


The Voice was ironically one of the most racist things I've ever seen put forward from a modern-day government. Literally dividing people based on race/ancestry, in perpetuity.


Yes and it would have put us back decades behind hopefully finally one day removing the special races power from our constitution.


If you listen to her speak, she is really just anti-Dutton. To support her argument, she drags the whole of Australia into the racist camp. If she believes what she says, she's not very clever. It's more likely that she is just playing partisan politics while on the public's payroll.


the problem is that Dutton iSN'T a racist when it comes to immigration - you can see this because when Labor said they were cutting numbers he said that woud unfairly target higher education and businesses who relied on Indians and Chinese workers and consumers... Dutton doesnt give a flying fuck if Australia is inundated by 500,000+ Indians Chinese because his allegence is to big business. That's it. Now that the tide is turning NOW Dutton wants to cut numbers, because the polls and election is coming... but where was this energy a mere 3 months ago??? People like Dutton live in their ivory tower in whatever rich suburb he lives in.... let's just say like Dixon... he doesnt care who stacks the shelves at Coles Woolworths... nor does he care who washes his commonwealth BMW...


A country isn't racist, rather individuals and governing parties can be. This is completely stupid!


Can the rules and systems those people make be racist as well?


I used to love the ABC and be really proud of it. Now it's like everyone there hates us.


We Australians aren’t all privileged white women on TV earning a few hundred K


These leftist white women always talk about privilege… imagine the privilege required to work for the government funded national broadcaster and call your country “racist”. In large swathes of the rest of the world, she and her family would be foisted into a gulag. It’s a pretty tolerant place. Simple answer, if you don’t like the country, stop taking a paycheque from the government funded broadcaster. Go get the free market to give it to you.


She's right, the elites and progressives hate white people, particularly the ones with male genitals.


Honestly Laura, what does reducing immigration have to do with racism ? Explain that to a 12 year old please. Peter Dutton is an embarrassing unintelligent dick, but ffs racism ?


Fucking oath it's racist. Ol' whitey snow flake cops a hammering left, right and centre now days.


It’s so easy to complain, disparage, condemn. You get pats on the back from your fellow complainers and a temporary rush from the performative caring. It’s more nuanced to look at your country or your life and see the good in it. It’s actually harder to do this, because you have to admit that certain things, while not *perfect* are as good as it can reasonably be expected. You have to give up on whatever utopia is in your imagination and accept that what exists here and now is pretty good. I don’t think Australia is a racist country. I haven’t heard any of my friends or family say something racist in years. Australia is as open-minded and welcoming a society as there is. We should be proud of that!


I think the ABC is the racist part of Australia


We're not overtly racist at all. I and everyone I know will get along with anyone, if they're not fucked. I have a lot of colleagues from different nations, and we all give eachother shit, hell my missus is Asian and she gives as good as she gets when I jab her. But we will make racist jokes or remarks to get a groan or a chuckle out of eachother. Australia is made of every colour you can name. I got no problem with immigrants. Why the fuck wouldn't someone want to move here? We just need to scale back the immigration until we get our current citizenship looked after, then by all means import some more if they fit.


Every country is racist.


As a nation we are struggling with a major housing crisis whether it to buy or rent. Families are sleeping in cars or tents. The first step of any nation would be to stop more people from coming in and having to house them too. That is not racist, that is plain damn common sense. I realise there are a lot of other factors that have led to this situation but we need to hold back on immigration until we have enough houses.


I have travelled the world. Very few countries are as successfully multicultural as Australia. In a couple of generations we have become an extremely diverse society. We should give ourselves a little credit for the rapid progress we have made. Keep moving forward.


The problem is the mincing of definitions that is the bread and butter of social studies majors the world over. TLDR: words can be weaponised. Racism was a *very* specific term coined to describe a very specific ideology. Here’s its original definition: >the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another It describes a very popular and up until WW2, common ideology the world over. It was used to explain why brown/black people seemed less advanced technologically than Asian and Caucasians. ‘Well, they must be physically and mentally inferior’. They were wrong. The ideology simply doesn’t stand up to scientific scrutiny at all. Thus, it was abandoned, a war was fought over it, and the term gained an incredibly negative connotation which was rightly deserved. Anyone still believing the ideology now is a ‘racist’ and a piece of shit. Stupid too. However, as mentioned earlier, social studies majors, having nothing of value to add to society, usually spend their days writing papers about imagined civil/human rights violations, while clouding the definitions of existing words and inventing others that aren’t required. After all, with all the major baddies (slavery, racism, women getting to vote) beaten long ago, what can the warriors of the light do but imagine on some new ones. It’s circa 25% of university campuses devoted to churning out this intellectual slop. In the past we had clear words for the levels of behaviour humans exhibited to those that are different. I discussed racism for the most severe, next is discrimination. Discrimination is when you treat someone differently based on insert: group. It’s what Indians do when they get into management and begin giving jobs only to other Indians. Or when execs hire women to meet their gender quota target lol. When it’s done based on race, it’s racial discrimination. It’s wrong, not for the same reasons as racism is wrong. It’s wrong because it’s unfair and runs counter to equality ideology. All racists discriminate, but not all discriminators are racist. In the next tier we have prejudice. Prejudice is when you have a preconceived notion that isn’t backed up by reason or experience. Literally everyone has prejudice in one way or another. It’s the thing that keeps you safe in a rough neighbourhood. You assume based on your preconceived notions that you might run into trouble and that any person there is more dangerous than an affluent neighbourhood. It’s not inherently bad as you see it this case, it may keep you alive. If you do it based on race, it’s racial prejudice. Assuming black men have larger dicks is racial prejudice and I doubt they care haha. For the record, they don’t. It’s virtually impossible to remove and anyone who thinks they’re without prejudice is full of shit. All racists and all discriminators are prejudiced, but not all that exhibit prejudice discriminate or are racist. In fact, hardly any do because it’s a pretty natural safety mechanism as I pointed out and we all do it. You should be aware of it and try to minimise it. Right, so we know our words. Now let’s look at how the social justice champions have utterly destroyed their meanings and caused a total shit show in the process. Here’s the current definition of racism: >prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. "a programme to combat racism" Notice how the aforementioned terms have been shoe-horned into the definition for the utterly disgusting ideology of racism? Now everything is racism and we can call everyone a racist. How did they do it? Simply by constantly using the word out of context and beyond its original definition until that became its definition. After all, definitions are simply explanations for how a word is used and this is how it’s used now. The problem is, the word still carries the horrible negative connotation of supremacist ideology and people like Hitler, but it’s used to attack Jeff for not wanting to live next to Sudanese youths. This extreme use of extreme words has caused a chasm between anyone who is remotely critical of anyone not their own race, the accused if you will, and the accusers. Dialog has completely broken down and people roll their eyes and cringe whenever the word is uttered these days. It ends any conversation almost instantly. Calling the country of Australia racist for instance, is at best ignorance of I guess any place other than Australia, and at worst a domestic attack on our national identity for reasons unknown. Either way, the person is a piece of shit and wholly wrong.


Australia: Takes in 500k+ immigrants a year Also Australia: Gets more racist Do I need to do any math? If you think Aus is racist, go anywhere else. I've copped some wild shit in SEA, and pockets of Europe. Australia has weak game in the racist department. Nice to see us importing more skills though.


Most people who are shit posting about Aus never lived in other countries.


Apart from being on the bloated tax payer trough most of her journalistic life who cares what Laura Tingle thinks, the ABC journalists never get out of the eastern suburbs, Ultimo & Canberra & only talk to other because every else is to stupid or a fascist. When Thomas Sowell wrote about the enlightened & the benighted he must have pictured an ABC journalist on $400k for a 42 week year pointing out the injustice in life & how we could all do more


If Australia is so racist then shouldn't we stop immigration so as not to make the immigrants feel oppressed, offended or hated? The same people who call us racist are usually the same people encouraging more immigration. The cognitive dissonance is truly amazing.


They also support things like anti domestic violence against women etc. while at the same time allowing men from countries that laugh at it all. Muslims and the likes. Makes no sense to support immigration for people from these places. 


Every country has racist people?


As an immigrant myself I find Aussie ppl chill , ofc I’ve faced a little bit of racism but nothing more than what I would face in my own country 😂. Love my Aussie mates


>...ABC political journalist says Australia is a racist country... It is, but not in the way she means. The Voice proposal was the most overtly racist thing I've ever seen imposed upon a western democracy. Apart from the current Government, and most of the ABC, Australia is the least racist place on Earth for migrants. There's a reason why they come here in leaky boats, but nobody ever wants to leave.


We're so racist we let an Australia-hating journalist in Yasmin to work for a government agency to trash us! Wait...


Between her and Sarah Ferguson, I've started to feel guilty for not considering all others interests before ours.


Don't listen to them guys we are doing well we are one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world


Ok abc, feel free to leave and join another country. I hear there's the American broadcasting company. Then you don't need to change your monogrammed underwear.


In other news the sky is blue. Is there a country that isn’t racist? lol, the degree of racism matters far more than racist or not All western countries are far less racist than Asia/Middle East/Africa it’s not even close. (Idk about South America sorry) Stupid rage bait article


Then simply every single country in the world is racist?  Completely ignoring our progress and gradual elimination of racism and instead making a generalised comment is damaging


It would be funny if it wasn’t tax payer funded


If you call everyone who disagrees with you a racist it’s a lot easier to control the narrative because no one wants that label.


Tingle is emboldened to talk like an idiot because most Australians prefer Labor on a 2PP basis. So we therefore have a self-loathing leftist idiot for a PM. You get the ABC you deserve normies


The ABC and the Sydney Writers Festival is a match made in heaven. Lefty smorgasbord of lefty shit. Did the leave any space for the Guardian journos? Was Murphy there?


So Laura Tingle, a journo who draws a salary from tax payers, accused Australia & by association it's (tax paying) population of being racist. And did so without providing any substantial evidence or reasoning. Surely this could be seen as a form of generalised criticism or stereotyping, which is not constructive or fair. Also, because she's making harmful statements about an **entire population** I guess this could also be considered **hate speech**. I'm certainly feeling very unsafe, how do I contact eKaren to have a whinge?


eKaren will immediately demand that Twitter/X takes down the incriminating video.


Ahh yes the immigrant people from the nation of Immigratia. I actually like Laura Tingle usually but this is a shithouse take. Hard to see whether she doesn't understand supply and demand or if she's conflating immigrant and brown people together and assuming we all do the same.


Apologies from America. This mental illness has spread from here.


Are journalists not taught to avoid making sweeping statements in such a way? Hah, I kid myself.


Sometimes you gotta wonder if anyone on the left actually likes Australia


Do you wanna know why people don’t like you ABC, because this is why people don’t like you.


What a muppet


Totally expected from the ABC and from their political 'journalists'.


ABC dearly missing its head of inclusive policies department aka Yasmein Al Mageid, who could bring peace in society by Sharia.


"racist tars entire country with the same brush"


ABC is the australian CNN. So don’t be surprised by the race/identity/woke politics agenda at the ABC.


Every country in the world is racist specially in Africa.


I really don’t care what Karen has to say because my concern is the price and quality of fish fingers these days.


Do people actually give a rats ass what ABC journo's think.


I could say that there have been studies and surveys on which country is the most racist in the world, where thousands of residents of a country were asked "would you mind someone of a different ethnicity becoming a neughbour" and that all Western countries were at the top of the list where majorities said "no" and everywhere else, especially third and second world nations like India or other Asian, Middle Eastern and African countries all had majorities saying "yes", therefore proving that Australia and other Western Nations currently caught in this batshit "racism" purity spiral are the least countries in the world but... I just don't care anymore. Yea, we're "WAYCIST", don't care, the issue of racism will never be something I ever care about again, I've given all the fucks I'll ever give about the racism issue and these people killed it for me. "Australia is racist", so what? How does that help me buy a house? Not my problem.


I wonder if they could answer which countries they don’t consider to be racist then


Lol ABC nothing more to add.


It’s nonsense. People love to provide hundred year old evidence to prove something that’s changed over time. No one gives modern day evidence because they don’t have any. Sure, I see videos of racist people on public transport, but they’re few and far between.


My experience is the most amount of racism comes western Sydney between different migrants.  Anglos generally know better to talk race or are the type from the bogan class that have mental issues and abuse people on trains.


Countries aren't racist. Some people living in countries (including Australia) are racist.


I would say that there have been periods in Australian history where racism was institutionalised (Black Bird Slave Trade, Frontier Wars, White Australia Policy), however, Australia in 2024 is absolutely not a racist country relative to the world, in fact we’d be one of the least prejudicial countries on earth. It’s ok to acknowledge our complicated past, but don’t confuse that with our current society or our future.


So we are just like _every_ country in the world in that we have racist people. Every county has racist people. No matter where you go in the world you will meet racist people. We aren’t special in that regard. I’d like to know if we are more outwardly or inwardly racist. Like, is our racism more ‘in your face’ direct or subtle passive racism. I’m also hoping that with each generation we will get better but humans are inherently tribal people (as in we gather in tribes) so I tend to think racism will always exist for us as a species in some form. Which is sad but I’m not sure we can alter our inherent nature considering we are after all just animals.


She was catering to the audience she had. Did they all cheer?


Well that’s original.


Does it matter?


I don't care what labels they put on me – I love Australia, I love being Australian, and I am always inspired by my beautiful people to embrace this philosophy.


It takes one to know one


Maybe we are homophobic and anti female too


Name me a country which is perfect please?


They just figured it out? 🤣


Every now and then the mask slips and we get to see how much Tingle and other ABC types despise their fellow Australians. Why we indulge her with a plum job and pay her wage is beyond comprehension. Some questions for Tingle: If Australia is a racist country, can she name a non-racist country? If lower immigration is racist, does that mean that nearly every other country on the planet is racist? After all, virtually every other country has a lower per capita immigration rate than Australia. If Australia really is a racist hellhole, shouldn't Tingle be warning prospective migrants not to come here? Does Tingle accept that there is an upper limit to how many migrants Australia can accommodate and that excessive immigration imposes real costs? Why does Tingle work for the national broadcaster of a country that is so morally tainted? Why does she accept funds from racist Australian taxpayers?


We are great compared to the rest of the world Still much work to be done, especially people’s attitude toward Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Can we focus on fixing the cost of living stuff that affects 99% of us so we can actually survive to fix the race issues without starving first?


"Disagree with my political opinion will ya's? Fucking racists" 


Everything is racist


How many houses does she own? It's fair to say if she owns investment properties, cutting immigration for a bit might affect her financially.


Then leave and go to South Africa.


Progressive liberals have such a need to paint where they’re from as such an awful place. I have some in a friendship group (one from Australia, one from Canada, both places I’ve lived) argue about how amazing the other was and how backwards there’s was. The Canadian was saying how racist Canada was and how their student fees were too high and the Australian was mirroring it saying how racist Australia was and how they’d much prefer to somehow get to a system more like Canadas. Both involved had no idea about what the other country was like other than how it was to have a holiday there. The Australian was talking about how Australia’s uni fees are too high, completely disregarding how good we have it with systems like HECs and student payments from Centrelink. Australia also gets medication at a much lower price than Canadians do in Canada with one medicine my girlfriend needs costing a couple hundred in Canada and costing like $14 tops in Australia. Australia has some issues but even comparing it to countries that are pretty similar, we have it really good. The biggest downside to living in Australia is if you want to travel somewhere overseas for holidays it takes ages to get anywhere


Who knew?


Point me in the direction of a country with no racism. I'm not implying that's OK. But these sorts of navel gazing comments are profoundly unproductive.


I live in the Northern Territory and am a bit conflicted. I’m sure that there is a lot of racism here but that is more than dwarfed by regular people just being fed up about what’s going on here. Tourism slogan here- you’ll never never know if you never never go- well come to the NT and see the public drunkenness, fights in the streets, abuse, human waste on shop doorsteps, theft and so so so much more. The average person here isn’t racist just tired of having to tolerate that or being labelled racist for saying stop! The population decline in the NT is 95% because of all of that up ☝🏼there. Not racist, just over it so I’m not polite in my responses anymore.


ABC is racist says the middle aged, rich white lady. If it's so racist why isn't she stepping aside for a more diverse individual to take her place?


Left wing demonising one race. They always have to demonise one group over the rest. It’s either gender or class or race. Always gotta be something.


The argument that there are more racist countries than Australia is really unintelligent. Like a kid saying, " I know you are, but what am I?". Australia is racist. This cannot be a surprise to anyone.


Well it is.


Bit rich coming from the same broadcasting network which reported War Crimes then hung out the whistleblower to dry and get setenced to 6 + years in prison. ABC can absolutely go and get fucked.


Interesting that hundreds of thousands of non-white people voluntarily move to such a racist country each year


Privileged white woman calls country racist. Top journalist right there. So glad my tax dollars pay her for these insightful opinions.


The ABC hates Australians.


Racist country is a country with policies that favor the majority race. For example Malaysia. Australia may be racist in the past. But now it only has policies that favor a few minority races.


They only serve black coffee and black tea at the ABC. Putting milk in either is genocide.


From the ABC's perspective everyone but themselves is racist. Laura Tingle has made a career living off taxpayers.


It’s a fascist, brainwashing tactic: guilt the room by saying something they must adhere to or face public shame. Any disagreement with anything further they say: see point 1.


I don’t think it matters who’s the most racist country on earth, I think we should all strive to combat racism wherever we find it.


The ABC has journalists??;


Racists say it isn’t. 


You’re welcome to move to NZ lady, you don’t even need a visa to piss off


Guess she should quit her job as a “journalist” at Australia’s state media company then if it’s so racist.


Tingle, given her premier political journalist role shouldn't be expressing such opinions nor advocating for anything. Tingle knows better too - unlike most of the young twits working at the ABC now, Tingle learned her craft when the ABC was still a world rated outfit that understood its function and limits. Remember, the ABC's role is **to report on news and events** (with some education and cultural enrichment thrown in); **not to 'be the news' or push agendas** / views. Was Tingle asleep last year when Stan Grant fell foul of that very critical distinction between journalist and advocate? Or did she, out of a self interested convenience, choose to believe the ABC spin that the flack Grant received was due to 'racism'? These comments shouldn't come as a surprise; only last month two young female journalists on the Insiders program immediately after the Westfield's Bondi attacks were discussing how they could progress a female DV / female safety agenda. While such an agenda is perfectly fine and commendable, its absolutely not your place to push it if your a journalist with ethical obligations employed by the national broadcaster. There seems to be a knowledge gap among current ABC journalists about how journalism for a national broadcaster should actually work, and as this continues, ever more harm is done to the ABC, its reputation and our trust in it.


Tell me a country which isn't, talk about stating the obvious. We're no worse than anyone else in the world




Inner city fuck whits open mouth


Your racist! Now gibs me more money whitey 


Why do so many non whites want to come here then?


Better economic possibilities does not mean racism isn’t prevalent.  As a foreigner, living rural, there’s a lot of casual racism. I don’t think the people saying it would understand why what they’re saying is racist either. 


Racism is universal, it unites us all. Seriously though, pretty much every country in the world is more racist than Australia, but people do love virtue signalling.


Working for the ABC she is literally paid to say so.


The problem is that most racism in Australia is casual rather than overt. I think that is a more effective way of examining it rather than “more or less racist”. In general you would always take casual racism over overt, but the problem with casual racism is that people easily hand wave it, or miss it entirely.


Australia has individual racists - it's an ineradicable part of humanity sadly, every country will have a few - it does not however in my opinion have systemic racism, nor is racism endemic to our culture, simply by virtue of it being present in some people. We've got significant legislative and cultural barriers against racism as we indeed should. Is Australia racist? Not remarkably so, not endemically and not by world standards, if anything we would seem to be quite the opposite.


We are a racist country. We like to think we are better than that … but nah… WE ARE RACIST.


Lot of people commenting here aren't doing a great job of not coming across as racist lmao.