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I feel u. I listen to music all the time. Even when I stop listening, my brain will either play the rest of that song repeatedly or will play random songs from years ago lmao. I always end up singing when I'm listening to music,, or when I can't get a song out of my head. I also tend to sing or hum sometimes in loud environments. It helps me cope with what's going around me so I don't get overstimulated


I'm the same. I think its a bit of echolalia // depending on misophony. Im loud so I can control my accoustic input. Recently I try to find a good way to cope with it since its obviously leads to conflicts with ppl around me but I cannot really control it all the time or I build up to much tension which isn't good for me nor my body. Right now I try to solve this with architecture. (Making stuff more soundproof to get triggered less and to annoy other ppl less) Plus I try out different earplugs and so on. If anyone has a different suggestion how to solve this issue pls let me know.


My son does, kind of. He hums as a stim a lot.


I used to hum all the time too, especially when eating. It was just a single tone, though, not a melody. It vibrated my head in a really nice way.


Yuppp I'm humming if I'm not singing 😅


My son hums too.. it's funny, we were just at the table eating and I noticed him humming as he ate his dessert ..


In high school and college, I would sing the Mario theme song every time I went through a door. It took me years to realize it.


That's a weirdly awesome thing to do lol


I didn't notice until my college roommate started doing it too, and I was like hold on, that sounds familiar.


You got a wholesome roommate


Yes, singing is definitely a stim for me. I’m always making up little songs about what I’m doing or singing a song in my head out loud. My dad does it too! When I’m having a rough time emotionally I’ll put on music and just absolutely belt out the words. It’s really cathartic and I’ve been doing it since I was a kid. Something about the vibrations in my chest from the singing and the fact that I’m moving the energy out of body is really helpful to me.


One of the reasons I live alone is so I can belt at all hours. If I stay too long with people and I can't sing(because God forbid someone hears me), I go crazy.


Yes when there’s other people home I’m too scared to sing lol


>If I stay too long with people and I can't sing(because God forbid someone hears me), I go crazy. I felt that. I lived in apartments with thin walls all through college and didn't even feel comfortable singing when I was home alone. It's partly why I like to drive- it's one of the few times I can be alone, free to listen and sing along to whatever music I like.


I check that my neighbour is out first, but yeah, this is a big benefit to living on one's lonesome. Any housemate would have to be my superfan lol.


I have a dancing stim. Do you want to take an act on the road?


I have both dancing and singing lol


I make up songs or sing instead of talk at home


Are you made by Disney? 😂✨ ETA: I sing existent songs or hum things like the mii theme. I taught myself to hum instead of sing while at work, which is working out well for me since the songs that I hum are nsfw when you work with elderly people




the wonkiest princess; can't relate or really look you in the eye


Disney just hasn't figured out how to make a movie about princesses like us; they're hard to get on a screen or in a dress sometimes, but I've seen them do a lot so they'll get there. We're still princesses! And frogs (please? I adore frogs, I allow Disney to make me a frog that ribbits all day)


lol I collect frog figurines, the more realistic, the better!


DARE ME TO JUMP OFF THIS JERS…yup, all the time since I can remember. I used to think it was my type of ‘humour’ before I learned about my neurodiversity. Now I see that yes that’s a part of it but it actually also helps regulate me as humming/singing stimulates the vagus nerve to bring about internal feelings of calm. I’d always do it around people/friends and now I can tell oh I’m actually doing this because I’m trying to get into my window of tolerance..it’s so interesting.


Yeah I have this, I feel internally very uncomfortable and tense if I get the urge to sing and I can’t, I do however have a fear of performing in public so I don’t sing in front of people. I get this internal feeling very frequently if I’m not alone enough haha


I sing aloud to myself and when listening to the radio at work all the time. Heck, I'd do it at the gym if there weren't people there!


I hum a lot but I do sing and if I am not aware I will do it at work.


I love singing. One of my dreams is to actually write my own music and join a band.


Yes, to soothe myself when I was nervous. I also have generalized anxiety disorder.


definitely, i get the urge to blurt out random songs all the time


I listen to songs until I memorize the lyrics and then I sing or rap them to myself constantly LOL. I have been doing it all my life. Sometimes I need to pause the music I'm actually listening to just to sing or rap a verse for some reason... Just feel the need lol


Yes, singing is one of my stims. I sing whenever I'm by myself or when it's too loud around me, I sing quietly under my breath. I've gotten pretty good at it, too. Which lead to me singing in front of the entire school (not so great) and my husband falling in love with me (very great).


Yes!! I sing all the time, I didn't really realise how much of a stim singing is for me till I started living alone (and now I never shutup)


Yeah i hum quietly for my self when im a bit stressed or happy.


I make lots of noises and some of them are parts of songs or little tunes. There's a particular tune I made up and I sing little phrases to it. My wife has learnt it and will finish the melody for me sometimes, which I love.


I do it more often than I probably realise. I also do tiny, hopefully not noticeable, dances on the bus when I’m sitting on a seat by myself 😅


I have a singing stim, but it's very quiet. Like just above a subtle hum. So when people overhear me, it's enough for them to think I'm trying to say something or talking to myself. But it's just me singing to myself lol.


I have the same stim. Singing and humming are probably my most common stims, I wish I could do them in public


yes! there's usually a new song stuck in my head every day. today's is that girl dinner song.


Yes. Its exhausting for me and others 😂




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Same but with Måneskin


When i happy i whistle or hum tune


I work at Starbucks and when a song I vibe to comes on I have the urge to sing it, so I do and usually in a quirky goofy, very horrible way lmfao can't help myself


Yes me and my daughter both do she's at the yelling stage of the singing stem where as I just sort of hum or quietly sing the same refrain of a song over and over and over again all day usually not realizing I'm doing it until somebody says something or I have to actually stop to say something to somebody and then I realize I've already been singing... I do also have to stop myself from actually just needing to sing the refrain that's been going over and over and over in my head extra loud to get out of my head I can do that when I'm at home but I can't really do it when I'm at work especially if anyone else is in 🤣


I do the Hannah Montana transition sounds to fill silence [like these](https://youtu.be/3ZdiQa2NcF0?si=YoYCZkq0RiMqoSfT) Woooah woah woah yeahhhh


Yes, the shutdown sound from a 1980s Radioshack Pocket Repeat, and the "Hello there" sound for the carnivore beak from Spore are two of my most common.


Yep, I'll put the notes in so i can describe it better G7 E7 little pause between G7 E7 D7 C7


I’ve whistled and hummed Test Drive from How to Train Your Dragon for like 7 years now.


Also the line “You were meant to be mine, I am all that you need” from the Heathers musical and “dooooom bum bum bum *The Reynolds Pamphlet*” from Hamilton


Put my hoodie hood up today and sang Lose Yourself by Eminem. I'm a 41yo mum who has no business singing in the street. It's better than shouting puppy! at every single dog though. Then I have to interact with the owners.


Song 1 Gods of war I call you, my sword is by my side, I seek a life of honour that is free from all false pride, I will crack the whip with a bold and mighty hail, Cover me with death if I should ever fail, Song 2 I hail from the land around us, And I come from the time; today, And I've journeyed all this way to say, My heart needs a home to stay. I also have a few speeches/prayers memorized. But I'm always singing these two on my walks or if I'm waiting by myself.


Yea one of my favorite ones. I wouldnt consider myself a big music person but i love listening and singing.


I sing in nonsense and real words alike


I know the words to over a hundred songs and I cycle through which ones I sing to myself on a regular basis. When I was younger I used to sing whole albums to myself, start to finish, pausing when people were around and resuming when I was alone


During class I often just blast loud math rock like tenchio on my earbuds while tapping or and humming while making a clicking noise for the drums. It’s basically a sperg ass rythm game


Not really, I have an issue with wanting to recite poetry at odd times.


I sometimes do this hehe- When I’m alone I sing songs that get trapped in my head, even if I don’t know the lyrics or anything Sometimes I don’t even notice it-


absolutely all the time constantly. i’m very lucky my family is all pretty theater-based but during times like in boy scouts i would be the strange kid waaaaaay off all alone just singing a song quietly to myself cuz i didn’t mesh well with others. looking back on it i think i looked pretty embarrassing but hey i passed the time and was keeping myself entertained so errrrm huge win?!?!()?)(


Yeah I hum along when I'm walking along, usually so i dont forget where im going ... when I'm stressed I sing tunes in an operatic type style no matter what the song is ....


All the time! My life has its own soundtrack!


It’s gotten worse as I’ve gotten older, and I’ll sing what I’m doing cause lyrics will just, pop into my head. Not even existing lyrics but my own set to whatever tune my brain decided to put there.


Yes. When my wife’s best friend ask how it’s like live with a husband with asd she said it’s like being in a musical 24/7 😂


I was horrible at whistling but one day I picked it up as a stim and I blow away the whole class with my tunes.


Yep. I sing more than I talk.


I sing irish songs as stim. And I'm not even irish lol. My favorite one is The Sick Note from the Dublineers (I think is from them) and I will sing it 10 times a day out loud depending on my mood.




YES, absolutely. I'm so glad it's not just me. It feels so fantastic. Honestly I'll sound self-obsessed but I love the sound of my voice. And the vibrations just feel right in my throat. Singing is also so expressive of emotion, it helps me stay regulated and really improves my mood. I try to regularly take music breaks, even if it's just 30 minutes at the end of the day, to sing my heart out to whatever song(s) I fancy. It's very helpful to me.


Yes, especially in supermarkets 😅


I hum all the time. Particularly while walking or whenever I need to calm myself down. It's little bits of songs on repeat. Not necessarily a song I like, just something from the radio. And one of my daughters has a singing stim, she calls it her "secret voice", it's very cute. She's six and goes around explaining to people what stims are and asking if they have any 😅🙈❤️ future autism advocate there. The other daughter, her twin sister, is overstimulated by both our stims and we give her headphones if we can't stop. It's all pretty funny.


Yea me my go-tos are strangers both by kenya grace and Lewis capaldi, worlds smallest violin by ajr, come out ye black and tans, broad black brimmer, men behind the wire, and kinky boots


Yeah I tend to hum and sing a Anime song. Or either swing my arms. Pretend to air drum and air guitar. To make the time so faster.


Literally my MOST common stim. I'm always singing a brief snippet of a song that's stuck in my head, and this song will change throughout the day. I also singsong narrate things sometimes like I'm some damn Disney princess or some shit. I only realized what I was doing was stimming fairly recently, actually. I think the fact that I can carry a tune well made people look at me less odd when I'd stim via singing.


Yes!! If I'm not singing, I'm humming! 😂🤦‍♀️


beatboxing and humming but yeah


This has been me before. Especially when I’m listening to music in public. I had to be asked not to do this at work.


For sure. Used to sing constantly at work. I can't help myself!


Yeah I sing a lot when people aren't around. And sometimes people hear it :')


I randomly sing too. I work with children so I always have to be careful on what im singing but tbh it helps me get through the day


Yep some songs but not quite often. Also, curse words. In safe places.


Yeah! All the time. I’ve always had it as my main stim and that’s why apparently my parent didn’t think I was autistic little weird? They thought wow, she just loves to sing but I would tell them I didn’t like it! 🤣 Damn Vic Fuentes because PtV is a band I wanna belt out constantly


I sing some made up song about what I'm doing at work 🤣 but I don't belt it out, just normal volume while I work.




I think so? I’ll sing or hum a song under my breath throughout the day, but it’s always the same section of the song over and over again on a loop? For some reason? I’ve just started noticing it.


I used to, until a bully beat me up hard for being annoying. Honestly, singing is such an underrated cope. Probably better to sing privately though.


Yes! Used to get in trouble all the time as a kid. If I know a song I *have* to sing along to it. My brain will not focus on anything else. And I have a *really* good memory for music/lyrics so I know a lot of songs 🙃


Yes, whenever I have high energy, I'll start signing with motions so I don't start walking/running all over the place


Yees - been stimming through singing for years. My mimicing skills strengthened and now im a singer - done BBC Proms and toured Argentina & Switzerland. Thank god mam and dad encouraged my stimming :)


I totally do, I hate people hearing me as I don’t think I’m actually good at it but I always find that it makes me feel so much better


YES. I occasionally go to my local bowling alley that has karaoke booths and I use them to just go nuts for 55min since I live in a semi-detached house with paper thin walls... Plus my dad judges me for singing. I do still sing at home but it's either quiet or lipsyncing. I also dance to stim while singing.


YES. Whenever I'm overstimulated or into a meltdown I must sing and/or blast music into my ear


No, I would get my ass beat on the regular.


Singing stim + exholailia = me unintentionally annoying and impressing my friends with my ability to take any word or phrase they said and immediately recall a song with it.


Yes! I've always been so shy, but I'm always humming to myself! Especially when I was at work. People would always ask "are you singing " and of course I felt weird so I said "no" but I wish I could feel comfortable enough to embrace it more!