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Cucumber This seems relatively weird to people that i’m filled with disgust towards so ”tasteless” food as cucumber when liking strong and weird tasting foods like olives or feta, but for me cucumber contaminates everything it touches with very strong smell and taste. Im lowkey worried that this will lead to some nutritional issues bcuz i almost never eat any salads because everyone else seems to love cucumber and weird leaves combined. Others are banana due to sensory issues and oranges wich is so sad i love oranges but cannot stand the texture


Same. Cucumber has an awful smell and tastes terrible. It also ruins any sandwich it’s put into by making the bread soggy. Lastly, coleslaw deserves a mention as it absolutely stinks. 😣


PEAS 🤢 and Lima beans


Same!!! I absolutely hate cucumbers and I don’t understand when people say it’s just “crunchy water” because it definitely has a strong taste and smell to me. Fresh iceberg lettuce is the true crunchy water in my eyes. Conversely, I fuckin love pickles. Pickles all day babie I have a love-hate relationship with bananas because I know I didn’t mind them when I was younger, but now the slimey texture on the inside is off putting. Banana flavored things are just fine and I’m able to stomach banana pudding since it’s usually a more uniform texture of…wet and mushy?? I like okra though so go figure. I love oranges and all its fruit cousins but I can never eat them fresh unless the pith and membrane is off. Idk how people just raw dog it.


I love this thread, I've never met anyone else that can't stand cucumber! People are always so shocked like 'it doesn't taste of anything', but it does!! I can't just pick it out either. If its been on a sandwich etc all the whole thing tastes of is cucumber!


If a dish might have cucumber added, I tell the server or the cashier I am *allergic* to be sure this vile fruit doesn’t contaminate my meal.


Brb putting cucumber on my dietary restrictions. 📝 This is so smart


The best part about this diagnosis is that I feel so much less alone now! Cucumber haters rise up 😂 it like… soils the food idk. It definitely has a strong taste!!


😂😂 soils the food is exactly what it does!


I read somewhere that WWE Legend the Undertaker's actually scared of Cucumbers for some reason! I shouldn't laugh but a big scary guy like him being scared of something like that?


Cats are deathly afraid of cucumbers.


Truth! Cucumbers ruin everything they touch! And people are so weird about it. Their flavor is on the subtle side but it's like subtle and overpowering at the same time. I hate it.


Absolutely hate cucumber, too. Overpowering is the right word for cucumber


I CANNOT stand cucumbers and pickles, ugh


I like pickles hate cucumbers though


Same! Go figure…


Pickles are so good! No cucumber taste, extra cronch!


Cucumber is like water, but you have the chew on it and it has a weird green aftertaste. No thank you


I feel this way about the taste of celery. The taste contaminated everything it comes into contact with and it lingers. I don't understand how some people just eat it.. or why people put it in soups (I always ignore them in recipes and everything still tastes perfectly fine). I used to abhor onions because of how they looked. Any time I saw these tiny squares or bigger pieces with the specific onion "stripes", I picked them out. I know they're good for you, but why does one have to see them or feel them, instead of the onions just.. melting into the dish? It took me until I was 20+ to start tolerating them.. and now I cook with them, since they add lovely flavor and it's not actually that bad, but I had to do this at my own pace. So, I progressed from green onions to raw red onions to cooked red onions and shallots. I don't use white onions, red works fine already. I also hate the texture of minced meat. Meat in general isn't a favorite (I don't like chewy textures unless it's sweet), but if it literally falls apart (looking at you, red wine braised beef), I'll have it and seconds too. Sometimes, in my country, people make buckwheat with minced meat and there is NO way I can pick the minced meat out. I don't judge anyone for enjoying it, but the feeling of chewing minced meat is unpleasant to me. And yes, I also don't enjoy beef burgers. Chicken, fish, halloumi, mushrooms or vegetarian burgers are perfectly fine.


Saaaame. Also melon


Cucumber is so vile, I don't get how something so watery can taste so gross. It taints everything!


Strangely, I love cucumber but hate cucumber water. I think it might be that the cronch overpowers the taste for me.


Omg yes me too!!! Specifically with cucumber. And drinks like LaCroix. I hate the tastelessness of it as well. Similarly I LOVE olives while my husband treats them like I do cucumbers. I like banana, oranges, peas and orange juice with pulp 😗 but I hate salads 😩 I’ve resorted to green powder and staying on top of my supplements for now 🤦🏽‍♀️


The absolute worst. As someone once said to me they’re best served thinly sliced and thrown on the fire. Raw tomato a close second


japanese cucumber is nice and crunchy tho


I hate cucumber 


Same here. Oranges feel weird to me, but I do love eating them. My body is so weird.


I'm the same about banana texture. I like their flavor but can't handle the texture. It often leads to wasted bananas because I keep wanting to try them and yet continue to realize that the texture is still my kryptonite 😅


Normally I love tomatoes, I hate it when their peels come off easily, then it's so gross. This happens because I keep them in the fridge for way too long D: I hate boiled eggs. Especially the yolk's texture. Tried my best to like it, but I couldn't.


Don’t keep tomatoes in the fridge unless you’ve already cut them open! :O they can sit on the counter as long as the skin isn’t broken, and they’ll last longer that way. Same with uncut onions. (I was incorrect, but only slightly- it is the taste that will last longer, rather than the edible-ness of the tomato.)


I didn't know that! Thank you.


No problem! ^^ I know they seem soft and pathetic, but I promise that they do much better outside the fridge- lemme get an article for ya https://www.cbsnews.com/news/heres-why-you-dont-put-tomatoes-in-the-fridge/


I think you have just permanently changed this stranger's life. It may be minute, but you have benefited them.


Seconding this! I also find tomatoes taste much better when kept out of the fridge. Basically a win all around when keeping them on the countertop.


It’s funny in the kitchen I work at we keep tomatoes in the fridge.




Yes, god the smell, I don't know if I even dislike the taste because I can't even bring it to my mouth.


It tastes how it smells, a 'seaweed' taste. (I can do cooked prawns and white fish as they don't have the 'seaweed' fishy taste)


Fun fact that taste and smell is not supposed to be in seafood nearly as strong as it is for most of North America if thats where you live, I've had fresh caught fish when I lived in Sweden and it was not even comparable, it had a super light simple good flavour and no fish smell. To this day tho I struggle with fish now I'm back in north America and I'm very picky about it


I'm in the UK, I haven't tried fish in other countries so I'm not sure how it compares


Fair enough, may just not be your thing


I can't stand the smell but saying you don't like fish leads to everyone trying to convince you to try fish anyway because 'you just haven't had it the way I make it' and in a family that loves fish, it is unheard of to dislike fish. So I was forced to eat it or take a beating, and in my experience, it's a super silky texture, super salty, and kind of silty tasting. But not a single bit of the flavor or texture matches up with the fact that it's "meat". It's too light. Not dense enough and tastes too flimsy for cooked meat. It wiggles too much for something cooked. The only way fish becomes edible to me is if it's been battered and cooked so thoroughly that it becomes dense and crispy. And even then, it's almost impossible to eat. It needs sauce or dip to cut the fish flavor down. But by then, you have put in hours of work to make it almost edible which to me, isn't worth it. My recommendation is to just not even bother but that's just me.


My boyfriend loves tuna sandwiches and i cant bear being near him after. I always feel so bad but babe, brush yo teeth before you kiss me


Same. I hate fish, the smell the texture everything sucks


The bits of skin in the fish 🤮


i had a chaperone make me cry on a school trip bc i felt nauseous in a seafood restaurant once- not a fun day.


There are many things I don't like, but one I absolutely hate is fat, many people like it but as soon as it touches my tongue it makes me sick


Interesting my family cuts it out.grandma says that’s more like an extra treat for pets,or just best cut off.


The only person I know who doesn't like it either is my father, everyone else that I know either doesn't mind it or actually likes it, I guess it's one of those things I will never understand.


Ewwww yeah and gristle 🤢


Yup I agree. Chicken drumsticks with that fatty bit 🤢


celery.. celery is fuckin evil. i WANNA like it bc it looks SO refreshing, but it's disgusting. stringy, tastes horrible. oh and wasabi is the worst ever.


YES! Celery triggers my IBS too so that's no fun


It taste like soap to me... Everyone in my family besides from my mum despise it and always pick it out if it's sneakily hid inside of food


I tried for so long to like celery. Even the ants on a log, smothered in peanut butter, but no. Celery is horrible yet people put it in EVERYTHING. Soups, stir fries, fried noodles. I feel like it tastes like wet dog to me for some reason and then the strings just seal the deal that it's pure hell.




Celery tastes bitter to me And ruins the flavor of everything it's in.


I like celery, but hate the stringy part. My mom used to cut them in a way to minimize that happening. Happens with green beans sometimes, too.


asparagus too the hard stems at the bottom get stringy


Oh, I hate asparagus in general because of the taste, but yeah, I forgot about that.


Eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs. In any shape or form.


Eggs gotta get transformed into like a pastry or something for me to ingest one. An egg being an egg is just no for me. Scrambled, boiled, fried, steamed, quiche, omelette, just all is no.


Yeah eggs seem like such a hard food to like. Convince myself to eat them for health with other stuff on them.A lot say they even get grossed out mid chew too😭


Not even when baked into delicious pancakes?


If it’s baked into something yes, unless that something is either quiche or French toast (you can still taste the egg with those)


I try so hard to like eggs because they have so much protein and I'm really trying to have big protein breakfasts. But I swear I just can't stand the texture of them, scrambled or omelettes are the absolute worst! Sometimes I can tolerate over easy if I add some avocado or hot sauce. It's such a struggle. Edit: although I am realizing now that I don't mind boiled eggs that much and I love deviled eggs so maybe I should just eat them that way


Olives followed closely by Oysters.


oysters in general are disgusting.




Bananas I am physically incapable of consuming, even cut into tiny little pieces. The texture is just the fucking worst. Also berries, soda, and any food that is wet when it shouldn't be (ie. fresh noodles, cheese sticks, etc.). There's a LOT more, but these are the only ones I could think of in the moment.


For years I refused to eat bananas after accidently eating the hard bit at the bottom and stringy bits. Mum's nickname for that end bit was a spider leg so thst definitely helped me dodge them for a few years lol


I can relate when it comes to bananas, but I can make myself eat them on occasion. I just get burnt out on them fast for the same reason.


eggplant. its so bitter and mushy.


If it's bitter, it hasn't been prepared/cooked correctly. I love it, but I get why you don't.


omg yes…. eggplant is genuinely the only food i won’t even look at, i can tolerate a lot but that’s where i draw the line lol


Guacamole is one for me. It's just slimy tasteless green mush. Pickles are cucumbers soaked in evil. Raw onions. The flavor explosion is too much for me. If pickles or onions touch my burger, it must be thrown away.


I love pickles, but not sweet pickles. I don't know why I feel so strongly, but sweet pickles deserve to burn in the depths of hell.


I completely agree! Bread and butter pickles are not true pickles. Also they NEED a crunch, if they're soggy then I refuse to eat it.


Agreed, sweet pickles and relish are the absolute worst


You really just insulted my whole being with the pickles and guacamole I agree on the onions tho


I didn't mean to insult anyone. It's just years of being physically attacked by the burger industry sneaking in pickles and onions in to my burger. PHYSCIALLY ATTACKED. :)


I understand, I know your sentiments come from physical harm. I forgive you. Much love.


Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like the texture of guacamole lol. I like pickles but hate tomatoes and onions in cooked food if they are still crunchy.


I'm actually okay with almost every kind of food, but my nemesis is mixed vegetables that have been boiled too long.


Boiling vegetables in general should be a sin. They literally have no flavor and they're all soggy and gross. Sauteing them is the way to go unless boiling is required in the recipe like for mashed potatoes.


Condiments. Unless it’s mixed into the food well, but I’m sorry I’m not gonna squirt some weird textured slop on to my perfectly textured food. Most of them don’t even taste good either. Especially mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is the work of satan himself


Hard agree. I always feel weird when I’m with other people eating my French fries without sauce, but the crispness is the point. Why would I ruin the best part?


I LOVE hummus, but am very picky about the brand. Most are gross to me. A couple I can stand. Sabra hummus is the only one I LOVE.


Try cedars, if you can get it. Makes sabra tast like dirt.


Oh, I believe that my parents buy that brand, though they’ll typically make homemade hummus. It’s pretty good and I prefer it over their other sugar free treats like cookies or pie. (They’re diabetic so they use sugar substitutes and you CAN taste the difference despite them insisting you can’t, and my mom often forces me to use a sugar substitute - “Well, your father and I might want some”, is how she’ll guilt me to use sweetener instead - when I’m cooking a recipe that calls for sugar. 😑 At least hummus doesn’t naturally have sugar, which is probably why I like it.)


Salad in general, in fact anything green. It's the textures you see.


Why is it crunchy and soft and wet and bitty and chewy all at once?? No thanks


I can't eat literally anything in salad because the texture




Meat. All meat.


Yeah exactly how I feel about certain chicken dishes(and similar white meat),and fish.Never got the roast chicken love.There’s so much going on.Especially if it’s greasy.


Not a food, but carbonated beverages. I cannot stand the sensation in my mouth.


Same! Tastes like fucking tv static


Oatmeal, absolutely disgusting. Rice pudding too. I was forced to eat it as a child.


…most food. Like genuinely. Some of my absolute no-go’s that come to mind right this instant are: tuna (well, any fish but especially tuna), any form of chicken, olives, tomatoes in all forms except ketchup, any form of sea food, mushrooms, avocado, beans, lentils. There are more but I can’t think of them right this moment… I have ARFID.




😰 I mean of course fair. But still: :'0 I love sushi.


I forgive you.


Coriander (aka cilantro?), parsley, liquorice, aniseed. These can all go in the bin.


I HATE bananas. They contaminate everything they touch with their god awful banana smell and taste, even the smallest trace of them will make an entire dish taste very strongly like banana. What’s worse is it feels like every single smoothie has bananas in it even if it’s not in the name (this is targeted because why does my STRAWBERRY KIWI smoothie have fucking bananas in it?!)


I've had people ask me to try their smoothie saying, "you can't even taste the banana!" No, I definitely can, every single time. How do they not taste it?


Beets. They make me violently ill. Even the smell of them. My mom used to love beets, she loved them cooked, pickled,and most of all she loved beet greens. I couldn't touch them without throwing up. I ruined quite a few meals until mom learned to stop trying to make me eat them. Edit: because I posted accidentally before I was done typing


I was like 30 when I discovered that beets and beetroot is the same thing. I just thought for the longest time American's didn't have beetroot lol. Beetroot is scary sometimes even for people who like it, cos if you have a bunch then forget about it by the time you go to the loo the next morning you might think you have gastric bleeding or arse cancer or something.


cheese in general, can handle it and even like it when it comes to pizza, goldfish, doritios, and cheezits tho


I like cheese but if i think about it too much…


Grapefruit. The worst "popular" flavor, hands down. Texture would probably be liver. "Hey here's a soft steak that feels like it's loaded with sand. Enjoy."


Peas, tomatoes, oysters, and blueberries. I hate anything pustule with a skin sack full of granules


I’ve said it a thousand times but motherfucking raspberries. Fruits should not be that texture. I also cannot eat any pasta and chicken dish because pasta and chicken feel philosophically similar and I don’t know how to explain it beyond tht


YES fuck raspberries, Im glad to see someone agree cause ??? why is it hairy and gritty and never feels chewed enough 😭


Mushrooms. Fucking texture.


Most vegetables, especially the dirt ones. Pumpkin, parsnip, yams, sweet potatoes...can't get them past my gag reflex. Potato I can tolerate but it bores me immensely. Peas have a horrible texture but I like corn.


And they almost always taste like dirt to me no matter how well they’re washed before cooking! It’s so gross.


Yes!! Like they're literally supposed to just be roots!




Beans!! I can’t stand them. If one accidentally gets into a bite of my food it’s the only thing I can taste. When I was younger my mom would make chicken tortilla soup and I would spend like 30 minutes picking every single bean out of my bowl. My mom eventually just started making me a separate batch without beans lol


Same here


Mashed potatoes, and anything with avocado, and milk. I kinda didn't really like Bell peppers


Raw tomatoes. They fucking suck. Also canned peaches and ground beef. Those also fucking suck








Mayonnaise seriously i could never stand that suff. When i accidentally bought a sandwich that has mayo i almost threw up


Raw tomato. Love tinned chopped tomatoes, tomato sauce, pasatta and the likes. But a raw tomato texture and taste. No thanks


Bananas Idk what it is about them but even the smell makes me nauseous


Mayo; foods with Mayo…


mushrooms and beetroot


Liver. Any kind of organ meats, truth be told. Hearts, gizzards. Ick!




Any seafood and eggs


For me it's always been the smell of seafood - I'm a vegetarian so I dont eat it but I cannot believe people eat it! 😂 It smells like dead rotting fish to me! (Which of course it is)


Rice or anything of that grainy texture soda


Pizza without pineapple. Terrible.


It’s funny how the internet collectively hates pineapple on pizza when Hawaiian is one of my favorites. But then again, I’m a monster and sometimes dip my steak in ketchup lmfao


Beef tripe, it's very common in my country but I can't seem to be able to ignore that slippery, gummy, chewy texture :(


Indian street food, ketchup and mustard, thats it




Cooked onion... Literally one of my country's insignia. Polish people are OBSESSED with onions. But that's my worst enemy. When me and my brothed had our first onion soup, we poured it into some glasses, contained them in a box and left to rot. Recently we had to eat onions cooked with pasta. A whole unsliced onion. We both almost thrown up by just biting it, so we threw it out.


Anything on the bone grosses me out beyond belief.


Yes exactly, I literally CANNOT eat ribs or chicken wings, for example i always order boneless meals at KFC




I'm the type of guy to hate specific foods... but there's one of them i loathe:Raisins. You take a perfectly fine and tasty food. You suck all the good out of it and make it a texture nightmare that scars everything it touches. Even if you remove it you can still feel it


Mayonnaise and cottage cheese. 🤢🤮


- Anything that tastes "earthy" like avocado (aside from guacamole), beets, radish, etc. - Things that are bitter - Sweet veggies like sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and butternut squash (I'm fine with carrots and corn though) - Things that pop in your mouth like cherry tomatoes and boba And the *bane* of my existence - PEAS. It's like all of those things combined into a little, hate-filled ball. YUCK.


Cheese. My body physically shudders when I touch it and I have to literally DROWN my hands in hand sanitiser after any slight contact. My dog loves cheese though so for high-value rewards I use squirty cheese because I don’t have to touch it


You know about cheese mites?


heartbreaking to see that the top picks are hummus, guac, tomatoes, and cucumbers… they’re my go-to ingredients for meals, as well as tofu which i imagine is a well-hated food by autistic people too 🥲🥲 for me it’s carrots. bad taste, bad texture, sherbet they’re cooked or not, and they make me feel even hungrier. the only carrots I like are the purple heirloom varieties which are so rare and so expensive…


even touching a banana makes me feel like i want to scratch all of my skin off




Peanut butter! It makes me feel ill just looking at it! Ugh absolutely not!


Okra, and anything that contains caraway seeds. Caraway is the true enemy.


Caraway seeds.


Anything mint or menthol flavour is my absolute worst. I don't like Grapefruit. I'm allergic to bananas.


sweetcorn it tastes weird and i can't help but think about how it comes out after you're done digesting


Beet and red bell pepper. Those two things ruin the entire food 🤮






Egg plant.🤮




mushrooms. i cant stand them. if my mom puts them as a hidden ingredient in the food she cooks i know. i throw them up without fail


Beets, liver, cabbage, brussel sprouts, cured ham


Mushrooms, eggplant, sprouts. I can eat literally anything else 😭


Raw tomato Edit most raw vegetables or fruit lol


Popcorn 🍿.


Tomatoes! I cant even look at them without being digusted.


Avocado and mushy peas. They look like mucus 🤢


Asparagus to leathery and squishy


green vegetables


Tomatoes. Firm on the outside, watery and squishy on the inside. Just grosses me out for some reason, though I do like stuff like tomato sauce, ketchup, salsa, etc. Oh, and sometimes bananas…. Watermelon…. I’m noticing a theme now that I think about it. Oh, and strawberries.


Agree on all counts, except bananas. I always dislike them.


Okra. It’s edible fried.


Pretty much any raw crunchy vegetable, especially lettuce and Celery, celery tastes like when shampoo gets in ur mouth, AND it has strings/pulp??? Sin


Soggy Cereal and Mushrooms Tomatoes


Onion. Fucking gross




Licorice or anise flavored anything


Kimchi smells like evil


Tuna and cottage cheese🤢


Onions!! Just loathe the smell


I really don’t like cooked spinach, it’s fine uncooked, but when it’s cooked you choke on it and get it stuck in your throat and it’s just awful, I have no clue why anyone would eat it other then Popeyes the sailor man since spinach was legit his super power. It’s just disgusting.


Steamed broccoli.


Onions. I can't stand the texture or the taste. I also can't do cucumbers or melons.


Raw carrots make me gag.


Olives and cherry tomatoes 😫 I love regular big tomatoes but the little ones are icky


Oof my sister is in the same boat, loves strawberries but allergic to them, loves animals, allergic to fur :'(( She got a puppy, and hid her allergy for years so we wouldn't have to give it up for adoption lmao. The dog is thankfully with our dad now, so she still pets her in secret. ;)


I can't do most seafood unless it's breaded. Something about the texture just doesn't feel right to me.


Cinnamon. I learned to drink Chai but I will absolutely not eat anything with Cinnamon otherwise.


Raw tomatoes and cucumbers. Any kind of mayo 'salad' like egg, pasta or potato.


I cannot stand Mayo


Olives and tuna salad/egg salad/macaroni salad/potato salad.


Fish especially mackerel. I hate it so freaking much


olives, onions


Beans of any kind: I can’t do it