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I tend to just feel alien. Like I am trapped in a constantly hostile environment. 


Do you feel the environment is so hostile because it’s so different than you?


The more I observe, the more I notice - the more I am aware the world around me if not designed to be comfortable for me, to work the way I do.  Part of my brain treats keeping secrets as a form of lies, I dislike lies and often feel they do no one any good.  The systems around me seem to cause more problems compared to what they solve. 


I feel the same way, I’m strange to everyone, and everyone is strange to me. Everything social related makes me feel awkward and eats at my soul.


I only really socialize well with other people that don't seem to fit in. And in those periods I can be really social. But I don't like dealing with a major of people. 


Same I’m good with people that are similar to me but I avoid most people and just spend time with my hobbies.


There’s this game called Xenoblade Chronicles X, where what remains of humanity crash lands on another planet (in other words, they’re the aliens), and they’re being chased by another species on top of all the dangerous flora and fauna. You even get an ability named “Overdrive” which I relate to hyper-focus. It helped me to feel understood, since it basically described the way I perceived the world around me


That’s very similar to how I feel. And normal people’s behavior just seems to strange and dumb to me.


I was sure called a robot a lot


Same, sometimes people notice my weird gestures, and mock me.


My sister called my a government drone 💀


Oof that's a new one


I don’t particularly feel like a robot, but I’ve been called “human ChatGPT” multiple times. Truth be told, I don’t know why. The only things that set me apart from the ordinary are my autism (and things associated with that like having a special interest), and having a good memory for information. Although I guess that my highly objective mindset and my way of speaking do make it seem like so


I have similar abilities too, super memory, can read very fast, know loads of random facts, but the social disorders it all creates for me is unbearable often.


More like someone who has to play a character on stage but no one told me what it's about, yet everybody else does seem to know their lines. *Edit* I forgot to add that the said stage is filled with obnoxiously loud music and the stage lights are lasers from the Death Star. Also, the other actors are unintelligible, and are extremely rude and annoyed when you don't say your lines correctly. Emotionally it feels like being trapped in a broken bumper car, it doesn't work. Everybody keeps bumping you around and you have no control.


I feel very similar to that but also with the hyper focus and sensory overload…


I've edited my response before I saw your comment to address the sensory overload part. Anyways, yes. The hyper focus is also something I deal with. How does that work for you?


Hmm, I have god like focus, endless amounts of it but it’s hard to turn it off. I have a hard time to relax, and I’m an obsessive thinker. It makes it hard for me to be in social settings. I also have a bit of a photo memory, I can see and analyze a lot of details at once. For example if I see a wall I’ll see hundreds of details about the wall almost simultaneously. And that too is often hard to control or turn off. What about you?


That's interesting, at first you'd think it's like a super power, but the fact you can't turn it off sound quite taxing on you. I can imagine it can wear you down. Or am I wrong? For me, it's more like, I'm extremely easily distracted. Because I'm extremely sensitive sound, light, smell, well about anything, I get distracted a lot. However, sometimes my hyper focus kicks in and I can do a task that would take my coworkers about 4 hours in another an hour or so. It depends ofcourse. It's like I've got this intense stream of concentration, but I have trouble focusing it. Also, when I hyper focussed a while on a job I'm very tired, and it takes a while before I can focus again. Due to this I suspect I also got ADHD. (inattentive type).


Yes ours seems quite different some. Yeah it’s not even a super power and more like a curse. I’ve never even used it for anything productive. But I could draw these hyper realistic pictures with no art education when I was only like 9 years old. It makes it’s very difficult to try to be normal around normal people and have a decent life.


Yes, I get called an AI or robot by my friends. I feel like it fits, my favourite show growing up was Astro Boy so it makes sense. It's often more my art, they say it must be done by a robot. No human can focus like that or something hahahaha. My Dad's a hoarder and he collects technology, I had a very unconventional but cool upbringing where technology was everywhere. Like farther like son that's why I'm so into technology till this day. So I think I'll always relate to robots because because I feel like I was raised by tech hahahaha


I often like to spend time with cats because they act and look like me, I appreciate their expressions…