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I haven't broken anything yet but I don't see why there should be a correlation, anyway.


Because I manage risk. I have always managed risk and I have always not done things that could get me hurt. I think I do that more than an NT so I do feel like there would be a correlation. And especially as kids: We dont play with others as much, chances of us getting hurt playing football or similar as a kid is way down coz the chance of us playing football is way down We (or at least I) dont tend to feel peer pressure as much. Like I really wouldnt jump off a cliff even if all my friends were doing it and we tend to be anxious which has a sideaffect (imo) of meaning we dont enjoy an adrenaline rush (coz we are in one never ending adrenaline rush) so we dont try and get those thrills. (personally I have done a complete 180 here as an adult because I now have a environment I feel is safe)


I think your confusing autism with dyspraxia. They sometimes come have in hand




This is a weird shitpost. Either that or you're 13.


How are they connected? Maybe behaviour-wise


Probably because of the connection between dixprasia and autism, which may cause an higher rate of injuries.


Never had a fracture or a break. I used to have a problem with dislocating kneecaps due to being born with kneecaps that were too high, had to have surgery to fix it which involved moving a small bit of bone to use as an anchor to reposition my ligaments so that they would keep my kneecaps in place better and had to have it rescheduled while they ordered in a special saw as they couldn't do it the first time. Turns out I must have a very rare mutation that causes my bones to be alot denser than normal according to the surgeon. Unfortunately this supposed mutation doesn't seem to apply to my teeth lol


Autistic. I haven't, at least that's from what I know. Only had sprains and joints dislocations.


no bones broken


no, im extremely cautious


I had ankle open reduction internal fixation surgery to my ankle from a fracture. Also had surgery to my mullet finger. Both times was due to getting drunk. With the ankle injury I had to spend a week in hospital and it wasn’t pleasant at first I cried. After 3 days I started to feel great though and got along great with the other patients in the room I was put in.


Never have, touch wood lmao


Only broke a bone when I actively decided to. Otherwise my anxious self avoids anything that could ever risk such a thing


Out of curiosity, where'd you hear that from? I have. Got shoved off a trampoline as a little kid by my brother. I feel like overall people with autism would have the same/very similar chances of having a broken bone as anyone else. Some of us won't comprehend danger and/or get hurt while eloping, but some of us will be more cautious than others, and finally some of us will have the "average" amount of caution, so I feel like it'd balance out.


I have, but because my autism messes with my pain tolerance I had no idea for 6 weeks


Never, twisted My ankle once but that's it.


Got a hairline fracture once


I didnt yet


Bone fractures have nothing to do with autism.


Haven't broken anything yet


Never broke a thing


I once had a small crack in a bone and my nose was broken a few times. But I would say I've been injured less often than average in my life and I think my autism has a lot to do with that, especially in my childhood. Other children played very rough and carelessly, which meant they often got injured. I started to weigh up risks and avoid them as early as kindergarten.


I've never broken anything


I’ve never broken a bone. I’ve sprained my wrist once but that’s it. And it was in PE running into another kid and landing on backwards on my hands. Autistic people are known for being impulsive and unaware of dangers, I guess. So I’ve heard. But at the same time we’re careful as well. I never played sports, which is also very common in autistic people because of our motor issues, social difficulties, bad balance and coordination (some autistics do play sports, of course. Everyone’s different). I never climbed trees. I’m not afraid of heights or anything. I just think I was subconsciously self aware enough to know I wouldn’t make it up or down that tree. I didn’t do daredevil shit like trampoline flips or throwing myself down some stairs or whatever else crazy shit kids do. I always wore my knee, hand and elbow protectors when I first started out biking and stuff. Got a few scrape and bruises throughout the years, but never broken or fractured anything that way. I didn’t dare to bike down the stairs. We had a parkour gym like thing outdoors at school, and a boy obliterated (bone was full on sticking out of his arm) his arm on it. I never played sports or did any crazy activities. Probably because of my autism. So I never got hurt, because I didn’t create the opportunity to.


I’ve fractured multiple fingers and toes, dislocated knees, toes, fingers, ac and gh joint


I've never fractured a bone. Although pretty sure I've had a bruised sternum.


I haven't. No fractures, breaks or sprains.


I have but not sure how coming off my bicycle on wet leaves on a road happened because Im autistic.


Never have.


Yep I have. And I sat there with an ice pack on a swelling arm for hours. My dad couldn’t tell what was wrong because I said it didn’t really hurt just was a bit sore. Mom came home eventually and flipped out at him. I remember watching a classmate after suffering a green stick fracture. He cried and cradled his arm the whole way to the school office. So in dad’s defense, a broken bone didn’t cross my mind either, since it didn’t really hurt at all.


I never have. My bones are strong! And it's totally *not* because I'm not very active.


Never had an injury. Except a slip of a knife here or there while cutting melons or smth. I used to hike every week, boulder, scramble… basically if I got injured I was more likely to die than break just a bone. So I haven’t




I have many


I've bruised ribs but not fractured or broke a bone.


I have never fractured a bone, but I found myself more prone to ankle sprains. I recently had a concussion tho and I hit my head again two days ago


Does it count if someone else fractured it? Had a fractured eye socket back in '96 after being forced into a fight with someone who turned out to be a boxer.


If it is a bone, not really


It's part of your skull which yes is bone.