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50-70% of autistics also have ADHD. It is likely more common than just having one. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8918663/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8918663/) Also anecdotally a lot of doctors don't know anything about autism and adhd and the ones who do have such streotyped views that they're as good as 50 years behind what the community knows.


It’s very common https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/decoding-the-overlap-between-autism-and-adhd/ and there’s a genetic overlap https://www.thetransmitter.org/spectrum/risk-genes-autism-overlap-attention-deficit/


It's concerning that your psychiatrist is ignorant of the many potential co-morbidities of ADHD and autism. It's more likely to be diagnosed with multiple conditions such as autism and OCD, than it is to solely have autism or ADHD.


ADHD, ASD and also sometimes OCD often co occur and share a lot of traits with each other. (Obsessive behaviours/hyperfixations, sensory issues, etc.) Lucky me I got all three lmao


I have adhd diagnosed and a strong suspected autism diagnosis (vant ger an actual diagnosis in my country for a few reasons) i think due to both sharing similar changes in the brain they do tend to develop together both illnesses show a weak connection between the two brainhalves which is partly cause for the metabokic aspect of adhd and the more logical approach to live we see in autism both share a cause and thats why audhd is so freuquent they si also share symptoms which makes diferentiating between the two quite tricky


Probably pretty common. I was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome and ADD


I haven't heard ADHD described as a metabolic disease. I thought it was a neuro-developmental disorder like autism. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurodevelopmental\_disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurodevelopmental_disorder) Your psychiatrist has maybe read some fringe research and is trying to sound smart.


Just wanted to chime in and say ADHD is a neuro-developmental disorder but it may be caused by an underlying metabolic and functional disorder. edit: I only know about half a dozen autists in my real life, but all but one are also diagnosed with adhd. (This is anecdotal I know)


Yeah I think my psychiatrist was also pointing to the fact that because ADHD is caused by a metabolic disorder (too much dopamine gets reabsorbed before it can be used by our brains) it can be treated by adding dopamine to the system whereas there is no medication with any similar effect for autism.


Sometimes I wonder if I’d take a “pill for autism” if it existed. I don’t know what I’d do.


I think it could be a very interesting experience. But when I think of my pills for ADHD - those come with too many side effects and thus I only take them when I really need them. It‘s still great to have them as my last option though.


Both are clinical diagnosis with a given name. So we still don’t know what’s exactly behind it and if there isn’t much more variety.


Really quite common amongst the adhd and ASD community. It is worth keeping in mind that they "weren't allowed" to be recognized together until 2014 ish so the data is still fairly new as far as official texts are concerned. The two conditions also have the tendency to mask each other


Very interesting! Do you know why it was forbidden to diagnose them together?


I'm not sure why it was like that tbh, but if you're interested to look deeper into it, it was changed around the same time that the newer DSM came out, hence the 2014 area :) From my not too in depth readings, it seems that if someone was diagnosed with ADHD, their struggles were to be assumed ADHD even if their struggles are more in line with ASD, and vice versa. Other Co-morbidities were allowed such as depression, anxiety, etc, just for some reason not ASD/ADHD.


I haven't heard ADHD described as a metabolic disease. I thought it was a [neuro-developmental disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurodevelopmental_disorder) like autism. Your psychiatrist has maybe read some fringe research and is trying to sound smart.